Agony in Pink
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Agony in Pink is a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fanfiction that is infamous for its detailed rape and torture of Kimberly Hart, the original Pink Ranger. The fanfic's grotesque and dark scenes, performed by by Lord Zedd and the evil creature Tortura, have led to it becoming one of the most notorious fanfictions in the world.
On November 16th, 1994, fanfic writer The Dark Ranger first posted the story onto the Usenet alt.sex.stories[1] newsgroup where it became highly controversial due to its disturbing content that seems to have been written for the author's pleasure.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is the inaugural series of the Power Rangers franchise, running from 1993 to 1995. The show is based off the 16th installment of the Japanese Super Sentai franchise Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger, and stars five teenagers (with one more addition over the course of the series) who are given special abilities to fight the evil forces of Rita Repulsa and her henchmen. Throughout the series, the Power Rangers battle Rita's monster creations bent on destroying their town, and defeat them in each episode using powerful weapons and giant mecha.

Pink Power Ranger
Kimberly Ann Hart was the first Pink Ranger played by actress Amy Jo Johnson until the 3rd season of the show. Using a magical object known as a "power coin" she was able to take control of a flying Pterodactyl Dinozord. This mecha also formed the chestplate of the Megazord, a large robot made from each Power Ranger mech combined.

Banned in Australia
The story was deemed so offensive that it was eventually used a key reason for the Australian Government to ban the alt.sex.stories newsgroup as part of an anti-pornography movement.[2]
Content on popular portal deja.com has been banned following a complaint
that it contained a pornographic story.
Filtering software companies will be instructed to block access to a
posting on deja.com, a site that archives Usenet newsgroups, after the
Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) refused classification
for the content.
The incident has turned up the heat on newsgroups, with the Australian
Broadcasting Authority (ABA) vowing to identify the worst offenders to
ISPs, which may then decide to ban whole forums.
The complainant, free speech advocate and Electronic Frontiers Australia
(EFA) board member Danny Yee, said the anonymous posting, titled Agony
in Pink, was submitted to see what classification it would earn.
Agony in Pink was posted to alt.sex.stories in December 1998, and
then archived on deja.com.
The fanfic has been reported on a number of websites, including Cracked[3] and TV Tropes[4], where it is mentioned as an example of the "So Bad It's Good"[7] and "High Octane Nightmare Fuel"[8] tropes, demonstrating the conflicting opinions about the story. Fanfiction websites like The Godawful Fan Fiction Wiki[5] and the PPC Wiki[6] have prominent pages for the story, with the latter ranking it as one of the "Legendary Badfics", a title held only by a handful of others including My Immortal.
The Dark Ranger went on to write other fanfictions including "The Interrogation of Leia" and "Holly's Home Invasion", both of which focus on disturbing torture porn, and created both a special edition and a sequel to the original "Agony in Pink" story.
External References
[1] Google Groups – Power Rangers – Agony in Pink, Part 1
[1] Wikipedia – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
[2] Australian Ban announcement
[3] Cracked – Agony in Pink
[4] TV Tropes – Agony in Pink
[5] Godawful Fan Fiction Wiki – Agony in Pink
[6] PPC Wiki – Agony in Pink
[7] TV Tropes – So Bad It's Good
[8] TV Tropes – High Octane Nightmare Fuel
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Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka
Sep 02, 2011 at 10:23PM EDT
Sep 24, 2012 at 11:26AM EDT