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KYM Pony General VI: Return of the Poni

Last posted Apr 19, 2013 at 12:20AM EDT. Added Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT
10166 posts from 235 users

@Zarathh's Slenderman/Slenderpony post
Inb4 people of the shipping thread starts speculating I am also the pony's parent. (Freaking Slendy).

Edit: Well might as well post a picture for being ontop.

Last edited Aug 11, 2012 at 06:00PM EDT

Yeah, if I got one, it would be mostly for display.
I doubt I'd ever go through classes or training.
Thanks for the offer, though!

Because everyone needs more Scootaloo!
Since some people seem to be getting tired of the chicken jokes, and the dodo thing never really caught on much, I say we adopt a new alter-ego for the little filly.
Scootaloo the Kiwi!

Close, but no.
I mean the bird.
Kiwi bird.

There you go!
Tiny, flightless, and cute!
It's even kind of the right color!
It's perfect!

badsitrep wrote:



I have a sword as well…
And we're both in the same spot…
And we were drawn here for the same reason…
You know what this means…..


We were destined to become comrades!
I doubt there are very many more sword wielding knife throwing bronies than there are in any other fandom, we must preserve the endangered few bronies who have the duality to preach love and tolerance and also pretend to chop people's heads off with a katana blade.

We are the strange few who love Kill Bill enough to buy a sword just because of that one scene, but also love MLP enough to refresh Equestria Daily every 5 minutes.

What kinda sword do you have Bad?

EDIT: Anyway, I finished tweaking it a little, added some cloth straps to the handle to keep my finger from rubbing against the iron guard and padded the pommel side to get a better lever grip.

You guys know how to make designs on black laminate?
I want to either put Luna's or Twi's cutiemark on it.

Last edited Aug 11, 2012 at 07:34PM EDT

Vikingbolt wrote:


We were destined to become comrades!
I doubt there are very many more sword wielding knife throwing bronies than there are in any other fandom, we must preserve the endangered few bronies who have the duality to preach love and tolerance and also pretend to chop people's heads off with a katana blade.

We are the strange few who love Kill Bill enough to buy a sword just because of that one scene, but also love MLP enough to refresh Equestria Daily every 5 minutes.

What kinda sword do you have Bad?

EDIT: Anyway, I finished tweaking it a little, added some cloth straps to the handle to keep my finger from rubbing against the iron guard and padded the pommel side to get a better lever grip.

You guys know how to make designs on black laminate?
I want to either put Luna's or Twi's cutiemark on it.

Its a European Broadsword.

Stainless Steel blade, oak handle and a matching bronze hilt and pommel.
When I found it in my grandpa's garage, it had some rust on the blade and the tip with some tarnish on the copper.

Here's a pic of it pre- restoration.

After some sanding, polishing and a wasted afternoon, it looks better.

It has no name as of yet and I have no plans of naming it. Its just one blade of my well-kept collection of blades and as the others have no name, the sword won't have a name.

And seeing as how you have a katana, I assume you have a stand for that sword?
If not, PM me and I think I may donate something to help with that.

badsitrep wrote:

Its a European Broadsword.

Stainless Steel blade, oak handle and a matching bronze hilt and pommel.
When I found it in my grandpa's garage, it had some rust on the blade and the tip with some tarnish on the copper.

Here's a pic of it pre- restoration.

After some sanding, polishing and a wasted afternoon, it looks better.

It has no name as of yet and I have no plans of naming it. Its just one blade of my well-kept collection of blades and as the others have no name, the sword won't have a name.

And seeing as how you have a katana, I assume you have a stand for that sword?
If not, PM me and I think I may donate something to help with that.


Yeah, It didn't come with a stand, I can just store it naked with the blade up to keep it from getting dull.

I have money, I wouldn't want to take charity unless I absolutely needed it and not for something silly like a sword stand.
Thank you very much for the offer though, but I have other swords and places to keep it without an expensive ornate stand.

I was actually going to take it to my martial arts class in a few days and see if anyone there teaches bokken, I know they teach bo-staff… If not… well i guess i can train with youtube videos or buy books.

sorry to spam swords in the pony thread :(

This song has been stuck in my head for a week!
It is even worse than that damn "call me maybe" song!

Well, since you guys are showing off weapons, suppose I might as well let you take a look at my axe.

…Shut up, it's funny.

@Viking and Deadparrot

I was playing both of those songs today! They're both in the key of G sharp major, not that anyone cares…

Last edited Aug 11, 2012 at 08:30PM EDT

@haters: Haters gon' hate. I don't begrudge them for hating, because on the scale of things, this really isn't that important. It's no World War or Japanese tsunami.

@Parrot: There is a line of thinking that bronies are furries by association. I don't much buy into it, because ponies aren't really that small (furry, though, yes they are), but you know what? If it turns out that's true, my reaction is a big, fat "meh."

@eating ponies: Eat Flim and Flam. Nobody cares about them, and nopony does either.
Of course, I officially condemn you for eating sapient beings. Expect me.

@Fridge: Well, that answers that question. Also inb4 Trixie is… well, she's wearing that, so do the other important ponies, you can (hopefully) put that together.

@Vikingbolt: Welcome to the thread! Leave your sanity at the door. Permanently. You won't need it here.

@Verbs: If it is that comic, me and X-singular read an edited scan of it (only what was in the speech bubbles though). It was hilarious. All I'll say on the subject is "Steve".

@Fifths: Swords can be cool if you make them right. Me? I'm a gun person, primarily because they're more practical and effective at combat. Why move into a position where it is entirely possible for a sword attack to fail, when you can just raise a rifle and plug your target from farther out?
I'm not a coward for believing that. If you think about it, there is nothing fair, just, or honorable about taking a life. You are killing someone, and that act is negative in and of itself. So if you have to, fight dirty.
Of course, that's my take on it. Myths do remembers swords well because for several hundred years swords were a very effective way to kill things.

@Parrot 2: Seems Scoots has a pet.

Oblig ponypic:

Yes, I skim Derpi's front page for pony pictures. I'm a lazy fucker and if you hate then COME AT ME BRAH
Seriously, though, as soon as I saw that I immediately thought "Zer0" from Borderlands 2.
Someone make Rainbow Zer0. I will love you 5ever.

So guess who waited until five minutes before the deadline (which, contrary to popular belief, is 11:30 and not midnight) of today's ATG challenge to submit because he was lazy and did everything in the last hour? This guy.

(Except for figuring out how to export some fucking decent quality gifs, which is much harder than it needs to be.)


You are welcome among us. I already love you. I LOVE ALL OF YOU.


Last edited Aug 12, 2012 at 02:49AM EDT

@Deadparrot's kiwi discussion:

As a person whohas lived in Kiwistan for a while. I can assure you there is no difference between the bird and the fruit:

burning_phoneix wrote:

@Deadparrot's kiwi discussion:

As a person whohas lived in Kiwistan for a while. I can assure you there is no difference between the bird and the fruit:

Are both as terrifying?

Obligatory ponu post:

Bruno the Rustler wrote:


This gives me hope; I really want to see Trixie return as a villain. I'm sure whatever episode she's in will teach some lesson about forgiveness and whatnot, but that doesn't mean she has to return in tears begging to be loved. If those other screenshots of the zomb-pony apocalypse are legit, then I really hope Trixie is involved as a very bad pony.

Last edited Aug 12, 2012 at 02:02PM EDT

I really want to figure out why there are ponies there.

I wonder if some animator or w/e was just really bored and was like "lol w/e, ponies!" and no one caught it.



That's cool, Bruno. That's cool.

It's not like I wasn't trying to avoid potential spoilers or anything. Not like I have spoilers filtered out on Derpibooru. That image isn't a problem at all for me. I mean, why would it be. No one cares about spoilers.

Anyway, I'm going to watch ponies this evening at some point. I'll post a link here to a SynchTube. For newer posters, a SynchTube is basically a chat while watching something, usually FiM episodes, occasionally fanmade content (blech…amateurs…)

If it's too late for you, then feel free to start one yourselves.

Ponu image

@Trixie: inb4 Trixie can counter the Elements of Harmony.

@Viking: …I what. What in the balls.

@Verbs: Not sure if I'll end up being able to watch. But I'll try.

Might as well post a pony picture here.

Why not?


Whats this about a Synctube? Is it running now because I need to be there, if only to complete the famed KYM traditional milestone of showing up drunk.

I already downed a bottle of wine but it wont keep me drunk for long. If anything has started now, quickly give me a link.

Don't worry, I am making an effort this time not to go entirely sloppy on my grammar despite the fact that wine hits me like a brick so what is the current status quo?

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


Whats this about a Synctube? Is it running now because I need to be there, if only to complete the famed KYM traditional milestone of showing up drunk.

I already downed a bottle of wine but it wont keep me drunk for long. If anything has started now, quickly give me a link.

Don't worry, I am making an effort this time not to go entirely sloppy on my grammar despite the fact that wine hits me like a brick so what is the current status quo?

BSOD….it's 9am on a Monday Morning….how are you drunk?

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


Whats this about a Synctube? Is it running now because I need to be there, if only to complete the famed KYM traditional milestone of showing up drunk.

I already downed a bottle of wine but it wont keep me drunk for long. If anything has started now, quickly give me a link.

Don't worry, I am making an effort this time not to go entirely sloppy on my grammar despite the fact that wine hits me like a brick so what is the current status quo?

Whoever saying that running is good for your health and your heart is a dirty liar.
I'm going to get some food. And then I'll come back and start something up.

So between an hour and two. Possibly within the hour, depending upon traffic.
Also, if you want certain episodes, then let me know (PM, so as not to flood the thread, or post something else on here in addition to what you'd like to see.)

As you can see BSOD, I am also awake at 9am. I don't see sleep as that problematic, especially as an Arab I naturally develop a Noctrurnal sleeping habit (HEIL LUNA)

But I'm more surprised at what you were doing drinking wine at 8am…..were you clubbing all night ON A FUCKING SUNDAY YOU HEATHEN?

Last edited Aug 12, 2012 at 05:48PM EDT

DAMN IT! I forget the Spoiler Button. Sorry guys. :(
TiaraWhy really rustles my jimmies. And for some reason, I check that Tumblr once a week.

Last edited Aug 12, 2012 at 05:59PM EDT

Not clubbing, just sharing cans of Rum and a bottle of wine with my drinking partner…and not sleeping. The clubs here are terrible anyway, we decided to go get pizza and play GTA and card games instead

What? We couldn't drink on Saturday so we had to make for Sunday instead.

I'm not drinking now though, I emptied every can so I am slowly sobering up. Drinking partner is comatose. I'm just sitting here on my laptop listening to DnB while waiting for something to happen

But in any case, yea my sleeping patterns are a disaster zone. I'm not going to lie, I have problems in that segment

But enough about me, lets keep this about ponies. I think I know just the pony appropriate for this situation:

Okay, she is a little hungover, I think we'll bother her later.


You know, I really hope she doesn't become a good guy or a regular character. I can't really explain it, but that would piss me off so much that I might actually flip shit.


There better be some goddamn Celestia in these episodes…


The chicken jokes weren't really funny in the first place, and they just progressively more annoying as they were spammed and overused. It's like 'arrow in the knee', except people still like it and it isn't considered trolling.

Okay, maybe it's not as bad as the arrow in the knee jokes, but it's still pretty annoying.

Wightprincess wrote:

While I disagree with Danny's behavior and opinions, I don't find Derpy's behavior acceptable, either. Its things like this that make people hate us.

The core of any discussion between a Brony and a Non-brony is not being a dick. We here are good bronies: I like ponies, that's all.
But I simply hate "Ponyfags": WE LIKE PONYS, U MAD? DEAL WITH IT
The thing is that both sides have to be reasonable.
Danny is not someone who I would chat about ponies (or anything else), but "Derpy" is not even close to be right:
1: The name is Derpy Hooves, nothing so bad about that, but really?
2: Never never NEVER force someone to like My Little Pony
3: In this situations Love and Tolerance is bullshit

Also, if someone is raging and/or trowing tantrums at you because you are a brony you should don''t care, or at least have a chat with that person to clear the situation.

Wow, seriously? You're getting uptight over a mild response like "Derpy's"? Maybe there's more to this conversation than I'm seeing here, but if that's it, shoot, that's nothing at all. We sometimes do worse to each other even in this thread, and most of us just get over it when it happens. Just what kind of standard are you trying to hold people to? Do you think someone who rants like that actually deserves a dignified response? I can't say that I do. Someone like him is already making himself look like a fool; HE'S the one at fault here, and yet you attack his target. Why?

As a matter of fact, I found this funny. People sometimes should be made aware that they're making themselves look ridiculous, and not by insults or arguments, but but a silly little reply that, by its calmness, shows how absurd the attacker is being.

I think this new villain might be a pony version of Satan or something like that. Maybe Trixie sold her soul to him in order to become popular.

Millennial Dan wrote:

Wow, seriously? You're getting uptight over a mild response like "Derpy's"? Maybe there's more to this conversation than I'm seeing here, but if that's it, shoot, that's nothing at all. We sometimes do worse to each other even in this thread, and most of us just get over it when it happens. Just what kind of standard are you trying to hold people to? Do you think someone who rants like that actually deserves a dignified response? I can't say that I do. Someone like him is already making himself look like a fool; HE'S the one at fault here, and yet you attack his target. Why?

As a matter of fact, I found this funny. People sometimes should be made aware that they're making themselves look ridiculous, and not by insults or arguments, but but a silly little reply that, by its calmness, shows how absurd the attacker is being.

I found the rant to be completely unnecessary and little more than an attack on bronies as a whole.

But he wouldn't have made that reaction if bronies had not made light of the Colorado shootings to begin with. It just so happens that not only did they piss off somebody with their jokes about a serious tragedy, they pissed off an apparent pony-hater.

Derpy's response, while humorous, did absolutely nothing to help the situation. I don't feel like he deserved a dignified response.

I don't feel like he deserved ANY response. I feel like he deserved to have his comment ignored, because we're better than that.

I'm not "getting uptight" about her comments, I just slightly disapprove of them. I never approve of baiting somebody like that, but that's a personal matter. I'm not going to judge others for doing it.

What I was "getting uptight" about is bronies supposedly making light of a tragedy with ponies, which, I feel, is not appropriate or respectful.

Perhaps my "this is why they hate us" comment was hasty. I apologize. My reaction was hazy and I can see how one might get the wrong idea from it. If I could go back and edit it, I would.

I wish I could find the supposedly inflammatory responses that had been made. That would clear things up nicely.

Last edited Aug 12, 2012 at 08:22PM EDT

Wightprincess wrote:

While I disagree with Danny's behavior and opinions, I don't find Derpy's behavior acceptable, either. Its things like this that make people hate us.

Well, there's really no point in discussing this because we don't know the context. Generally though, people who overreact like that deserve to be made fun.

Wightprincess wrote:

I found the rant to be completely unnecessary and little more than an attack on bronies as a whole.

But he wouldn't have made that reaction if bronies had not made light of the Colorado shootings to begin with. It just so happens that not only did they piss off somebody with their jokes about a serious tragedy, they pissed off an apparent pony-hater.

Derpy's response, while humorous, did absolutely nothing to help the situation. I don't feel like he deserved a dignified response.

I don't feel like he deserved ANY response. I feel like he deserved to have his comment ignored, because we're better than that.

I'm not "getting uptight" about her comments, I just slightly disapprove of them. I never approve of baiting somebody like that, but that's a personal matter. I'm not going to judge others for doing it.

What I was "getting uptight" about is bronies supposedly making light of a tragedy with ponies, which, I feel, is not appropriate or respectful.

Perhaps my "this is why they hate us" comment was hasty. I apologize. My reaction was hazy and I can see how one might get the wrong idea from it. If I could go back and edit it, I would.

I wish I could find the supposedly inflammatory responses that had been made. That would clear things up nicely.

I agree that some things are uncalled for. It's these stupid arguments and uncalled responses why I left Facebook in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I know there's lots of Facebook users that are smart and organised enough to participate or ignore, but the idiocy that swarms the site just pulled on my straws.(Plus, Tumblr's much better anyways)

It's like as I saw on Youtube of a SFM movie and I saw a brony say the video looked cool. Another person replied with a death threat. Now, if the Brony was RPing on a tragedy video, then some hate could be justified. Though, looking at it on a cynical viewpoint, getting back at someone for hating me because I like certain things would be quite fun. (ESPECIALLY if the person is overreacting)

Really, I just don't know why people can have a good conversation w/o ending up in a rage-induced argument. (It's aggravating when I want to see normal Youtube comments and end up with pages of arguments)

Last edited Aug 12, 2012 at 09:00PM EDT

…guise, before your jimmies get rustled too much, I might as well say that his avatar is that of Tourette's Guy, and his first name is Danny.
To be honest, I don't know what to think of that picture anymore.

Wightprincess wrote:

While I disagree with Danny's behavior and opinions, I don't find Derpy's behavior acceptable, either. Its things like this that make people hate us.

All of you realize "Danny John" is the Tourettes Guy?

This is obviously fake.


Same guy.

Right with you there, Dan.
First, I thought it was just some hater being an idiot so I sided with Derpy (though I don't really agree with egging people on like that).
Then, someone said it was done in relation to the Colorado shootings so I thought the Derpy guy was being intentionally insensitive.
Now, the other guy is apparently himself some ridiculous caricature so I don't have a clue what I should believe anymore.
… aaaand the apathy has set in.
This is me caring:


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