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Worst Waifus

Last posted Jul 10, 2015 at 06:27PM EDT. Added Jul 10, 2015 at 05:11AM EDT
22 posts from 21 users

Which characters idolized en masse as waifu/husbandus do you despise or just generally don't like?

Off the top of my head I'll say Yukiko from P4

Now it's not that I hate Yukiko, it's just that she's so boooooring in comparison to the other female characters in the game.

Chie? Crazy awesome Kung-fu girl with fleshed out issues with femininity and feeling like a mere number 2 to Yukiko.

Marie? A demon girl with little to no bearing on life in the real world who you help adjust to life outside the friendless purple room.

Rise? A lively supermodel fed up with crafting herself after what the public demands her to be.

Naoto? A detective who disguises herself as a man due to insecurities over how others perceive her occupation and gender as clashing.

Yukiko? A popular, smart, "beautiful" high schooler who doesn't want to run her family's hotel.

Ignoring her social link being completely pointless at the end, Yukiko is such an anime stereotype that it's hard to enjoy her in the face of a cast of severely more interesting female leads.

Last edited Jul 10, 2015 at 05:12AM EDT

I'm actually wondering if anyone considers Ragyo Kiryuin his/her waifu.

Also Krystal (that thing in Star Fox Adventures). Just…eurgh.

Last edited Jul 10, 2015 at 06:05AM EDT

Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire wrote:

I'm actually wondering if anyone considers Ragyo Kiryuin his/her waifu.

Also Krystal (that thing in Star Fox Adventures). Just…eurgh.

The furries will yiff anything they can sink their teeth into.

You got a character with bland personality and throw in a bunch of people who throw down the Lucina and Robin pairing down everyone's throats (even though in-game there's tons of other better waifus)… yeah Lucina is a garbage waifu.

Last edited Jul 10, 2015 at 10:47AM EDT

TillsterRulz wrote:

inb4 a certain someone posts lucina

Literally any waifu that would kill you or is a giant demonic being.

Arch beat me to it but I'll still rant. Lucina is the biggest heap of trash I've ever seen I have no clue why everyone and their kids seem to worship Lucina. As I've made the comparison before she reminds me a lot of Other M Samus in the way that she's always feeling bad about herself, making horrible decisions, and instead of yelling "THE BABY" until you want to grind your ears out she says "FATHER". Just totally bland Lucina is like every protagonist cliche smushed into a snore-fest of a character. To add onto that it's not like Awakening is totally devoid of good characters so she stands out, it's the opposite entirely. So many better girls in the game who are so nice and strong and interesting and the one that puts me to sleep is everyone's favorite for some reason. Hell 9 out of 10 times when you ask someone why they like Lucina it will be "because she's cute". And the other girls in the game aren't? And that's no excuse for picking an awful waifu anyways. Lucina in my mind has always been and always will be the prime example of "baby's first waifu". So I hereby banish Lucina and anyone who likes her to the trash forever courtesy Penn Jillette.

Ok, let me take down TWO of quite possibly the biggest waifus out there. Who's very existence has spawned flame wars of legend.

Specifically their original series versions.


Despite her portrayal as a "tsundere", a more accurate term would be "agressive tyke bomb". She clearly has deep set emotional issues that result in her self worth being tied directly in with her skill as a pilot, a crippling (ironically almost immature) need to be seen as an adult despite her age, and her tendencies to lash out all of her self hatred out on other people.

This combined with Anno's obsession with making sure that no character can ever reach out for help with their problems, makes solving it impossible; and her problems only get worse and worse until she's a barely functioning, angry, self loathing mess.


Rei's issue is that the vast majority, in fact, the entirety of her character arc is spend trying to break out of her "doll" mindset. She knows that she's one out of a million clones, that she can be replaced at any time; and by the point in the story where it seems that she is on the verge of breaking out of her shell, Anno once again swoops in with magic powers of "null-progression" and kills her.

While not as bad as original series Asuka, her "waifu" status is severely compromised by the fact that she wouldn't be so much a "cute, quiet, shy girl" as it would be "emotionless, empty doll".

(Just go with Dorothy, seriously 1000X better)

All that being said, their Rebuild counterparts are much more well adjusted and better off….before 3.0 came and promptly decided "fuck that!"

Last edited Jul 10, 2015 at 02:19PM EDT

Moving to General, seeing that at least two users posted characters that are not related to videogames. Plus that way we don't have to limit ourself to "videogames only" and everyone can post their opinion on worst waifus.

@Loquacious Leviathan

Lol, I think the same of Chie. Why everyone loves her? She's not THAT amazing.

yummines wrote:

I would probably say generally Yandere characters like Yuno Gasai (Future Diary) or Lucy (Elfen Lied).

Pretty much their whole personality is "I'm cute but I'm also psycho and will most likely kill you if I don't like you"

Chances are, you don't have the personality that person would like anyways.

Renek-chan is best girl anyways

Even then, if you did have a personality that they "liked", why on earth would you want to be around them anyway?

Fear and subjugation don't go hand in hand with love and care….they just don't. And I honestly can't think of anyone who'd be attracted to that in any shape or form.


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