Call of Duty Perk Parodies - Images
ahh, to much Nostalgia

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When u hear ur mom comin and u bout to nut so you beat it at lightspeed / Fast Hands

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When you're the only male at an orgy / One Man Army

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When you wake up with a raging boner and need to take a piss / Steady Aim

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
"I'm pregnant" / Lightweight

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
"When you find the girl at school whose bikini pictures you've been jerking off to" / Stalker

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When you want free karma so you use the new popular meme format / Scavenger

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When Your Parents Walk In But You Close the Tab

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When you have been beating your meat for 1 minute straight and you haven't busted a nut yet / Juggernaut

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When you beat your meat after coming home from a family vacation and nut so hard you blow a hole through the ceiling / Sonic Boom

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
Father: What are you intentions with my daughter? / Deep Impact / Lightweight

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When you nut but forgot to grab your tissues beforehand / Scavenger

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When you beat your meat with your parents home / Dead Silence

Call of Duty Perk Parodies
When you're beating ur meat in your room while everybody is home / Awareness perk

Call of Duty Perk Parodies