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Dinosaurs vs aliens

Last posted Jul 26, 2012 at 05:06PM EDT. Added Jul 24, 2012 at 06:27PM EDT
19 posts from 15 users

If I'm not mistaken, they are making comics, motion comics, and a movie trilogy( I think thats right). It's from the director of men in black I believe. Anyway, this is full of WTF? And win! Discuss…
What do you guys think about it?

Last edited Jul 24, 2012 at 06:28PM EDT

Dinosaurs and aliens? Yes.

With that in mind, why not add robots, ninjas, pirates, and zombies into the mix? I mean, ya already have two of them you might as well go full throttle.

Unless they're saving those for the sequel…

Suiseiseki     wrote:

I'm not going to be satisfied with this until they give the dinosaurs some fighterjets.

There are aliens, why not have the dinosaurs get lasers?

Aliens can create this from a human being:

Imagine what they can do with a dinosaur

Given that, I'd say that Aliens would quite clearly win hands down. All they need to do is facehug a velociraptor and the result of that would be a Tyrranid. Once one of those suckers are running about, every single dinosaur no matter how big or scary would be pretty much screwed.


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