I'm back from my Christmas adventure! I've got a stomach full of chocolate and a neck full of sunburn, plus a pair of pretty pony figurines coming in the mail. A Lyra and a Bon Bon. I will make them kissu and nobody can stop me!
My alley… this is up it.
For the uninformed, our friend Mr. Lethal over here was getting his jimmies in a jam when the season 4 finale spoilers came out because of the possibility that Vinyl was going to get her magic sucked out of her and that somehow would have made her a weaksauce character. He took it personally. Then Vinyl wasn't in the episode so he breathed a sigh of relief and decided that she got away from Tirek and probably had a chance to inflict painful revenge on him herself.
My advice, Jimmy? Don't take it personally. Celestia, the Mane 6, Discord, even precious little Derpy got their magic taken from them, and they're still awesome. It didn't come across as a tortuous mindrape. You can justify Vinyl's escape all you want and that's fine, but I seriously don't think it matters if she got Ti-rekt or not. I apologise for what must come across as an overly-aggressive and immediate response, but the fact that you're still hung up about this months later worries me.
Wow, that is not a note I wanted to start a new page on. Have a silly instead.
I was going to suggest we all post butts, but people get angry at me when I do that so maybe not.