Oooh, now I want to write a review, so here goes (remember, there may be spoilers):
Colosseum and it's sequel, XD: Gale of Darkness, are probably the closest we will get to a full pokemon game on home consoles, so it's a good thing it's a good game. The main premise of both games is that a group called cipher are giving away shadow pokemon, a special kind of pokemon artificially enhanced to improve their fighting ability. The downside of this is the fact that said pokemon are incredibly violent, and can also attack humans (which begs the question, why is it bad for them to attack humans, but it's ok to attack each other?). First let's focus on Colosseum. In this game, you play Wes an ex-member of team Snagem, who have a special machine which can catch other people's pokemon. Shortly after, he stumbles across two cipher peons who are kidnapping a girl named Rui, who is on her way to her grandparents. It turns out she can see the aura of shadow pokemon, as the two set out to shut down cipher and cleanse the shadow pokemon. The main twist to the game is that you don't catch pokemon from the wild, and instead you take other people's shadow pokemon. After taking a pokemon, said pokemon will have only one or two moves, with one named shadow rush. This is a move that all shadow pokemon know and does recoil after attacking. This can be especially annoying when trying to catch pokemon, as if you get them to low health, they could use this move and die. To top it off, catching pokemon can be incredibly hard, especially Admin's pokemon which can't be catched again until the end of the game.
The catching system on Xd on the other hand, is laughably easy. Even the games main legendary could be caught in an ultra ball within a couple of tries. But let's talk about the plot of XD. The main plot of this game is that you play as a boy named Michael, who is helping to catch and purify shadow pokemon with the help of a snagging suit and purify chamber, created by scientists. The game takes place 5 years after Colosseum, where it turns out the main enemy from the last game was not the boss of Cipher, who are currently rising from the ashes. This game has always been the ore popular of the two, sporting a better purify system in which you can purify up to 9 pokemon at once (but this requires 4 purified pokemon per shadow, but I won't explain that as it is hard to explain) as well as better graphics and more areas to explore. To top it off, this game allows you to catch wild pokemon, which story-wise is a big deal as there wild pokemon are rare in this region (how they got their current pokemon is beyond me). This fuction however, is extremely downplayed, as there aren't that many pokemon to the three pokespots. One of the major drawbacks to the game is how easy it is, which is a big difference compared to the last game. The game could probably be completed in two days max.
But if I were to recommend one over the other, I would pick Colosseum, as it will last you a lot longer, and has a much better story in comparison with XD. Despite the latter having the inclusion of wild pokemon, which was what a lot of fans wanted, this eature really feels unneeded.
And now, a GIF of Miror B. as I have not mentioned him yet