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Shows/Movies where the the main character is the worst part

Last posted Mar 26, 2018 at 12:44AM EDT. Added Mar 22, 2018 at 06:59AM EDT
20 posts from 19 users

Have you ever seen a show where the main character is the least interesting aspect?

Ill start, Orange is the new black. The series starts out about Piper surviving to prison but by season 2 and especially 3-5 shes one of the least interesting characters and gets less screen time than some of the side characters. Most of the main events revolving around the prison don't even involve her to the point when shes on screen I grown and want to skip it. Shes arguably not even the main focus of the show anymore.

Personally i found fuggin Steven from Steven Universe to be the least interesting part of the show, he's just not as intriguing as the crystal gems or the homeworld gems imo. He was an intetesting character in the beginning (and an annoying one too) but around season three after he's developed quite a bit as a character, I lost interest of his character and wanted to learn more about most of the other characters (ex. Sour cream, Blue diamond, or the off-colors).

Gundam Seed Destiny. Fuck shinn dude.

Black Panther is a less extreme example. Its not that t'challa was terrible, but compared to the side characters and the main villain he just wasn't memorable. Which is a shame cause he was my favorite character in Civil War.

Underworld. Selene is just another bland, hyper competent action hero that gets way more attention than she deserves honestly. I admit one of the reasons i enjoyed rise of the Lycans is because she wasn't in it.

Last edited Mar 22, 2018 at 11:39AM EDT

The Belko Experiment: The whole movie is a bunch of office workers being forced to kill each other or a bomb in their head goes off, so there are a lot of characters that are surprisingly memorable and likable, including the antagonists (this movie was written by James Gunn after all).
However, compared to all the side characters, Mike just wasn't that interesting of a lead character imo. I mean, he was fine at best, but other times his decisions just lead to more problems for everyone else who are just not wanting to have their heads get blown up.
I think that the new recruit Dany should've been the focus, seeing how genre savvy she was throughout most of the movie and you were rooting for her and made her sudden death even more bs

Star Wars: VII – The Force Awakens

Technically Rey is the lead character so this is what I'm basing it on. I'm sure by now you're sick of hearing her called a Mary Sue but that's exactly what she is. Finn was a more interesting character with a backstory and motive established within minutes while Rey doesn't even have a reason to leave her planet even before they find Luke Skywalker. Even then it's to train to be a Jedi and why does she want to be a Jedi? Because they need one for the plot.

Last edited Mar 23, 2018 at 12:30AM EDT

Ruby Rose from RWBY. I've already gone into detail about the problem several times on the forums, so to avoid being repetitive, I'll keep it brief. Over time, nearly every potential outlet for growing Ruby's character has been ignored and her relevance to the plot severely diminished, reducing her to a glorified background character. About once a season, the writers remember that she is supposed to be the protagonist and give her a speech, which feels unearned and is swiftly forgotten. Five years in, Ruby is the second least interesting main character in her own show, behind Oscar, who is essentially just Poochie in disguise.

Alice from the Resident Evil movies, i know the movies are bad but she is essentially the biggest example of Mary Sue take just a look all the video game characters that can only sit back and watch Alice take the spotlight and having over-powered skills that can one-shot kill anybody.
Last edited Mar 23, 2018 at 03:53AM EDT

Some of the Yu-Gi-Oh spinoffs had bad main characters like Jaden and Yuma from GX and ZEXAL and they sound so bad in both the subs and dubs.

Jotaro Kujo from Stardust Crusaders isn’t the worst protagonist I’ve ever seen in media, but he just feels incredibly boring and without personality, especially when compared to Polnareff and Kakyoin. An especially strange case of this considering he became a lot more interesting and likeable in Diamond is Unbreakable and Stone Ocean, where he was no longer the main character.

Wallace and Grommet wrote:

Jotaro Kujo from Stardust Crusaders isn’t the worst protagonist I’ve ever seen in media, but he just feels incredibly boring and without personality, especially when compared to Polnareff and Kakyoin. An especially strange case of this considering he became a lot more interesting and likeable in Diamond is Unbreakable and Stone Ocean, where he was no longer the main character.

I've seen a lot of people in the Jojo fandom agree that Jotaro's personality makes for a better mentor character than main character. He's smart, calm, levelheaded and badass, but far too serious and grumpy all the time.

Maybe a tad harsh to say the worst, but I found Eren to be the least interesting character in Attack on Titan by far. For being the lead hero, he's outshined by most of the supporting cast in terms of personal character and development.He's just a big bundle of rage and hotheadedness.


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