As much as I like the Invis Watch, I'm not sure I'd care for a strange variant. Definitely happy to see the Fists of Steel and Neon Annihilator get stranges! I don't know what the PDA tracks, but I kind of want one anyway. :V
In other news, I've been thinking about joining a UGC team. I've been practicing up in Highlander on tf2lobby as various classes to see what I enjoy the most before I look for recruiting clans. Spy is still one of the most fun, but there are too many people who main spy, so I'm trying to branch out. Competitive heavies are a bit rare, considering how much harder it is to play than pub heavy, so I've been focusing on that. My tracking has gotten much better, as well as my knowledge of when to push, and when to hold a position, and when to retreat. Also, tanking through an enemy uber with the fists of steel is so fucking satisfying. I even managed to save our engie's buildings a few times by bodyblocking rockets.
Also, I managed to compile some pretty nifty apparel sets.
My Blues Brothers inspired set for heavy:
And my super-villain demo, drawing inspiration mostly from Doctor Doom's aesthetic:
I'm looking into finding a themed set like these for every class I play. Kinda hard considering how few miscellaneous items some of the characters have, but Heavy and Engineer have some really cool possibilities.