Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign - Images
Rachael Lillis has passed away

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
My tribute to VA Legend @RachaelLillis who is currently battling cancer. I'd be lying if I said she didn't play a major role in my childhood when I ...

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
please consider sharing and donating to Rachael Lillis's gofundme. After voicing characters who made up so much of our childhoods, let's try and make ...

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
I pray for her to make a full recovery. We all need to help Rachael Lillis.🙏

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
Rachael Lillis Appreciation Post

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
Rachael Lillis Appreciation Post

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
![Out of Context Pokémon @OoCPokemon. Follow [IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ] Rachael Lillis, the original dub voice actress of Misty & Jessie in #Pokemon, is unfortunately battling cancer that has now spread to her spine and she is in critical condition. Rachael was, and still is, a huge part of our lives, and she, along with... Show more RACHAEL LILLIS X . 3:37 AM May 14, 2024](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/816/876/81c.jpg)
![Out of Context Pokémon @OoCPokemon. Follow [IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ] Rachael Lillis, the original dub voice actress of Misty & Jessie in #Pokemon, is unfortunately battling cancer that has now spread to her spine and she is in critical condition. Rachael was, and still is, a huge part of our lives, and she, along with... Show more RACHAEL LILLIS X . 3:37 AM May 14, 2024](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/816/876/81c.jpg)
Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
Rachael Lillis Fan art For The GoFundMe Campaign

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign
GoFundMe Campaign

Rachael Lillis GoFundMe Campaign