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Dune is a science-fiction novel series, first written by Frank Herbert, starting with the original novel Dune in 1965. Frank Herbert continued with his sequels in novels entitled Dune Messiah (1969), Children of Dune (1976), God Emperor of Dune (1981), Heretics of Dune (1984) and Chapterhouse: Dune (1985) [1]. Set in the distant future, the novel is centered around one family's stewardship over the harsh planet Arrakis and the confrontations surrounding the acquisition of the planet's valuable resource, spice or "melange," which gives users long life and enhanced mental capabilities.


In 1986, Brian Herbert (Frank Herbert's son) and coauthor Kevin J. Anderson continued the series with many prequels to original Dune franchise (dubbed "Expanded Dune" by fans)[2].

Film Adaptations

In 1973, Chilean-French director, Alejandro Jodorowsky began his attempt of a Dune film which never made it to the production stage due to financial problems. His team included H. R. Giger, Chris Foss, Jean Giraud and Dan O'Bannon, all of whom would later joining in making Alien (1979 film) and Frank Herbert himself [11].

In 1984, Dune directed by American David Lynch. The movie received mixed reviews. YouTuber bringbackthemusic uploaded the original trailer on July 19th, 2010 (shown below). In 2000, the SciFi channel also released a Dune TV Mini series.

In 2013, American director Frank Pavich made a documentary film titled Jodorowsky's Dune to explore the process of Jodorowsky's original attempt to make film adaptation of the novel (shown below). Rotten Tomatoes gave the film a 98% "Certified Fresh" rating based on reviews from 108 critics [11].

In late 2018, Director Denis Villeneuve began working on a reboot of Dune. Warner Bros. and Legendary have scheduled the release for Nov. 20, 2020.


In 1966, Dune tied with Roger Zelazny's This Immortal for the Hugo Award [15] and won the inaugural Nebula Award[16] for Best Novel. As of 2015, The first novel had sold over 20 million copies worldwide.[17]


Dune spawned many game adaptation franchises, including strategy games such as Dune (1992), Dune II (1992), Dune 2000 (1998) and _ Emperor: Battle for Dune (2001). A 3D Adventure game (2001), Collectible card game (1997 shown below) and numerous board games were created. In 1979, the board game Alalon Hill's Dune was introduced which over 5,100 registered users on BoardGameGeek[9].

DUKE LETO ATREIDES 4 PAUL ATREIDES SoN or DUKE LETO DUNCAN IDAHC ATREIDES SWORDMASIER URNEY HALLECK TROUBADOR-WARRIOR 3 ALLY VASSAL SWORDMASTER ALY NOBLE DUKE Initiative (declaration). Engage to add +X to your declared favor. X equals Leto's command rank. ALLY NOBLE HEIR Engage to examine a target subdued event The heir of House Atreides, Paul's visionary abilities are just beginning to awaken. The ALLY VASSAL OFFICER When participating in a duel or battie in which there are Harkonnen participants, Gurney generates +2 force and gains 1 Duncan may Counter during any dueläng rnte targeting an Atreides persona 丨 One of Padl's mstructors and a master swordsman, Idaho is a loyal retainer or House Atre des. Bene Gessenit suspect that he may be the --l The noble leader of House Atreides Duke Leto enoys great popularity m the tandsraad A briliant comamander Haleck has the heart of a warnor and the soul of a poet kwisatz Haderach. 2 2 2 LADY JESSICA BOUND CONCUBINE CALADANAN EXPORTS ATREIDES PROPAGANDIST ATREIDES BATTALION 4LADY JESSICA AIDE SPY Tactic (declaration). Engage to reduce the 2 PERSONNEL TROOP BATTALION Assign to a target persona or fief Battie Tactic (engagment). If target partici- pates in a battle nte, engage to inelude as a OCHARTER DIRECTORSHIP ALLY NOBLE SISTER ADEPT Jessica may counter during any rite except Engage to produce 3 solaris in your treasury Caladan exports its raw materia's and agri- cultural products throughout the imperium 1 deployment cost of any persona by 2 solaris 1 battie. If you govern Leto or Paul Atreides Jessica adopts Atreides allegiance and gains It engaged during a pettion, reduce the final +2 resistance. The concubine of Duke Leto, Jessica enjoys fomidable powers of her own deployment cost. A House's propaganda machine can be as important as ts nilitary strength The loyaity of Atreides soldiers is legendary 0

Fallout has an in-game drug called "Mentat," which is a nod to the Mentats in Dune universe, who were humans trained to achieve superhuman analyzing and comprehension abilities, to make up for the banning of all computers and robots. The Fallout Wikia pages also notes "that the pills are colored red. Red-stained lips are a distinguishing characteristic of a Dune Mentat." – Fallout wikia's note [5].

2021 Film Adaptation

_"Dune":, titled onscreen as Dune: Part One, is a 2021 film adaptation of Frank Herbert's science fiction novel of the same name. The film follows the journey of Paul Atreides, the young heir of House Atreides, during a conflict over the desert planet Arrakis. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, the film stars Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac and Zendaya.


In June 17, 2016, a Twitter page @dunedecide[12] created a parody presidential campaign using a #feeltheflow (parodying Bernie Sanders' #feelthebern) for the @atreides2016 account and #MakeArrakisGreatAgain (parodying MAGA) for @harkonnen2016. The intention of the tweets so far were to help funding their kickstarter project about 2016 election parody comic, with the hypothetical background of Dune universe and characters [14].

Dune @atreides2016 hits @harkonnen2016 on crowning himself King of Debt, but he doesn't seem to see what the problem is on #debatenightT THEY CAM, UH, WELL THEY RIP A PLA- T APA TIF but @seanhannity is as loyal to the Baron as ever #Debates2016 Y #Dune2016 UT IKNOW atticks alenating votrsArrakis Decides nity and @LouDobbs debate the pros and f @harkonnen2016's risky personal attacks o @atreides2016 during #Debates Y @dunedecides Sep Dur @atreides2016 turns the health i drives Baron back to #Birther issue #DebateNight #MakeArrakisGreatAgain Dune! & DNIECANT GOOM T CA D Paul Muad'dib @atreides2016 22m @harkonnen2016 questioning my health, but what's with all the #sniffles?! hope some of those 'best Suk doctors' he has are watching him Dune! 2016 @dunedecides Sep 29 Dune! Do you think @harkonnen2016's constant talk about rumors that @atreides2016 is a robot helps his campaign? #Debates ▼ #Dune ne @harkonnen2016 21m 27% Yes! We deserve to know @atreides2016 It's called breathing muaddope. I wouldn't understand a robot to know what that is but it's a thing humans do 0% sure, it rallies his base T HOW WILL THAT 37% Seriously? He's insane! 16 @dunedecides Sep 26 Dur @harkonnen2016 points out that kanly is perfectly legal and he was within his right to kill @atreides2016' family and friends es Final resu 16 @dunedecides Sep 26 Dur @atreides2016 points out @harkonnen2016 got rich using othe people's money, but doesn't think it will work for the Known Universe 16 @dunedecides Sep 26 16 @dunedecides Aug 29 Dune! Qatreides2016 has laid out his pla Dune.@harkonnen2016 doubles down on his Dur @harkonnen2016 is declaring victory after reports claim @atreides2016 may be dead. Will he #MakeArrakisGreatAgain? a galactic scale, but is it feasible? #DebateNight controversial appeal to Fremen. Still no reply from @atreides2016 #WheresPaul? ATREIDES, YOU'VE TALKED LENGT ABOUT HOW MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO ACCESS THE SPICE, BUT THE SPICE IS IN EVERYTHING ITS IN THE TEXTILES PEOPLE but now everyone knows it's time to get behind me and we c #MakeArrakisGreatAgain instead of worrying about stupid little weak hy not try something different Shaddam has failed you, @atreides2016 MOST OF THE FOOD THEY will fail you, only can fix it! I WI #MakeArrakisGreatAgain! n @harkonnen2016 36m Admit i was right and all's forgiven! or maybe not, i mea make some of you pay to be honest, you treated me so unfairly Vladimir Harkonnen @har You're living in poverty out in these Vladimir Harko But now all you haters of Harkonnen know the sad truth about your little chosen n @harkonnen2016 37m sietches listening to pipe dreams and e and it's time to give it up! fairy tales from @atreides2016 that are never gonna happen! Vladimir Harkonnen @harkonnen2016 38m My darling Feyd is terribly disappointed that he won't get to kill @atreides2016 after all. Pulling the plug on invalids just isn't the same Vladimir Harkonnen @harkonnen2016 38m Muaddope's brain is fried even if he comes out of this ONLY IN tNSIGNIFICANT PROPORTIO S, ESTIMATES PLACE THE ll be some kind of ALACTIC JOBS DIRECTLY OR TANGENTIALLY RELATED THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE MORE THAN DOUBLE THE LIFESPAN OF THE pathetic vegetable, never be able to lead the known universe! THE SPICE TRADE 60 PERCENT. THA HALF THE COLLECTIVE EFFORT GOING INTO PRODUCTION, PURIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION SUBSTANCE ABLE AVERAGE PERSON, YET ENJOYED AT THAT LEVEL BY ONLY THE TOP ONE-TENTH OF ONE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION. THAT, IN MY 러 Vladimir Harkonnen @harkonnen2016 -41m ainn

He Who Controls the Spice Controls the Universe

"He Who Controls the Spice Controls the Universe" is a catchphrase from the 1984 Lynch film adaptation which has spawned numerous parodies. On September 15th, 2015, a parody was uploaded to imgur reading "He who controls the pumpkin spice controls the white girls" which substitutes Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte for spice.


"I controls the spice I controls the universe"is an Advice Animal version (shown below).

SEP 03, 2008 SILENCE HUMANS When the time is right Be in control of the Universe Hey, Baby-how YOU Dune? Know then, that is is the year 10191. In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice softens hands while you do dishes. The spice exists on only one desolate, dry planet in the entire universe, guarded by the fearsome giant sand-llamas SPICE pice Melange) Benefits of SPICE observed in laboratory trial studies indlude:Side EMects include roua Prescience Ability to Ride Sand Worms Har Growth Lower Blood Pressure Heip with Erectle Dystunction ICONTROL THE SPICE Expanded Sensory Percepion Increased Life Expectancy Addiction Blue tint to vision Blue tint t0 the iris and pupi I CONTROL THE S--- 「CONTROLTHEUNNERSE CONTROL THE UNIVERSE Gontrol the spice Navigate the Endiess Spans af Space Developed by House Atreides Warning: Please seek immediate medical attention it actor musician Sting attempts to fight you to the death. For more info, go to I CONTROL THE SPICE. ICONTROL THE UNIVERSE." If you walk without rhythm won't attract the Amanda L. P.S. the space-time continuum has been breached! This is the FIRST time a photo has appeared on both Cute Overload AND UGLY OVERLOAD OMG PONIES!!1! Ed. Posted by Not That Mike The Other Mike on September 3, 2008 in Unusual animals Permalink Comments (80) TrackBack (0 HE WHO CONTROLS THE SPICE I controlthe universe CONTROLS THE UNIVERSE CONTROLS THE SPICE atera

Joined the Cast of Dune

Joined the Cast of Dune refers to jokes about the star-studded cast of Denis Villenvue's remake of the science fiction film Dune. As multiple major casting announcements were released over the course of several weeks in the beginning of 2019, Twitter users began to joke about humorous further additions to the cast.

On January 29th, Variety[18] reported that Oscar Isaac was in talks to join the cast of Dune. The following day, they reported that actress Zendaya was in talks to join as well.[19] That day, January 30th, saw the first parodies about the multiple major casting announcements for the film. That day, Twitter user @AdamWhite[20] joked that he'd been cast in Dune as a sandworm (shown below).

Adam White @adamwhite Follow Happy to announce l've been cast in Dune as an immature sandworm drown to harvest the Water of Life. I don't wear a costume. 3:29 PM- 30 Jan 2019

On February 1st, Twitter user @sethjdickinson tweeted "everyone has been cast in dune. all of us. tomorrow we board the heighliner for arrakis," gaining over 60 likes[21] (shown below, left). After Variety[22] reported Josh Brolin was cast in the film on February 13th, jokes about the growing cast of the film grew much more popular on Twitter. On February 14th, Twitter user @stevensantos[23] tweeted "If you’re reading this tweet, you just got cast in DUNE.", gaining over 2,800 retweets and 17,000 likes (shown below, right).

Seth J. Dickinson @sethjdickinson Follow v everyone has been cast in dune. all of us. tomorrow we board the heighliner for arrakis 5:45 PM 1 Feb 2019
Steven Santos @stevensantos Follow If you're reading this tweet, you just got cast in DUNE. 7:13 PM -14 Feb 2019 from West Hollywood, CA

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Stilgar (Dune Character)
Dune (Film Series)
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Dune is a science-fiction novel series, first written by Frank Herbert, starting with the original novel Dune in 1965. Frank Herbert continued with his sequels in novels entitled Dune Messiah (1969), Children of Dune (1976), God Emperor of Dune (1981), Heretics of Dune (1984) and Chapterhouse: Dune (1985) [1]. Set in the distant future, the novel is centered around one family's stewardship over the harsh planet Arrakis and the confrontations surrounding the acquisition of the planet's valuable resource, spice or "melange," which gives users long life and enhanced mental capabilities.


In 1986, Brian Herbert (Frank Herbert's son) and coauthor Kevin J. Anderson continued the series with many prequels to original Dune franchise (dubbed "Expanded Dune" by fans)[2].

Film Adaptations

In 1973, Chilean-French director, Alejandro Jodorowsky began his attempt of a Dune film which never made it to the production stage due to financial problems. His team included H. R. Giger, Chris Foss, Jean Giraud and Dan O'Bannon, all of whom would later joining in making Alien (1979 film) and Frank Herbert himself [11].

In 1984, Dune directed by American David Lynch. The movie received mixed reviews. YouTuber bringbackthemusic uploaded the original trailer on July 19th, 2010 (shown below). In 2000, the SciFi channel also released a Dune TV Mini series.

In 2013, American director Frank Pavich made a documentary film titled Jodorowsky's Dune to explore the process of Jodorowsky's original attempt to make film adaptation of the novel (shown below). Rotten Tomatoes gave the film a 98% "Certified Fresh" rating based on reviews from 108 critics [11].

In late 2018, Director Denis Villeneuve began working on a reboot of Dune. Warner Bros. and Legendary have scheduled the release for Nov. 20, 2020.


In 1966, Dune tied with Roger Zelazny's This Immortal for the Hugo Award [15] and won the inaugural Nebula Award[16] for Best Novel. As of 2015, The first novel had sold over 20 million copies worldwide.[17]


Dune spawned many game adaptation franchises, including strategy games such as Dune (1992), Dune II (1992), Dune 2000 (1998) and _ Emperor: Battle for Dune (2001). A 3D Adventure game (2001), Collectible card game (1997 shown below) and numerous board games were created. In 1979, the board game Alalon Hill's Dune was introduced which over 5,100 registered users on BoardGameGeek[9].

DUKE LETO ATREIDES 4 PAUL ATREIDES SoN or DUKE LETO DUNCAN IDAHC ATREIDES SWORDMASIER URNEY HALLECK TROUBADOR-WARRIOR 3 ALLY VASSAL SWORDMASTER ALY NOBLE DUKE Initiative (declaration). Engage to add +X to your declared favor. X equals Leto's command rank. ALLY NOBLE HEIR Engage to examine a target subdued event The heir of House Atreides, Paul's visionary abilities are just beginning to awaken. The ALLY VASSAL OFFICER When participating in a duel or battie in which there are Harkonnen participants, Gurney generates +2 force and gains 1 Duncan may Counter during any dueläng rnte targeting an Atreides persona 丨 One of Padl's mstructors and a master swordsman, Idaho is a loyal retainer or House Atre des. Bene Gessenit suspect that he may be the --l The noble leader of House Atreides Duke Leto enoys great popularity m the tandsraad A briliant comamander Haleck has the heart of a warnor and the soul of a poet kwisatz Haderach. 2 2 2 LADY JESSICA BOUND CONCUBINE CALADANAN EXPORTS ATREIDES PROPAGANDIST ATREIDES BATTALION 4LADY JESSICA AIDE SPY Tactic (declaration). Engage to reduce the 2 PERSONNEL TROOP BATTALION Assign to a target persona or fief Battie Tactic (engagment). If target partici- pates in a battle nte, engage to inelude as a OCHARTER DIRECTORSHIP ALLY NOBLE SISTER ADEPT Jessica may counter during any rite except Engage to produce 3 solaris in your treasury Caladan exports its raw materia's and agri- cultural products throughout the imperium 1 deployment cost of any persona by 2 solaris 1 battie. If you govern Leto or Paul Atreides Jessica adopts Atreides allegiance and gains It engaged during a pettion, reduce the final +2 resistance. The concubine of Duke Leto, Jessica enjoys fomidable powers of her own deployment cost. A House's propaganda machine can be as important as ts nilitary strength The loyaity of Atreides soldiers is legendary 0

Fallout has an in-game drug called "Mentat," which is a nod to the Mentats in Dune universe, who were humans trained to achieve superhuman analyzing and comprehension abilities, to make up for the banning of all computers and robots. The Fallout Wikia pages also notes "that the pills are colored red. Red-stained lips are a distinguishing characteristic of a Dune Mentat." – Fallout wikia's note [5].

2021 Film Adaptation

_"Dune":, titled onscreen as Dune: Part One, is a 2021 film adaptation of Frank Herbert's science fiction novel of the same name. The film follows the journey of Paul Atreides, the young heir of House Atreides, during a conflict over the desert planet Arrakis. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, the film stars Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac and Zendaya.


In June 17, 2016, a Twitter page @dunedecide[12] created a parody presidential campaign using a #feeltheflow (parodying Bernie Sanders' #feelthebern) for the @atreides2016 account and #MakeArrakisGreatAgain (parodying MAGA) for @harkonnen2016. The intention of the tweets so far were to help funding their kickstarter project about 2016 election parody comic, with the hypothetical background of Dune universe and characters [14].

Dune @atreides2016 hits @harkonnen2016 on crowning himself King of Debt, but he doesn't seem to see what the problem is on #debatenightT THEY CAM, UH, WELL THEY RIP A PLA- T APA TIF but @seanhannity is as loyal to the Baron as ever #Debates2016 Y #Dune2016 UT IKNOW atticks alenating votrsArrakis Decides nity and @LouDobbs debate the pros and f @harkonnen2016's risky personal attacks o @atreides2016 during #Debates Y @dunedecides Sep Dur @atreides2016 turns the health i drives Baron back to #Birther issue #DebateNight #MakeArrakisGreatAgain Dune! & DNIECANT GOOM T CA D Paul Muad'dib @atreides2016 22m @harkonnen2016 questioning my health, but what's with all the #sniffles?! hope some of those 'best Suk doctors' he has are watching him Dune! 2016 @dunedecides Sep 29 Dune! Do you think @harkonnen2016's constant talk about rumors that @atreides2016 is a robot helps his campaign? #Debates ▼ #Dune ne @harkonnen2016 21m 27% Yes! We deserve to know @atreides2016 It's called breathing muaddope. I wouldn't understand a robot to know what that is but it's a thing humans do 0% sure, it rallies his base T HOW WILL THAT 37% Seriously? He's insane! 16 @dunedecides Sep 26 Dur @harkonnen2016 points out that kanly is perfectly legal and he was within his right to kill @atreides2016' family and friends es Final resu 16 @dunedecides Sep 26 Dur @atreides2016 points out @harkonnen2016 got rich using othe people's money, but doesn't think it will work for the Known Universe 16 @dunedecides Sep 26 16 @dunedecides Aug 29 Dune! Qatreides2016 has laid out his pla Dune.@harkonnen2016 doubles down on his Dur @harkonnen2016 is declaring victory after reports claim @atreides2016 may be dead. Will he #MakeArrakisGreatAgain? a galactic scale, but is it feasible? #DebateNight controversial appeal to Fremen. Still no reply from @atreides2016 #WheresPaul? ATREIDES, YOU'VE TALKED LENGT ABOUT HOW MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO ACCESS THE SPICE, BUT THE SPICE IS IN EVERYTHING ITS IN THE TEXTILES PEOPLE but now everyone knows it's time to get behind me and we c #MakeArrakisGreatAgain instead of worrying about stupid little weak hy not try something different Shaddam has failed you, @atreides2016 MOST OF THE FOOD THEY will fail you, only can fix it! I WI #MakeArrakisGreatAgain! n @harkonnen2016 36m Admit i was right and all's forgiven! or maybe not, i mea make some of you pay to be honest, you treated me so unfairly Vladimir Harkonnen @har You're living in poverty out in these Vladimir Harko But now all you haters of Harkonnen know the sad truth about your little chosen n @harkonnen2016 37m sietches listening to pipe dreams and e and it's time to give it up! fairy tales from @atreides2016 that are never gonna happen! Vladimir Harkonnen @harkonnen2016 38m My darling Feyd is terribly disappointed that he won't get to kill @atreides2016 after all. Pulling the plug on invalids just isn't the same Vladimir Harkonnen @harkonnen2016 38m Muaddope's brain is fried even if he comes out of this ONLY IN tNSIGNIFICANT PROPORTIO S, ESTIMATES PLACE THE ll be some kind of ALACTIC JOBS DIRECTLY OR TANGENTIALLY RELATED THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE MORE THAN DOUBLE THE LIFESPAN OF THE pathetic vegetable, never be able to lead the known universe! THE SPICE TRADE 60 PERCENT. THA HALF THE COLLECTIVE EFFORT GOING INTO PRODUCTION, PURIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION SUBSTANCE ABLE AVERAGE PERSON, YET ENJOYED AT THAT LEVEL BY ONLY THE TOP ONE-TENTH OF ONE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION. THAT, IN MY 러 Vladimir Harkonnen @harkonnen2016 -41m ainn

He Who Controls the Spice Controls the Universe

"He Who Controls the Spice Controls the Universe" is a catchphrase from the 1984 Lynch film adaptation which has spawned numerous parodies. On September 15th, 2015, a parody was uploaded to imgur reading "He who controls the pumpkin spice controls the white girls" which substitutes Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte for spice.


"I controls the spice I controls the universe"is an Advice Animal version (shown below).

SEP 03, 2008 SILENCE HUMANS When the time is right Be in control of the Universe Hey, Baby-how YOU Dune? Know then, that is is the year 10191. In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice softens hands while you do dishes. The spice exists on only one desolate, dry planet in the entire universe, guarded by the fearsome giant sand-llamas SPICE pice Melange) Benefits of SPICE observed in laboratory trial studies indlude:Side EMects include roua Prescience Ability to Ride Sand Worms Har Growth Lower Blood Pressure Heip with Erectle Dystunction ICONTROL THE SPICE Expanded Sensory Percepion Increased Life Expectancy Addiction Blue tint to vision Blue tint t0 the iris and pupi I CONTROL THE S--- 「CONTROLTHEUNNERSE CONTROL THE UNIVERSE Gontrol the spice Navigate the Endiess Spans af Space Developed by House Atreides Warning: Please seek immediate medical attention it actor musician Sting attempts to fight you to the death. For more info, go to I CONTROL THE SPICE. ICONTROL THE UNIVERSE." If you walk without rhythm won't attract the Amanda L. P.S. the space-time continuum has been breached! This is the FIRST time a photo has appeared on both Cute Overload AND UGLY OVERLOAD OMG PONIES!!1! Ed. Posted by Not That Mike The Other Mike on September 3, 2008 in Unusual animals Permalink Comments (80) TrackBack (0 HE WHO CONTROLS THE SPICE I controlthe universe CONTROLS THE UNIVERSE CONTROLS THE SPICE atera

Joined the Cast of Dune

Joined the Cast of Dune refers to jokes about the star-studded cast of Denis Villenvue's remake of the science fiction film Dune. As multiple major casting announcements were released over the course of several weeks in the beginning of 2019, Twitter users began to joke about humorous further additions to the cast.

On January 29th, Variety[18] reported that Oscar Isaac was in talks to join the cast of Dune. The following day, they reported that actress Zendaya was in talks to join as well.[19] That day, January 30th, saw the first parodies about the multiple major casting announcements for the film. That day, Twitter user @AdamWhite[20] joked that he'd been cast in Dune as a sandworm (shown below).

Adam White @adamwhite Follow Happy to announce l've been cast in Dune as an immature sandworm drown to harvest the Water of Life. I don't wear a costume. 3:29 PM- 30 Jan 2019

On February 1st, Twitter user @sethjdickinson tweeted "everyone has been cast in dune. all of us. tomorrow we board the heighliner for arrakis," gaining over 60 likes[21] (shown below, left). After Variety[22] reported Josh Brolin was cast in the film on February 13th, jokes about the growing cast of the film grew much more popular on Twitter. On February 14th, Twitter user @stevensantos[23] tweeted "If you’re reading this tweet, you just got cast in DUNE.", gaining over 2,800 retweets and 17,000 likes (shown below, right).

Seth J. Dickinson @sethjdickinson Follow v everyone has been cast in dune. all of us. tomorrow we board the heighliner for arrakis 5:45 PM 1 Feb 2019 Steven Santos @stevensantos Follow If you're reading this tweet, you just got cast in DUNE. 7:13 PM -14 Feb 2019 from West Hollywood, CA

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