Indonesian Reporting Commission Facebook Takedowns
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The Indonesian Reporting Commission Facebook Takedowns refers to a Facebook community controversy between the group Indonesian Reporting Commission (IReC) and a number of other Facebook pages in mid-May 2019. The IReC page is rumored to have issued various takedowns of other Facebook pages, starting with the meme page Crossovers Nobody Asked For (CNAF). In response to the takedowns, often referred to as zuccing, members of targeted pages subsequently engaged in mass reporting of the Indonesia Reporting Commission, while others either set their groups from closed to secret. Additionally, rumors began circulating that the admin of IReC was doxed in reaction to the events and assaulted, although this has yet to be confirmed.
Crossovers Nobody Asked For (CNAF) Facebook group was a page known for featuring memes commenting on a wide variety of cultural topics. Prior to its removal, it had accumulated nearly 500,000 members. On May 13th, 2019, CNAF was removed from the platform, causing a backlash among members of the group who created the page "CNAF Season 2," which was removed the following day. Former CNAF members subsequently began speculating that the IReC page was responsible for the takedowns.

IReC was rumored to have posted a screenshot mocking the removal of the CNAF and Nonsense Meme pages, though the IReC page has since been unpublished following the massive backlash.
Notable Developments
Meme Group Responses
Similar Facebook groups decided to set their group privacy from "closed" to "secret" to prevent additional takedowns, including the Marvel Shieldposting group and other meme pages (shown below).
Solidarity with CNAF
Meme groups that have not been taken down have stood in solidarity with CNAF and pledge to resist IReC, including members of now defunct Top Tier Sad Memes and Tom and Jerry Cheeseposting. Members of the Indonesian community have also responded with criticism of IReC.

Fake Accounts
After IReC was unpublished, many members of the Facebook community have pointed out multiple accounts and groups that are involved with the banning of meme groups. However, many of the other members have also pointed out that these accounts happen to be either fake or duplicates and are meant to incite paranoia and distrust.
Identification of the Admin
Rumors that the Indonesian resident Muhammad Salim had been identified as the admin of the page began circulating online, along with his alleged name, address, phone number and voter registration information. Other rumors circulated that an Indonesian group had beaten Salim in real life, leading him to delete all of his social media accounts.
The Indonesian group Teman-teman Bulu Burung (Feather Friends) announced that Salim would later release an official statement regarding the Facebook drama (shown below).

![Official Statements From Feather Friends 3 Teman-teman Bulu Burung Muhammad Salim Actor Report? Another additional proof is when a Warganet finds the same reporting log that IReC sent irn The drama about the warming of Non Sense a comment on Salim's Pastebin account. In the Memes and Crossover nobody asked for by the Indonesian Reporting Commi went hotter thanks to the clarification made Muhammad Salim Pelaku Report? screenshot, a log report of the Crossover Drama mengenai penghangusan Non Sense Memes dan Crossover nobody THE WILLOWWHISKER account as the owner panas berkat klarifikasi yang dilakukan oleh Muhammad Salim, orang yang Klarifikasi dari Muhammad Salim membuat klarifikasi a sekarang dia bukan lagi pemilik dari halaman The clarification of Muhammad Salim is IReC dan sudah pasti bukan dia pelaku penghangusan NSM dan CNAF. [1] clarification of heat. This morning, he made a t he was no longer the owner of the IReC page and he was certainly not the perpetrator of the NSM and CNAF scorching. This evide evidence to prove whether Salim's clarification is true or just to wash hands of all Ucapan Salim tersebut sekilas bisa dibilang benar, karena dalam dua postingan laporan IReC tentang penghangusan NSM dan CNAF terlihat the attacks that were directed at him today bahwa bahasa yang digunakan tidak seperti gaya bahasa yang biasa digunakan Salim. Gaya bahasa yang dipakai halaman IReC di sana terlihat lebih kasar daripada gaya bahasa Salim. Jika dilihat dari gaya bahasanya Regarding this, the TTBB cannot comment use in two IReC report posts on e scorching of NSM and CNAF it appears that the language used is not like the style of Sense Meme mengapa dia melaporkan beberapa halaman/grup yang di dalamnya or not considering this is still a "h All we can do now is just look and wait for awalnya, klarifikasi ini membuat orang-orang yang melihatny menaruh simpati padanya, termasuk saya dan Ema. Berkat itu kami badi bahwa TTBB Ssi lim membersi ng pelaporan sebenarny erta balasan darinya sampai sekarang sa ws W entang klarifikasi Muhamma sa pages / groups in which there ar considering he wa ngkat klarifikasi elah and seems to regret it because of his defeat postingan saya sebelumnya mengenai ini ditayangkan, tapi ada satu dan lain hal yang membuat saya harus menunda tulisan ini dan boom! Say menemukan beber ukti lain bahwa klarifikas saw him symp im is W t klarifikasinya hanya upaya cuci tan beberapa bukti l bersebera alam komentan mendapati komentar oleh rt rti seperti bias Juga postin seperti ukti kalau klarifikasi cuci tangan semata [ mn i postingan terbaru kembali menggunakan gaya bahasa seperti biasanya (apalagi di postingan mereka soal pelaporan CNAF, d seorang warganet menemu ng dikirimkan IReC di komentar di akun THE WILLOWWHISKER sebagai rossove Salim di beberapa akun Facebook-n ampakn rt paka ntuk cuci tangan dari d comme serangan yang tertuju padanya hari ini l ini, TTBB tidak bisa berkomentar lebih banyak apakah Salim kah yang "menghanguskan" Non Sense Memes dan Crossov ked for atau bu ng bisa kita lakukan merely hanawashing is is interesting bermuncul se how ca Jika memang bukan dia pelakunya, tentu TTBB siap membantu untuk amanya. Namun jika dia dan klarifikasinya bohong, dia posts again use the usual language style (especially in their posting about CNAF reporting, he typed in capital letters tentu sudah tahu apa yang akan diterimanya, mengingat dia pernah berhadapan dengan TTBB dan sepertinya menyesali itu karena Satu hal yang jelas di sini adalah saya yakin Muhammad Salim sedang risau sekarang "Klarifikasi Muhamma https://www.facebook.com/www.muhammad.sal ] "Pelaporan Non Sense Memes" https://www.facebook.com/ /ms.c.eJwFWYENA.../181902346063687/ [3] "Postingan terbaru IReC https://www.facebook.com/ /a. 1195408222998.../182154402705148/ [4] "Screenshot Pastebin" https://cdn.discordapp.com/ ....57810.../FB_IMG_1557901936657.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/493/440/526.png)

Salim's Apology
On May 16th, 2019, the Teman-teman Bulu Burung page published a translated version of an apology letter allegedly written by Salim:

To every victim of IReC wrongdoings: [I], Muhammad Salim as leader [and founder] of IReC… apologize to everyone who become victim [of us] in time IReC's still become a page. My reason for that wrongdoing was to delete or destroyed everything negative in Facebook, like, SARA [religious offensive jokes], hoax, and others, who break Facebook rules. Also, our motive to attack non-Indonesian group, like NSM and CNA, because [I found] some hate-speech or religious offensive jokes. I'm deeply sorry for what happened to everyone, and to our wrongdoings. I, as leader of IReC, will stop IReC's operation, and we will take responsibility for everything happened.
-Muhammad Salim
Facebook Response
"We removed several Groups from Facebook after detecting content that violated our policies. We since discovered that this content was posted to sabotage legitimate, non-violating Groups. We’re working to restore any Groups affected and to prevent this from happening again."[6]
Notable Examples

Search Interests
External References
[1] Nawala Karsa -Indonesia Reporting Commission Facebook Drama
[2] Archive – IReC Report #64
[3] Archive -IReC Report #63
[4] Archive – Pastebin Database
[5] Facebook – Teman-teman Bulu Burung
[6] Twitter – JoshConstine
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May 16, 2019 at 08:24AM EDT
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