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Chadtronic Scan is a YTPMV made by a YouTuber known Future!Tom in 2016. The video is often used in mashups and referenced in YTPMVs.


Back in 2016 Future!Tom created Chadtronic Scan: his first ever YTPMV featuring the YouTuber Chadtronic using the song Shuric Scan. The YTPMV garnered an ironic following due to its off-pitch notes and bad samples. The video later was deleted from his channel.

[This video has been removed]


In early 2017, a YouTuber named Flutter made a video called "Chadtronic Scan Scan" which was a .veg replacement of a YTPMV called "roomscan" with Chadtronic Scan. Flutter posted the video in the ELFanYTP Discord server which caused Chadtronic Scan to get some attention. Flutter later deleted the video due to Future!Tom posting a picture of him filing a copyright claim on the video in the ELFanYTP Discord. Soon after that, the Chadtronic Scan channel was made. The account was dedicated to creating bad rave.dj mashups featuring Chadtronic Scan. The first video uploaded to the channel was a rave.dj of the 2nd Hitler vs Vader Epic Rap Battles of History and Chadtronic Scan.

Due to the ironic following Chadtronic Scan got, there was an increasing amount of people commenting "chadtronic scan". This happened so much that Future!Tom got annoyed with it and began deleting any comments with the words "chadtronic scan". Alternate spellings of "chadtronic scan" were created in order to comment "chadtronic scan" without getting noticed. These spellings included words that rhymed (ex: "sad sonic sans"), emojis (ex: 🇹🇩🚲🖨), and other derivatives like "YOLOOO-ooo-OO-o0-OO-oooO" or "how to trigger shuric scan kids the inferior prequel".
Future!Tom filters "chadtronic scan" from his videos:

Deleted User f7d93e9f i thought i didnt comment it Dawn de Era 05/14/2017 gl Deleted User f7d93e9f 05/14/2017 i tried to but when i did it said i wasnt able to Dawn de Era hA 05/14/2017 Blocked words chadtronic scan Comments closely matching these words will be held for review. Live chats matching these words will be blocked Matt Okay what's the context behind the recurring twirling my phone thing anyway, because 05/14/2017 have no clue Dawn de Era elfan ytp gay shakers

Chadtronic Scan's Deletion

As Chadtronic Scan shitposting became more and more prevalent, Future!Tom threatened multiple times to delete Chadtronic Scan from YouTube if it did not stop. However, this threat was completely ignored and on May 23rd, 2017 Chadtronic Scan was deleted from YouTube. Luckily, Chadtronic Scan was quickly reuploaded by Flutter.
The warning and the deletion:

Dawn de Era you did this it's all your fault if you were less of a f----- we wouldnt be in this mess 05/14/2017 EDIT F------ need to shop spamming chadtonic scan in the comments if this happen a second time Iwill permanently delete Chadtronic Scan from my channel. F--- you Cryptinox 05/14/2017 Jokes on you, I downloaded it Dawn de Era so what authenticity will be gone 05/14/2017

syndicatfanytpmc 05/23/2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v-klqjXC6EcNo YouTube Lulu Luvscats YTPMV-Rainbow Cedrinol Startup pages: 。NTPMV how to trigger shuric scan kids the inferi https:// wyoutube.com/watch?vsSuN23GHs1 Ps Add a new page Enter URL.. OKCancel Use current pages Dawn de Era o that reminds me (edited) 05/23/2017 syndicatfanytpmc 05/23/2017 plz no delet rip time to reupload

That Bass

One of the funniest moments in Chadtronic Scan history happened the same day Flutter reuploaded Chadtronic Scan. In the comment section of the reupload, an infamous Shuric Scanner called Seby0313 began complaining about the bad sampling and pitch of Chadtronic Scan. Ironically, the very things Seby criticized about Chadtronic Scan were much worse in his own low effort .veg replaces. Quite soon, the phrase "That bass" became a staple of Chadtronic Scan shitposting, especially when the bass of a scan or YTPMV is particularly egregious.
Seby0313, famously oblivious:

Reuploading this screenshot to KYM instead of discord in case the discord link dies (its always a possibility)


On June 19th, 2017, a SiIvaGunner parody channel named VvvvvaVvvvvvr uploaded a video called "Main Theme – Chadtronic Scan" which was an awful mashup of Chadtronic Scan and another YTPMV called Rosenboys. Future!Tom commented on the video which caused a giant comment chain. The next day, he started acting weird and said "LOL CHADTRONIC SCAN IS THE GREATEST JOKE EVER LOL LMAO XDDDDD LOL I'LL BE FAMOUS FOREVER CHADTRONIC SCAN IS THE BEST". The video later got renamed to "Main Theme – Future!Tom" due to the comment chain.

Dawn de Era 11 months ago (edited) CHADTRONIC SCAN IS THE BEST I MADE IT SUB TO ME LOL LMAO XD 22 REPLY View all 13 replies v

Chadtronic Scan slowly became an inside joke in the VvvvvaVvvvvvr community and started being used in some more rips, most notability at the end of one called "Crack My Forum" which is a YTPMV of a video called "Here Comes Pac-Man" and the song Rock My Emotions which has visuals and subliminal messages to reference a YTPMV made by Xarlable called "Rock My Forum".

"Neutral Ending"

On October 4th, 2017, Flutter (under the twitter handle @rosenboys) tweeted Chadtronic Scan at Chadtronic. Chadtronic reacted by saying "I don't know what's happening, but I like it". Unfortunately, Future!Tom took it upon himself to poop the party and forced Chadtronic to delete the tweet.

The tweet has been deleted due to Future!Tom throwing a fit

Future!Tom confronting Chadtronic over his enjoyment of memes

The term "Neutral Ending" in reference to this confrontation was first used by VvvvvaVvvvvr in his video Neutral Ending – Chadtronic Scan. Despite the deletion of Chadtronic's tweet, Chadtronic Scanners have continued to produce new videos and have incorporated references to this exchange in many of their in-jokes.

Rebirth and Reacknowledgement

On January 15th, 2018, Future!Tom released a tweet (pictured below) stating that he no longer felt offended by Chadtronic Scan. This tweet came about after Future!Tom's failed raid on the ElfanYTP Discord led to him discussing Chadtronic Scan with the people on the server at the time. Afterwards, Future!Tom became convinced that the Chadtronic Scan circlejerk was never intended to be harassment directed at him, rather an ironic, inordinately nonsensical meme.

Future!Tom tweets saying that Chadttronic Scan is no longer off limits

Nearly a week later, on the 21st of January, Chadtronic (@Chadtronic on Twitter) tweeted this:
Chadtronic telling people to stop making memes. This tweet later got removed.

The conversation quickly spun out of control. Many people brought up concerns that people on the Chadtronic Scan team would be doxxed (though this ultimately did not happen), and Chadtronic even went as far as to say that the meme harasses him as well. Eventually Future!Tom became fed up with the new spotlight on Chadtronic Scan and asked Chadtronic to stop tweeting.

Ultimately, Chadtronic's fanbase decided that Chadtronic Scan, even if it isn't funny, doesn't resemble harassment in any way. Chadtronic's tweets regarding Chadtronic Scan were deleted.
More archived tweets can be found in the image gallery and in this Chadtronic Scan themed video:

[This video has been removed]

Deletion of Chadtronic Scan Channel

On February 25th, 2018, the Chadtronic Scan channel was deleted after 3 false community guidelines. Over 200 videos were removed from youtube because of this deletion. Since then, a new Chadtronic Scan Channel has been created and most of the important videos have been reuploaded.
Aftermath of the attack:

A bunch of deleted videos in the chadtronic scan playlist

Chadtronic Scan Gets Killed to Death Again

On June 28, 2018, Flutter's channel was taken down due to multiple copyright strikes from Ray William Johnson. Although her main account did not upload any Rock My Forum videos, it was connected to her alt and got taken down because of that. Sadly, this means that the original comment section of the Chadtronic Scan reupload is now gone, as well as some quality uploads like "Chadtronic Scan mashed with Chadface Rumble".
A day later, the second Chadtronic Scan channel was also taken down, due to false community guidelines claims related to rave.dj. As of now there is no replacement channel.
As of August 15, 2018, Flutter's channel is reinstated with the copyright strikes removed.

On October 29th, 2018, the audio in Main Theme – Future Tom was replaced with Geographer – Bright Idea [No Copyright Music].

[This video has been removed]

About the .veg

Please don't go around begging for the .veg on random videos. The .veg was already made public by Future!Tom on January 15th, if you really want it go find it. Begging for the .veg on random videos or joining random discords just to beg for the .veg won't do anything.

Various Examples

A mostly up to date playlist of all videos with Chadtronic Scan

Further Reading

[1] The YTPMV Wiki – Chadtronic Scan

[2] The YTPMV Wiki – Veg replace

[3] VvvvvaVvvvvr Wiki – Chadtronic Scan

[4] Twitter – Chadtronic Scan

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Chadtronic Scan

Chadtronic Scan

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Chadtronic Scan is a YTPMV made by a YouTuber known Future!Tom in 2016. The video is often used in mashups and referenced in YTPMVs.


Back in 2016 Future!Tom created Chadtronic Scan: his first ever YTPMV featuring the YouTuber Chadtronic using the song Shuric Scan. The YTPMV garnered an ironic following due to its off-pitch notes and bad samples. The video later was deleted from his channel.

[This video has been removed]


In early 2017, a YouTuber named Flutter made a video called "Chadtronic Scan Scan" which was a .veg replacement of a YTPMV called "roomscan" with Chadtronic Scan. Flutter posted the video in the ELFanYTP Discord server which caused Chadtronic Scan to get some attention. Flutter later deleted the video due to Future!Tom posting a picture of him filing a copyright claim on the video in the ELFanYTP Discord. Soon after that, the Chadtronic Scan channel was made. The account was dedicated to creating bad rave.dj mashups featuring Chadtronic Scan. The first video uploaded to the channel was a rave.dj of the 2nd Hitler vs Vader Epic Rap Battles of History and Chadtronic Scan.

Due to the ironic following Chadtronic Scan got, there was an increasing amount of people commenting "chadtronic scan". This happened so much that Future!Tom got annoyed with it and began deleting any comments with the words "chadtronic scan". Alternate spellings of "chadtronic scan" were created in order to comment "chadtronic scan" without getting noticed. These spellings included words that rhymed (ex: "sad sonic sans"), emojis (ex: 🇹🇩🚲🖨), and other derivatives like "YOLOOO-ooo-OO-o0-OO-oooO" or "how to trigger shuric scan kids the inferior prequel".
Future!Tom filters "chadtronic scan" from his videos:
Deleted User f7d93e9f i thought i didnt comment it Dawn de Era 05/14/2017 gl Deleted User f7d93e9f 05/14/2017 i tried to but when i did it said i wasnt able to Dawn de Era hA 05/14/2017 Blocked words chadtronic scan Comments closely matching these words will be held for review. Live chats matching these words will be blocked Matt Okay what's the context behind the recurring twirling my phone thing anyway, because 05/14/2017 have no clue Dawn de Era elfan ytp gay shakers

Chadtronic Scan's Deletion

As Chadtronic Scan shitposting became more and more prevalent, Future!Tom threatened multiple times to delete Chadtronic Scan from YouTube if it did not stop. However, this threat was completely ignored and on May 23rd, 2017 Chadtronic Scan was deleted from YouTube. Luckily, Chadtronic Scan was quickly reuploaded by Flutter.
The warning and the deletion:
Dawn de Era you did this it's all your fault if you were less of a f----- we wouldnt be in this mess 05/14/2017 EDIT F------ need to shop spamming chadtonic scan in the comments if this happen a second time Iwill permanently delete Chadtronic Scan from my channel. F--- you Cryptinox 05/14/2017 Jokes on you, I downloaded it Dawn de Era so what authenticity will be gone 05/14/2017
syndicatfanytpmc 05/23/2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v-klqjXC6EcNo YouTube Lulu Luvscats YTPMV-Rainbow Cedrinol Startup pages: 。NTPMV how to trigger shuric scan kids the inferi https:// wyoutube.com/watch?vsSuN23GHs1 Ps Add a new page Enter URL.. OKCancel Use current pages Dawn de Era o that reminds me (edited) 05/23/2017 syndicatfanytpmc 05/23/2017 plz no delet rip time to reupload

That Bass

One of the funniest moments in Chadtronic Scan history happened the same day Flutter reuploaded Chadtronic Scan. In the comment section of the reupload, an infamous Shuric Scanner called Seby0313 began complaining about the bad sampling and pitch of Chadtronic Scan. Ironically, the very things Seby criticized about Chadtronic Scan were much worse in his own low effort .veg replaces. Quite soon, the phrase "That bass" became a staple of Chadtronic Scan shitposting, especially when the bass of a scan or YTPMV is particularly egregious.
Seby0313, famously oblivious:
Reuploading this screenshot to KYM instead of discord in case the discord link dies (its always a possibility)


On June 19th, 2017, a SiIvaGunner parody channel named VvvvvaVvvvvvr uploaded a video called "Main Theme – Chadtronic Scan" which was an awful mashup of Chadtronic Scan and another YTPMV called Rosenboys. Future!Tom commented on the video which caused a giant comment chain. The next day, he started acting weird and said "LOL CHADTRONIC SCAN IS THE GREATEST JOKE EVER LOL LMAO XDDDDD LOL I'LL BE FAMOUS FOREVER CHADTRONIC SCAN IS THE BEST". The video later got renamed to "Main Theme – Future!Tom" due to the comment chain.

Dawn de Era 11 months ago (edited) CHADTRONIC SCAN IS THE BEST I MADE IT SUB TO ME LOL LMAO XD 22 REPLY View all 13 replies v

Chadtronic Scan slowly became an inside joke in the VvvvvaVvvvvvr community and started being used in some more rips, most notability at the end of one called "Crack My Forum" which is a YTPMV of a video called "Here Comes Pac-Man" and the song Rock My Emotions which has visuals and subliminal messages to reference a YTPMV made by Xarlable called "Rock My Forum".

"Neutral Ending"

On October 4th, 2017, Flutter (under the twitter handle @rosenboys) tweeted Chadtronic Scan at Chadtronic. Chadtronic reacted by saying "I don't know what's happening, but I like it". Unfortunately, Future!Tom took it upon himself to poop the party and forced Chadtronic to delete the tweet.
The tweet has been deleted due to Future!Tom throwing a fit
Future!Tom confronting Chadtronic over his enjoyment of memes
The term "Neutral Ending" in reference to this confrontation was first used by VvvvvaVvvvvr in his video Neutral Ending – Chadtronic Scan. Despite the deletion of Chadtronic's tweet, Chadtronic Scanners have continued to produce new videos and have incorporated references to this exchange in many of their in-jokes.

Rebirth and Reacknowledgement

On January 15th, 2018, Future!Tom released a tweet (pictured below) stating that he no longer felt offended by Chadtronic Scan. This tweet came about after Future!Tom's failed raid on the ElfanYTP Discord led to him discussing Chadtronic Scan with the people on the server at the time. Afterwards, Future!Tom became convinced that the Chadtronic Scan circlejerk was never intended to be harassment directed at him, rather an ironic, inordinately nonsensical meme.
Future!Tom tweets saying that Chadttronic Scan is no longer off limits
Nearly a week later, on the 21st of January, Chadtronic (@Chadtronic on Twitter) tweeted this:
Chadtronic telling people to stop making memes. This tweet later got removed.
The conversation quickly spun out of control. Many people brought up concerns that people on the Chadtronic Scan team would be doxxed (though this ultimately did not happen), and Chadtronic even went as far as to say that the meme harasses him as well. Eventually Future!Tom became fed up with the new spotlight on Chadtronic Scan and asked Chadtronic to stop tweeting.
Ultimately, Chadtronic's fanbase decided that Chadtronic Scan, even if it isn't funny, doesn't resemble harassment in any way. Chadtronic's tweets regarding Chadtronic Scan were deleted.
More archived tweets can be found in the image gallery and in this Chadtronic Scan themed video:

[This video has been removed]

Deletion of Chadtronic Scan Channel

On February 25th, 2018, the Chadtronic Scan channel was deleted after 3 false community guidelines. Over 200 videos were removed from youtube because of this deletion. Since then, a new Chadtronic Scan Channel has been created and most of the important videos have been reuploaded.
Aftermath of the attack:
A bunch of deleted videos in the chadtronic scan playlist

Chadtronic Scan Gets Killed to Death Again

On June 28, 2018, Flutter's channel was taken down due to multiple copyright strikes from Ray William Johnson. Although her main account did not upload any Rock My Forum videos, it was connected to her alt and got taken down because of that. Sadly, this means that the original comment section of the Chadtronic Scan reupload is now gone, as well as some quality uploads like "Chadtronic Scan mashed with Chadface Rumble".
A day later, the second Chadtronic Scan channel was also taken down, due to false community guidelines claims related to rave.dj. As of now there is no replacement channel.
As of August 15, 2018, Flutter's channel is reinstated with the copyright strikes removed.

On October 29th, 2018, the audio in Main Theme – Future Tom was replaced with Geographer – Bright Idea [No Copyright Music].

[This video has been removed]

About the .veg

Please don't go around begging for the .veg on random videos. The .veg was already made public by Future!Tom on January 15th, if you really want it go find it. Begging for the .veg on random videos or joining random discords just to beg for the .veg won't do anything.

Various Examples

A mostly up to date playlist of all videos with Chadtronic Scan

Further Reading

[1] The YTPMV Wiki – Chadtronic Scan

[2] The YTPMV Wiki – Veg replace

[3] VvvvvaVvvvvr Wiki – Chadtronic Scan

[4] Twitter – Chadtronic Scan

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