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Emperor Palpitoad has been banned

Last posted May 29, 2015 at 08:01PM EDT. Added May 14, 2015 at 10:17AM EDT
69 posts from 42 users

LNH wrote:

the only thing you need to find is a life

Lil B, I think you took it a little too far

The Thirteenth Amendment states that its illegal to own niggas like this

Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire wrote:

He only had to listen.

But he didn't.
I'm willing to bet that he doesn't get why he was banned and will try to make an alt.

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

Oh look what I found~

>dead injoke title
>shitty edit
checkity check check

lol guys somebody is stuck in the past

Lutien wrote:

>dead injoke title
>shitty edit
checkity check check

lol guys somebody is stuck in the past

Given the options they're presented with nowadays perhaps it's better like this.

DJKing wrote:

- Palpitoad's life in a nutshell

You actually posted this on his wall once, it got a lot of upboats

and yet when he's banned, you missed your dank karma and reposted in an attempt to regain those lost upvotes

stay classy, djking

Last edited May 14, 2015 at 08:53PM EDT

nabusco wrote:

Can someone fill me in this situation?

What happened and will the downboat emperor will be back?

He spammed so much stupid shit and reposted so much stupid shit so PM killed him.
Then we danced as all the salty users cried, the end.

Here is the story of palpitoad

>newfag phase
>most of his comments consists of "I don't get it"
>get a lot of haters
>often gets downvotes, no matter what kind of comment he makes
>Palpitoad eventually grew out of it
>haters still there
>after-newfag phase
>make comments nearly every hour
>conversationalist in no time at all (this was before the title update)
>he gets into multiple arguments with other users about petty topics
>by multiple I mean a lot
>often argues w/ Mako and Dragirby
>his wall at this point is a raging circlejerk
>support/argree with him, get downvoted for a few days
>users often complain to the mods
>argues with mako for like the 9th time
>gets banned



I like how you say everyone who was against his banning is salty even tho you can be as salty as them lmao

Last edited May 14, 2015 at 09:55PM EDT

No Original Names wrote:

He spammed so much stupid shit and reposted so much stupid shit so PM killed him.
Then we danced as all the salty users cried, the end.

Fun, but thing is if hes gone for good, there is going to be someone that will rise up…Eventually

Lutien wrote:

You actually posted this on his wall once, it got a lot of upboats

and yet when he's banned, you missed your dank karma and reposted in an attempt to regain those lost upvotes

stay classy, djking

Oh, okay. Everything in moderation, I guess?

Last edited May 14, 2015 at 11:17PM EDT

Lutien wrote:

Here is the story of palpitoad

>newfag phase
>most of his comments consists of "I don't get it"
>get a lot of haters
>often gets downvotes, no matter what kind of comment he makes
>Palpitoad eventually grew out of it
>haters still there
>after-newfag phase
>make comments nearly every hour
>conversationalist in no time at all (this was before the title update)
>he gets into multiple arguments with other users about petty topics
>by multiple I mean a lot
>often argues w/ Mako and Dragirby
>his wall at this point is a raging circlejerk
>support/argree with him, get downvoted for a few days
>users often complain to the mods
>argues with mako for like the 9th time
>gets banned



I like how you say everyone who was against his banning is salty even tho you can be as salty as them lmao

That sounds incredibly petty to be honest.


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