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Do you know any video game character who is a nerd?

Last posted Jun 14, 2017 at 11:53PM EDT. Added Jun 12, 2017 at 12:11PM EDT
15 posts from 15 users

>Be Snake
>Find a weird guy hiding who pissed himself
>Asks me if I'm an otaku
>Goes on a long explanation about his robot
>Tells me to call him Otacon
>Informs me that it stands for Otaku Convention
>Even shows me his favorite cartoon
>It's his whole reason for going into Robotics

This is the guy who's helped prevent a nuclear war 3 times.

Leisure Suit Larry always struck me as some sort of nerd. Turns out, according to Wikipedia, he was a computer geek before he became a ladies man.

The Goblin Tinkerer from Terraria always seemed kind of "nerdy", at least compared to the other goblins in the game, who are mostly just mindless and violent while the tinkerer is the exact opposite.

Last edited Jun 13, 2017 at 01:29PM EDT

Lo Wang is this in the Shadow Warrior reboot series. He collects comic books and made an armored supehero costume. Not for his actual mercenary word, but in case of a zombie apocalypse.

Futaba. In addition to her hacking antics, she collects Featherman action figures, builds and mods PCs, plays plenty of vidya, self-taught herself most stuff she knows, and speaks with lots of gaming terms in place of concepts she doesn't know much about. (Or she just does that because it's fun, hard to say.) And she's practically overcome with joy by taking a trip to Akihabara.

Yeah, my bias in favor of her is incredibly strong. Deal.

Why I no post pic?

Last edited Jun 14, 2017 at 03:37PM EDT

He may be a one-man army. But pushing buttons and levers takes a lot of skill. in fact you are required to have a Phd in order to operate a simple lever.

After all, those years at MIT finally paid off.


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