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Part of a series on Good Guy Greg. [View Related Entries]

Understands* human nature Doesnt judge you: for being human quickmeme.com


Good Guy Lucifer is an advice animal image macro series that features an image of a man wearing a suit, drinking a martini with angel wings on his back who is meant to represent the Biblical character Lucifer. The captioned text typically references stories from the Bible where Lucifer performs actions that may seem altruistic.


The first image macro was submitted to the r/atheism[2] subreddit on October 23rd, 2011. The original image comes from the cover of the 16th issue of the DC Comics series "Lucifer"[4] written by Mike Carey. The cover illustration depicts the character Lucifer and was drawn by artist Christopher Moeller[5].

again for new words of praise. - Comies International UCIRer A Dalliance vith the Damned Mike Carey Peter Gress Ryan Kelly Dean Ormston
St-tree years ago, you promuseclne youlr souluii exchange for help achieving your goals. Andyou achieved evervthingvou vanted ana more. But there'ssomethingI didn'ttell ousouls don't exist. You hadit inyouatt along. l just gave you the confidence.

Religious Debate

One of the earliest religious debates concerning Lucifer's moral character stems from several biblical passages where Lucifer is described as a fallen angel in Isaiah 14:12-15[6]. This passage, and other actions performed by Lucifer in the bible, has sparked discussion among Christians about the content of Lucifer's character.[7] These actions or variations of it can also be found back in the Good Guy Lucifer image macros.

12 How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
13 You said in your heart,
“I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.”
15 But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
to the depths of the pit.


The first image macro was featured on the LOL God blog[3] on October 23rd, 2011. It was subsequently featured on the podcast series An American Atheist[8] and media aggregators like Buzzfeed[9] and Ranker[10] that week. The series gained popularity on both the r/atheism[11] and /r/adviceanimals[12] subreddits, as well as the microblogging site Tumblr.[13] A Quickmeme[14] page has 181 submissions as of November 1st, 2011.

Notable Derivatives

Sees Gods-. mistakes Takes blame. Makes Godlook good. quickmeme.com
Gives sentience to humans Blamed foral evil in the world quickmeme.com

Punishes evildoers ithe aelife Bad guy"
Sees naked, willful thought-slave in the garden of eden C Teaches critical thinking quickmeme.com
Sesuiàn starving. in the.desert Tries to ofter him food for forty days quickmeme.com


Search Interest

Search Interest for Good Guy Lucifer started in October 2011, the same month the image macro first appeared on Reddit.

External References

[1] BuzzFeed – Good Guy Lucifer Meme

[2] atheism subreddit – Good Guy Lucifer

[3] LOL god – Good guy Lucifer and selling your soul

[4] Wikipedia – Lucifer

[5] Wikipedia – Christopher Moeller

[6] Biblegateway – Isaiah 14:12-15

[7] Occultforum – Lucifer is the good guy!

[8] An American Atheist – Reddit popularity surges and a new meme

[9] Buzzfeed – Good Guy Lucifer Meme

[10] Ranker – The Very Best of the Good Guy Lucifer Meme

[11] Atheism Subreddit – Seach Good Guy Lucifer

[12] AdviceAnimals Subreddit – Search Good Guy Lucifer

[13] Tumblr – Tagged Good Guy Lucifer

[14] Quickmeme – Good Guy Lucifer

[15] Wikipedia – Mike Carey

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Good Guy Lucifer

Good Guy Lucifer

Part of a series on Good Guy Greg. [View Related Entries]

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Understands* human nature Doesnt judge you: for being human quickmeme.com


Good Guy Lucifer is an advice animal image macro series that features an image of a man wearing a suit, drinking a martini with angel wings on his back who is meant to represent the Biblical character Lucifer. The captioned text typically references stories from the Bible where Lucifer performs actions that may seem altruistic.


The first image macro was submitted to the r/atheism[2] subreddit on October 23rd, 2011. The original image comes from the cover of the 16th issue of the DC Comics series "Lucifer"[4] written by Mike Carey. The cover illustration depicts the character Lucifer and was drawn by artist Christopher Moeller[5].

again for new words of praise. - Comies International UCIRer A Dalliance vith the Damned Mike Carey Peter Gress Ryan Kelly Dean Ormston St-tree years ago, you promuseclne youlr souluii exchange for help achieving your goals. Andyou achieved evervthingvou vanted ana more. But there'ssomethingI didn'ttell ousouls don't exist. You hadit inyouatt along. l just gave you the confidence.

Religious Debate

One of the earliest religious debates concerning Lucifer's moral character stems from several biblical passages where Lucifer is described as a fallen angel in Isaiah 14:12-15[6]. This passage, and other actions performed by Lucifer in the bible, has sparked discussion among Christians about the content of Lucifer's character.[7] These actions or variations of it can also be found back in the Good Guy Lucifer image macros.

12 How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
13 You said in your heart,
“I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.”
15 But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
to the depths of the pit.


The first image macro was featured on the LOL God blog[3] on October 23rd, 2011. It was subsequently featured on the podcast series An American Atheist[8] and media aggregators like Buzzfeed[9] and Ranker[10] that week. The series gained popularity on both the r/atheism[11] and /r/adviceanimals[12] subreddits, as well as the microblogging site Tumblr.[13] A Quickmeme[14] page has 181 submissions as of November 1st, 2011.

Notable Derivatives

Sees Gods-. mistakes Takes blame. Makes Godlook good. quickmeme.com GOOD GUY LUCIFER DOESN'T WATC YOU MASTURBATE Gives sentience to humans Blamed foral evil in the world quickmeme.com
Punishes evildoers ithe aelife Bad guy" Sees naked, willful thought-slave in the garden of eden C Teaches critical thinking quickmeme.com Sesuiàn starving. in the.desert Tries to ofter him food for forty days quickmeme.com


Search Interest

Search Interest for Good Guy Lucifer started in October 2011, the same month the image macro first appeared on Reddit.

External References

[1] BuzzFeed – Good Guy Lucifer Meme

[2] atheism subreddit – Good Guy Lucifer

[3] LOL god – Good guy Lucifer and selling your soul

[4] Wikipedia – Lucifer

[5] Wikipedia – Christopher Moeller

[6] Biblegateway – Isaiah 14:12-15

[7] Occultforum – Lucifer is the good guy!

[8] An American Atheist – Reddit popularity surges and a new meme

[9] Buzzfeed – Good Guy Lucifer Meme

[10] Ranker – The Very Best of the Good Guy Lucifer Meme

[11] Atheism Subreddit – Seach Good Guy Lucifer

[12] AdviceAnimals Subreddit – Search Good Guy Lucifer

[13] Tumblr – Tagged Good Guy Lucifer

[14] Quickmeme – Good Guy Lucifer

[15] Wikipedia – Mike Carey

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