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Paper Jam Dipper Memorial Thread

Last posted Oct 13, 2018 at 06:33PM EDT. Added Sep 02, 2018 at 09:21PM EDT
42 posts from 30 users

The paper jamiest of the the Dippers has officially thrown in the towel and deactivated his account. While he didn't leave in the most dignified of ways he was eh a pretty cool guy during his time here. Let's not remember him for the bad, but for the slightly less bad good

Last edited Sep 02, 2018 at 10:38PM EDT

Oh, dammit. I'm only learning of this now. What a shame. I don't know why he's such a bitter asshole. He gets too worked up over petty disagreements and differing opinions with Internet strangers (even if he "knows" them). He was like a brother, if for no other reason than we're both Dipper accounts. At least all his images will stay up and his OC can be remembered, like this one I've seen spread to other sites.

Also, TheAnt and I are hereby officially to be known as the only 2 cool people on KYM.

Jack the Dipper wrote:

Oh, dammit. I'm only learning of this now. What a shame. I don't know why he's such a bitter asshole. He gets too worked up over petty disagreements and differing opinions with Internet strangers (even if he "knows" them). He was like a brother, if for no other reason than we're both Dipper accounts. At least all his images will stay up and his OC can be remembered, like this one I've seen spread to other sites.

Also, TheAnt and I are hereby officially to be known as the only 2 cool people on KYM.

Also, TheAnt and I are hereby officially to be known as the only 2 cool people on KYM

Jack the Dipper wrote:

Oh, dammit. I'm only learning of this now. What a shame. I don't know why he's such a bitter asshole. He gets too worked up over petty disagreements and differing opinions with Internet strangers (even if he "knows" them). He was like a brother, if for no other reason than we're both Dipper accounts. At least all his images will stay up and his OC can be remembered, like this one I've seen spread to other sites.

Also, TheAnt and I are hereby officially to be known as the only 2 cool people on KYM.

Hey, i'll have you know that there's only one cool guy on this website, and that's ME!


When are you all planning to go rogue again? I need to make sure my schedule is free so that I can ban you the moment you step out of line. At the very least let me know when I can bully you into deactivation. Thanks.

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

When are you all planning to go rogue again? I need to make sure my schedule is free so that I can ban you the moment you step out of line. At the very least let me know when I can bully you into deactivation. Thanks.

Come on now, when was the last time I ever went rogue?

supernintendo128 wrote:

Where can I find it? Asking for myself because I'm curious.

seconding this
i want to laugh at him elsewhere too
(also, if i could get the list of his alts too, that'd be neato)

Last edited Sep 09, 2018 at 08:55PM EDT

PatrickBateman96 wrote:

Not even two weeks and you're already back to whine about pointless shit. This is some Epyc-tier stuff right here.

inb4 edf


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