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The photo fad that was bound to happen

Last posted Mar 29, 2014 at 02:43PM EDT. Added Mar 22, 2014 at 08:04PM EDT
14 posts from 8 users

Sooooo #cockinasock is thing right now. I'd give links, but… you know NSFW. It's apparently to raise money for testicular cancer.

This sounds too funny and disturbing. Just what I'd expect from the internet. And how are photo fads going to help testicular cancer? Is it the same way a "like" is going to save a little girl's life?

Last edited Mar 22, 2014 at 09:49PM EDT

If it's big, feel free to do it! I haven't heard of it, but if there is significant spread for it, it should be documented despite how stupid it may seem. It actually sounds like something that would happen on the internet though. Make sure to mark it NSFW though and don't post pictures unless the sock totally covers the cock.

For the wiki additional source, would it be better to link RHCP's 1983 tour or Willy Warmers ?

It was clearly inspired by it RHCP, as stated in in interview with the founders of the project, Balls to Cancer. I'm going off a lot of what they said there, as well as pinpointing out earlier examples, predating RHCP. On that note, I'm not sure if the year should be 1983 or 2014.


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