Am I too late to give my thoughts on why trump won? Because to me it's a very simple reason. Hillary Clinton was supported by the entire establishment that people on every level of US politics have come to hate. For some, that's washington. For others, that's the intellectual elite. For more, it's the media. For more still, it's just the loud-mouths of the internet who control most of the information dissemination and spread.
But basically, every organized front that people wanted changed, shut down, burnt down, and built from the ground up, supported Hillary Clinton, and her message was one of constant preservation and maintenance. Additionally, there were like, no one around, who could actually say they liked Hillary or would willingly vote for her if anyone else was in the running.
That's how low things were, the people who made up her "base" had fear as their primary tool to vote with. Fear of change, fear of something worse, fear of returning to bad times, basically fear was the entire platform of the democrates this election. Fear, and Keeping in a safe space, and never moving from that safe space because of fear of the move being worse then the status quo.
Americans, I don't know why, seem to have an aversion to stagnation or keeping things the same for too long. Culturally, Technologically, Sometimes Societal, people like it when things change, just on their time. This election many people were ready for change, and because hillary wouldn't give it, they turned to Trump.
But in all honesty, that accounts for the hardline and a bit of the independents, but for the rest of the middle voters, the choice was even simpler. Hillary was described as the lesser of two evils, the better of two bads, and generally a horrible person and horrible candidate who they were told they had to vote for by people who often annoyed or belittled them because it was the obvious choice.
People don't like to be told what to do. People don't like feeling they are forced into something. And they especially don't like being told to do something bad because someone else told them to. So when you have the choice between two evils, suddenly it doesn't really matter which choice you make. It becomes a question of which side wasn't as annoying, or pushy, or smug. And that side, for most of the election, has been Trumps.