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September 23, 2017: The end of the world (again)

Last posted Aug 25, 2017 at 12:28AM EDT. Added Aug 23, 2017 at 09:20PM EDT
14 posts from 13 users

Gosh golly, it seems we've got another armageddon prediction on our hands. This time the prediction is for September 23, 2017, when certain stars and planets will line up in a way that seems to suggest a passage from the book of Revelations in the Bible.
It might be worth an entry in the vein of the May 21, 2011 Rapture and December 21, 2012 entries, though admittedly I haven't seen much talk about it outside of websites dedicated to that sort of thing.
Example sources:


No wait hold on, I heard one for I think the same day but it's even stupider.

The one I heard is there is a planet "Nibiru" that has been on the exact oposite rotation around the sun from us has decided (SOMEHOW) to change its orbit to slow down/speed up to hit us (despite it being in the exact opposite rotation.)

Anyway, this September its planned to crash into us. Now you might be thinking "well then why have we not seen it yet?" well they have two answers for that:

1. The Government has been covering it up with jet exhaust in order to hide it for so long.
2. you can actually see it if you look towards the sun (because that's the random rotation it is to us, and you can take a picture of it (it's fucking lense flairs!)

but there is this ABSOLUTELY REAL NOT PHOTOSHOPED image of it Some how being the exact brightness of the sun, a Star! and yet is "being covered up by Jet Exhaust by the government"

About a month ago I was working at an observatory and after a long awful day of everything not working, which I won't get into here, some old lady stuck around and had me read a passage from Revelations, and said that she swears she's not crazy but God sent her to tell me that the world was going to end on September 23rd. So yeah, I've heard of it.

shadow_lepus wrote:

Gosh golly, it seems we've got another armageddon prediction on our hands. This time the prediction is for September 23, 2017, when certain stars and planets will line up in a way that seems to suggest a passage from the book of Revelations in the Bible.
It might be worth an entry in the vein of the May 21, 2011 Rapture and December 21, 2012 entries, though admittedly I haven't seen much talk about it outside of websites dedicated to that sort of thing.
Example sources:


I'm gonna die before I'm too old!

Diceyed Liam wrote:

No wait hold on, I heard one for I think the same day but it's even stupider.

The one I heard is there is a planet "Nibiru" that has been on the exact oposite rotation around the sun from us has decided (SOMEHOW) to change its orbit to slow down/speed up to hit us (despite it being in the exact opposite rotation.)

Anyway, this September its planned to crash into us. Now you might be thinking "well then why have we not seen it yet?" well they have two answers for that:

1. The Government has been covering it up with jet exhaust in order to hide it for so long.
2. you can actually see it if you look towards the sun (because that's the random rotation it is to us, and you can take a picture of it (it's fucking lense flairs!)

but there is this ABSOLUTELY REAL NOT PHOTOSHOPED image of it Some how being the exact brightness of the sun, a Star! and yet is "being covered up by Jet Exhaust by the government"

I've also heard of that. Some people are saying instead of Nibiru, a random asteroid is set to crash into us on that date and the world governments are covering it up.

"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

Why do people think that they know more than Jesus?

Jupiter is in the womb of Virgo and is about to be born…
…and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

So… why does the dragon want to eat Jupiter? I don't think these people fully think through the allegories they create.


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