@Parrot: Indeed. But then again, if you've got a lot to lose, you've also got a lot to gain. And Steve-ehm, Scootaloo sounds like she'd be able to handle it. You just need to move forwards.
Forums / Discussion / General
235,742 total conversations in 7,824 threads
KYM Pony General VI: Return of the Poni
Last posted
Apr 19, 2013 at 12:20AM EDT.
Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT
10166 posts
235 users
Whew. I'm glad the madness is over.
Continuity implying Tumblr time!
Interesting thing to note about this one… it took FOOOOREEEVEEERRRR for me to get around to drawing this. It was originally going to be a whopping nine freakin' pages, but after a good week of distractions and procrastination I figure if I ever wanted it to see the light of day I'd better cut it down to the three essential frames. I have another punchline all planned out too, if I wanted to finish it next.
But without further ado…
(I got a lot more questions that I can finally get around to now, they just pile up so fast. :P)
Oh man, ATG challenge for today is to draw a pony dressed as my favorite literary character? Luckily Scootaloo has already stolen Daring Do's hat!
So I threw it in a subtle note at the bottom of my last post, but screw being subtle, give me the kramas give me your opinions!
Berry Punch knows what's up.
Blue Yoshi wrote:
Whew. I'm glad the madness is over.
The madness never ends, however if you do want to end an image spam faster then either create a thread directly addressing it or go to the IRC, both will alert a mod immediately and the will immediately deal with with the situation.
"Please, the next time this happens Come to the IRC or Create a thread about the spammer on the Forums, or message a moderator.
Please, do not upload images about the spam into the gallery. It will be sorted out as soon as the moderators are notified of it. We can’t stop this stuff if we do not know about it." -Chris
@Jackal Lantern's picture
Dear Screwball,
Frame this kid
@Burning Phoenix
"I don’t mind that because I always thought her idolization of Rainbow Dash was annoying BECAUSE RAINBOWDASH IS A BAD ROLE MODEL! SHE’S NARCISSTIC AND LAZY AND ARROGANT AND ARRRGH"
What the fuck are you talking about, I idolize Rainbow Dash and you all know I'm awesome as fuck! Right guys?
…Why am I all alone?
Fifths wrote:
Yes, because we're all forming a massive Brony coalition for the single purpose of exterminating anyone who has ever said YOLO. Because that's obviously the logical conclusion of being slightly annoyed with something. This is in clear contradiction to the love and tolerance stigma that we ALL subscribe to obviously, but obviously we don't care. BRONY ARMY OF LOVE, HATE, AND CONTRADICTION MARCH FORWARD!
Alright seriously, even if you're someone who believes in the love and tolerance thing, I fail to see how this implies that you're not allowed to have negative opinions on something that is quite frankly retarded. There is no hippocrisy here.
I admire your tenacity, but do you really think you missed anything important? We discussed rule 34 another 12 times, had a couple pointless arguments, Gigatoast made some Tumblr updates, and Deadparrot posted another 658 pictures of Scootaloo. Same old same old.
It's not actually his birthday. I said happy birthday because his birthday pony combination is what inspired the picture. How dare you post without reading all 27 pages that you missed? You're missing important information!
It was just a joke dude. Don't take it up the bum. Still, I would understand if people only disliked the phrase, but as you and many others have stated, you dislike the "uneducated morons" who use it. Now that's not fair. plus I find the reason for the hate to be equal to, " I hate bronies because they all clop to ponies" or " every gravity falls fan is in to pinecest". Sure there are some, but it's far from the majority. Anyways, I digress, about the reaction to the joke
Edit: I might just start on thread on YOLO to get everyone's opinion on it.
Yes, I realized you were making a joke. I attacked you anyway because FUCK HUMOR!
Fifths wrote:
Yes, I realized you were making a joke. I attacked you anyway because FUCK HUMOR!
U mad dude?
Dac wrote:
U mad dude?
Jackal Lantern wrote:
I think it's time I took a break from looking for cute Fluttershy pictures. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
Well, at least she'll be beautiful after she metamorphoses into a butterfl- OH MY GOD!
Hey, I have an idea!
RandomMan's going to be on vacation for another couple of days, so let's post the weirdest/most insulting Angel Bunny related stuff we can find!
Then we'll see if he bothers to check back through the pages he's missed when he gets back!
(Yes, I'm bored)
Sparty the Spaceship
@Exudes: The animation seems a tad jerky. Scootaloo, however, looks like you just showed her the holy grail of flying.
@Milennial: Demetri Martin once said the best way to creep people out was to add "ladies" to the end of your sentence, ladies.
@Jackal: Heheheheh.
@Fifths: I don't idolize RD, I just like her the best (besides everyone), ladies. You need work.
@Parrot: Why is Fluttershy a hornet? Hornets aren't bros, Hornets are crazy-ass psycopathic fuckers, ladies.
Alternatively, if Scoots can't fly, teach her the ways of the Pathfinder. Because you don't have to be airborne to fly.
AngelxGummy OTP. Now I play the "commit suicide by Swagrabbit" game! Only I can't find a really demeaning picture, so I'll use this instead.
Hello fellas! Me and a couple friends are developing some My Little Pony itens for the DoTA 2 Workshop (It had to be made and it would happen sooner or later). I would appreciate if you gave your opinion about wich character use/itens to make.
For example, let's take Doom Bringer or Sven and add some pony-related itens (Head, armor, weapon).
Also, here is a list of all the Heroes (They may add more heroes)
Doom Bringer
I would appreciate any kind of idea. :)
@DeadParrot222: Gummy kissing Angel… I could live without that.
@Sparty the Spaceship: Don't f*ck with Angel!
Your animation is awesome, and I think it's getting slightly better. Scoots is also pretty adorable, there.
Guys, cmon…
Flutterbear is where it's at.
Discord-themed items for the guy on the top. Change his horns to the ones Discord has and mismatch his equipment to fit Discord.
Also, I got bored, so I started piecing together a new d20 system that would fit a campaign taking place in Equestria.
On a scale of 1 to The Mother of Jesus, how virgin?
I see everyone is still intact. Hope I didn't miss anything. Fill me in quick!
Bruelock wrote:
I see everyone is still intact. Hope I didn't miss anything. Fill me in quick!
Oh hai. You missed the orgy.
Please tell me there's at least one other person in this thread who's subscribed to the vlogbrothers. After dropping a few subtle nods to the brony community in the past, Hank Green has finally explained his thoughts on it… in the form of song.
@Algernon's video: There is no "best pony", but Rainbow Dash is my favorite!
>Browsing KYM as usual
>I see a image about Artisit take draw ponies
>Search for his art
>*Accidentally* I click on the Rule 34 page instead of the DevianArt
>I look at porn
I can't unsee that! That art is just… Wrong! Why, just WHY?
Algernon wrote:
Please tell me there's at least one other person in this thread who's subscribed to the vlogbrothers. After dropping a few subtle nods to the brony community in the past, Hank Green has finally explained his thoughts on it… in the form of song.
Awesome song, that was hilarious. I feel kind of bad for him though, since (as usual) the comment section has turned into something of a battlefield. I replied to a couple people who seemed reasonable but simply had the wrong idea about a couple of things. I quickly realized it was pointless though. Whenever someone who has become popular outside the brony community and then admits that they're a fan on YouTube, their comment section becomes a cascade of things like this:
I'm on enough of the internet that it seems to creep in to otherwise harmless places. They can do what they want, sure, but I just wish they'd stop posting it all over tumblr….
Your a grown man, act like a grown man, I think what you are is project mockingbird, which is not a conspiracy, it just the obvious truth, that ridiculous nonsense is fed to the public, your a sell out, how much money are you getting for this bs., grow up
you just lost a sub >.>
Hank please get the shirt off, take that poster down and stop acknowledging the existance of bronies.
Bronies are nothing more than the over sexualized virgin fans of a children's cartoon show who waste their time and money on self promoting material such as pointless TV spots and a Documentary. they are in more ways than one self masturbators who excel on not being silenced by being ignored since their sexualized fantasies are brought to fruition through social media
Most of the replies to these comments really aren't that bad, but the sheer volume of back and forth commenting might make it seem like a flame war to the unobservant. I'm sure it does wonders for his view count though.
It really doesn't bother me that some bronies are a little defensive toward these attitudes, because while some of them are simply trolls, others are legitimately just small-minded people who have made some false assumptions. It's no fun being looked down on by society, so although many of us are perfectly content to enjoy what we like and say "screw the world", not everyone is so immune to cultural pressure. Hence, they feel the need to answer these people, sometimes even a bit excessively, but that's just human nature for ya.
Algernon wrote:
Please tell me there's at least one other person in this thread who's subscribed to the vlogbrothers. After dropping a few subtle nods to the brony community in the past, Hank Green has finally explained his thoughts on it… in the form of song.
I just checked the YT comments of that video again and it looks pretty calm now
But it's a growing trend on Youtube. At this time; announcing that you are a brony in a Youtube video is 100% guaranteed to rustle some jimmies and shock/horrify subscribers (somehow)
In every video I have seen where Bronies are mentioned; even just the one word "Pony" is enough to trigger shit storms of people whining about how "Bronies are flooding the internet! They are gay and need to go to hell!" etc.
These same people also threaten to unsubscribe in protest despite the fact that the Broniness of the presenter changes nothing. They've done it for every presenter that joined the herd.
Either that, or it sets off some kind of impulse in people to give their (negative) opinion on Bronies and tell everyone how hard Bronies have made their lives. As if anyone cared about their Brony-related problems
The latter can be seen even outside of Youtube. Somebody always has something to say about Bronies and will say it with the slightest provocation. We've even seen that here on KYM. We've had so many threads derailed because someone just cannot shut up about Bronies and how much they dislike them. Youtube just gets more of that because Youtube has the higher concentration of self-entitled idiots.
But I see this trend as another wave of nonacceptance that usual follows intermittent waves of acceptance. When people realize how annoying they are by ranting about Bronies in any given comment section, this wave will pass and will be replaced my more acceptance as people demand less whining. That's just how wave-like nature of global tolerance works
PS: Is it me, or does the OC at the end of that video look like a wingless Ric Tesla?
Papa Coolface
So I'm thinking of switching to pony meat. Which pony should I cook?
Papa Coolface wrote:
So I'm thinking of switching to pony meat. Which pony should I cook?
Rarity. Rare, of course.
I'm so sorry. I'll not post for the rest of the page.
Let the haters say what they want.
Their arguments could not be more invalid!
But seriously, it is the general trend of society to go toward more tolerance.
There are many stumbling blocks and steps backward, but eventually people will get over it and learn to live and let live.
I can't help but see similarities to the comments inevitably thrown at anything labeled or identified as 'furry.'
For whatever stupid reason, furry hate seems to be some of the most pervasive and difficult to root out.
It has become 'cool' to hate them.
Hopefully, bronies don't fall to the same fate, though we do have the advantage of being related to a specific show rather than a more nebulous art trend.
Either way, the similarities in the hate we receive is what always bothers me most when I see bronies and furries fighting with each other.
We should be working together to dispel all the stupid rumors and generalizations so that people can be more free to express their interests without fear of stupid, prejudicial hatred.
@Dr. Coolface
Eat G3.
Papa Coolface
Blech… no.
Papa Coolface wrote:
Blech… no.
Well what kind of meat would one prefer, unicorn, pegasi, or earth pony? Once you choose one of the three which part of the pony's body would you prefer?
Pinkie is happy to help a hungry customer.
Holy fuck, that is awesome.
But it needs more zombie ponies and a lot less blue pony. Chop-chop, Hasbro.
@Coolface eating ponies:
Well, I'd normally suggest eating a pegasus because fuck them, but I think it'd be best to eat a Ponyta. Pre-cooked, and all that.
Anyways, one of my best friends got fed up with his group on Bungie.net, so he was going to join here, but whenever he tried to post it would eat half of what he type, with the last half of the last sentence being all that was left. Before you ask, it isn't Derpy Hooves. I was wondering what the problem might be.
Or not. Because there's THIS faggot below me!
Fridge wrote:
Dat Trixie…
EDIT: Oh yeah, that guy Explosive is talking about is me.
So if i'm a dickwad it is all his fault, burn him.
Fridge wrote:
Dat Crystal city.
Fridge wrote:
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? How? Who made that?
What happened to Rarity's Boutique and Sweat Apple Acres? What aboutTrixie? She still evil? What is that on her neck? So many questions!
It's actually a good thing we get as many haters as we do, it's a sign of health in the fandom. As a former brony troll, I used to troll them for two main reasons.
1: It's fun to hate
2: Bronies are fucking everywhere
In order to attract hate, you need to be generating content that can stir up emotions and have it being passed around enough that people are getting annoyed by it. It's no mystery that I was able to transition from brony troll to brony, a brony troll is affected to a similar degree as fans are by the show, just in a negative fashion. The hatedom is a reflection of the fandom. Intelligence can be used to justify intolerance in the same way it can be used to condemn it.
Love and hate are different sides of the same coin, and that which kills one will kill the other. Ergo, let the good times troll.
@Vikingbot below
Some of the greatest geniuses in history have been intolerant douchebags. Plato, the man who basically invented western civilization, suggested that barbarians (aka all non-greeks) should be destroyed and that all atheists, poets, and anyone with a dissenting opinion to the ruling class be either brainwashed into submission or killed. Wagner was a musical genius who thought the jews were a scheming people destroying Germany from within. Malcolm X was an extremely intelligent social rights advocate who was also a hugely racist dick earlier on.
@Deadparrot below
Ya…furries are picked on just because.
Fifths wrote:
It's actually a good thing we get as many haters as we do, it's a sign of health in the fandom. As a former brony troll, I used to troll them for two main reasons.
1: It's fun to hate
2: Bronies are fucking everywhereIn order to attract hate, you need to be generating content that can stir up emotions and have it being passed around enough that people are getting annoyed by it. It's no mystery that I was able to transition from brony troll to brony, a brony troll is affected to a similar degree as fans are by the show, just in a negative fashion. The hatedom is a reflection of the fandom. Intelligence can be used to justify intolerance in the same way it can be used to condemn it.
Love and hate are different sides of the same coin, and that which kills one will kill the other. Ergo, let the good times troll.
@Vikingbot below
Some of the greatest geniuses in history have been intolerant douchebags. Plato, the man who basically invented western civilization, suggested that barbarians (aka all non-greeks) should be destroyed and that all atheists, poets, and anyone with a dissenting opinion to the ruling class be either brainwashed into submission or killed. Wagner was a musical genius who thought the jews were a scheming people destroying Germany from within. Malcolm X was an extremely intelligent social rights advocate who was also a hugely racist dick earlier on.
@Deadparrot below
Ya…furries are picked on just because.
Who even cares about the haters anymore?
It would be one thing if they actually physically harmed bronies, but pretty much anyone who says they want to kill bronies are either just being stupid or messing around.
they don't know us in real life and these kind of people are so thin-skinned about silly internet stuff that pretty much anything would push their buttons.
If they get worked up over people viewing a cartoon then they are not very intelligent people, in my experience tolerance usually comes with intelligence because intelligence brings understanding.
Like most people I was skeptical of the brony fandom and MLP:FiM, but unlike other people who would hate it, we gave it a shot and we liked it, why is that bad?
We tried something and enjoy a show, doesn't hurt anybody, our opinions shouldn't affect them or vise-versa.
I wonder what happened?
Zombie ponies, maybe?
(Or, you know, something that might actually happen.)
I offer you a pony to match your name.
And in response to your response to Fifths, I'll say this.
I don't care about haters on any kind of personal level.
They don't effect my enjoyment of the show in the slightest.
I mainly use the amount of hate thrown at us as a sort of 'cultural barometer' that can be used to see how the general internet populous is slowly moving toward more acceptance.
It will never be total, but the ever-advancing frontier of tolerance is interesting to watch.
Except, as I pointed out, in the case of furries.
They have a lot of content out there and are certainly not difficult to find but I wouldn't exactly call the treatment they get a sign of 'health.'
No, they aren't going to disappear or anything, but the stigma attached to the word 'furry' is still very daunting.
It shouldn't be, but you can't deny that it is.
Now, it's unlikely to happen to us since 4chan (I believe) was largely behind the origin of rabid furry hate and ponies basically spawned from 4chan.
Plus, we have one sure-fire weapon against trolls.
Pure, unrelenting CUTENESS!
^^HA! YES…. YES!!!!
I have been spamming this song.
Believe it or not this was one of the reasons I left my old group.
One of my friends posted this because he liked it and 2 of the idiots on the group started bashing it, it was weird.
They are the typical metal elitists though, it didn't have any screaming in it so it wasn't hardcore enough for them.
Anyway, I called them out on it and they said I was stupid.
I didn't realize a difference in musical tastes was a qualifier for mental deficiency but apparently i'm not smart enough to hang out with the scream-o fans.
Why the heck does it look like the guy's hands have biologically fused with Scootaloo?
Verbose wrote:
Hey guys look what I saw in the mailbox before I went out for a run.
Please support your local pony provider.
I had been so concerned with work and survey stuff that I had forgotten that I ordered it.
See Hasbro intern. We do buy some things legitimately. Season 1 box set, please.
I got something in the mail today.
"What does this have to do with ponies you retarded noob."
You may ask.
And my answer is: Why the hell are you calling me a noob? I own a sword, check yourself.
Also I named her Hakubo.
It is Japanese for Twilight/ The space in time between light and dark.
Now I must draw Twilight's cutie mark on the scabbard.
I got word that mine was shipped just the other day, so I will soon have one, too!
I did get another batch of the trading cards in the mail today, though.
Lots of new foils and two more golds, but my main set is still short by one damn card!
(Frickin' Cadance, where are you?!)
Support the show, people!
Do iiiiiit…
That would be awesome!
I've always wanted to buy a katana just for the heck of it, but I just have never gone through with it.
Maybe someday…
As for your music problem, you shouldn't have to worry about it here.
I can't stand screamo metal either so you're in good company with me at least.
In general, we don't really bug each other about musical tastes very often.
And that is a great song!
Bruno the Rustler wrote:
Hello fellas! Me and a couple friends are developing some My Little Pony itens for the DoTA 2 Workshop (It had to be made and it would happen sooner or later). I would appreciate if you gave your opinion about wich character use/itens to make.
For example, let's take Doom Bringer or Sven and add some pony-related itens (Head, armor, weapon).
Also, here is a list of all the Heroes (They may add more heroes)Doom Bringer
I would appreciate any kind of idea. :)
_______________________________________________________________________________@DeadParrot222: Gummy kissing Angel… I could live without that.
@Sparty the Spaceship: Don't f*ck with Angel!
Anytime an MLP item gets made in the workshop it never makes it because of copyright infringements. Sorry :(
DeadParrot222 wrote:
I got word that mine was shipped just the other day, so I will soon have one, too!
I did get another batch of the trading cards in the mail today, though.
Lots of new foils and two more golds, but my main set is still short by one damn card!
(Frickin' Cadance, where are you?!)
Support the show, people!@Viking
Do iiiiiit…
That would be awesome!
I've always wanted to buy a katana just for the heck of it, but I just have never gone through with it.
Maybe someday…As for your music problem, you shouldn't have to worry about it here.
I can't stand screamo metal either so you're in good company with me at least.
In general, we don't really bug each other about musical tastes very often.
And that is a great song!
Heh, thanks.
I will probably post more new brony songs as they come out, that was kinda my thing, I pretty much ran the song thread in the old group.
The katana definitely needs some tweaking and ponification, the fuchi-tusaba guard keeps rubbing my finger wrong.
It strikes me as curious that people still think swords are cool. I mean, the beauty of a weapon is entirely derived from its utility, there is nothing that aesthetically attractive about a shiny piece of metal in and of itself.
It surprises me that with the utility of the sword robbed from it for the past few hundred years that people still find them so attractive. I suppose its longevity can only be attributed to the fact that our myths remember them so well.
@Deadparrot on musical tastes
Rest assured that even though I don't say anything, I'm silently judging all of you as terrible human beings for your lack of appreciation in classical music.
Fifths wrote:
It strikes me as curious that people still think swords are cool. I mean, the beauty of a weapon is entirely derived from its utility, there is nothing that aesthetically attractive about a shiny piece of metal in and of itself.
It surprises me that with the utility of the sword robbed from it for the past few hundred years that people still find them so attractive. I suppose its longevity can only be attributed to the fact that our myths remember them so well.
@Deadparrot on musical tastes
Rest assured that even though I don't say anything, I'm silently judging all of you as terrible human beings for your lack of appreciation in classical music.
True, it is more the experience of holding a sturdy weapon in your hand and using muscles you are not used to straining to swing it.
I have trained with bokkens for a few years now, and this is 1055 carbon steel, able to cut through most other metals and still keep an edge through massive stress.
This sword can still be used as a weapon, though in the world of guns a sword is not much use it is true.
It takes different skills and more power to learn to swing a sword and train with it than it does a gun.
It also has a lot to do with just respect for the past and respect for martial styles from around the world, now a days they are more about art and fitness than actual utility and self-defense.
I personally think the shinning razor sharp blade, the hand crafted oil black scabbard, eel skin wrap and tempered iron pommel on the katana is just as pretty as the furnished wood and black metal of a hunting rifle.
You can respect both guns and swords, not necessarily for the same reasons of course, but they both deserve admiration by anyone who chooses to own one I say.
@ deadparrot
If you are interested in a sword, I might be able to help some figure out what would be best for you.
this sword is really nice but it costs like $550 so its probably not even worth it unless you are committed to maintaining and training with it.