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How about a unclick function for the vote buttons?

Last posted Aug 30, 2014 at 12:13PM EDT. Added Jul 25, 2014 at 02:02AM EDT
13 posts from 12 users

I clicked by mistake the downvote button instead of the upvote button. I'm really sorry because it was the first vote.
I think this site should implement an unbutton function for these unfortunate cases.
I mean: there is an unclick function for the star button. Why not for the other two?

I'm not certain what's going on higher up, but if James does decide to dedicate his time to adding any feature to the Karma System, I vouch for this first.

However, give a 30-60 second limit on when you can change your vote.

And I think we have just repeated 5 years worth of brainstorming.

You pretty much said what we were all thinking.

I agree, though. We need some sort of remove upvote thing

Probably a comment editor too

Yeah we've discussed this quite a lot. Something about karma bombing and whoring. But the time limit is a good idea, don't see any wrong with it.

You used to be able to undo your votes and switch them years ago, but people would go through their history and switch all their votes to fuck with people's karma.

It was used as a way to karma bomb, so we decided to get rid of the switching.

Chris wrote:

You used to be able to undo your votes and switch them years ago, but people would go through their history and switch all their votes to fuck with people's karma.

It was used as a way to karma bomb, so we decided to get rid of the switching.

How do you even go through your vote history? Is that even possible anymore?

And, anyway, if you only kept the option open for, like, 30 minutes after the vote, that wouldn't be a problem. Maybe, if you really, really need to change something, you could ask a mod, but stuff from a year ago could be locked by default.

>using an android phone
>that guy posted a shitty comment
>accidentally clicked upvote because touchscreen is a bitch sometime

Yeah, we really need an unclick function… (or at least a UI specifically made for mobile phones)

Hypercat-Z wrote:

I clicked by mistake the downvote button instead of the upvote button. I'm really sorry because it was the first vote.
I think this site should implement an unbutton function for these unfortunate cases.
I mean: there is an unclick function for the star button. Why not for the other two?

I clicked the downvote button instead of the upvote button on your post.

It wasn't a mistake, lel

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