Part of a series on 2016 United States Presidential Election. [View Related Entries]
#DraftOurDaughters is a satirical social media hashtag launched by supporters of Donald Trump which encourages American women to register for Selective Service in preparation for hypothetical scenarios of United States military operations that would supposedly be launched by Hillary Clinton if she were elected as president of the United States.
On October 27th, 2016, Twitter user @Ultra_Victoria[5] tweeted a composite photograph of Russian president Vladimir Putin superimposed over a group of female U.S. military personnel with the caption “No Man Can Beat Us,” encouraging American women to “pre-register” for military service, a mandate known as the Selective Service system which requires virtually all male U.S. citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 to express their consent for potential military conscription during wartime. The same day, the account[6] posted a still shot of Katy Perry from her 2012 music video “Part of Me” (shown below, right) with the caption reading:
"2016: women take down Trump / 2017: women take down Putin"
Shortly after, Twitter user @WDFx2EU7[7] posted a photograph of several female pilots with the caption "They are ready to go to war for her / Are you?" along with the hashtag "#DraftOurDaughters" (shown below). Within 24 hours, the tweet received upwards of 320 likes and 270 retweets.
That day, Redditor whocaresguy submitted an image of a female soldier captioned with the message "I'm ready to fight for her / she will be our greatest wartime leader" along with the hashtags "#EnlistForHer", "FightForHer" and "NoGenderDraft" to /r/The_Donald[12] (shown below). Within 24 hours, the post gained over 5,800 votes (86% upvoted) and 380 comments.
On October 28th, other Twitter users began posting #DraftOurDaughters[4] tweets (shown below). That day, a thread about the hashtag was submitted to the "/pol/": (politically incorrect) board on 4chan (shown below).[2]
Meanwhile, BuzzFeed community user TylerBrandon submitted a listicle titled "Hillary Clinton Wants To Get More Women In The Military And It’s AWESOME," highlighting various #DraftOurDaughters image macros (shown below).[3] In the coming days, several news sites published articles about the satirical hashtag, including PJ Media,[10] Bearing Arms,[11] Mic[8] and Snopes.[9]
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External References
[1] Twitter – @OnMessageForHer
[2] Archive.is – /pol/ thread
[3] Archive.is – BuzzFeed article
[4] Twitter – #DraftOurDaughters
[5] Twitter – @Ultra_Victoria
[6] Twitter – @Ultra_Victoria
[8] Mic – Will Hillary draft women?
[9] Snopes – Draft Canard
[10] PJ Media – 19 Hilarious Hillary Clinton Draft Our Daughters Ads
[11] Bearing Arms – Draft Our Daughters For Hillarys Endless Wars
[12] Reddit – /r/The_Donald
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Oct 28, 2016 at 04:06PM EDT
Oct 28, 2016 at 04:08PM EDT in reply to