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KYM Pony General VI: Return of the Poni

Last posted Apr 19, 2013 at 12:20AM EDT. Added Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT
10166 posts from 235 users

Fifths wrote:

Happy birthday Solaire!

Now get off the internet and get back to work. You and Sweetie need to deliver that shipment of beans from Oregon to Massachutses befrore tommorow evening!

Who's the teabagger that drew that? You don't want to mess with the wrong liberal.

@Whitish: I'm not really sure why it's special. Perhaps because it's got pretty good animation and attention to detail. Plus, I was actually interested by the very first episode, because what show like this starts with a damn legend?

@Notsocool's birthday game; I get transported as a ponified version of myself. And I end up getting married to Rarity.

…This is probably going to cause so much cute that the detectors used to quantify it will sprout fuzzy fur. And then explode.

So I suppose in that spirit you all get… uh… this.

Ingway wrote:

So… who has checked this one?

Really interesting to know some ideas that might still appear on the show…

Well, what do you know?
My fanfic has been given life!
And by Faust no less!
I've always loved the idea of Scootaloo being unable to fly as a potential character trait and hearing that Mrs. Faust herself had the same idea is awesome!
I had always assumed it would be too… heavy a subject for MLP to want to tackle, but this gives me new hope for a really emotional Scootaloo arc.
And now I'm remembering an interview I heard with the voice actress for Scoots saying that she had a part in season three that was 'different' from her usual role.
GAH, now I really can't wait for the season to start!

Last edited Aug 08, 2012 at 09:45PM EDT


You know, I love hearing that Zelda theme years later and, having studied some music, now being able to understand WHY it has the tense, anticipatory quality that it does. Thanks for reminding of it.


Oh God, that would be a terrible idea. Yes Deadparrot, I am calling your baby a terrible idea!

Remember how MLP was able to indirectly talk about race relations in the last roundup? They were only able to get away with that shit because they simplified the extremely complex problems of race relations into something simple enough for little girls to understand. It had an easy fix, bribing the Buffalo with pie so they quit complaining.

You can't indirectly talk about disability when one of your characters is legitimately disabled. I mean…that shit's heavy. Do you really think you can do justice to the problem of coming to peace with being a cripple in a 22 minute episode about colorful ponies? Do you really think that the same characters who teach us friendship lessons like "Be nice to your sister," and "Don't be a dick to zebras" have the vocabulary to say "God is cruel and the universe is uncaring, but you just have to deal with it because you're an insect that can't change anything."

So no, I don't think MLP can do a Disabled Scootaloo episode without it being a complete farce. Also, I can't help but feel that it's too pointlessly cruel to make Scoots unable to fly. I mean, Equestria is a place where magical God ponies raise the the sun and the moon, where pegasi control the weather like it ain't no thing, where unicorns can use magic to easily par modern medicine. It doesn't make sense that Scootaloo should just get arbitrarily fucked. Hell, Twilight MADE fully functional wings for Rarity. The amount of authorial intervention that was needed to make it work in Tiny Wings was just sickening. When I heard Deadparrot's bullshit explanations why Scootaloo couldn't be fixed up, I imagined him sitting there, stroking his devious moustache, and saying to me "Ya, I'm just going to fuck her, slow and hard, because it pleases my sadistic obsession with this character to see her suffer."

I have to admit I was really looking forward to seeing Tiny Wings get conclusively bitch-slapped into non-canon. Even with its gratuitously happy ending, Scootaloo's fate was just too fucking cruel. (Just to clarify, I really did love your story Deadparrot. It's just that with me, the only kind of love there is is love/hate)

@Burning_Phoenix below

Ya, I'd be cool with that. It allows them to address a much lighter version of the same problem that disability presents, namely that "sometimes you just won't be able to get to do everything you want to do." That's much more in keeping with the spirit of the show.

Last edited Aug 08, 2012 at 11:07PM EDT

Considering the "'Scoots not being able to fly thing",

My personal ideal situation would be that Scootaloo would be able to fly but it would turn out that she's just completely average at it, nowhere near the level of Rainbow Dash and she finds out that her wings make much better propulsion for Scooter tricks.

But the point is moot anyway, it's not like they're sticking with Lauren's plans anymore after season 2 and even during Season 2.

What's wrong about having a disabled character on a kid show? I mean look at this kid, he's missing an arm and no one's putting up a fuss about that.

Isn't overcoming adversity and being kind towards those less fortunate both great morals? Why not have a grounded Scootaloo? It fits the tone of the show better than you're giving credit.

One thing I notice about disabilities as that stories about people overcoming physical impairments are everywhere, but you don't see much about mental disabilities. I feel like if they were really subtle and gentle about it, they could get away with giving Scootaloo a disability, but give a character a funny voice and have them bump into things and it's immediately a negative portrayal of mentally disabled people.

Meh. Derpy is still background pony and she got her own toy, so no jimmies are rustled here.


Look at that! Sports, art and a picture of him having fun with friends! He is clearly perfect, so he is clearly an inspiration to all kids missing an arm everywhere.

Did someone say vindicated fanon?

Last edited Aug 08, 2012 at 11:41PM EDT

Windigo With Salad wrote:

What's wrong about having a disabled character on a kid show? I mean look at this kid, he's missing an arm and no one's putting up a fuss about that.

Isn't overcoming adversity and being kind towards those less fortunate both great morals? Why not have a grounded Scootaloo? It fits the tone of the show better than you're giving credit.

Because it would kind of seem contrived. There was nothing to indicate Scootaloo is disabled in any way and now "Lol she can't fly because of reasons". It just seems haphazard and extreme measure to tell the real moral of the story "What you're good at is usually different from what you WANT to be good at" when a simple "scoot can fly, just not very good, like Fluttershy" can do the job just as well.

I’m sorry, but every time you people bring up Tiny Wings, I think of the iOS game with that ball shaped bird that slides down hills and withstands all physical impact. And then when I think of that and MLP together, I think of Pony Wings, a similar game starring none other than everyone's favourite flightless pegasus, Scootaloo.

Forgive me for being nitpicky, but Scootaloo's wings are fairly average sized compare to her body. Unless it's metaphorical, which makes me both stupid and nitpicky. (NVM He named it after the game derp)

I should really read it sometime. And probably some other fanfics too. The only ones I've recalled to have read are Cupcakes, Connor's and another one that someone here wrote involving Sparity.

I dislike the idea of Scootaloo not being able to fly, and I doubt the show writers will go the way Lauren Faust intended to, as she's not part of the show anymore. Remember how she was surprised they made Cadance an alicorn? I mean, Scootaloo clearly has functioning wings. She's fluttered for a good few seconds in various episodes, and while her prowess may not be up to par, I really doubt that she'll never be able to fly, even if it takes her a lot longer to develop and she'll never be even close to Rainbow or even Fluttershy. Me, I see a separate episode for each Cutie Mark Crusader earning their cutie marks somewhere in season 4. You heard it here first people.

Of course, I haven't read Tiny Wings yet, so that may shape my opinion accordingly.

Last edited Aug 09, 2012 at 12:44AM EDT

@Fifths & phoenix
Hey, I know exactly what you guys mean.
I wrote the damn story specifically because I never thought it would actually happen on the show.
I expected the writers to come up with a nice, heart-warming 'Dash teaches Scoots to fly' kind of episode and would have been more than elated with that.
The fact that Scootaloo was designed to be handicapped by Faust herself honestly surprised the hell out of me, but I don't want to say that it would be impossible to handle well.
You can tell a good, sad, character-heavy story in 22 minutes: Futurama and The Simpsons have multiple examples of great emotional arcs being told in that short of a time.
Obviously, both of those shows are aimed at an older audience more able to appreciate that kind of tragedy, which is again why I never dreamed that it would happen in MLP, but it is certainly not impossible to do from a theoretical standpoint.
If the current showrunners did decide to follow this angle, and remember that we still have no evidence that they will, it would be a very brave step that I would love to see more children's shows take, but I can't say that I have any expectations.
If they do it, I trust them enough to do it well.
If they don't, we get a happy flying Scootaloo and that would be great, too.
I'm just really excited now to see how they decided to interpret her!

Read the story.
In my story her wings are functional, just weak.
Basically, she can hover for short periods similar to what she's been able to do in the show so far.

It was the best way I could try to tell the story I wanted to tell while trying to acknowledge her canon abilities.

Wow guys, you have so little confidence in the writers' abilities. I think they could pull off a simple thing like a flightless pegasus very well. In fact, I think it would make for quite possibly one of the most evocative episodes in FIM to date.

And by the way, Burning, it wouldn't be contrived at all considering that in episodes like Ponyville Confidential Scootaloo was shown to have practically zero flight capabilities. That's not to say her wings are useless or anything, they just can't make her fly.

To those of you who think this is mean or something I say hey, the world is cruel sometimes. Derpy has what can be considered a physical malady, yes? I don't see any difference. It's not mean or unusual, it's just the way things are. We've seen that death and disease are perfectly canon in the show, and you know what? I don't have a problem with that. Scootaloo may not get everything in life that her heart desires, and what you "prefer" to happen has nothing to do with it. I would like to see this further explored in the show, not because I have some sadistic need to see her suffer as some think, but rather because I think it has great potential to turn a few very heartwarming moments in the end.

So lighten up guys! Such an episode may not even make it into the show like you say, but if it does,

Last edited Aug 09, 2012 at 07:13AM EDT

@Fifths' drawing:


You guys are underestimating the writers. There have been many children's shows that have handled physical and mental disabilities. They're not always good, like Static Shock and the dyslexia episode, but it's been done before, and there were some fairly good ones. Considering how good the writers for FIM are, especially compared to some other kids' shows, I think they could easily pull off a disabled character and switch it around to make it inspiring.

'Life will throw curveballs at you, but FUCK life, you have the strength in yourself and your friends to kick life's pussy ass!', toned down to fit a girl's show, of course. The message of an episode or two focused on disabilities doesn't have to be bleak and depressing, especially since it's more than likely Scoots will conquer it. I think it's possible for Scootaloo's disability making her stronger, better, and more impressive than Dash. She has a handicap, and she uses that as a way to prove she can be better than her idle. That'd be pretty heavy, inspiring, and awesome.

As for not being able to fit it into a 22-minute episode, that's a valid point. Though it's entirely possible that they could try to do a two-parter, or maybe even more. We don't know yet, so we can't dismiss it based off something small like that.

As for physical disabilities being a less touchy subject than mental disabilities, it's more of a matter of writers being pretty shitty at handling mental disabilities. I mentioned Static Shock earlier, and they were pretty god-awful at handling the dyslexia deal. There are good cases, of course, but nowhere near as many as physical handicaps. This leads the writers to take the safe path and just go with what's easier.

Anyways, I think whatever the writers do with Scootaloo would be amazing. They've proven they can handle pretty touchy subjects and handle them well. And despite what Twins says, I think they do it with as little plotholes and forcing as possible (especially relative to other kids' shows).

Deadparrot wrote:

The fact that Scootaloo was designed to be handicapped by Faust herself honestly surprised the hell out of me,

Well I don't think she actually did use the word "handicapped" (remember that it was a paraphrased interview) itself but I do think that something that impairs Scootaloo's flight would be the culprit.

For example, we all know that Cutie Marks are some weird sort of metaphor for puberty, I think there would be a weird sort of handicap metaphor on poor Scoots (The Kiwiodo curse from some weird shrub in the Everfree or some shit).

I don't think that it will be a literal form of physical impairment.

Millennial Dan wrote:

Wow guys, you have so little confidence in the writers’ abilities. I think they could pull off a simple thing like a flightless pegasus very well. In fact, I think it would make for quite possibly one of the most evocative episodes in FIM to date.

Dead Parrot wrote:

If they do it, I trust them enough to do it well.

It's not that I don't trust the writers. I don't trust the unknown limits placed upon them by the higher ups. Hasbro don't want to take risks with this show: It's their "cute things doing cute stuff to sell stuff to little girls" show.

Hell, Rugrats had far heavier emotional experiences than MLP. Most toons in the 90s did (I weep for that age)

In the end, I was thinking how they could do it without actually causing some sort of horrible accident to Scootaloo (I'm a little overprotective of her :( ) because it's not really a matter of whether her wings are strong enough: She clearly can pull along 3 ponies in a cart on wing propulsion alone. It's really a matter of her actually "learning" to use those wings.

So I came up with an idea….what if Scootaloo's problem is that she can fly just fine…in fact, fly quite amazingly, but not in the manner she wants.

She wants to be fast and spectacular like Rainbow Dash, but her skill at flying is akin to that of a humming bird. Able to hover with incredible precision and flit across short distances at incredible speed but no hope of being a a Wonderbolt's performer (hummingbird vs Falcon, Helicopter vs F-15…etc).

I just don't want anything bad to happen to Scooty-kins


The way I've always viewed it is basically as something genetic; pegasus flight requires some particular form of magic, and that force is simply weaker in Scootaloo than in most. It's not too hard to believe, really, especially when you consider that there are unicorns who can barely cast a single spell. Heck, even Fluttershy is only barely able to fly herself, it seems. Well, that's my rationale anyway. Clearly her wings are still very functional, just not capable of normal flight.

She may not have used the specific word, but if the guy came away with the impression of 'handicapped,' I'm going to assume it was made relatively clear.
I was thinking that they could possibly dance around the subject without ever explicitly stating that she's handicapped (a little like her embarrassing moment in the Gabby Gums episode), but really, what would the point of that be?
It just becomes an unnecessary dodge of the actual issue and having it be some kind of outside curse or something would make it seem even more arbitrary and cruel in my mind.

As for Hasbro taking risks, I do agree.
They haven't really been the 'bravest' when it come to things like this but that's been a general trend in cartoons over the past decade or so.
I would love if they tried to break that pattern.
(Speaking of Chuckie's mom, we still don't know anything about the parents of AJ, RD, Fluttershy, or Scootaloo so there could be the possibility of a similar story there, too.)

Out of curiosity, have you read Tiny Wings?
spoilers ahead
While I did injure Scootaloo in my story, her injuries were not the cause of her flightlessness, more just a dramatic element to set up the actual issue which was a genetic disorder affecting the development of her wings (thus 'tiny wings').
If they took the genetic route or something similar, they wouldn't have to physically hurt her at all if they didn't want to, so that problem can be sorted out.
As for her power, there is a significant difference between lifting and pulling (with wheels no less).
I'm sure a lot of people here wouldn't be able to lift a 250 lb. dumbbell at all, but I think just about anyone could roll one relatively easily.

Now, to your suggestion about 'hummingbird-Scoots.'
I wouldn't mind that, but if your hope is to shield her from tragedy, there's really very little difference between that and my concept.
She would have to fight through the fact that she can never possibly hope to be like Rainbow Dash in either case, so her 'dreams are crushed' either way.
Giving her some new, unique method of flying doesn't solve that problem and really would only detract from the talents she already has.
The point of her being unable to fly is not to make her some sad-sack, pitiable little thing, but to exemplify her real unique trait: her scooter abilities.

One of the primary reasons that I 'like' flightless Scootaloo is because of how it almost needs to be that way on some level.
It's been pretty damn obvious that her talent lies with her scooter. Even her name says that.
Problem is, what use would she have for a scooter if she had flight?
Big jumps and tricks would certainly be less impressive if she can just bail out into the air anytime something doesn't go to plan.
Flight is just more convenient, efficient, and all-around better than a scooter could ever be.
If she could fly, her talent becomes practically useless.
Keep her grounded, however, she's a marvel.
It just works (for me at least).

I totally understand not wanting anything bad to happen to her, I mean, she's my favorite damn pony in case you haven't noticed, but some of the greatest character development comes from overcoming adversity and challenges.
Keeping her in a little protective bubble might keep her safe, but it will also make her boring.
I don't want to imply that we should go and crap on the dreams of all the characters to 'develop' them, but in Scoots' case, it offers all kinds of opportunities.
It'll bring her down for a while, sure, but she's strong.
She'll bounce back and be better than ever!

(In case you can't tell, I've thought about this a lot.)

Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest wrote:

@Fifths' drawing:


You guys are underestimating the writers. There have been many children's shows that have handled physical and mental disabilities. They're not always good, like Static Shock and the dyslexia episode, but it's been done before, and there were some fairly good ones. Considering how good the writers for FIM are, especially compared to some other kids' shows, I think they could easily pull off a disabled character and switch it around to make it inspiring.

'Life will throw curveballs at you, but FUCK life, you have the strength in yourself and your friends to kick life's pussy ass!', toned down to fit a girl's show, of course. The message of an episode or two focused on disabilities doesn't have to be bleak and depressing, especially since it's more than likely Scoots will conquer it. I think it's possible for Scootaloo's disability making her stronger, better, and more impressive than Dash. She has a handicap, and she uses that as a way to prove she can be better than her idle. That'd be pretty heavy, inspiring, and awesome.

As for not being able to fit it into a 22-minute episode, that's a valid point. Though it's entirely possible that they could try to do a two-parter, or maybe even more. We don't know yet, so we can't dismiss it based off something small like that.

As for physical disabilities being a less touchy subject than mental disabilities, it's more of a matter of writers being pretty shitty at handling mental disabilities. I mentioned Static Shock earlier, and they were pretty god-awful at handling the dyslexia deal. There are good cases, of course, but nowhere near as many as physical handicaps. This leads the writers to take the safe path and just go with what's easier.

Anyways, I think whatever the writers do with Scootaloo would be amazing. They've proven they can handle pretty touchy subjects and handle them well. And despite what Twins says, I think they do it with as little plotholes and forcing as possible (especially relative to other kids' shows).

Hopefully it dons't turn into that Shake It Up dyslexia episode, my god that was bad

anyways guys whats going on

Last edited Aug 09, 2012 at 12:43PM EDT

@Disablaloo: Both sides have credence. On the one hand, fucking this up is not going to go over very well. But on the other hand, the MLP writers indeed are damn good at what they do, so it is possible. Besides, Scootaloo has her scooter.

And my daddy always said wheels was better than heels!

…he was paralyzed, though. Anyways, don't walk, drive!

Besides, if Scootaloo can't fly naturally, who is to say she can't fly at all? Give her a jetpack.

Maybe the reason she can't fly is because she's missing her wings in half the scenes… like in that GIF.

Also, inb4 the Scootacide fics because she's so distraught because she can't fly effectively.

And why is Twilight's mark on that jet engine?

You know, I wonder if the reason why Scootaloo hasn't gotten her episode yet is because the creators haven't decided what to do with her yet. Perhaps after Faust left, it was still up in the air whether or not they would go with the disabled Scoots idea, so they've been careful to avoid giving any decisive evidence for either a flying Scoots or a flightless Scoots just to keep their options open.

Hmm, something just occured to me. How come no one has brought up that time that Faust mentioned on her Deviant Art page that the only reason Scoots is flightless is because she hasn't gotten around to picking it up yet? Faust doesn't seem the type to lie, so that suggests to me that perhaps the idea of a flightless Scoots was a REALLY early one that Faust had to abandon even before she left the show.

@Physics of flight

Eh, I'm no physics expert, but I'm pretty sure if Scoot can vertically pull

-3 fillies
-a scooter
-a wagon
-a Pinkie Pie

that she should be more than able to generate the force needed to vertically lift one filly. If we're going to nerd out here and demand that a kid's cartoon respect the laws of physics, then I think the only explanation for a flightless Scootaloo is that her wings must not be able to properly produce the motion required for vertical flight even though they're entirely capable of generating the force.

Become lifelong truckers with… Applebloom

DAMN IT! So close!

Well, Applebloom is nice too. But isn't Luna.

@Scootaloo: She can't fly because of size.
Her head is too big/ her wings are too small. For example, look at Dash and Fluttershy, their wings have reasonable size in relation to the whole body.

@Sparty the Spaceship: Jet packs aren't that good because sometime they run out of fuel. Think about some balloons. It doesn't even need to be full of helium, just some air to help her get higher.

Last edited Aug 09, 2012 at 01:24PM EDT

Well, I found this, but she definitely leaves the door open for not flying at all, too.


That's another possible advantage to land-Scootaloo.
She'd be the type to look for ways of overcoming her disability and doing cool stuff anyway.

We do not talk about those two!
They tried to ruin my story!
(Honestly, they were mostly played for comedy so I think the writers could still get away with small wings as a cause if they wanted to. They will probably just take a different approach, though. Who knows?)

Last edited Aug 09, 2012 at 02:09PM EDT


Of course you are totally excited about this and i can really understand your excitement as Tiny Wings is your story, but i can't see Hasbro pulling this off. My guess is that they are going to play it safe after the derpy fiasco and avoid the issue of a mentally or physically disabled character. Such a subject has to be treated very carefully and i don't think that the writers are limiting here, but the higher ups who are setting the limit. If i recall it exactly, Lauren Faust has stated in an interview somewhere, that she always had to wiggle for room regarding the stories, which implements that these boundaries are rather tight.

BTW: I think that this was also a reason for her to start new projects and leave FiM. The show is established and running well, but there are certain topics that will never be addressed and left out. My guess is, that she has started working on another show in order to tell new stories and to have a bit more wiggle room along the way.

Well this is only speculation of course.


14:58 – Decided to start catching up on everything I missed in this thread. Page 20 is the most recent one with content I recognise, and the posts are 24 days old. Yikes.

15:12 – Just finished reading up to the end of page 21. Where did all of these season 3 songs come from? I'm deliberately not listening to them so I can hear them in context within their respective episodes. I did it for Smile, and I was pleased with my decision. I can do it again.

15:20 – Up to page 23. Getting a little bored now… And only 21 more pages to go. Ugh.

15:43 – Finished page 25. Dear God that new villain guy looks crappy.

16:23 – Wow, this is taking even longer than I thought it would. Only up to page 30.

16:43 – Been at this for almost two hours straight, and I'm rapidly losing the will to live. I'm about half way through, so I'm gonna take a break now.


21:08 – Been reading for the best part of an hour, and just realised that I forgot to take these notes. Only got through about 2 pages too.

21:48 – Dac wrote: "What happened to algeron?"

1) My name is 'Algernon'. Two n's!
2) See the end of this post

22:18 – I'm now beginning to understand why some users disliked long posts… these are becoming a huge pain to read in bulk. Sorry to everyone who wrote so much, but I'm having to skim over half of this. It's just too much.

22:24 – Only up to page 39… No end in sight…

22:51 – Up to page 41. Getting tired, so I'll finish this tomorrow.


19:43 – Starting to read again. Didn't feel like reading anything yesterday since I slept through most of the day and felt like crap for it. Probably something jetlag related.

20:32 – Found a post of Sparty complaining that he has to catch up on like, 3 pages. Amateur.

20:40 – Wow, half a page dedicated to discussing the legality of beastiality? You guys…

21:38 – On that name thing I got "Constantly receive an oiled full-body massage from Big Macintosh". I think I just won life.

21:48 – Finally up to the last page…

22:01 – And… done.

Hey, what's up guys? Sorry for my extended and completely unexplained absence from this thread. Without going into too much detail, my life recently took an unusual turn that I'm immensely grateful for. It resulted in me buying plane tickets to Canada less than a week before the plane departed, and heading there alone for 2 weeks (I live in the UK and I'd never flown alone, so it was pretty daunting). You know how everyone was discussing the abomination that is 'YOLO' a few pages back? As much as I hate that term and all who use it, this was pretty much one of those moments (except not completely retarded). An opportunity arose in my life that I couldn't ignore, and I seized it. It distracted me from pretty much everything, so unfortunately keeping up with this thread sank right to the bottom of my priorities list.

Now that I've caught up with everything I missed, I should be able to participate in discussions again. I'm looking forward to it!

Last edited Aug 09, 2012 at 05:54PM EDT

Yeah, I said it somewhere up above, too, but the main thing standing in the way of the idea is Hasbro.
The creator designed it and the writers could pull it off, but none of it will matter if the executives say no.
As for Faust's leaving, the most she's said is: "I no longer had the level of creative involvement and control that I had in Season 1.'
(The only screenshot I found of this 404'd on me so I can't hotlink.)
That could be taken a couple different ways, but I don't think it necessarily means that the execs were crapping on all her ideas.
We'll just have to wait and see.

On the event of your return from such a long absence, I offer you a botanical gift.

(Yes, I'm making a 'Flowers for Algernon joke. Shut up.)


Brony Logic

"haters gonna hate, love and tolerate! Who cares what people like? Why can't people just live and let live? Ponies taught me kindness and tolerance! Why can't people be more like us?"

"yolo…… YOLO….. YOLO….YOLO!!!!!!
I fucking hate YOLO and every uneducated mother fucker who uses it. Goddamn pieces of shit!!!! Cocksuckers! "

I got bored on this rainy day, so I decided to create this:

It may not be original, but I never saw a colored version so I decided to make it.
I understand the philosophy of YOLO, but I do not like how people use it to execute very immature and destructive behavior and simply use YOLO and a scape goat to justify their actions.

Last edited Aug 09, 2012 at 08:07PM EDT


Welcome back, bro. I was wondering where you went.

About the oiled massage from Big Mac… Sounds awesome.

Anyways, Derpy Vasquez just spammed the Image Gallery with so many fucking Luna pics I got dizzy. They were mostly reposts, too, which kind of irks me. It raises a question I have about a lot of the people who upload images consistently. A lot of the time they're reposts, and I assume that they know it because they're fairly popular or familiar pictures. Sometimes people upload the same pic twice themselves, and it's a bit annoying. Thinks like that one image war Advanced and Joe had a while back (and are continuing to have, kind of) only make it worse.

I'm really just venting, but I've noticed it getting progressively worse as time goes on.


Happy birthday, ya old bastard.

(meant in the best intentions)

Ladies and Gentlemen of Pony General VI

I am very happy to announce with Joe Amethyst (the Rustler of Jimmies) that the first part of the noire we are writing has been approved:

14,086 words for ONE CHAPTER

*future cover art provided by Gigatoast (thanks Gigatoast)


Last edited Aug 09, 2012 at 09:07PM EDT


Yes, because we're all forming a massive Brony coalition for the single purpose of exterminating anyone who has ever said YOLO. Because that's obviously the logical conclusion of being slightly annoyed with something. This is in clear contradiction to the love and tolerance stigma that we ALL subscribe to obviously, but obviously we don't care. BRONY ARMY OF LOVE, HATE, AND CONTRADICTION MARCH FORWARD!

Alright seriously, even if you're someone who believes in the love and tolerance thing, I fail to see how this implies that you're not allowed to have negative opinions on something that is quite frankly retarded. There is no hippocrisy here.


I admire your tenacity, but do you really think you missed anything important? We discussed rule 34 another 12 times, had a couple pointless arguments, Gigatoast made some Tumblr updates, and Deadparrot posted another 658 pictures of Scootaloo. Same old same old.


It's not actually his birthday. I said happy birthday because his birthday pony combination is what inspired the picture. How dare you post without reading all 27 pages that you missed? You're missing important information!

@Connor: Who do you think built the dang thing?

@Bruno: Of course, but a balloon won't allow her to GOFAST like RD can. Besides, we're abandoning all common sense by even giving Scoots a jetpack in the first place, but if I really have to explain, then make it one of those sci-fi packs that uses fusion or plasma to move.

@DeadParrot: Exactly. If you can't do it one way, you do it another. To paraphrase someone I can't quite remember, if you've got an idea and the will to do it, nothing can stop you.

@Algae: I have the attention span of… something with a really short attention… uh, what were we talking about? Also, welcome back!

@YOLO: It's for the most part a self-defeating argument, but I find it funny because it literally is – the argument itself is what stonewalls it. You do indeed have one life. No respawns, no second chances, no rewinds, so it would be in your best interests not to fuck it up… right?

And to keep up with my new regime of "at least one pony picture per first post of day", I found this while skimming Derpi. Twilight's face is priceless.

Dead Parrot wrote:

It just becomes an unnecessary dodge of the actual issue and having it be some kind of outside curse or something would make it seem even more arbitrary and cruel in my mind.

I don't know, playing it off as something magical to me seems less cruel than a crippling physical accident or a genetic disorder (which would be hard to explain for ANY show, let alone MLP)

Dead Parrot wrote:

Out of curiosity, have you read Tiny Wings?

I haven't! Sorry! It's not anything against you, I'm sure it's an amazing story but I don't read sadfics. It's just a policy. SORRY!

Dead Parrot wrote:

I wouldn’t mind that, but if your hope is to shield her from tragedy, there’s really very little difference between that and my concept.
She would have to fight through the fact that she can never possibly hope to be like Rainbow Dash in either case, so her ‘dreams are crushed’ either way.

Frankly, I don't mind that because I always thought her idolization of Rainbow Dash was annoying BECAUSE RAINBOWDASH IS A BAD ROLE MODEL! SHE'S NARCISSTIC AND LAZY AND ARROGANT AND ARRRGH (Disclaimer: I do not actually hate Rainbow Dash, though I think Scoots can get a better role model :P )

Dead Parrot wrote:

Big jumps and tricks would certainly be less impressive if she can just bail out into the air anytime something doesn’t go to plan.

So if a Trapeze artist had a safety net, you would automatically get up and leave the show? Sure, it would be less impressive compared to say an Evil Kneivel death defying show but I never really saw sports like say Skateboarding to be "death defying" enough to warrant that kind of "impressiveness"

For example, when people go to see Siegfried and Roy…they're not there for the magic tricks…they're there because "Hey, Tiger might bite someone! I want to see that in person!" but when I go to see a skateboard show I don't really want to see anyone die, nor do I expect that to happen (nor do I want to see another video of a guy smashing his balls on grind rail :/ )

Dead Parrot wrote:

I totally understand not wanting anything bad to happen to her, I mean, she’s my favorite damn pony in case you haven’t noticed, but some of the greatest character development comes from overcoming adversity and challenges.
Keeping her in a little protective bubble might keep her safe, but it will also make her boring.
I don’t want to imply that we should go and crap on the dreams of all the characters to ‘develop’ them, but in Scoots’ case, it offers all kinds of opportunities.

No, here's the clincher:

I like adversity and danger to happen to EVERY character in EVERY show….except Scoots

I love adversity and characters dying off. Legend of the Galactic Heroes? I counted it and nearly 50% of the cast died by the end,I loved that! Game of Thrones? No need to explain here, EVERYONE DIES, EVERYONE makes stupid mistakes that get them harmed or in danger * I love that!*.

It's why I hate most Shonen manga, they have ways of bullshit Deus Ex Machina to return characters back to life or from debilitating injuries within a few episodes. I FUCKING HATE THAT SHIT!

But when it comes to Scoots….I just can't. I just can't do it, man. This mostly stems from two things: 1) Guilt in how I got to like Scootaloo in the first place 2) My personality regarding people (even imaginary ponies) I think I've harmed in some way.

Whenever it comes to Scoots, I just can't help it. I want to protect from everyone and everything (INCLUDING YOUR VILE PEN…ERR…KEYBOARD…WORD PROCESSOR!) whenever I think of Scootaloo getting hurt in every way I just…I just…

(While I linked to a specific part, the whole video is funny. Just replace "Getting a Son' with "watching equine shaped Marshmallows" and you have me :P )

I think I explained how I got to be a Scootafag several times before, if you wish to know Deadparrot, I could post it on your wall if you wish, to avoid cluttering the thread.

In reality, when talking to me about Scootaloo all reason just flies out the window cause to me any Scoots discussion is RAW AND EMOTIONAL AND FEELS, FUCK LOGIC AND REASON

Here, have a scooty pic to round this off:


Finally, you're back!

I used to live in Canada. Love that place, much better than that hole known as Newcastle.

Screw you guys for making me feel bad that I didn't get around to reading Tiny Wings today. Read a sentence into parrot's post before I realized he was giving away the entire plot and I quickly scrolled down, down, down, until the spoilerific discussion stopped, at the "Post a Reply" box.

You know what. Here.

That's what you get. Bitches.

Twins the Serendipitous Serval wrote:

Screw you guys for making me feel bad that I didn't get around to reading Tiny Wings today. Read a sentence into parrot's post before I realized he was giving away the entire plot and I quickly scrolled down, down, down, until the spoilerific discussion stopped, at the "Post a Reply" box.

You know what. Here.

That's what you get. Bitches.

…But… I still haven't finished Star Wars! WHY WOULD YOU SPOIL IT FOR ME?

Guys. Hey guys. ATG. Guys.

Last edited Aug 10, 2012 at 02:25AM EDT

Don't worry, I only asked if you had read my story because it would probably give you a little more context in relation to my view of Scootaloo
No problem at all if you haven't.
I think I explained most of what I wanted to say right here.

Frankly, I don’t mind that because I always thought her idolization of Rainbow Dash was annoying BECAUSE RAINBOWDASH IS A BAD ROLE MODEL! SHE’S NARCISSTIC AND LAZY AND ARROGANT AND ARRRGH (Disclaimer: I do not actually hate Rainbow Dash, though I think Scoots can get a better role model :P )

You may have a problem there.
Whether you personally like it or not, Scoots is stuck on RD and I don't see any indication that that will be changing… like, ever.
So, Scootaloo being forced to give up her dream of 'being' Rainbow Dash would absolutely hurt her, no matter the specifics of why she can't fly.

As for flying ruining her tricks, don't get me wrong.
I don't expect skateboarders to be risking their lives every time they put on a show, but there is a certain dramatic tension introduced by the fact that they could fall and be hurt.
Trapeze artists are a different story because a fall for them certainly means severe injury or death (and some still go without nets despite this), whereas a skateboarder is risking maybe a few scrapes up to a broken limb or two in the worst cases.
Being able to just fly away from a botched trick would feel too much like being able to push the 'reset' button on a video game or something.
'Whoops, that didn't work. Oh, well!'
It's a somewhat minor problem, but it would still bug me a bit.

I think I explained how I got to be a Scootafag several times before, if you wish to know Deadparrot, I could post it on your wall if you wish, to avoid cluttering the thread.

I must have missed it, because I don't remember hearing anything about your personal brand of Scoot-obsession.
I thought I was the only one!
Now neither of us will be virgins!

… Did I say that out loud?

Anyway, it's been a little overshadowed by my rambling, so I should reiterate.
I would love to see an episode with Scoots learning to fly!
Love it!
I just think the idea that Faust had could also be done extremely well, if the studio is given permission to do it and do it well.
Here's some flying Scootie just for fun!

Sparty said:

Exactly. If you can’t do it one way, you do it another. To paraphrase someone I can’t quite remember, if you’ve got an idea and the will to do it, nothing can stop you.

If they did make this episode, that's the gist of what I would want the lesson to be.
Don't let anything stop you from achieving your dreams.
Scootaloo really has that 'never say die' kind of attitude which I think makes her tragically perfect for this kind of story.
She has a lot to lose, but you can tell that she's strong enough to overcome any obstacle.
For real kids with physical disabilities, I think it would be really cool to have Scoots teach them to let nothing get in their way.

Hey, I put the Spoiler Warning in there. =)

Last edited Aug 10, 2012 at 02:25AM EDT

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