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[Forum Games] Nations RP II

Last posted May 10, 2016 at 10:07AM EDT. Added Mar 17, 2016 at 11:49AM EDT
986 posts from 28 users

Turn 16



The World

Tech: Adv. Biology (Japan, Syraus, Sprawl), Genetic Alteration (Japan), Cybernetics, Adv. Lasers (Divus), Genetic Constructs (Japan)

-The entire global economy has crashed as Elysium's largest cities have been incinerated by lunar laser strikes. Worldwide famine and resource shortages of every other kind have struck all nations most strongly connected to Elysium.

-The burning of most of Elysiums largest cities has added even more sun blocking elements to the atmosphere, choking out even greater quantities of sunlight and driving the world temperature down even further. Crop yields have drastically reduced as a result of this climatic shift, and people are starving to death everywhere.

Syraus (Stalemate)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Inquisition, Spies, Welfare, Mandatory Service, Religious Missions, National Bank, State Capitalism, Veteran Benefits, Universal Healthcare, Compulsory Education

Culture: Teachers, Entertainers, Xenophobia, Zeist (religion), Krav Maga, Racism

Issues: Hundred Strain Phage

-The armies are pulled back, out of Orobostan back to the borders.

-Quarantine zones are established with heavily monitored checkpoints at all of their entrances to prevent disease from spreading any farther. A "National Disease Department" is established to maintain the quarantine zones and keep order.

-State funding turns away from other fields to be heavily invested in maintaining and expanding hospitals as the flood of infected become too great for the infrastructure in place to handle. All other medical issues are being put aside to tackle the problem of the phage.

Orobostan (ProfessorRivers)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Welfare, Draft, Isolationism, Secularism, Vetting, Nuclear Energy

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Issues: None

-The war with Zaris is ended by treaty. Half of their nuclear arsenal, and the cities of Yttry and Frisk are handed over in exchange for peace. The armies vacate Zaris, turning to occupy Orobostan's new claims.

-The war with Syaraus is also ended, returning to status quo antebellum.

-It is declared that, with the help of Japanese and Elysian doctors, a cure for the phage has been developed. The population within infected areas are forced to be administered this cure, upon pain of death. None refuse.

Divus (Taryn)

Doctrines: Harbor Mirrors, Extreme Security Measures, Vetting

Culture: Crab Cruelty, Stellar Surveyors, Tower of Babel (under construction), Sunnism (religion)

Issues: None

-Without a cure for the phage being possible, the monarchy resolved that there is only one thing to do: shoot for the moon. All of the nation's resources are pooled or sold for the effort, with thousands of rocket launches sending tens of thousands of colonists in an all out effort to complete their project. Most die soon after reaching their destination, a mere month or two in, because of phage. Their equipment is removed from their corpses and given to the newest arrivals, who continue on in their stead. At long last, however, the project is completed. With the power of the new nuclear reactors and the tens of thousands of solar arrays, the laser battery can finally be fired at full power for its maximum effect. It is immediately put to use bombarding Elysium, destroying one city after another in rapid succession.

-With the Earth territories lost and the last of the phage victims on the moon finally dying off, it seems that Divus has shed all of its flawed parts as they decayed off the country's body, leaving only the moonbase and its few operators as the legacy of the nation.

Elysium (Triangle Mare)

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Structured Military, Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Religious Tolerance, Compulsory Education, Central Bank, Secularism, Grand Army Reforms, Vetting, Foreign Legion, Nuclear Energy, Public Healthcare

Culture: Seafarers, Militarists, Diplomats, Reformed Christianity (religion), Manufactories, Enlightenment

Issues: War Exhaustion (extreme), Economic Crash, Anti-War Movement

-A new Kathian regime is established and released as independent upon the western peninsula. Unfortunately, the Kathian people seem largely united in their disdain for this pittance, demanding total independence or none at all. The armies are put to work forcibly removing Kathians from their homes and sending them beyond the mountains, to live in exile in that small corner of their nation. None willfully comply, with a good half now joining the peace movement and simply going limp when asked to move. Elysian soldiers are forced to carry the exiles wherever they want them to go, as they simply refuse to move according to Elysium's desires. The majority, however, fight back, planting landmines under their doormats or ambushing soldiers upon stairwells. The situation has rapidly escalated in tension and the task being asked of Elysian soldiers has become more deadly and tiresome than ever before. They are taking out their frustrations on the civilians, initially with clandestine murders, but soon escalating into massacres condoned by their superiors. Millions are being slaughtered across the country in spontaneous genocide as Elysium's armies wage warfare upon the Kathian race.

-Kathian has made a turn away from violent extremism as a new ideology of peaceful disobedience, inspired by Elysian values, has become the most popular method of working towards emancipation. Nonviolent peace protests across Kathian have been marred, however, by exceedingly bloodthirsty Elysian troops who, sick of the endless war in Kathian, have developed a racist vendetta against the Kathian people.

-A video of a Kruztatlist monk being savagely clubbed to death by Elysian soldiers is making rounds on the internet, shining a bad light on the war effort and Elysium in general. The monk was said to be engaging in a hunger strike by slowly starving himself through meditation on a formerly busy street and, the soldiers being unable to drive their tank through without running him over, attempted to move the man with force before taking out their anger and killing him. In another incident captured on film, a nonviolent rally outside the Elysian settler's embassy in Lamaoz turned bloody when unseen shooters began assaulting the crowd with deadly force.

-An attempt is made to sell former Kathian lands to the entrepreneurial Elysian poor, but soon fizzles out as interest in the settlement project is ruined by the ongoing genocide and extremely violent conditions. Those few who do move to Kathian take up estates on massive plantations, employing mercenary deserters to patrol their farms and enslaving local Kathian populations to do their work for them. These individuals rapidly rise in power to become slave barons, building a modern feudal society.

-The wartime economy sharply turns towards peaceful development, with state funds diverting from the armies to infrastructure. Soldiers are put to work building roads, factory buildings, and paying power lines, and factories which formerly made tanks and uniforms are now making cars and t shirts.

-Communal housing is given freely to all of the poorest in society, freeing up money that woudl have otherwise been spent on rent to do other things. This huge cash flow has been redirected towards goods and services, bolstering industry.

-The universities are nationalized and tuition is made free. Taxpayers now foot the bill for higher education.

-Gaming industries begin to develop in Elysium to a level somewhat competitive with Carim, although Carimite consoles and games are still considered superior in quality.

-Another rocket is shot towards the moon. This one is destroyed by a Divusian laser before it can even attain lunar orbit. In retaliation, the dead husk of Divus's earth territories are invaded. They are found to be almost entirely depopulated by phage, their cities burning ruins and their population reduced to savagery and rioting.

-The orbital shipyard is destroyed by Divusian lunar laser bombardment. The Mars project is dead.

-A laser bombardment originating from the Divusian lunar colony has targetted the core regions of the empire obliterating the largest cities in Elysium, killing millions, and completely destroying the world economy. Some of the most significant centers of commerce are now reduced to ash and rubble, and the great expertise of those who operated them is gone forever. The Elysian government, too, has evaporated, and emergency elections are held immediately to bring about new leadership for the country. Amidst the chaos, waves of rebel sentiment have made themselves apparent once more; Egyptian and Cuban nationalists have declared independence, and the entirety of Suiyektu and Onvast have taken up arms as well using buried war supplies left behind by the conquered fascist states. The shattering of the Elysian supply lines, the destruction of military bases across the continent, and mass desertion by the multicultural brigades has led to the disbanding of most freshly organized Corps, and the decapitation of military leadership has left the army and navy with no direction.

Striate (Owen, The Communist Tree)

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Religious Tolerance, Resource Subsidies, Elite Forces, Vetting, Declared Neutrality

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Issues: Economic Depression, Famine

-The General has condemned the use of nuclear weapons, pointing out the serious environmental damages that they are causing. The despot is praised worldwide for coming out on an issue that no other world leader has yet addressed. As such, he has banned nuclear research outright in Striate.

-The General furthermore blames Japan exclusively for the biological attacks being made against Hessaria, Divus, Zaris, Orobostan, and Syraus.

-All international trade is shut down wherever there may be concern of phage entering Striate, which is practically everywhere. The economy has almost immediately crashed and widespread famine has gripped the nation, but no phage has spread to Striate.

-The world's largest non-nuclear device is detonated: a thermobaric weapon utilizing Striatite (whatever that is, we still don't know) as its fuel. Several of these weapons are produced, creating the first loophole in the new "no nukes" law.

Sprawl (Sergeant Arch Dornan)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Literacy Program, National Bank, Corporatism, Social Security, Grand Army Reform, Fallout Shelters

Culture: Alien Admiration, Unitology (religion), Knights of Unity

Issues: None

-The war with Zaris is declared done, and the military vacates the country accordingly.

-A rocket armed with a "cracker" nuclear warhead is sent to Mars with the intention of destroying the planet in the name of resource mining. Unfortunately, it fails to leave much more than a small crater on the surface. The rockets sent to Phobos and Deimos are much more successful, reducing the two captured asteroids to dust.

-The coastal cities are evacuated due to the threat of an inevitable tsunami. After a few months of sitting inland, the coastal denizens warily return home. It seems that the tsunami prophecy was a lie.

-Unitologist missions around the world are provided funding to spread the good word.

Cubana Pesquera Incorporated (Major Bummer)

HeadQuarters: Breg Epona, Carim

Assets: Moderately Sized Fishing Fleet

Issues: None

-A large loan is taken out to expand the fishing fleet. Thanks to the lockdown of Striate, however, no branches can be established there, and the fleet is forced to expand singularly in Carim.

Zaris (Tyranid Warrior)

Doctrines: Inquisition, Fallout Shelters

Culture: Engineer Exaltation, Nature Negation, Mechanarianism (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (low), Hundred Strain Phage

-The fallout shelters are repurposed as plague shelters. The lottery system is utilized to pick out random individuals for testing and, after a period of quarantine to guarantee their lack of infection, individuals are brought into their vaults and sealed away, preserved for a time when the world may be better for them.

-Peace is made with Orobostan and Sprawl. Yttri, Frisk, and half of the nuclear arsenal is exchanged with Orobostan, and the Sprawlic colony is handed over to Sprawl.

-A nationwide quarantine is established, the phage being isolated into various sectors. Nobody may enter or leave a particular sector, and known infected are ushered into camps for the protection of society at large.

-Japanese anime is banned.

Carim (CrowTheMagician)

Doctrines: Meritocracy, Spies, Free Trade, Welfare, Mandatory Education, Natural Rights, Central Bank, Religious Tolerance, Structured Military, Laissez Faire, Grand Army Reforms, Vetting, Chemical Warfare, Blitzkrieg, Veteran Benefits, Spies, Declared Neutrality, Nature Preservation, Cyber Warfare

Culture: Gothic, Olympians, Egalitarianism, Occult Studies, Empire of Bliss, Carimite Heathenry (religion), Unitology (religion), Individualism, Valkyrie Order, Warrior Poets, Electronic Entertainment Industry

Issues: None

-Hackers are hired on in the security department to protect Carim from cyber attacks.

-A device known as the "Large Hadron Collider" is constructed, for use in testing particle theories.

-A multinational corporation based out of Carim, the Oceania Consortium, is making headway in becoming the largest and most powerful firm in existence. Exactly what they do, very few people actually know without doing significant research. As it turns out, OC has its hands deep in everything, from electronic entertainment of genetically modified food farms.

-The first fully electric cars make their debut in Carim. A national infrastructure project launched by the developers of these vehicles has sought to put charging stations in every city and town in the country.

-Virtual reality gaming has become popular. "Virtual World" arcades are opened, using a combination of actual architecture and augmented reality goggles to create virtual arenas for gameplay.

-Nozama, an online market and distribution company, has begun shipping via drone for short range, urban deliveries. A few pizza companies have also adopted the use of drones in their services.

-A probe has landed on Venus, just to check the place out. Turns out its not a very nice place to be, and the probe survives only long enough to send out a signal before dying.

Hessaria (Black Graphic T)

Doctrines: Volunteer Service, Religious Tolerance, Military Retirement & Citizenship, Warrior Poets, Chemical Warfare, National Bank, Mandatory Education, Spies, Meritocracy, Secularism, Stormtroopers, Drug Conduct Laws

Culture: Dragon Detractors, Seafarers, Unitology (religion), Muay Thai

Issues: None

-The quarantines succeed in eliminating the plague in Hessaria. Although it has almost entirely wiped out the native Rosen population and the first Hessarian arrivals, new immigrants from the occupies islands in Carim and the old colonies have rapidly replaced and outgrown the old population. Ports all have quarantine sectors established, for isolation of new arrivals to prevent future infections on the island. Airports have similar measures adopted, and regular medical checkups become commonplace for all people on the island. Tourism has, unfortunately, dropped off almost entirely due to visitors not wishing to wait for up to six months to get off their boat or plane and see the country.

-The world's first "earthscrapers" are built, which are basically buildings that are carved into the ground rather than built on top of it. They allow for open air, ground level parks to be constructed atop them, keeping cities beautiful and green while making adequate use of space.

-Mountainous military bases are established in secret locations, some of which are dug into caves or hidden by the creation of a false valley floor as their roofs. A network of tunnels are hidden throughout the mountains, connecting many of these bases by secret tram lines.

-Gambling, if it had previously been restricted, is now made fully legal. Online gambling is made a state operated business, drawing in cash from suckers around the world.

-Desalination plants are toyed with as an idea, but ultimately abandoned as impractical for the climate. Hessaria's island holdout provides plenty of fresh water by the runnoff from its ice capped mountains.

-The nation turns towards nuclear, solar, and wind power, reducing the need for imports to maintain energy production and, thus, driving down the risk of future phage outbreaks.

-You can't have everything you do be a secret.

Japan (ShiJo)

Doctrines: Mandatory Schooling, Meritocracy, Biological Warfare, Religious Tolerance, Immigrant Restrictions, Ninjas, Fortified Harbors, Police State, Settlement Program

Culture: Swordmakers, Closed Society, Christianity (religion), Egalitarianism

Issues: None

-Nothing happens.

Wow, Taryn.

I did not expect you to be such a lying piece of crap.
I spared you, I gave you my protection, I pulled out my spies, and yet, you were still upset.

I was at least honest when dealing with people personally.

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

Can someone tell me how to properly research technology because I seem to be doing something wrong. Is it because my ideas are too outlandish or am I suppose to do something else?

Nah, the economy crashed this turn. No tech was done nor completed.

Shape wrote:

Nah, the economy crashed this turn. No tech was done nor completed.

This is true. And unless something radically changes, tech development will start going in reverse from this point forward.

Last edited May 07, 2016 at 10:32AM EDT

> Worldwide famine and resource shortages of every other kind have struck all nations most strongly connected to Elysium.
> all nations most strongly connected to Elysium.
> connected to Elysium.
Why does this affect me? I'm in no way connected to Elysium. I've had almost no trade agreements with anyone and I've mainly been looking after myself.

Last edited May 07, 2016 at 10:40AM EDT

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

> Worldwide famine and resource shortages of every other kind have struck all nations most strongly connected to Elysium.
> all nations most strongly connected to Elysium.
> connected to Elysium.
Why does this affect me? I'm in no way connected to Elysium. I've had almost no trade agreements with anyone and I've mainly been looking after myself.

When did I say Zaris was affected by this?

I don't think that I did.

In fact, Zaris and Syraus are practically unscathed by the depression.

Still have plague tho.

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

> Worldwide famine and resource shortages of every other kind have struck all nations most strongly connected to Elysium.
> all nations most strongly connected to Elysium.
> connected to Elysium.
Why does this affect me? I'm in no way connected to Elysium. I've had almost no trade agreements with anyone and I've mainly been looking after myself.

It's a global economy crash. You know, stocks unfortunately work like that ;-;

Plus, there is the issue with the cold and famines.

I believe that the world should adress these problems, together, if Earth Dwellers want to survive.

Shape wrote:

It's a global economy crash. You know, stocks unfortunately work like that ;-;

Plus, there is the issue with the cold and famines.

I believe that the world should adress these problems, together, if Earth Dwellers want to survive.

The main problem I see here is that it's Earth's climate that's changing. Perhaps you all should try fixing that.
Also if you want the world to address these problems together, one spectacular idea would be to get rid of this fucking plague that's killing millions. If you (or anyone) don't step in and stop it I'm going to start burning the dead bodies for fuel, making the climate worse.

Me and Syraus right now.

Last edited May 07, 2016 at 10:59AM EDT

Seems you didn't read the turn fully. I have a cure for the phage. It's just a matter of getting it to you, which even with regressing technology is easy.

You can party, but remember: We still have powerful tech. In other words, in the next few turns, I could effectively end the game, or at least hurt you a ton.

Mom Rivers wrote:

Seems you didn't read the turn fully. I have a cure for the phage. It's just a matter of getting it to you, which even with regressing technology is easy.

You can party, but remember: We still have powerful tech. In other words, in the next few turns, I could effectively end the game, or at least hurt you a ton.

Hey man, I've been in an unending war that I didn't even want to be a part of for about 7 turns, causing me to neglect the development of my own country so that it isn't destroyed.
I've got to take what I can fucking get.
Will the regressing technology effect still effect me and Syraus? Or is it only to those suffering in the depression?

Last edited May 07, 2016 at 11:08AM EDT

Tech regression is due to the global famine, which is affecting everyone. The onset of a nuclear ice age is upon you, and people everywhere are dying from the changing climate.

Luckily my vault was made in time. I guess things really went to shit now, huh? Oh well, might as well come out with it. I'm researching artificial sunlight and water filtration. Might be a good idea to do so before a Ceasers Legion type group shows up.

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

One thing I don't understand is if from this turn forward we start regressing technology, then how will we be able to stop it if we can't research a way to stop it?

Research isn't the only thing you can do in this game. You have tools, like in real life. When a wildfire starts in California, they don't start designing a better tree. They go and dump water on it. Don't brute force everything with magic, be creative with what you've got.

Elreigh wrote:

Research isn't the only thing you can do in this game. You have tools, like in real life. When a wildfire starts in California, they don't start designing a better tree. They go and dump water on it. Don't brute force everything with magic, be creative with what you've got.

Wait, you said that this problem exists because everything's getting cold right? Well, then can we make it warmer by making a greenhouse effect? Wait, if the clouds are blocking sunlight from getting in, then shouldn't it also block heat from getting out as well?

Last edited May 07, 2016 at 12:36PM EDT

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

Wait, you said that this problem exists because everything's getting cold right? Well, then can we make it warmer by making a greenhouse effect? Wait, if the clouds are blocking sunlight from getting in, then shouldn't it also block heat from getting out as well?

Yes, and this is the big reason that Venus is so hot despite having total cloud cover. Venus doesn't let a lot of heat in, but what heat it gets it keeps for a long time. This is a long term effect, nothing that will help you right now. Besides that, the nuclear winter is a temporary thing, unless exacerbated by further superweapon use. You should focus on surviving it, rather than reversing it.

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

Surviving it? Well I have that covered already, so anything I do now is only secondary. Might as well try making my unprotected civilians as comfortable as possible until it ends.

Except the fact that global crop harvest is going to be the lowest and ecosystems might die.

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

Surviving it? Well I have that covered already, so anything I do now is only secondary. Might as well try making my unprotected civilians as comfortable as possible until it ends.

Twenty years of winter will not be comfortable by any stretch of the imagination. The big thing to do is make sure you have enough educated specialists to lead and pleb workers to rebuild when its all over. Without intellectuals you can't understand your old tech, and without a workforce you can't rebuild it either. So basically, save as many lives as you can. And then you have to worry about global warming, which will follow immediately after due to a combination of thawing organic matter and the compiled greenhouse gas output of the entire industrial machine of humanity prior to the winter.

Last edited May 07, 2016 at 12:57PM EDT

Shape wrote:

Except the fact that global crop harvest is going to be the lowest and ecosystems might die.

Just start growing algae in large vats indoors. Algae's super easy to grow.
As for ecosystems dying my nation could care less because it's actually it's doctrine that ecosystems die.

Sergeant Arch Dornan wrote:

Yo Syndic, there's small mistake on the map, the Sprawl colony isn't returned there.

I don't think I recall being told by either you or Tyranid that land was being exchanged, but I'll do it anyway. You did win the war, after all. Consider it done.

Okay, so we need to establish a couple of important rules if we want to make it through.

a) no excessive CO2 production, it will hit us later on.
b) no usage of nuclear weapons or anything that would create even more ash, no matter what.

Elysium will follow these procedures, and I hope that you do too.

I will abide by these rules as long as I'm not attacked during this nuclear winter. I've been stuck in a 7 turn conflict and I'd like some peace for a little bit. I won't attack anyone during this, and if I go back on my word you have freedom to attack back. If I am attacked unprovoked, however, I will launch my entire nuclear arsenal into the atmosphere just to make it worse.

Am I seriously the only who besides Rivers who actually tried to do something about the plague? You know, that didn't involve dooming the planet.

> Mission to colonize Venus for whatever reason became a worthless probing mission.
> Project to achieve human augmentation is now gone because of nuclear winter and tech regression.
> The end of the world is here.

My plan is to become a race of subterranean beings, who will emerge to the surface after this long winter, with bountiful food and water.

I already have some people in shelters already.
I imagine that when they'd eventually come out of their shelters, there'd be a vast difference in culture.
The culture from the shelters will be largely unchanged, and still remain fervent in their beliefs, while the culture on the surface would be radically changed, realizing that sticking to the old beliefs would mean death to them.
Or perhaps they'll look to religion as a means of escape, and eventually begin to worship technology as a gift from god due to their tech regression.
Or maybe when the citizens of the shelters emerge they'll actually be something like Tunnelers from Fallout New Vegas.
Either way it'd make a good story.

>plague not cured
>nuclear winter
>papa taryn is dead
>profrivers is still trying to act stronk

At least I still have my economy.

I'm willing to pitch in on the global effort against nuclear winter. Also Triangle Mare I'd be willing take those Kathians off your hands in exchange for a cure to the phage.

Believe or not, I didn't order my armies to genocide your people.
And about that land back… you can protest all you want.

Thanks for the offer, but if moving Kathians was possible I would have done it turns ago. I tried everything.

We'll make it through. Sure, probably a sizeable chunk of the global population will die, but to be fair, if we focus on removing the CO2 through planting forests and maybe aiding the dust fall, the Earth will make it through.

No crazy plans. Especially when the Earth is vurnerable.

Also, a little bit of diplomacy:
Elysium issues a Guarantee of Independence to Stirate.

Last edited May 08, 2016 at 01:27AM EDT
Believe or not, I didn’t order my armies to genocide your people.
And about that land back… you can protest all you want.

too bad buddy, i doubt your country cant stand on its own legs, but i guess you still want to die as stubborn as ever

also sending slave barons to do your dirty work, thats a new low for you mare

I’m willing to pitch in on the global effort against nuclear winter. Also Triangle Mare I’d be willing take those Kathians off your hands in exchange for a cure to the phage.

if kathians don't move to elysium forces they are not moving to anyone else or for anyone else

Last edited May 08, 2016 at 01:41AM EDT

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