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Nu-male is an internet slang term referring to men and boys who do not conform to traditional masculine gender roles. Online, the term is often used as a pejorative in a similar fashion to "beta male," "cuck" or "soy boy", but is typically reserved for white men with facial hair and eyeglasses.


The earliest known use of the term "nu-male" was in a post submitted to the Social Anxiety Support Forums[6] on September 21st, 2011, sarcastically comparing the term to the music genre nu metal (shown below).

Nu Male - Nu Metal isn't as big as it once was ten years ago - probably because most of it sucked, but hey isn't that guy from Otep married to Carmen Electra? Not too shabby...


On December 18th, 2015, an anonymous 4chan user submitted a photograph of a bearded man wearing glasses along with the question "Is it just me or do most white male liberals look like this?" (shown below, left).[1] In response, another user replied with a collage of photographs featuring white men wearing glasses along with a definition of the term "nu-male" (shown below, right).

For archival.
nu-male thas beard and/or glasses :20-30 years old :commonly prematurely balding white knight with white guilt :trendy, very active on Twitter favorite method of activism is complaining uses words like "problematic'" :donates to at least one Patreon female jumps to any woman's defense on the internet despite not ever receiving any rewards or personal benefits :submissive, passive, boring but outspokern :attempted to be an indie dev at some point (evidenced by pixel art avatars) more functional in society than average beta males :one step above fedora lords think they are all unique individuals despite looking exactly the same :Twitter bio and Tinder bio are identical will take his wife's last name Example usage: Hey, did you see all those nu-males giving Brianna Wu money?

On June 10th, 2016, Urban Dictionary[5] user Gary Nyuman submitted an entry for "Nu-male," defining it as men "lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity" (shown below).

Nu-male (n(y)oo mal) Nu-males are men (with "men" being used as loosely as possible) lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity and will jump at any moment to defend women online for feminist brownie points while falsely believing that in return, they'll receive sexual favors. 're a step above "Nice Guys" in terms of beta they are Nu-males are almost exclusively white (although some exceptions exist), ultra liberal, hipsters, wear some form of thick framed glasses with a matching obnoxious beard, submissive but outspoken (only online), in their 20-30s, harbor any form of self-hatred (white guilt, male guilt, etc.), either are thin as a twig or are overweight and very active on social media. They're often pseudo-intellectuals and will opt to blocking as their form of arguing online to any opposing opinions or valid criticism in order to protect their fragile egos. Let's be nu-males together and guarantee we'll never get laid!Take that patriarchy and toxic masculinity!

On October 17th, 2016, Redditor joe1up submitted a post asking "What on earth is 'numale'?" to /r/OutOfTheLoop,[3] to which Redditor Viraus2 responded that it was a "derogatory term for effete millennial men."

On April 18th, 2017, BodyBuilding Forums[2] member TheFuarkingBoss submitted a thread titled "Are you a Nu Male?", along with a collage featuring photographs of Carl the Cuck, Phil Fish, John Oliver, Seth Rogen, Louis C.K. and John Green (shown below).

For archival.

On November 11th, 2017, Redditor BasedGeisha submitted a collage titled "Nu-Male Starter Pack" to /r/starterpacks,[4] where it received upwards of 460 points (68% upvoted) and 280 comments over the next several weeks.

Nu-Male Starter Pack MALE FEMINIST OCTOBER 201 ETQUETT SSUE Apslogizing for Being e Turning in Yeour Dignity Cheeking Yeur Pvge ating Your n Gendler Kissy-faces are R--- Feelings vs Rights Chivalry vs Patriarchy using one to destroy the SPECIAL REPORT Slavery Power TO TAKE A KICK feminist Full-sized Emma Watson Poster INSIDE Male feminists face long list of sexual assault accusationsl YouTube Gaping-mouthed "so quirky" smile

Nu-Male Smile

On October 30th, 2017, Redditor sexy_mofo1 submitted a post titled 'Numale Mouth' Why is that everyone that seems to be against us smiles like this in photos?", followed by an MS Paint illustration of an open-mouthed man with a beard (shown below, left).[7] In the comments section, Redditor brappablat submitted a comic in which a bearded man is shown posing with his mouth agape (shown below, right).

MS Paint style drawing of typical numale white man taking picture with open mouth
Photographing something you want to show everjone OBJECT Males Females Nu.Males

On November 12th, YouTuber SailorDeer uploaded a video discussing the "Nu-male mouth" phenomenon (shown below).

[This video has been removed]

Search Interest

External References

[1] Yuki.la – /pol/ thread

[2] BodyBuilding – Are you a Nu Male?

[3] Reddit – What on earth is numale?

[4] Reddit – The Nu-Male Starter Pack

[5] Urban Dictionary – Nu-male

[6] Social Anxiety Support – Rixy comment

[7] Reddit – Nu male mouth

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Nu Male | Photo collage of your typical nu-males with their balding and/or thick rimmed glasses or other soy-boy vibe going on


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Nu-male is an internet slang term referring to men and boys who do not conform to traditional masculine gender roles. Online, the term is often used as a pejorative in a similar fashion to "beta male," "cuck" or "soy boy", but is typically reserved for white men with facial hair and eyeglasses.


The earliest known use of the term "nu-male" was in a post submitted to the Social Anxiety Support Forums[6] on September 21st, 2011, sarcastically comparing the term to the music genre nu metal (shown below).

Nu Male - Nu Metal isn't as big as it once was ten years ago - probably because most of it sucked, but hey isn't that guy from Otep married to Carmen Electra? Not too shabby...


On December 18th, 2015, an anonymous 4chan user submitted a photograph of a bearded man wearing glasses along with the question "Is it just me or do most white male liberals look like this?" (shown below, left).[1] In response, another user replied with a collage of photographs featuring white men wearing glasses along with a definition of the term "nu-male" (shown below, right).

For archival. nu-male thas beard and/or glasses :20-30 years old :commonly prematurely balding white knight with white guilt :trendy, very active on Twitter favorite method of activism is complaining uses words like "problematic'" :donates to at least one Patreon female jumps to any woman's defense on the internet despite not ever receiving any rewards or personal benefits :submissive, passive, boring but outspokern :attempted to be an indie dev at some point (evidenced by pixel art avatars) more functional in society than average beta males :one step above fedora lords think they are all unique individuals despite looking exactly the same :Twitter bio and Tinder bio are identical will take his wife's last name Example usage: Hey, did you see all those nu-males giving Brianna Wu money?

On June 10th, 2016, Urban Dictionary[5] user Gary Nyuman submitted an entry for "Nu-male," defining it as men "lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity" (shown below).

Nu-male (n(y)oo mal) Nu-males are men (with "men" being used as loosely as possible) lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity and will jump at any moment to defend women online for feminist brownie points while falsely believing that in return, they'll receive sexual favors. 're a step above "Nice Guys" in terms of beta they are Nu-males are almost exclusively white (although some exceptions exist), ultra liberal, hipsters, wear some form of thick framed glasses with a matching obnoxious beard, submissive but outspoken (only online), in their 20-30s, harbor any form of self-hatred (white guilt, male guilt, etc.), either are thin as a twig or are overweight and very active on social media. They're often pseudo-intellectuals and will opt to blocking as their form of arguing online to any opposing opinions or valid criticism in order to protect their fragile egos. Let's be nu-males together and guarantee we'll never get laid!Take that patriarchy and toxic masculinity!

On October 17th, 2016, Redditor joe1up submitted a post asking "What on earth is 'numale'?" to /r/OutOfTheLoop,[3] to which Redditor Viraus2 responded that it was a "derogatory term for effete millennial men."

On April 18th, 2017, BodyBuilding Forums[2] member TheFuarkingBoss submitted a thread titled "Are you a Nu Male?", along with a collage featuring photographs of Carl the Cuck, Phil Fish, John Oliver, Seth Rogen, Louis C.K. and John Green (shown below).

For archival.

On November 11th, 2017, Redditor BasedGeisha submitted a collage titled "Nu-Male Starter Pack" to /r/starterpacks,[4] where it received upwards of 460 points (68% upvoted) and 280 comments over the next several weeks.

Nu-Male Starter Pack MALE FEMINIST OCTOBER 201 ETQUETT SSUE Apslogizing for Being e Turning in Yeour Dignity Cheeking Yeur Pvge ating Your n Gendler Kissy-faces are R--- Feelings vs Rights Chivalry vs Patriarchy using one to destroy the SPECIAL REPORT Slavery Power TO TAKE A KICK feminist Full-sized Emma Watson Poster INSIDE Male feminists face long list of sexual assault accusationsl YouTube Gaping-mouthed "so quirky" smile

Nu-Male Smile

On October 30th, 2017, Redditor sexy_mofo1 submitted a post titled 'Numale Mouth' Why is that everyone that seems to be against us smiles like this in photos?", followed by an MS Paint illustration of an open-mouthed man with a beard (shown below, left).[7] In the comments section, Redditor brappablat submitted a comic in which a bearded man is shown posing with his mouth agape (shown below, right).

MS Paint style drawing of typical numale white man taking picture with open mouthPhotographing something you want to show everjone OBJECT Males Females Nu.Males

On November 12th, YouTuber SailorDeer uploaded a video discussing the "Nu-male mouth" phenomenon (shown below).

[This video has been removed]

Search Interest

External References

[1] Yuki.la – /pol/ thread

[2] BodyBuilding – Are you a Nu Male?

[3] Reddit – What on earth is numale?

[4] Reddit – The Nu-Male Starter Pack

[5] Urban Dictionary – Nu-male

[6] Social Anxiety Support – Rixy comment

[7] Reddit – Nu male mouth

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