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Kingdom Hearts Series General

Last posted Aug 01, 2012 at 08:33PM EDT. Added Jul 02, 2012 at 06:45PM EDT
47 posts from 14 users

Seeing as there's a couple of KH fans lurking about in KYM and that fact I have a lot of questions, I created this thread.

I really don't where to start but whatever!

Shall we begin?
Someone mind telling how Riku ended up in Castle Oblivion?

I remember he was locked inside Kingdom Hearts but I don't exactly know how he just got there.
Any help?

Takashi.0 wrote:

I think DiZ/King Mickey brought him.

Or he just teleported there randomly through one of the corridors of darkness.

But King Mickey was locked in as well.
So my bet is that DiZ did it.

It's a shame, really. I LOVED KH1 and 2, but I haven't been able to play the others. Wish they'd never gone for the handhelds and just stuck with Playstation consoles. I haven't been able to use my PS2 in ages either, so I barely remember them. On the plus side, Kingdom Hearts' 10th anniversary (Of its first release in NA) is in September! :D The creator has hinted at the possibility of an HD pack, and has also said that they'll be doing something special for the 10th anniversary. Fingers crossed?

I'll just have to youtube the games that I haven't played to see all the cutscenes before KH3 comes out. (By the way, apparently KH3 will most likely be on console as well.)

Reticent wrote:

It's a shame, really. I LOVED KH1 and 2, but I haven't been able to play the others. Wish they'd never gone for the handhelds and just stuck with Playstation consoles. I haven't been able to use my PS2 in ages either, so I barely remember them. On the plus side, Kingdom Hearts' 10th anniversary (Of its first release in NA) is in September! :D The creator has hinted at the possibility of an HD pack, and has also said that they'll be doing something special for the 10th anniversary. Fingers crossed?

I'll just have to youtube the games that I haven't played to see all the cutscenes before KH3 comes out. (By the way, apparently KH3 will most likely be on console as well.)

But if there really going to release a game soon on September, i'm buying it. I'LL BUY THE HELL OUT OF IT!

I just hope they add the skip movie option on KH1

I think this series rocks. My last playthrough of the original I put 80 hours on. I got EVERYTHING. It was magical. I tried to pick up the second again a few months back, but I dunno, something about it was just not quite the same. After several years, I think it's safe to say that in KH2, Sora was not as approachable as he was in the first game. He seems to have more of his crap together, so his is not the best perspective to unfold the story from. Also, with Sora able to massacre more effectively, he didn't seem as helpless, leaving the audience unable to identify with him, to some degree. I guess it's also worth mentioning that nearish the time I started that replay I took a Skyrim to theā€¦.well, you know what I mean.

All of that aside, KH2 was fan-freaking-tastic. The story, though confusing, is great. I think when you're dealing with Kingdom Hearts continuity, you can't look in to it too much before it stops making sense; take, in the first game, where Riku pulls a shadow/heartless out of Sora on Hook's ship. Later in the game, spoilers if you haven't finished the first game when Sora becomes a heartless, he's a measly shadow (the heartless kind, not the cast on the ground kind.).

On another note, 358/2 days was a big letdown for me. It's one of very few games I've played whose story had nothing (or very little) to do with the gameplay. Really, the only reason I finished it was because the story WAS interesting. But oddly enough, I didn't actually enjoy playing the game.

Final thought: Atlantica, in any game, is a TV-mutingly, infuriating, hideous pile of rotten garbage. I HATE Atlantica.

Mack TheUnoriginal wrote:

I think this series rocks. My last playthrough of the original I put 80 hours on. I got EVERYTHING. It was magical. I tried to pick up the second again a few months back, but I dunno, something about it was just not quite the same. After several years, I think it's safe to say that in KH2, Sora was not as approachable as he was in the first game. He seems to have more of his crap together, so his is not the best perspective to unfold the story from. Also, with Sora able to massacre more effectively, he didn't seem as helpless, leaving the audience unable to identify with him, to some degree. I guess it's also worth mentioning that nearish the time I started that replay I took a Skyrim to theā€¦.well, you know what I mean.

All of that aside, KH2 was fan-freaking-tastic. The story, though confusing, is great. I think when you're dealing with Kingdom Hearts continuity, you can't look in to it too much before it stops making sense; take, in the first game, where Riku pulls a shadow/heartless out of Sora on Hook's ship. Later in the game, spoilers if you haven't finished the first game when Sora becomes a heartless, he's a measly shadow (the heartless kind, not the cast on the ground kind.).

On another note, 358/2 days was a big letdown for me. It's one of very few games I've played whose story had nothing (or very little) to do with the gameplay. Really, the only reason I finished it was because the story WAS interesting. But oddly enough, I didn't actually enjoy playing the game.

Final thought: Atlantica, in any game, is a TV-mutingly, infuriating, hideous pile of rotten garbage. I HATE Atlantica.

I agree with practically everything you just said. Though, personally, I think Sora was better when he came out in KH2. Like you said, he sorta finally got his shit but that doesn't mean was a bad idea to start like that. He already dealt with a lot of shit in KH1 so i'm actually okay that at least he matured and mastered his skill a bit more(though he wakes a without a clue of show to use them). It just makes him look a bit more badass.

Also, yeah. I hate fucking Atlantica.

Mack TheUnoriginal wrote:

I understand that Sora was maturing, but just looking at the games independently, I felt more connected to Sora in the first game than the second.

Oh, and as long as you're talking about world wish listsā€¦

I'd crap my pants.

I guess your right. Guess some people like the first Sore while other people like the second Sora.

But let's not start a discussion and just like Sora for who he is. An advetures, strong and sorta clueless hero!

And nice choice!

Mack TheUnoriginal wrote:

I understand that Sora was maturing, but just looking at the games independently, I felt more connected to Sora in the first game than the second.

Oh, and as long as you're talking about world wish listsā€¦

I'd crap my pants.

That'd be absolutely incredible. Probably one of the least-remembered most awesome Disney/Pixar/whateverthefuck movies out there. 10/10 in terms of a world.

Oh my god.
There are other Kingdom Hearts fans on this website.
I can die happy.
All orgasms aside, time to get down to biznus.

I preferred Sora in Kingdom Hearts 2, for a few reasons.

-His outfit was honest really badass. I mean like, eons better than that red one piece.

He looks much more mature with it.

-Along with looking mature, he acts it as well. He still maintains his goofiness but knows when to srsthefuckup.

-He seemed more loyal to the various characters as he went around seeing them again, years later. There's a sense of comradeship that I feel wasn't there for the first game.

All in all though, I'm probably biased, mostly because the first game kind of irritated me when I first had it back when I was 10 or 11. (It's really been that long?) I only played about 4 or 5 worlds in before there was a part I couldn't pass. (I think it was the end of the Tarzan world, if I recall correctly.) I got rid of it before I became patient with games, and I regret that. By the time I had gotten KH2, I had read up on the lore and story, rather than actually playing through KH1. I still think I have Chain of Memories for GBA laying around somewhere. That was a really fun game, and was a good way to link the two games together.

Last edited Jul 04, 2012 at 12:29AM EDT

Up at 3am for no reason, so let us find another thing to talk about.

I'm most familiar with KH2, since I played some 20 saves completely through, all about 50+ hours on them. So I'll stick with that.

What do you think they're going to do with Kairi for KH3? She's always seemed like a victim, though she can hold her own (sort of) as shown towards the end of KH2.

(To be honest, I kind of want her keyblade. It's purty)
Anyway, I hope they don't pull the whole damsel in distress card again. You spent the last two games finding her, so you better fucking stay with her for the third game. I'd be a little angry if you have to save her ass again. And Riku. Bitch better stay loyal. I love him to death, he's pretty much Sora's brother.

Also, I'm interested on what they do for the antagonist. Now, I haven't read into this, but there is like 4 different forms of Xehanort? There's regular Xehanort, Xemnas, the heartless Xehanort from KH1 (who called himself Ansem), and Master Xehanort from BBS?

That's a lot of the same guy.
And they're all supposed to be connected to Terra somehow?
I don't know a lot about BBS, besides that you play as Terra, Aqua, and some Roxas lookalike.
I'm not sure what they're going to use as an antagonist.
And who knows? Maybe it's years and years later, and Sora and them are much older.
I hope not though, I want to see Sora and Kairi's relationship grow. OTP stamp, please.

The end of the second game is a total mind screw, if you ask me. I have no idea what to expect in the third game, so I'm just gonna hold on and enjoy the ride.

Also, Chain of Memories was my favorite game, I don't care what y'all niggas think.

Yeah, I kinda liked KH, but I never played any of the handhelds. Also, as I grew older, the plot started seeming a bit weirder in certain situations, and had several WTF moments. In all honesty, I'm not the biggest fan of it, and I make fun of it a lot, but I can say the same about Resident Evil, Dark Souls, etc. So, I guess it's just what I do.

However, I did shed a single tear at the last scene where you play as Roxas in the second game, when he finds Sora in the pod-thingy. The music, the one-liner, the tension, the emotion, the feels, they just powered up and ran into me like a freight-liner.


>Discussing Kingdom Hearts
>Picking worlds
>Not unanimously agreeing on Equestria
>I shiggidy diggidy giggidy fliggidy boopity boppity zoppity gumbo chops

The latest KH game I owned and played was Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
To be honest the Ending left me with a Bittersweet Feel (the whole game actually)
after that game I lost the schedule with the game series
and I started hating and getting REALLY frustrated with the Female Fandom of KH at that point, because the Yaoi Fangirls hated Xion for getting into their precious RoxasxAxel couple! ą² _ą² 
I loved Xion, she is cute (and I love her Hairstyle for some reason) ā™„

I think her Popularity have changed since the last time I checked the Fandom!

Last edited Jul 04, 2012 at 11:23AM EDT

Mack TheUnoriginal wrote:

The end of the second game is a total mind screw, if you ask me. I have no idea what to expect in the third game, so I'm just gonna hold on and enjoy the ride.

Also, Chain of Memories was my favorite game, I don't care what y'all niggas think.

I recommend you check out KH Re:coded. The note they read at the end is actually tied to that game.

Also Chain of Memories has a questionable rating.Well for me, anyways. Because when I tried it the first time, it just felt really weird for me since it had new game mechanics. For some people it was fun but personally, it felt kinda awkward.

Last edited Jul 04, 2012 at 12:16PM EDT

Mexx Android wrote:

I recommend you check out KH Re:coded. The note they read at the end is actually tied to that game.

Also Chain of Memories has a questionable rating.Well for me, anyways. Because when I tried it the first time, it just felt really weird for me since it had new game mechanics. For some people it was fun but personally, it felt kinda awkward.

It was definitely different. It took some getting used to at first, but it was really fun once you got the basics down.
Though there were a few annoying spots, like with the Pinocchio boss.

This thread has made me go back and play KH2 again.

And in order to make this a productive post, lets have a favorite and least favorite boss discussion!

My most favorite boss in the entire series had to of been the first time you fight Xemnas on the World That Never Was.

That fake reality with the building running and stuff was just amazing.

Least favorite by far was probably Xaldin. He was very very cheap, and nothing could escape his little wind blaster tornado thinger, it was annoying as all hell.

Last edited Jul 04, 2012 at 07:12PM EDT

Bosses I hated? Hades in CoM. RIKU #4 FROM CoM. SERIOUSLY, SCREW THAT GUY. Other than the GBA gameā€¦probably the Phantom from KH1 (I know he was optional, but I got destroyed the first few times I fought him when I was young.) and yeah, Demyx.

Mack TheUnoriginal wrote:

Bosses I hated? Hades in CoM. RIKU #4 FROM CoM. SERIOUSLY, SCREW THAT GUY. Other than the GBA gameā€¦probably the Phantom from KH1 (I know he was optional, but I got destroyed the first few times I fought him when I was young.) and yeah, Demyx.

Demyx, at first, was just easy. He simply summoned a bunch of bubble-like clones that took less then a minute to kill.

And thinking the second encounter is gonna be easy, you let your guard down, right?
I mean how can this guy be hard? He has to be easy.
But noā€¦

Square-Enix fools you and cranks the difficulty to fucking high! Even the guide lies to you by saying "It's one of the easiest bosses in the Organization".

But I already killed him(took me, I think, 11 tries) and i'm okay with that. It wasn't that he was a bad boss. It's just the sudden difficulty caught me off guard.

Last edited Jul 04, 2012 at 09:31PM EDT

How appropriate that I found this because I just beat Kingdom Hearts 2 for the fourth or fifth time not to long ago. I beat the first two games and played a little bit of Chain of Memories. I wanna play Dream Drop Distance, but I have to get a 3DS first.
Here are some things I'd like to see in the third game:

A "Sword in the Stone" world. The games already have Merlin the Magician, maybe in this world he could turn you into different animals.

Riku and Kairi as allies, or better yet playable characters.

The ability to transform into Roxas like with the drives in KH2. I liked playing as him when he had two keyblades.

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

I played the first KH for about half an hour before I got stuck and never touched it again.

The gamer in me wants to laugh at you. :p Come on, stuck on the island? I can imagine Wonderland, maybe, but the island? You hit things and run places!

Joe Amethyst wrote:

This world in the next KH game, please:

That would be awesome, but I don't think it's going to happen. Though they did get a non-FF and Disney world for Dream, Drop, Distance, so who knows.

That being said, Dream Drop Distance, I want it, and it's sad to say, I never completed KH 1 or 2. Bleh, curse you PS3 and your lack of backwards compatibly cause Sony doesn't know what they're doing!

Also, yea, Demyx and his clones can go die in a fire.

Last edited Jul 12, 2012 at 01:18AM EDT

Reticent wrote:

There are no commas in Dream Drop Distance you silly changeling

Fixed, the second instance anyways, the accursed 30 minute time limit caught me when I noticed it was still there the first instance though.

Also, I was hoping for one of the games to return to the Pride Lands.

MFW that didn't happen

Last edited Jul 12, 2012 at 01:25AM EDT

Okay, I have to correct myself since the 30 minute time limit won't let me fix my mistakes. They got non Final Fantasy and Disney related content in, I don't think they have non-Disney worlds, but yes, they have characters from something other then Disney or Final Fantasy in the game.

Sad to say though, much like Final Fantasy, I don't know anything about the other game, I usually buy these games for the Disney stuff.

Okay this thread hasn't had a post in awhile now, time to keep talking!

This is Slowpoke material stuff but I'm just gonna share some stuff with you guys that I found over the internet.

First here's Sora concept design.

At first his weapon was gonna be a chainsaw but then they changed it to a keyblade.

But going back to the first design, it's interesting to note that the lion keychain on the chainsaw is the same keychain on the keyblade "Sleeping Lion"

Any thoughts?

Last edited Jul 27, 2012 at 07:49PM EDT

And here I thought I was the only member here who knew about The Bouncer. They totally look the same.

Anyway, I loved the KH series. I played and beat both 1 and 2. And I want to get a 3DS to play Dream Drop Distance. I just hope that Atlantica isn't added in.

I fucking hated Atlantica.


I didn't know a single thing about it till Ansem posted. He deleted his post afterwords; Not sure why.

Also, I wish I could buy Dream Drop Distance but I just don't buy a 3DS only to play that game. It's a pickle that I think most KH fans are in.

And, yeah, I really dislike Atlantica.

I always thought that kingdom hearts was stupid because of the main character being a child and using an over sized house key to kill monsters but i set all that aside and enjoyed the game. But then i got pissed off because of all the disney fan service. But overall i think the games are fun when i can get past donald and goofey.

@Doctor Hobo

I always thought that kingdom hearts was stupid because of the main character being a child and using an over sized house key to kill monsters
because of the main character being a child and using an over sized house key to kill monsters
because of the main character being a child

Mexx Android wrote:


I didn't know a single thing about it till Ansem posted. He deleted his post afterwords; Not sure why.

Also, I wish I could buy Dream Drop Distance but I just don't buy a 3DS only to play that game. It's a pickle that I think most KH fans are in.

And, yeah, I really dislike Atlantica.

I saw Ansem's post before he deleted it. But yeah, Sora's final design was inspired by Sion Barzahd from that old PS2 Game, "The Bouncer".

Anyway, Kingdom Hearts 2 is my favorite out of all of them. I fell in love with the Drive Forms. Anti-Form was my personal favorite though. Even though it had more cons than pros. Reminds me of a time when I was playing KH2, and I came across a glitch that kept Sora in Anti-Form, even when out of battle. It was odd, but fun.

Somehow I've managed to get my hands on every KH game to date. KH1 and 2 were easy, just bought 'em, I got a Japanese version 358/2 days before it came out stateside (along with a jap copy of final mix and RE: CoM) by sheer chance, managed to borrow a PSP just long enough to beat BBS to my heart's content, bought RE: Coded, that was fun, but most impressively, I literally found a copy of Chain of Memories on top of a TV wall mount in an otherwise empty house that was for sale. Got to keep it. The cartridge had flecks of paint on the back from them rebuffing the house to sell it, must have been sitting there for years. Talk about "there will always be a door to the light", huh?

Dream Drop Distance finally drops (see what I did there?) tomorrow, and even though I don't have it on reserve, yeah, I'll be getting it for sure.

Bleh, never did beat any of them though, though Re:Coded looks like it'll be beatable.

Mexx Android wrote:

@Doctor Hobo

I always thought that kingdom hearts was stupid because of the main character being a child and using an over sized house key to kill monsters
because of the main character being a child and using an over sized house key to kill monsters
because of the main character being a child

I dislike most child protagonists. THERE I SAID IT.

@Mexican Android: That design of Sora kinda looks like he made it out of the Pride Lands with some lion intact there.

Also, I got my copy of Dream Drop Distance, and as usual, the enemies, the Dream Eaters are probably the cutest ones yet, and best yet, you can make the benevolent ones for your own side.

This is one of the first ones you make with Sora, though it'll be odd not seeing the Heartless around since I think they still exist at the momentā€¦I think.


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