Fake CCG Cards - Images

Fake CCG Cards
Pure Hate's Glare

Fake CCG Cards
Bestow Vital Energy

Fake CCG Cards
Veil of Secrecy

Fake CCG Cards
Magical Electrifier

Fake CCG Cards
Manifested Self

Fake CCG Cards
I Force A New Judgment Day

Fake CCG Cards
In the name of the Moon, we shall punish you!

Fake CCG Cards

Fake CCG Cards
Engorged Pigeon

Fake CCG Cards
Blue Eyes Loli Dragon
![BLUE-EYES LOLI DRAGON @廏委级园@@唤 st Edition DRAGON] Thick little inmocent dragon, please protect and don't attack. SEX-629 ATK/3500 DEF/2500 013017 2017 IG: HENTAIGODD](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/219/153/18c.jpg)
![BLUE-EYES LOLI DRAGON @廏委级园@@唤 st Edition DRAGON] Thick little inmocent dragon, please protect and don't attack. SEX-629 ATK/3500 DEF/2500 013017 2017 IG: HENTAIGODD](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/219/153/18c.jpg)
Fake CCG Cards
Hungry Pigeon

Fake CCG Cards
Gut Punch

Fake CCG Cards
Death and Strawberry Intensifying!

Fake CCG Cards
Yes yes Fluttershy as a t-rex is an obvious joke but hey I wanted to draw a Fluttersaurus Rex.

Fake CCG Cards
The complete Titan Clash Xross Hero Saiyans collection. Emphasis on complete.

Fake CCG Cards