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Repp Your Hood

Last posted Jun 08, 2011 at 02:42PM EDT. Added May 16, 2011 at 03:56PM EDT
101 posts from 59 users

I can't really say I'm from one place as I move a lot.

But I've lived in these places so far.

Various cities and middle of no-where towns in Missouri

Need I say more?

Washington DC

More recently the 9th circle of hell, Alaska.

Just about everywhere in good ol' Jow-Jah, as the locals say.

Also where I currently lurk.

This is where I grew up
Home of the Beach Boys
You will recognize this place in Pulp Fiction It was right up the street from where I lived. It's gone now. It was torn down and is now an auto parts store.
[photo:124028] [photo:124030]

Suiseiseki     wrote:

I can't really say I'm from one place as I move a lot.

But I've lived in these places so far.

Various cities and middle of no-where towns in Missouri

Need I say more?

Washington DC

More recently the 9th circle of hell, Alaska.

Just about everywhere in good ol' Jow-Jah, as the locals say.

Also where I currently lurk.

Oh god that kebab
so hungry now

Fort Smith, AR

Not known for anything except Fort Chaffee right outside it.

Elvis got his hair cut here when he first entered the army and when Katrina hit New Orleans residents were bussed to it and housed in the barracks. Those barracks burned down a couple of years ago.

These were very close to where I work. Not sure if they're still there.
And I keep seeing this Derp tag everywhere.

Elsewhere on the planet, people often say "the internet is leaking." Where I live and work, we've torn a rift in the fabric between internet and meatspace.

Last edited May 17, 2011 at 02:07AM EDT

The Outlaw Josey Wales wrote:

100 Mile House, BC, Canada.

These pictures were taken during the four months or so out of the year where everything isn't covered in snow.

FOUR WHOLE MONTHS?!?!?!?!? Lucky.

You know the Alaskans don't get any time frame without everything covered in snow.×700.jpg
Ok here are the pics.

Ashley Rodriguez wrote:×700.jpg
Ok here are the pics.

Just surround them with exclamation points so we can see them:



Last edited May 17, 2011 at 06:39PM EDT

Ashley Rodriguez wrote:×700.jpg
Ok here are the pics.

Put an "!" on each side of the URL.

!×700.jpg !

Remove the spaces so the "!'s" will be touching the URL.

Edit: Orivia beat meh.

Last edited May 17, 2011 at 06:42PM EDT

I've lived in many places.

Reno (Is now an abandoned city)

Seattle (Note: Only idiots think that the Space Needle is tall.)

Roanoke (The most interesting place in the world)

Athens, Georgia (Rednecks!)

Atlanta (lol)


Cadillac, Michigan (It is fucking cold in the winter)

Redding, CA (this bridge is the only interesting thing there)

Right now I live in Seattle again.


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