Turn 16
The World
Tech: Adv. Biology (Japan, Syraus, Sprawl), Genetic Alteration (Japan), Cybernetics, Adv. Lasers (Divus), Genetic Constructs (Japan)
-The entire global economy has crashed as Elysium's largest cities have been incinerated by lunar laser strikes. Worldwide famine and resource shortages of every other kind have struck all nations most strongly connected to Elysium.
-The burning of most of Elysiums largest cities has added even more sun blocking elements to the atmosphere, choking out even greater quantities of sunlight and driving the world temperature down even further. Crop yields have drastically reduced as a result of this climatic shift, and people are starving to death everywhere.
Syraus (Stalemate)
Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Inquisition, Spies, Welfare, Mandatory Service, Religious Missions, National Bank, State Capitalism, Veteran Benefits, Universal Healthcare, Compulsory Education
Culture: Teachers, Entertainers, Xenophobia, Zeist (religion), Krav Maga, Racism
Issues: Hundred Strain Phage
-The armies are pulled back, out of Orobostan back to the borders.
-Quarantine zones are established with heavily monitored checkpoints at all of their entrances to prevent disease from spreading any farther. A "National Disease Department" is established to maintain the quarantine zones and keep order.
-State funding turns away from other fields to be heavily invested in maintaining and expanding hospitals as the flood of infected become too great for the infrastructure in place to handle. All other medical issues are being put aside to tackle the problem of the phage.
Orobostan (ProfessorRivers)
Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Welfare, Draft, Isolationism, Secularism, Vetting, Nuclear Energy
Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)
Issues: None
-The war with Zaris is ended by treaty. Half of their nuclear arsenal, and the cities of Yttry and Frisk are handed over in exchange for peace. The armies vacate Zaris, turning to occupy Orobostan's new claims.
-The war with Syaraus is also ended, returning to status quo antebellum.
-It is declared that, with the help of Japanese and Elysian doctors, a cure for the phage has been developed. The population within infected areas are forced to be administered this cure, upon pain of death. None refuse.
Divus (Taryn)
Doctrines: Harbor Mirrors, Extreme Security Measures, Vetting
Culture: Crab Cruelty, Stellar Surveyors, Tower of Babel (under construction), Sunnism (religion)
Issues: None
-Without a cure for the phage being possible, the monarchy resolved that there is only one thing to do: shoot for the moon. All of the nation's resources are pooled or sold for the effort, with thousands of rocket launches sending tens of thousands of colonists in an all out effort to complete their project. Most die soon after reaching their destination, a mere month or two in, because of phage. Their equipment is removed from their corpses and given to the newest arrivals, who continue on in their stead. At long last, however, the project is completed. With the power of the new nuclear reactors and the tens of thousands of solar arrays, the laser battery can finally be fired at full power for its maximum effect. It is immediately put to use bombarding Elysium, destroying one city after another in rapid succession.
-With the Earth territories lost and the last of the phage victims on the moon finally dying off, it seems that Divus has shed all of its flawed parts as they decayed off the country's body, leaving only the moonbase and its few operators as the legacy of the nation.
Elysium (Triangle Mare)
Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Structured Military, Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Religious Tolerance, Compulsory Education, Central Bank, Secularism, Grand Army Reforms, Vetting, Foreign Legion, Nuclear Energy, Public Healthcare
Culture: Seafarers, Militarists, Diplomats, Reformed Christianity (religion), Manufactories, Enlightenment
Issues: War Exhaustion (extreme), Economic Crash, Anti-War Movement
-A new Kathian regime is established and released as independent upon the western peninsula. Unfortunately, the Kathian people seem largely united in their disdain for this pittance, demanding total independence or none at all. The armies are put to work forcibly removing Kathians from their homes and sending them beyond the mountains, to live in exile in that small corner of their nation. None willfully comply, with a good half now joining the peace movement and simply going limp when asked to move. Elysian soldiers are forced to carry the exiles wherever they want them to go, as they simply refuse to move according to Elysium's desires. The majority, however, fight back, planting landmines under their doormats or ambushing soldiers upon stairwells. The situation has rapidly escalated in tension and the task being asked of Elysian soldiers has become more deadly and tiresome than ever before. They are taking out their frustrations on the civilians, initially with clandestine murders, but soon escalating into massacres condoned by their superiors. Millions are being slaughtered across the country in spontaneous genocide as Elysium's armies wage warfare upon the Kathian race.
-Kathian has made a turn away from violent extremism as a new ideology of peaceful disobedience, inspired by Elysian values, has become the most popular method of working towards emancipation. Nonviolent peace protests across Kathian have been marred, however, by exceedingly bloodthirsty Elysian troops who, sick of the endless war in Kathian, have developed a racist vendetta against the Kathian people.
-A video of a Kruztatlist monk being savagely clubbed to death by Elysian soldiers is making rounds on the internet, shining a bad light on the war effort and Elysium in general. The monk was said to be engaging in a hunger strike by slowly starving himself through meditation on a formerly busy street and, the soldiers being unable to drive their tank through without running him over, attempted to move the man with force before taking out their anger and killing him. In another incident captured on film, a nonviolent rally outside the Elysian settler's embassy in Lamaoz turned bloody when unseen shooters began assaulting the crowd with deadly force.
-An attempt is made to sell former Kathian lands to the entrepreneurial Elysian poor, but soon fizzles out as interest in the settlement project is ruined by the ongoing genocide and extremely violent conditions. Those few who do move to Kathian take up estates on massive plantations, employing mercenary deserters to patrol their farms and enslaving local Kathian populations to do their work for them. These individuals rapidly rise in power to become slave barons, building a modern feudal society.
-The wartime economy sharply turns towards peaceful development, with state funds diverting from the armies to infrastructure. Soldiers are put to work building roads, factory buildings, and paying power lines, and factories which formerly made tanks and uniforms are now making cars and t shirts.
-Communal housing is given freely to all of the poorest in society, freeing up money that woudl have otherwise been spent on rent to do other things. This huge cash flow has been redirected towards goods and services, bolstering industry.
-The universities are nationalized and tuition is made free. Taxpayers now foot the bill for higher education.
-Gaming industries begin to develop in Elysium to a level somewhat competitive with Carim, although Carimite consoles and games are still considered superior in quality.
-Another rocket is shot towards the moon. This one is destroyed by a Divusian laser before it can even attain lunar orbit. In retaliation, the dead husk of Divus's earth territories are invaded. They are found to be almost entirely depopulated by phage, their cities burning ruins and their population reduced to savagery and rioting.
-The orbital shipyard is destroyed by Divusian lunar laser bombardment. The Mars project is dead.
-A laser bombardment originating from the Divusian lunar colony has targetted the core regions of the empire obliterating the largest cities in Elysium, killing millions, and completely destroying the world economy. Some of the most significant centers of commerce are now reduced to ash and rubble, and the great expertise of those who operated them is gone forever. The Elysian government, too, has evaporated, and emergency elections are held immediately to bring about new leadership for the country. Amidst the chaos, waves of rebel sentiment have made themselves apparent once more; Egyptian and Cuban nationalists have declared independence, and the entirety of Suiyektu and Onvast have taken up arms as well using buried war supplies left behind by the conquered fascist states. The shattering of the Elysian supply lines, the destruction of military bases across the continent, and mass desertion by the multicultural brigades has led to the disbanding of most freshly organized Corps, and the decapitation of military leadership has left the army and navy with no direction.