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KYM Pony General VI: Return of the Poni
Last posted
Apr 19, 2013 at 12:20AM EDT.
Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT
10166 posts
235 users
Master. Of. Camouflage.
I don't know what this is and whether anyone else has see it, but it is voiced by the same guys who do the mentally advanced abridged series.
Fifths wrote:
Master. Of. Camouflage.
Can't hide forever, Rainbow!
(By the way, where'd your wings go?)
Yeah, that was posted a while back actually.
I love that series more than the Mentally Advanced one.
Rainbow Dash Presents lets them do whatever they want without having to stick to canon clips, so it allows for awesome stuff like the Legends of the Hidden Temple thing in Rainbow Factory and pretty much all the random craziness in Cupcakes.
His Rainbow Dash voice also fits the more comic-y art style much better.
And look!
More mind-meltingly cute Calvin and Hobbes parodies!
OMG I was just about to post that comic, like I have the URL copied right now.
I love these awesome tumblrs.
Luna stuck
Slice of life ponyville
and now Twilight and Smarty.
well, I guess I'll just stick to posting music then.
I do have the DJ avatar for a reason.
Sparty the Spaceship
@Twilight and Smarty: Give me the link to that tumblr I want it.
@Rainbow hide: "Camoflague" and "Rainbow Dash" are mutually exclusive. Her mane and tail are all the colours.
Here's the link: TWILIGHT AND SMARTY
Regarding Twilight and Smarty:
Happy birthday to the ones I missed.
You got a deathwish bro?
That wasn't the doll they're talking about.
DeadParrot222 wrote:
Well, at least she'll be beautiful after she metamorphoses into a butterfl- OH MY GOD!
Hey, I have an idea!
RandomMan's going to be on vacation for another couple of days, so let's post the weirdest/most insulting Angel Bunny related stuff we can find!
Then we'll see if he bothers to check back through the pages he's missed when he gets back!
(Yes, I'm bored)
My apologies to Twins, it was Deadparrot with the deathwish.
@For everyone interested in a nice tl;dr and for Deadparrot
If you have interest in reading some analysis, editorials and pony articles, you should check this site out. I just came across this site today and i am really surprised that i haven't seen it mentioned here. There are lots of thougtful and well written articles worth reading. Everyone who has some interest in overanalysing could spend hours reading here.
But also the articles about Love and Tolerate and the follow up are really interesting.
One hour ago since the last post, it's way too quiet here
have a random pinkie pie crossover
why? because silence scares me, that's why
Noah wrote:
One hour ago since the last post, it's way too quiet here
have a random pinkie pie crossover
why? because silence scares me, that's why
Well, not that bad idea, but somebody crushed it (haaahaaa)
Quick, blame your internet connection, it always works
So, how about a topic (that isn't r34) to help liven up the place.
What do you hope to see from Season 3? Villains, plotlines, character building, world building, etc.
I personally hope they expand upon the zebras a bit more. Maybe reveal other races, as well, to give more depth to the world. After all, it's confirmed Equestria is only a part of the world, like a country, and that other races do have their own areas (griffons and dragons). I don't think it's too demanding, and doesn't conflict with what anybody else expects from the show (like Trixie being redeemed and being a returning character, seeing as how a LOT of people don't like her).
I also hope for a Scootaloo episode, of course, because she's in sore need of one. It'd also be awesome to get more CMC, even as minor characters, instead of their own episodes. You're probably expecting me to say that I also want a Celestia episode, but that's the point of Pythonian humor: subverting expectations. I think having a whole episode dedicated to her doesn't really fit Celestia. It'd probably be better for her to just have more minor roles, like she already has, and Luna joining in with her. Same goes for characters like Zecora, but, like I mentioned, it would also be neat for her to have her own episode.
I think the only way I could say a Celestia episode would work really well is if it centers around both Luna and herself, back when they vanquished Discord. We have evidence saying John voiced another character again, so it's likely to be Discord, given he doesn't have an extremely large vocal range. If that were the case, I think it'd be really neat to have an episode centered around the three of them to both build character and the world.
For something I don't really care about, I hope Princess Skyla is held back until at least Season 4, considering it would take several months for her to be conceived by Cadence, which would kind of break the episode flow if it just suddenly happened.
I think the Celestia and Luna flashback episode would be very awesome, it would also probably give a lot more canon information on how Equestria was formed and perhaps even reveal more about the entire MLP universe as a whole.
It would be pretty simple to do, just have Celestia tell Twilight about how she became ruler or w/e, it could even be in letter form and the flashback would just be Twilight imagining the scenario.
Either way, more Celestia, more Luna and more canon history and that is always good.
As for the Scoots episode, I heard somewhere that Lauren Faust was planning on doing a Scootaloo episode that would also explain why she couldn't fly and it was supposed to be kinda sad, but also in a way kinda heartwarming because of how her friends support her.
Hopefully we see something like this, but I really don't know, a story about physical handicaps sounds pretty mature for a cartoon, much less MLP.
As for villians… what more can we hope to see?
It's pretty much confirmed that Discord is returning, or the very least a new character voiced by John De Lancie since he confirmed he was returning for season 3.
So my guess is that there is a flashback episode that has discord in it, maybe an episode like the one with Celestia explaining how she came into power, or….
Scootaloo episode is top priority for me (duh), but we have quite a few cool things to look forward to in Season three.
Like you said, De Lancie confirmed he was returning so I can only assume Discord will be back, and I'm also hoping for a kind of flashback episode.
It would be a great opportunity to show how Equestria came into being, how the Princesses got where they are, and pretty much the entire history of pony-kind.
It would also solve a small, general issue that I only consciously realized the other day: Celestia and Luna, despite co-ruling the country, have never actually exchanged any dialogue since the pilot, and that was only a couple sentences.
We really have no idea how the two of them interact at all, so that's what I would love to see.
It wouldn't need to be an episode dedicated to them alone, but just giving them both some shared screen-time would do wonders for both of their characters.
A bigger role for Zecora was basically confirmed already (HERE) but whether this means it will be her episode or not is still unclear.
More sentient species would be awesome, too.
I liked that story idea from the conversation with Faust about the pony raised by deer, and there are plenty of other ways they could work in new creatures, both high-fantasy and more realistic.
Sparty the Spaceship
@Parrot: Thank you. You get a Scootaloo picture for your efforts that I could have copied were I not so lazy.
@Solaire: Worldbuilding is a good idea, seeing as it helps expand canon and provides more things to do/see. The Scootasode's already been discussed and it's fairly likely that it might center on her being crippled, and we've already discussed that. A Celestia/Luna flashback episode would work really well – perhaps additional tearjerker by going into the Nightmare Moon incident? Discord escaping would be nice too, and it would be different, I'd like to see him having learned from the last time he got out. Or just doing small-time chaos, enough to please himself but not enough to cause severe trouble.
Also, yeah. Skyla just doesn't fit. But realistically, are we going to revisit the crystal ponies again? Not friggin' likely. I personally have no care for whether or not she's there or not, but so long as Skyla doesn't become the focus of the episodes (which is very likely) I'm fine.
Parrot, in exchange for helping my laziness, you get a grown up Scoots pic and a dedicated post.
Everyone wins!
@Season 3 hopes
I want a Scoots episode and character building for Rarity and Applejack. Rarity hasn't had very good development IMO and I still feel like Applejack hasn't had a very large role in the show. Also, I feel as if "The Last Roundup" was supposed to be her big redemption episode, but she got overshadowed by Derpy and Pinkie. And now nobody wants anything to do with it.
Thread needs more Rarity:
O.K., wild mass guessing time.
I'm predicting this guy to be Tirek from the first ever episode of MLP (or some permutation thereof) with Trixie as his "Scorpan." I think this because Tirek and the unnamed villain both have red and black coloring, as well as the hinting of seeing Fluttershy as a dragon and turning ponies into dragons is Tirek's M.O.
"Scorpan" is Tirek's second in command who has a change of heart and ends up redeeming himself, something I can completely see the writers doing with Trixie especially considering that leaked picture of her.
(Also the names Trixie & Tirek sound good together)
It was actually Fluttershy being turned into a dragon and here's the interview from Comic Con.
Check @ 21:15.
I didn't know all that stuff about Tirek, though.
That could certainly be possible, but I don't really like the idea of Trixie teaming up with him.
Trixie's a vengeful jerk and I don't expect her to come looking for redemption or anything, but I just don't see her trying to take over the world or whatever Tirek's ultimate goal was.
She's boastful, not evil.
@Windigo with salad: Just one question: WHY?
Sparty the Spaceship
@Windigo: Funny, I thought Tirek was a joke Hasbro played on us.
That doesn't really fit Trixie, though. She's not evil OR repentant. I suppose it's more than possible that 'Tirek' could mind-control her, though that's kind of going a bit far. Though I think it would be neat for old villains to return from past gens, I'm not really sure Tirek would look like that. They're not forced to make him a pony, seeing as how we have minotaurs. It'd be more than fitting to see a big-ass demon-centaur, like the original Tirek, instead of the 'leaked' villain you posted up there. While your theory is fairly well-though and possible, I think it might be a bit out there, and I doubt it'll happen, personally. I, personally, hope Trixie just tries to get revenge, even though I think THAT doesn't fit her character, either. I really, honestly see no reason for her to even want to return, much less actually do it.
As long as we're mentioning old villains, I hope Grogar comes back.
Grogar's a bad-ass and it could allow rams and goats to take the field and become canon (besides Iron Will's assistants).
Tirek would be awesome, too, and could make for some interesting plot points.
Hell, while we're at it, just throw in that one warlock guy, Beezen. Just go all the fucking way and reintroduce the Smooze and all that shit, too. Hopefully it means we get Bushwoolies, as well.
Alright, imagine Cloud Chaser having… Intercorses with Rumble. Imagined it? That's a comic from Tiara Why that a friend sent me… How, on Earth, someone can have that idea? HOW?
@Tirek: The chances that that's true very, very, VERY small.
@Season 3 hopes
I'd like for them to do another Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom episode, but NOT do the Scoots episode just because I know Deadparrot's reaction would be hilarious.
I'd also like to see Rainbow Dash's status with the Wonderbolts get brought up. She's clearly an awesome flier and the Wonderbolts know this, so I'd like to see them let her in or give an episode explaining why they haven't let her in.
Might be a bit too much to hope for, but I'd also like to see them take a step away from the slice of life format most of the episodes take and do a legitimate arc of some sort where they take a few episodes to address a real problem. This might just be me being hopeful, but it seems they might legitimately be setting up for one of those with Chrysalis and the changelings. They never really got taken care of in the same way that Discord and NMM were.
Edit: And what's up with that flaming eye villain guy resurfacing? I thought he was supposed to be a joke by one of the animators. Not that I'm upset, I don't have anything against him like everyone else seems to.
Rainbow Dash dropped out of flight school, according to the jocks in Cloudsdale.
That might be a pretty big reason why she isn't a Wonderbolt. She's also pretty headstrong and all that shit, while the Wonderbolts seem to be more disciplined, like the Blue Angels. They're not daredevils so much as they are performers of the most difficult feats ever conceived by their race. Every maneuver the Blue Angels perform has a chance to kill every single one of them if they're just one centimeter off. That's a pretty big reason to not let somebody like Dash in until they're more mature or disciplined. Seeing as how she never graduated a school sort of dedicated to that, it's more than likely she's barred from joining the Wonderbolts, or at least put on low priority.
More likely the creators don't want RBD to join the wonderbolts because it would mean they practically lost their poster child.
RBD is pretty much the MLP mascot.
She would be off doing wonderbolts stuff or she would be "in" the wonderbolts and not ever doing anything with them, unless they made an entire episode about it.
Even then, the wonderbolts are like celebrities and what not, we haven't seen them without their outfits and they only really hang out in Canterlot or around when something important happens.
Right now RBD is a member of the elements of harmony, she is a main character, if they made her a wonderbolt then she would either have less screen time or she would never be hanging around with the wonderbolts and still be in ponyville which wouldn't make any sense for her to do if she was a member of a group of celebrities.
Sparty the Spaceship
Maybe they're keeping her out of the Wonderbolts because she is an Element. Being the Element of Loyalty, she is extremely vital to Equestria's future and self-defense, and would be a likely high-value target (along with the rest of the Elements) if anyone else were to attack. So maybe Celestia/Luna told the Wonderbolts not to let her in, seeing as a flight injury/death would be a severe risk to the country's safety.
Basically, if she joins the Wonderbolts and dies/critically injures herself, the Elements of Harmony become unusable for a long period of time, and that's something Celestia probably doesn't want.
Speaking of Season 3…
My body is so ready.
I've said this before, but since it's come up again I'll reiterate my opinion. I agree with Solaire, Rainbow Dash is not a member of the Wonderbolts because she simply isn't qualifed, in one way or another. She's talented, there's no doubt about that, but she's also lazy and a showoff. The Wonderbolts aren't just performers, they seem to be a type of emergency responce group as well. They require disciplined fliers, not highly skilled jocks
You can't really say that her being a part of the main cast is why the writers have kept her from that position either, because it wouldn't really require more time from her than the occupations of the other five. Applejack is working on the farm almost constantly, for example.
And as for her being a bearer of one of the elements and her safety being a consideration, well, that'd be a silly reason to disallow her from any job, to be honest.
@DeadParrot, below
True, Dash's ultimate goal of joining their team provides the writers with a plot device that's convenient for some stories involving her. Still, that'd be a decent aesop right there, if you think about it; once you achieve your goal, what's next? A new dream, of course!
You know, there's a reason I don't spend a great deal of time in the image gallery here…
Okay, two-part theory here.
Dash isn't in the Wonderbolts yet because she's 'raw.'
She has tons of talent, yes, but she's relatively untrained and undisciplined.
She's still crashing into mountains on a regular basis!
From outside looking in:
I agree with Viking mostly.
She's a primary character on the show, and letting her join the team would drastically alter the dynamic of the main six.
Also, just from a storytelling perspective, as they say, 'The journey is more important than the destination.'
The opportunities for interesting stories and lessons involving Dash trying to get on the team are much more plentiful than the stories they'd be able to tell _after_she joins.
It's the same basic reason why I think (or at least hope) they will hold off on giving the CMCs their cutie marks for some time yet.
Yes, it's a great goal, but where do they go once it's achieved?
Weird Al MLP:FiM Shoutout and Possible Show Appearance
"As many of you may recall, a long time ago Weird Al once tweeted a few times about ponies thanks to the highly successful videos on Youtube by FluttershyElsa. For a long while there was speculation that Al might make an appearance on the show at some point and much excitement was had. Over time that excitement faded and disappeared with the airing of season 2. Today though we have some reason to rekindle that speculation!"
Check the Above link.
I…I just don't know anymore. To confess, I had many reasons to give MLP a try and subsequently become a brony. One of which was to get away from a world partially compelled by sex and vice. I know, its a folly idea. I knew when I jumped aboard there was r34 and sexualizations of ponies. But I came aboard thinking those were optional, and I can go around and say "I don't have to worry about that; its of the very few". But now I find myself hardly believing myself anymore. Just…the fandom just proves itself to me that no matter where I go, I can't escape from some things. Is there a reason? Is there REALLY a cause? Did it have to happen? Yes? No? I can't say. All I can say is that sometimes, I wonder if I am one of the few people around here who are sexually moral, who doesn't masturbate or deliberately look up pornography. I just feel…alone. Pressured sometimes. That I only have God on my shoulders, and none to comfort me. There are some upsides, though. I never though that I'd have a waifu, but here I am. And yet…at the same time I look around and see a world compelled by those things. I look back into the fandom, and I see the same vices, just with ponies…at much to large a scale. I don't know if what to do. I just don't know anymore
PopperFett the Mandalore wrote:
I…I just don't know anymore. To confess, I had many reasons to give MLP a try and subsequently become a brony. One of which was to get away from a world partially compelled by sex and vice. I know, its a folly idea. I knew when I jumped aboard there was r34 and sexualizations of ponies. But I came aboard thinking those were optional, and I can go around and say "I don't have to worry about that; its of the very few". But now I find myself hardly believing myself anymore. Just…the fandom just proves itself to me that no matter where I go, I can't escape from some things. Is there a reason? Is there REALLY a cause? Did it have to happen? Yes? No? I can't say. All I can say is that sometimes, I wonder if I am one of the few people around here who are sexually moral, who doesn't masturbate or deliberately look up pornography. I just feel…alone. Pressured sometimes. That I only have God on my shoulders, and none to comfort me. There are some upsides, though. I never though that I'd have a waifu, but here I am. And yet…at the same time I look around and see a world compelled by those things. I look back into the fandom, and I see the same vices, just with ponies…at much to large a scale. I don't know if what to do. I just don't know anymore
Yeah, that image is pretty much untrue…
The actual most liked images look much more like the top one.
I… have no words… I'm really sorry to hear that. The gallery is cool and such but… Yeah, you're right! I will no longer post Rule 34. Never again.
Also, I never masturbated to any kind of thing, actual porn, rule 34, whatever it is.
To redeem myself (kinda) here is some cuteness:
@Dash in wonderbolts
Ya, see, these are all great reasons why Dash isn't in the Wonderbolts. What I really want is an episode where they acknowledge these reasons and have Dash grow as a character because of it.
I think they've kind of exhausted most of the story possibilities that can come out of the cmc trying to get their cutie marks honestly. I really don't see the big deal with giving them their marks, it's not like they'll stop hanging out together or going on their adventures, they just won't be cutie mark based.
An interesting episode would be if only 1 or 2 of them got their mark and the odd one out starts feeling alienated.
You know, the most liked is a bunch of old shit that has absolutely no porn. The lower image is most liked in a more recent time frame, like a day. And since somebody was posting a lot of images like that, it's very possible. Also considering the show is on hiatus, we have less content centering around the show and more fan content, the risque stuff receiving more reactions just for the nature of it. Going to least liked will also net you a fair amount of saucy stuff, entirely due to the nature of the beast. Nothing to worry or overreact about.
Also, there's a few image uploaders that upload a metric fuck-ton of porn and shit *cough*AdvanceandJoe*cough*. That's not to say they're bad or anything, seeing as how a lot of other uploaders spam the fuck out of reposts or have image wars and shit *cough*DerpyVasquez*cough*. It's just the way the Image Gallery has always been, since it's part of its own little community away from the forums. That's been the source of some irritation to a lot of people before *cough*RandomMan*cough*, and it hasn't changed.
Yeah, like Windigo said, that's just not true.
I don't know where that shot was taken, but you can click on the 'Favorites' and 'High Score' headers on the gallery page and see that they both look much more like the top than the bottom.
@Weird Al
So, Will Anderson knows Weird Al personally…
And Weird Al has expressed interest in bronies and a possible appearance on the show…
So yeah. I haven't posted in like 2 years (It'd be interesting to see who remembers me), and I decided this would be a good place to show up. Mostly because I have a confession.
You made me a brony, guys.
I probably learned more about the show before I even watched an episode by reading the pages on MLP here on KYM. At that point, I still was kind of wary about it; it seemed kind of weird. Then, on a whim, I turned on an episode on Hub 'bout a month ago (I think it was s1e3) and I was hooked. I'm openly brony now, as shown by my avatar and my DJ P0N-3 Shirt, all thanks to you, KYM. So thank you.
Also curse you, since I leave for university on Wednesday and I'll have less time for ponies. Curse you for getting me into it right before I run out of time to enjoy it.
Anyways, anybody here remember me?
Twilitlord wrote:
So yeah. I haven't posted in like 2 years (It'd be interesting to see who remembers me), and I decided this would be a good place to show up. Mostly because I have a confession.
You made me a brony, guys.
I probably learned more about the show before I even watched an episode by reading the pages on MLP here on KYM. At that point, I still was kind of wary about it; it seemed kind of weird. Then, on a whim, I turned on an episode on Hub 'bout a month ago (I think it was s1e3) and I was hooked. I'm openly brony now, as shown by my avatar and my DJ P0N-3 Shirt, all thanks to you, KYM. So thank you.
Also curse you, since I leave for university on Wednesday and I'll have less time for ponies. Curse you for getting me into it right before I run out of time to enjoy it.
Anyways, anybody here remember me?
Doesn't mean that it's not awesome that you're back.
Welcome to the herd.
Sparty the Spaceship
@Weird Al: One of my favorite music producers (and likely the only one) showing up on MLP?
This can either go horribly right, or horribly, horribly right.
@Popper: Your point being?
I've got nothing against Rule 34. Is it hurting anyone? No. So I don't whine about it. It's a part of the fandom as much as anything else is, as it may be.
And once again this thread goes to R34 discussion. Would anyone mind if I kept track of how many times from here on in?
@Twilitlord: I don't know you. At all.
Welcome here anyways. Put any remaining sanity at the door and stomp it into a flat little thing. You won't need it here.
@Sparty: Like I said, I've been here before. It's changed, but I know the unspoken rules. Like how you DO need to be crazy to post here.
@Twilitlord: I have no idea who/what you are, so…
I don't know you, but…
@ other discussion
That high scores tab was under general images tab, not the KYM pony gallery (as it is the most liked since the gallery opened) Some of those images appear there (as the general images tab logs within the last 24 hours or so).
My point is this, from that and responses: I've nearly lost faith in all but God. It's become too clear that I'm just…living in a world where being a bit more conservative is seen as a bad thing. That now I have to conform and become complacent. That…
I just don't know. Maybe that's what's wrong: I just don't know what to do. That I don't know what to know, what to be, what to say. Am I the big or little man? Goliath or David? The stone or the giant? Am I both?
David killed Goliath with the help of God, but then he had Uriah killed in battle just so he could marry Bathsheba, Uriah's wife.
Is it a cycle? Will a good deed always be followed by an evil one? Is that the world? Is that what it is? That every good thing turns bad, and good again?
I don't know
What is the world? Can I say something now, to say I don't like something, and not be 'different', an 'idiot' or a 'faggot' because of it? Do I have a right to be conservative? Or is that taken away now, that I have to conform…to sit back and become complacent while the world burns.
I…I don't know.
I tought there wasn't a weirder fandom than ours. But then, I discovered the Team Fortress fandom… Look at this:
I mean, not even the things you find at WTFPonyFanfiction's Tumblr are weirder than this!
EDIT: Nevermind this site made me regret what I said, even KFC has a fandom! K. F. C!
@Bruno: Wat.
I don't remember you at all, but that's because you stopped posting long before I ever joined.
In any case, welcome.
Alrighty, back to lurking.
Plus this
In this
Equals MFW:
John De Lancie is narrating Mozart's Magic Flute in Chicago. And as if the thought of Discord narrating the Magic Flute wasn' tantalizing enough, he's turning the whole thing into a regular brony meet and offering to sign stuff afterwards.
As a person who likes classical music and mlp and lives in Chicago, this shit is like fucking Christmas for me. Naturally I got my tickets IMMEDIATELY upon hearing about this and am currently willing time to go faster.
Is it Saturday yet? No? FUCK
Oh hey look, it's someone else myred in existential turmoil. Hey, I'm a philosophical type, I might be able to help you at least come to understand the current situation you're in, although I doubt I can help you out of it. Send me a private message if you just feel like diatribing about your current feelings to someone.
Heh, it's funny you come on here with this on one of the few days when I'm not even remotely sad.