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Drake's Lollipop Reaction

Added 5 years ago by Matt • Updated about a year ago by Matt
Added 5 years ago by Matt • Updated about a year ago by Matt

Drake's Lollipop Reaction
Drake's Lollipop Reaction

Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 2018 Origin: Twitter Region:
Type: Image Macro Reaction
Tags: drake scorpion magician lollipop candy batman superheroes julius dien


Drake's Lollipop Reaction is a series of reaction images, image macros, photoshops and object label memes of a screen capture of Canadian rapper and recording artist Drake's disgusted look following a magic trick.


On July 11th, magician Julius Dien tweeted [1] a video of him performing a magic trick on a lollipop. Dien asks Drake who his favorite superhero is. Drake replies, "Batman". The magician puts the lollipop in his mouth, and when he pulls the candy out, the lollipop has the shape of Batman. The post (shown below) received more than 9,300 retweets and 24,000 likes in less than 24 hours.


Following the posting of the video, Twitter[2] user @lorimarieee posted a screen capture of Drake's disgusted response to the Batman lollipop. The post (shown below, left) received more than 525 retweets and 3,400 likes in 24 hours.

Others began captioning the image. Twitter[3] @imsouledout captioned, "Me reading my atm receipt 😂😂 #drake #meme #GIF." The post (shown below, center) received more than 645 retweets and 2,300 likes in 24 hours.

That day, Redditor [4] dadmou5 posted an object labeled version of the screen capture in the /r/dankmemes in which Drake is labeled "me, after I cum" and the lollipop is labeled "the porn I was watching." Within six hours, the post (shown below, right) received more than 2,900 points (98% upvoted) and 55 comments.

That day, Twitter[5] published a Moments page about the reaction to the image.

Me reading my atm receipt #drake #meme #GIF me after I c-- the p--- I was watching

Various Examples

My family/ boyfriend/ TL about to cry over some football I'm dead Imfaooo WHY? CROATIA ENGLAND
Taco Bell when I'm not drunk

Search Interest

External References

Comments ( 6 )

  • FanglyFish - 5 years ago

    I mean, he only looks disguised for like half a second, and then once he actually realizes what it is he's rightfully impressed.

  • Youyou Meme - 5 years ago

    Well at least now he can empathise with millions of Spotify users getting Scorpion shoved down their throat

  • nabusco - 5 years ago

  • PYRO Beatrice - 5 years ago

    haha funni joke

  • Poncio - 5 years ago

    surprising no one put "paying child support" or "paying attention to your child" considering how such a low-hanging fruit that is.

  • Can of Beans - 5 years ago

    Why is Drake so memeable?

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