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Characters you hate but everyone loves (This thread can may contain spoilers)

Last posted Apr 25, 2015 at 06:54PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2015 at 12:00AM EDT
52 posts from 29 users

Ok in this thread please respect opinions and don't downvote if you don't have the same opinion.
these characters i hate.
Cloud strife: he is so bland along he keep bitching about sephiroth is destroy the world and i think is who should die in crisis core not zack.
Roy: this lord sucks he can't even kill a axe user in later chapters along he promotes in the last chapter and who want see in smash bros again are 80% becuase he was in melee and 20% becuase fire emblem.

SaturnSL1 wrote:

I dont know if everyone "loves" her but…


Reason #1 why i cant take pink hair seriously. do i really need to say more?

I think because she's an OK character despite the hair.

Now for mine:

God, these people have the inteligence of a baby dropped…onto a brick wall!

Tierno: Massive disapointment. He ould've had Pokemon have moves like Teeter Dance, Quiver Dance, etc, but nope. Easy pickings.

Trevor: I seriously think he's Cheren made wrong. He ONLY cares about the Pokedex, and I'm almost certain that that when he asks you to compare Pokedex numbers, YOU ALWAYS WIN. It's pretty much a way to make the player feel good. I've only seen 7-11 Pokemon in Coastal Kalos, and I still beat him. Either it's rigged in your favor, or he really sucks. He ain't good in battle either.

Shauna: I think she's a forced love interest. Bad at battling, and just not that interesting. Probably the least bad of the three.

Serena/Calem: I've only seen Serena, but I'm going to assume they're the same. The best at battling of the 3, but…that's not saying much. That's like saying someone only went 70% retard. Not much of a compliment.

I just really think these guys suck as rivals. All the prior ones were interestign characters that were great to battle with! But now we fat dancing guy, shy nerd, love interest, and closest-thing-to-a-rival-but-not-really. And they all stink, maybe because I overleveled.

Im the only one who thinks that Marvel could made things better with this guy? Because everytime I see him on screen, at this point it just screams "fangirl service" to me.

Maybe its because Im more sticked to the real Norse Mythology Loki (one who was ugly as hell) but I just can't feel anything from this Loki other than……meh.

@Sonic Prime
Every Marvel character has been turned into 'fangirl service,' really. From the attractive confidence of Tony Stark, to Captain America and Thor's lovable gentleness and naivety and well-built bods Hulk, Hawk, and BW are basically the 'cute puppies' of the group. Apparently Loki's gorgeous locks and devilishly sexy grin just outshines the rest. But uhm yeah, I actually liked how much of a trickster Loki was in Thor 2; he did a Captain America thing which was pretty cool.

For me it's Madotsuki. I don't hate her really but I just like her the least compared to every other big RPG Maker Horror Game heroine. Her game was the most boring compared to Ib, Witch's House, Mad Father, etc. Sure, it was a wild, weird, ride from start to finish, but the whole lot of nothing in her game almost made me go mad.

Last edited Apr 19, 2015 at 01:51PM EDT

TheAnt wrote:

Ugh, I don't understand why people like him.

He's the funniest character in a comedy, that's basically the best way to be likeable.

Raichu is fucking awesome, but Pikachu? I feel like at this point, he's just here to sell merch. He's crap in battle unless you manage to get a Light Ball, too. I honestly wish that Ash would just throw him a Thunderstone already. And don't get me FUCKING STARTED on Pichu.

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

Raichu is fucking awesome, but Pikachu? I feel like at this point, he's just here to sell merch. He's crap in battle unless you manage to get a Light Ball, too. I honestly wish that Ash would just throw him a Thunderstone already. And don't get me FUCKING STARTED on Pichu.

RPG (TheRPGFan) wrote:

He's the funniest character in a comedy, that's basically the best way to be likeable.

Well I find him obnoxious and can get grating very quickly.

Basically the most or 2nd most popular Nintendo waifu ever, and I hate her. To be honest I don't really hate her despite what I just said, I just think she's pretty sub-par or just meh but the fact that she's so widely loved kind of makes me like her less. I mean, just in terms of looks there are like at least 10 other females in Awakening that are cuter and oh god her personality. She's like talking cardboard and is every bland protagonist stereotype crammed into one unoriginal meh-fest of a character. Like in the plot and in her side conversations she has this one emotion and never leaves it. I understand it's supposed to be that she's been through some bad shit but at least make her somewhat entertaining to listen to. It's like Samus' personality from Other M except for some reason people like Lucina. I like her clothes and sword but that's the extent of it. With over a dozen more attractive and more unique and interesting characters in this game alone I see no reason why she's so famous. The best description I've heard for her would probably be "Baby's First Waifu".

Last edited Apr 21, 2015 at 06:31PM EDT

Slutty Sam wrote:

Basically the most or 2nd most popular Nintendo waifu ever, and I hate her. To be honest I don't really hate her despite what I just said, I just think she's pretty sub-par or just meh but the fact that she's so widely loved kind of makes me like her less. I mean, just in terms of looks there are like at least 10 other females in Awakening that are cuter and oh god her personality. She's like talking cardboard and is every bland protagonist stereotype crammed into one unoriginal meh-fest of a character. Like in the plot and in her side conversations she has this one emotion and never leaves it. I understand it's supposed to be that she's been through some bad shit but at least make her somewhat entertaining to listen to. It's like Samus' personality from Other M except for some reason people like Lucina. I like her clothes and sword but that's the extent of it. With over a dozen more attractive and more unique and interesting characters in this game alone I see no reason why she's so famous. The best description I've heard for her would probably be "Baby's First Waifu".

I always thought Lucina was a wannabe copy of Seliph and same goes for chrom as wannabe copy of Sigurd.

Slutty Sam wrote:

Basically the most or 2nd most popular Nintendo waifu ever, and I hate her. To be honest I don't really hate her despite what I just said, I just think she's pretty sub-par or just meh but the fact that she's so widely loved kind of makes me like her less. I mean, just in terms of looks there are like at least 10 other females in Awakening that are cuter and oh god her personality. She's like talking cardboard and is every bland protagonist stereotype crammed into one unoriginal meh-fest of a character. Like in the plot and in her side conversations she has this one emotion and never leaves it. I understand it's supposed to be that she's been through some bad shit but at least make her somewhat entertaining to listen to. It's like Samus' personality from Other M except for some reason people like Lucina. I like her clothes and sword but that's the extent of it. With over a dozen more attractive and more unique and interesting characters in this game alone I see no reason why she's so famous. The best description I've heard for her would probably be "Baby's First Waifu".

I feel the same way about Lucina and on the topic of Fire Emblem

Chrom is just a really generic lord character and there's not much I really like about him

Last edited Apr 21, 2015 at 06:42PM EDT


Yeah Chrom's like pretty much every other male lord before him nothing too special. I think he still has some good moments though and has at least twice as much personality when compared to Lucina and he's less popular too. But yeah they're both hella generic overall I think. Awakening has so many good characters and these 2 get most of the attention for some reason I don't understand other than being protagonists.

Last edited Apr 21, 2015 at 06:57PM EDT

There is nothing cool about him. He has no personality or backstory. If he was supposed to be silent for the sake of you relating to that character why show his face and things about him. There is nothing to work from. Plus he doesn't look that interesting either.

Boredom personified.

Really way too edgy. The character is morally wrong in almost every situation yet people love him and think he's a hero and he does the right thing. There are so many people who have the (admittedly kinda cool looking) logo on their shirts and bags or whatever.

As hard as I try, I just don't like Palutena. I found every character that was in Kid Icarus: Uprising to be full of personality and character, but Palutena's Just didn't sit well with me. I also found her to be quite useless, as the only thing she actually contributed was granting Pit the power of flight and having the Centurions show up a few times.

I hate this bastard so much. He is the single most generic, shameless Joker ripoff I've ever seen, and nothing, absolutely nothing, was interesting about him to me. I didn't give a fuck about his past, I didn't give a fuck about his personality, I don't care that people give him so much credit because "HURR HE DESTRUHYED DEH WURL UNRIKE SEPIROFF".
I give no shits about that. He didn't do jack shit himself, he just took an opportunity spoon-fed to him. And then there's the fact that he became a god. So what? He's the EASIEST final boss in Final Fantasy. Name another final boss who can be curbstomped at Level fucking 30. At least others put up a damn fight!
And if "DUHSTRUY DEH PLERNET" is really so worthy of credentials, then why doesn't anyone ever give Kuja attention? Bastard fucked with the heroes every step of the way and nearly WIPED OUT EXISTENCE after destroying an entire planet. And then there's Caius, who destroyed time and space, and The Emperor, who walked out of Hell and CONQUERED IT, Ultimecia who almost ate the entirety of time, and I even like Sephiroth more than Kefka because at least I felt something when I fought him.
Kefka was just a substance-less, emotionless psycho to me. The only villain worse than him to me was Xande, and nobody remembers him for a good reason.

Last edited Apr 21, 2015 at 08:03PM EDT

I despise him for all of the annoying cutsie scenes that just grate on my nerves and he reminds me and acts like a similar character who also has a plush rabbit i hate but didnt get comical injuries

At least Jimmy did get some amusing injuries that made him more tolerable

Beatie wrote:

Time to get crucified!

Generic loli but with a titty ribbon. GENIUS.

I'm more fascinated in the giant explosion of interest that has surrounded her with the anime community on reddit, tumblr, etc.

No, I have not seen the anime, and I care not to. I do not find her suddenly attractive and the most amazing girl in anime. But it's interesting to see everyone obsessed with a simple string. So much fanart as sprung from it. It's so early in the Spring anime season, yet everyone talks about her rather than the anime itself.

Just some horny teenagers that are easily impressed and turned on by an attractively and otaku-appealing drawn character.

Gary wrote:

I'm more fascinated in the giant explosion of interest that has surrounded her with the anime community on reddit, tumblr, etc.

No, I have not seen the anime, and I care not to. I do not find her suddenly attractive and the most amazing girl in anime. But it's interesting to see everyone obsessed with a simple string. So much fanart as sprung from it. It's so early in the Spring anime season, yet everyone talks about her rather than the anime itself.

Just some horny teenagers that are easily impressed and turned on by an attractively and otaku-appealing drawn character.

I did watch the anime. (Even before knowing that Hestia become popular all the sudden) I don't really found Hestia annoying. I guess it's her outfit and her personality.

As for characters that I really do hate but everyone likes….It's GST Paul from Pokemon. (Seriously, most of the character we listed are character we disliked, rather than hated.)

Kiryuin. Satsuki.

Her stupid "pigs-in-human-clothing" speeches, her never ending lack of respect for Ryuko, and those moments where her hair blows in the wind and she yells some crap that was supposed to be dramatic or something but really wasn't all that…. Gah, I don't understand why people like her so much. I haven't completed KLK though, so maybe I'll understand why people like her once I do.

I also don't like Nonom Jakuzure because of her smugness.

Pichu's my favorite Pokemon. ;-;

Last edited Apr 21, 2015 at 11:06PM EDT

Gary wrote:

I'm more fascinated in the giant explosion of interest that has surrounded her with the anime community on reddit, tumblr, etc.

No, I have not seen the anime, and I care not to. I do not find her suddenly attractive and the most amazing girl in anime. But it's interesting to see everyone obsessed with a simple string. So much fanart as sprung from it. It's so early in the Spring anime season, yet everyone talks about her rather than the anime itself.

Just some horny teenagers that are easily impressed and turned on by an attractively and otaku-appealing drawn character.


SaturnSL1 wrote:

I despise him for all of the annoying cutsie scenes that just grate on my nerves and he reminds me and acts like a similar character who also has a plush rabbit i hate but didnt get comical injuries

At least Jimmy did get some amusing injuries that made him more tolerable


Oh, I've got one.

Yoshi. I can see why people like him, but dear god, it is one of my most hated characters in video games. His voice to me is painfully annyoing. His design is unappealing to me. His games (besides the SNES one) are decent at best and awful at worst (Yoshi's New Island, I'm looking at you).

I'm going to get hate mail for this.

Cecaelia Girlie wrote:

Kiryuin. Satsuki.

Her stupid "pigs-in-human-clothing" speeches, her never ending lack of respect for Ryuko, and those moments where her hair blows in the wind and she yells some crap that was supposed to be dramatic or something but really wasn't all that…. Gah, I don't understand why people like her so much. I haven't completed KLK though, so maybe I'll understand why people like her once I do.

I also don't like Nonom Jakuzure because of her smugness.

Pichu's my favorite Pokemon. ;-;

Trust me, she does get better later on.

Gary wrote:

I'm more fascinated in the giant explosion of interest that has surrounded her with the anime community on reddit, tumblr, etc.

No, I have not seen the anime, and I care not to. I do not find her suddenly attractive and the most amazing girl in anime. But it's interesting to see everyone obsessed with a simple string. So much fanart as sprung from it. It's so early in the Spring anime season, yet everyone talks about her rather than the anime itself.

Just some horny teenagers that are easily impressed and turned on by an attractively and otaku-appealing drawn character.

You haven't seen the show nor do you want to. Who knows, maybe she is funny or interesting, hence why she is getting popular. Then again, you could be right about her, but its always best to know about something before you form an opinion on it.

Last edited Apr 22, 2015 at 11:53AM EDT

People say he has a personality. I didn't know that being completely vapid and uninteresting counted as a personality. I would throw in Persea too, even though the game gives an excuse to why she doesn't have a personality (despite what fans will say), but she seems to be not as well liked as Kratos.


Awakening has so many good characters and these 2 get most of the attention for some reason I don’t understand other than being protagonists

Because Chrom is fucking hot tho

As for my pick, I really really don't like Pit. I mean, I don't like Kid Icarus in general, but Pit is a super sore spot for me. As well as just not liking his voice actor, he's also dull and unfunny generic anime hero. I've heard a lot of people argue that he's parody, but if he's so close to life that I can't even tell if it's parody or not, then that's no excuse.

You're serious? People hate SAO and Kirito is acknowledged as one of the worst characters in the show. But yes, there are people that like him. He has an infamous persona around him

You haven’t seen the show nor do you want to. Who knows, maybe she is funny or interesting, hence why she is getting popular. Then again, you could be right about her, but its always best to know about something before you form an opinion on it.

Sigh, ok maybe I wasn't clear.

I am not saying I hate her. I am not saying I like her. I am absolutely neutral, and have no gripes or attraction to characters and shows like that.

Now, take a look at the numerous art that has been spawned. Is it because she's funny and interesting? Or is it because of the boobstring? So say you in fact, do have a funny and interesting character. These characters are abundant in anime, they are essential to anime as a whole. Why is Hestia unique? Because of her character design. That is the dominant feature that has caused literally hundreds of drawings that are hyper-sexualized and focused around the string itself. Am I wrong?

Here is one example, which is not even the most NSFW there is out there. Fairly mild, but do notice the ridiculously large breasts and tension of the string. This is a defining trait, physical appearance. If you are claiming that fanart like this is not a result of her character design, then I don't know what is. This is a unique situation, the anime itself has given leverage, but the most likely main cause is, as I've said numerous times, the ribbon or boobstring or whatever names we have come up with.

Twenty-One wrote:


Awakening has so many good characters and these 2 get most of the attention for some reason I don’t understand other than being protagonists

Because Chrom is fucking hot tho

As for my pick, I really really don't like Pit. I mean, I don't like Kid Icarus in general, but Pit is a super sore spot for me. As well as just not liking his voice actor, he's also dull and unfunny generic anime hero. I've heard a lot of people argue that he's parody, but if he's so close to life that I can't even tell if it's parody or not, then that's no excuse.

True, he is probably the hottest male character in the game. I'll give you that.

And yeah Pit is awful. Like you said it's like Poe's Law to where the trolling and the irony becomes so strong it's not even funny anymore and just becomes equal to what they're trying to parody. The voice acting is highly grating too.

Last edited Apr 22, 2015 at 08:20PM EDT

@miluk: HERETIC!

For me, it's gotta be the psychopathy of the main characters of GTA:O and the entire saints row franchises. In my play-troughs of them, i try not to act like a manic. (I.E still killing but not randomly attacking innocents".

Beatie wrote:

I just realized no one posted this yet

Do I even have to explain?

Last edited Apr 22, 2015 at 10:59PM EDT

Gary wrote:

You're serious? People hate SAO and Kirito is acknowledged as one of the worst characters in the show. But yes, there are people that like him. He has an infamous persona around him

You haven’t seen the show nor do you want to. Who knows, maybe she is funny or interesting, hence why she is getting popular. Then again, you could be right about her, but its always best to know about something before you form an opinion on it.

Sigh, ok maybe I wasn't clear.

I am not saying I hate her. I am not saying I like her. I am absolutely neutral, and have no gripes or attraction to characters and shows like that.

Now, take a look at the numerous art that has been spawned. Is it because she's funny and interesting? Or is it because of the boobstring? So say you in fact, do have a funny and interesting character. These characters are abundant in anime, they are essential to anime as a whole. Why is Hestia unique? Because of her character design. That is the dominant feature that has caused literally hundreds of drawings that are hyper-sexualized and focused around the string itself. Am I wrong?

Here is one example, which is not even the most NSFW there is out there. Fairly mild, but do notice the ridiculously large breasts and tension of the string. This is a defining trait, physical appearance. If you are claiming that fanart like this is not a result of her character design, then I don't know what is. This is a unique situation, the anime itself has given leverage, but the most likely main cause is, as I've said numerous times, the ribbon or boobstring or whatever names we have come up with.

if you are claiming that fanart like this is not a result of her character design, then I don’t know what is.

When did I say anything of the sort? I swear, that response is responding to things I never said. Anyways…

So say you in fact, do have a funny and interesting character. These characters are abundant in anime, they are essential to anime as a whole. Why is Hestia unique?

So say you in fact, do have a sexual character with a sexy outfit? These characters are abundant in anime, they are essential to anime as a whole. Why is Hestia unique?
There is a much higher percentage of ridiculously sexual characters than characters that are interesting and funny.

Now, take a look at the numerous art that has been spawned. Is it because she’s funny and interesting? Or is it because of the boobstring?

Its much harder to show her interesting or humorous traits in static images than her boobies, so I'm not sure if that says much. Looking up Yoko will get you tons of pictures of her that focus on her sexiness, but does that mean that the main draw of her or Gurren Lagann are her boobs?

Again, I could be completly wrong, the show may suck.

Last edited Apr 22, 2015 at 11:45PM EDT

Beatie wrote:

I just realized no one posted this yet

Do I even have to explain?

There's peoples who like SAO, and peoples who don't like SAO.
That applies to Kirito himself as well.

This fucker here. Some people say that he is actually badass and I'll admit that being the only human in the digimon franchise that stands his own against digimons does make you badass; biut for me he is mainly a godamn retard that ALWAYS has an approach of "punch first, think later". I just can't get past how stupidly reckless, agressive and cocky he is. And what irks me most is that sometimes he's RIGHT despite being so damn retarded.

Tentacles wrote:

This fucker here. Some people say that he is actually badass and I'll admit that being the only human in the digimon franchise that stands his own against digimons does make you badass; biut for me he is mainly a godamn retard that ALWAYS has an approach of "punch first, think later". I just can't get past how stupidly reckless, agressive and cocky he is. And what irks me most is that sometimes he's RIGHT despite being so damn retarded.

Let's be honest: almost none of the characters from Digimon Savers and Digimon Xros Wars (including Hunters) are really that good.

Let's hope Digimon Tri doesn't fuck up the original characters tho….

To be honest, I don't see any reason for the popularity of Tharja other than her figure (which actually kinda loses her points in my book) and that she's a Dark Mage (a respectable class, I'll admit). To put it bluntly, she's a creep. She would be my least favorite female character in the game if it weren't for Aversa.

So many people like this character (in fact, on MAL, she has more favorites than the anime she's from), but I just can't bring myself to follow the crowd. Time and time again, I've stopped to wonder why…and I suppose it's because she's so busty and bratty. Then again, this may be personal bias due to the fact that Yozora is my favorite character in the anime, whom I sided with from the beginning because of her long black hair and her lasting impression that kept me liking her

even after she cut her hair.

Finally, I know Fire Emblem IF hasn't come out yet, but I already hate

because of her excessive bustiness.
This entire post may make me seem like a boob hater, but don't get me wrong; I don't mind breasts, just as long as they aren't obnoxious in terms of their size and/or visibility.

Last edited Apr 25, 2015 at 12:04AM EDT

Vouiv596 (Nowi wins!) wrote:

To be honest, I don't see any reason for the popularity of Tharja other than her figure (which actually kinda loses her points in my book) and that she's a Dark Mage (a respectable class, I'll admit). To put it bluntly, she's a creep. She would be my least favorite female character in the game if it weren't for Aversa.

So many people like this character (in fact, on MAL, she has more favorites than the anime she's from), but I just can't bring myself to follow the crowd. Time and time again, I've stopped to wonder why…and I suppose it's because she's so busty and bratty. Then again, this may be personal bias due to the fact that Yozora is my favorite character in the anime, whom I sided with from the beginning because of her long black hair and her lasting impression that kept me liking her

even after she cut her hair.

Finally, I know Fire Emblem IF hasn't come out yet, but I already hate

because of her excessive bustiness.
This entire post may make me seem like a boob hater, but don't get me wrong; I don't mind breasts, just as long as they aren't obnoxious in terms of their size and/or visibility.

Dude this is for respect opinions so don't worry.

Dac wrote:

Again, I could be completly wrong, the show may suck.

Dude it's complete garbage. It's it's pretty much oozing with shameless fanservice, uninspired plot, generic anime archetypes/concepts, and an easily predictable plot. Honestly, I could say it's the most pathetic animes I've seen to date.

Beatie wrote:

Dac wrote:

Again, I could be completly wrong, the show may suck.

Dude it's complete garbage. It's it's pretty much oozing with shameless fanservice, uninspired plot, generic anime archetypes/concepts, and an easily predictable plot. Honestly, I could say it's the most pathetic animes I've seen to date.

I saw the first episode you right about everything with shameless fanservice, uninspired plot and generic anime archetypes/concepts is just a very good clickbait anime.

Vouiv596 (Nowi wins!) wrote:

To be honest, I don't see any reason for the popularity of Tharja other than her figure (which actually kinda loses her points in my book) and that she's a Dark Mage (a respectable class, I'll admit). To put it bluntly, she's a creep. She would be my least favorite female character in the game if it weren't for Aversa.

So many people like this character (in fact, on MAL, she has more favorites than the anime she's from), but I just can't bring myself to follow the crowd. Time and time again, I've stopped to wonder why…and I suppose it's because she's so busty and bratty. Then again, this may be personal bias due to the fact that Yozora is my favorite character in the anime, whom I sided with from the beginning because of her long black hair and her lasting impression that kept me liking her

even after she cut her hair.

Finally, I know Fire Emblem IF hasn't come out yet, but I already hate

because of her excessive bustiness.
This entire post may make me seem like a boob hater, but don't get me wrong; I don't mind breasts, just as long as they aren't obnoxious in terms of their size and/or visibility.

Tharja is funny and entertaining because she's a creep and a loner. The amount of dialogue there is between her and someone else pissing her off and stuff like that. Like her support with Virion is just quite funny when you get to A.

I don't get how you could think a character that the thing they come hasn't been released yet is 1) Bad or 2) really loved by the fans. Her boobs aren't even that big like in that picture, they may be above average but not unrealistic or anything

I bet you love flat chest you slut

I just remembered another one.

I don't get why people liked him. He had no redeemable qualities and the only response I get is from edgelords that say that "he was/is right."

He was the most boring person in the book.


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