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Sticky Sticky
New Member Questions

Last posted Apr 13, 2023 at 08:58AM EDT. Added May 24, 2011 at 11:07PM EDT
305 posts from 157 users

Mod Edit: Useful Resources to check before asking your question – It's likely your answer is in there

I just joined a week ago, and I think it would be nice if new members could ask questions about how to use the site, specifically forums. Older members please help out, it would be appreciated.

My question: how do I post pictures? It perturbs me.

Last edited Sep 28, 2014 at 11:31PM EDT

Post the image url in the post, with an Exclamation Point ! on each end
! ! (ignore the space at the end, that's just to show where to put it)


Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:

Not that I'm aware of. HUUUUUUUUUUGE images will just get shrunk down.
I'm pretty sure it's not a good thing topost really big pictures in the comment sections on memes and pictures, but that's more of a politeness thing.

They will get shrunken down but you can right click on them, then press view image, and they will go back to original size, and sometimes you can just click on them and they will go to that view image page.

There are no size limits as the picture is usually hosted outside of KYM.
Pictures uploaded to KYM have a 2 mb? limit though.

Huge pictures will automatically be shrunken down to "100%" height. As Dane said, you can see the full image by finding the image url, although some people don't know this.
If you want to change the size of the image itself (not the filesize), then you can just do one of these:

Taking up a percentage of the allotted space:
<img src="" width="50%" />

Taking up a specific amount of pixels:
<img src="" width="300" />

You can also do the favor of linking to the larger picture if the post makes the image unreadable:
<a href=""><img src="" width="30%" /></a>


Last edited May 25, 2011 at 07:02AM EDT

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:

Hang on…

Phew. Can;t believe I forgot about that….

Am I the only one who sees that?

Also would be nice if we could shrink down images to certain sizes, there is most likely a code for that in textile somewhere.

Last edited May 25, 2011 at 07:54AM EDT

2 Questions
1. How to post hard drive pics
2. How to post YouTube videos
3. How to favor memes
3 Questions. Oh Damn!

Last edited May 30, 2011 at 10:33PM EDT

Do you mean in the forums? If you do, then;
1. You have to upload it to a website first, either this site or some other image hosting site, (my favourite is and then do the same thing I said before.
2. On any youtube video, under the video, there is a button that says Share. Click on it, and then on embed. Copy and paste the embed code it gives you into the comment box, and viola, the video is in the comment!
3. To favourite a meme, there is a small star near the top of the meme page, next to the title. Click on it. That's it.

Fridge wrote:

2 Questions
1. How to post hard drive pics
2. How to post YouTube videos
3. How to favor memes
3 Questions. Oh Damn!

1) To post pictures from you harddrive, you must first upload them to some website, you can upload to our database here where it says +Add Image.

You must then copy the image location and put that url between exclamation marks like so: ! ! (without the second space)

2) You post youtube videos by going to the video in question, clicking the Share button and then click the embed button in the lower left part of the panel that pops up. Then copy and paste the code where you want the video to be.

I'm not sure if the new embed code works yet though, so if it doesn't, check the box that says 'Use Old Embed Code' and copy-paste that where you want it.

3) You can favorite memes, photos, or videos by clicking the golden star in the upper right corner of the entry/photo page/video page.

Have fun!

Edit: Slightly too late. =/

Last edited May 30, 2011 at 10:42PM EDT

I have a new user question. Is there anyway to view your individual favorite photos? I know you can just save the pics you like to your computer, but it would be nice to have the KYM photo page in an easy to find place for all comments and other info.

Not so new, but shouldn't this thread have been under site-related and not general. lol! also why do the [s] [strike] [del] or css [span style="text-decoration:line-through;" ] tags work?

Note: replace "[" and "]" with "<" and ">" because I couldn't get it to display the code either with [pre] [xmp] or [textbox].

Last edited Jun 03, 2011 at 09:04PM EDT

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

Not so new, but shouldn't this thread have been under site-related and not general. lol! also why do the [s] [strike] [del] or css [span style="text-decoration:line-through;" ] tags work?

Note: replace "[" and "]" with "<" and ">" because I couldn't get it to display the code either with [pre] [xmp] or [textbox].

What exact type of post are you referring to? Pics, video or something else?

There seems to be a bit of confusion regarding actual video, instead of a link or something else. It doesn't work the same way as with images, so I'd like to be very specific:
How do you post a YouTube Video? On a thread. And please demonstrate, if you can.

Fridge wrote:

There seems to be a bit of confusion regarding actual video, instead of a link or something else. It doesn't work the same way as with images, so I'd like to be very specific:
How do you post a YouTube Video? On a thread. And please demonstrate, if you can.

Got to the Youtube video and press the share button that is under the video.

After that, click the embed button.

Then copy and paste the code into the thread. If the new code doesn't work, use the old embed style. This section also allows you to choose the size of the video, but the standard one works just fine, so there is no need to make giant videos.

I hope I helped.

AHA! EUREKA! The dulcet tones of Mr. Rick Astley have signaled victory! Thank you, Christopher The Pimp Abra, you were indeed useful.

If I may pose yet another question, how does one apply for editorship?

Fridge wrote:

AHA! EUREKA! The dulcet tones of Mr. Rick Astley have signaled victory! Thank you, Christopher The Pimp Abra, you were indeed useful.

If I may pose yet another question, how does one apply for editorship?

On the side of an entry, right above the editors currently working on the article, there is a red button that says "+ Request Editorship".

Either hit that, message the first editor of the entry, or ask an entry mod, community mod, or one of our admins to add you to it.

hey, a topic that answers all of my questions Edit: Oh the irony, how do I make this smiley(withoiut the spaces)? ^ _ ^
maybe a guide could be made somewhere?

Last edited Jun 22, 2011 at 06:23PM EDT

Joshel: You can go to their page and click the "contact user" button towards the top.

Chipbeat: I think there might be something in Textile that's making the site read that differently? One thing you can do is surround it with @ signs, so it reads it as "code" and shows it exactly as you wrote it, but in a different typeface:


Last edited Jun 27, 2011 at 02:08PM EDT

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