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Part of a series on India. [View Related Entries]


Pakistani Honey Trap, also called Honey Trapped DRDO Scientist Arrested, refers to memes and jokes made in reference to the May 2023 arrest of Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) scientist Pradeep Kurulkar after news emerged about his involvement in the exchange of state secrets with a Pakistani intelligence operative, in what public prosecutors are calling a "honey trap" scenario. "Honey trap" is a term to describe a scheme where a victim is lured into a compromising sexual situation to provide an opportunity for blackmail. Indian internet users began making jokes about Pakistani Honeytraps after news about Indian Air Force Officer Nikhil Shende being contacted by the same Pakistani operative emerged in consecutive days.


On May 7th, 2023, news about a senior DRDO scientist Pradeep Kurulkar's arrest over accusations of espionage emerged. He was booked for allegedly sharing sensitive information about Indian missiles on Whatsapp with a person he believed to be a female admirer and "proud Indian," but was in fact a Pakistani intelligence operative.

On May 4th, 2023, Redditor[1] Destiny657 posted news of the arrest to the subreddit /r/IndianDefence, gathering over 100 upvotes in ten days (seen below).

173 News Honey Trapped : Pradeep Kurulkar, the Director of DRDO- R&DE(E) Pune, has been detained by Maharashtra ATS on suspicion of engaging in "wrongful communication" with Pakistan-based intelligence agents in a possible honeytrap case. i.redd.it Submitted 11 days ago by Destiny657 79 comments share save hide give award report crosspost hide all child comments 2 NEWS BHARATI NEWS GHARATI

Twitter user and reporter[2] @zoo_bear posted a series of tweets with the news on May 7th, 2023, gathering over 14,000 likes in ten days (seen below, left). On May 10th, 2023, further details about the case emerged, including the revelation that Kurulkar was never blackmailed; instead, he chose to divulge national secrets voluntarily, often in exchange for nudes (seen below, right).[3]

Mohammed Zubair @zoo_bear DRDO Director Pradeep Kurulkar was arrested by ATS over accusations of espionage, He was booked by ATS over a complaint filed by DRDO for allegedly sharing sensitive info to a Woman (Pakistani intelligence operative) through WhatsApp, voice messages & video calls. || श्री गणेशाय नमः || श्री विठ्ठलराव जोशी चॅरिटीज ट्रस्ट स्वातंत्र्यवीर विनायक दामोदर साव OF स्मृतिदिन डॉ. प्रदीप कुरुलकर (प्रख्यात शास्त्रज्ञ, डी.आर.डी.ओ. शुक्रवार दि. २६ फेब्रुवारी २०२१ 'भारत देशाची शस्त्रसज्जता' या विषयावर बोलताना डॉ. प्रदीप कुरुलकर 5:18 AM May 7, 2023861.6K Views 5,478 Retweets 222 Quotes 14.8K Likes स्वातंत्र्यवीर सावरकरांच्या प्रतिमेला अभिवादन करताना डॉ. प्रदीप कुरुलकर 254 Bookmarks
07 CITY shared info on 'Scientist Brahmos, Agni missiles' Officials say most of these facts can be found online but some messages were deleted Continued from page 1 gence agencies not intervened, he may have even planned to meet her in another country. The women used to send patriotic messages to Kurulkar and abuse Pakistan to gain the senior scientist's confidence. How plot was foiled THE Pakistani woman had mes- saged Kurulkar from a UK phone number in an ruse to extract details of the project that the Defence Research and Devel- opment Organisation (DRDO) scientist was associated with, which included the Brahmos missile. The duo's interactions continued until February, when military intelligence alerted the DRDO, which then initiated an inquiry against him. Unlikely message According to sources, Kurulkar received the message: "This beautiful Indian girl from Lon- don is a great admirer of the work you're doing for India" sometime in June THE July of last year. Kurulkar reportedly told the agency that he was un- aware that the woman was from Pakistan and that he shared in- formation with her because he was feeling lonely at the age of 59. He believed that the woman was genuinely interested in his work and was flattered by her admiration. Kurulkar apparent- ly thought that by exchanging information with her, he could and in educate her, and in return, en- gage in sexting with her. mation Officials said that the infor- was Kurulkar was shared by not very specific, but certain messages have been deleted. They added that they are at tempting to verify whether he had shared any specific in- formation so that preventive measures can be taken by alert- ing the DRDO. Flattery works According to the ATS, Kurulkar was sexually obsessed and was flattered by the woman. "The woman had professed to be a proud d Indian and had ex d expressed a great deal of admiration for Kurulkar's work for the country after reading his profile. She had also expressed hatred for Pakistan and had claimed that India would emerge victorious over its neighbour," an ATS offi- cial said requesting anonymity. A few days after their initial chat, Kurulkar began asking the woman for her pictures, and she sent him a photo of herself cov- Pradeep Kurulkar at the Pune sessions court on Tuesday mid-day Wednesday, May 10, 2023 | Mumbai | www.mid-day.com | twitter.com/mid_day | epaper.mid-day.com both ering her breasts. He then asked for a full picture, which she sent without revealing her identity. There are chat records in which Kurulkar sought pictures of her genitalia, expres- sing his desire to have sex. They agreed to engage via audio and video calls on WhatsApp. Sources also r report- ed that during a vid- eo call, the woman did not show her face, but was naked and encouraged Kurulkar to pleasure himself. "Hundreds of such calls took place, but the shocking part is that Kurulkar was never threat- ened and he kept sharing infor- mation voluntarily while the woman continued to send him pictures of herself in the nude. Taking advantage of his lone Taking advantage of his lone- liness, she made him talk until picture of herself in the mude Officials discovered that Ku- rulkar was not blackmailed and that he willingly shared inf information. The woman, who was reportedly handled by a latin made late in the night," a source said. Pakistan Intelligence Opera- Sources suggest that a month tive (PIO), identified herself acamouth v after the initial chat, the wom- as Zara Das Gupta to Kurulkar an began seeking information and claimed to be 30. They luing on hien from Kurulkar by playing on this to emotions and psychology. The woman allegedly claimed to be like his student and girlfriend and requested that Kurulkar ed- ucate her about his work, which would help her explore the field and work for the betterment of the country. were to enter long-term relation- ship. Kurulkar had planned to go to Russia last year on an official visit. However, the trip was cancelled, and in a chat, he told the woman that he was coming to London from Russia but never actually visited, according to records. The woman was also planning to visit India this year but nev- er arrived, opting instead to send I explicit pictures and per- form acts in the nude on video calls in an han effort to extract infor- mation Kurulkar agreed to her re- quest, and she then proceeded to ask him about the Brahmos missile, its functioning and 30 Woman's purported age 'The woman had professed to be a proud Indian and had expressed a great deal of admiration for Kurulkar's work for the country after reading his profile' An ATS official how many India currently pos- sesses. "The information he shared pertained to the number of missiles India has and what advanced technology they are using to upgrade them. Some basic information is also available on the the internet, and thus far we haven't seen anything specific about the Brahmos missile being shared," an officer said. Sources have said that apart from Brahmos, Kurulkar shared details about Agni and some an- ti-satellite missiles. 'Not blackmailed' Sources have suggested that Kurulkar was so infatuated with the woman that he was looking to pursue a physical relation- ship with her. Had the intelli- The +44 number, which was used to get in touch with Ku- rulkar had a Pakistani IP ad- dress. An intelligence officer who keeps track of suspicious IP addresses alerted the DRDO, IE and their vigilance team con- ducted a probe before the plaint was made to the ATS. The na- tional security adviser and the PM's office were also also briefed about the development. R As per the defence lawyer, Rhishikesh NUST R Ganu, in the first week of February, the the govern- ment of India initiated an en- quiry against Kurulkar, and his devices were seized on Febru- ary 24. On April 18, the devices were sent to the Maharashtra ATS. From April 19 to April 24, the senior scientist was sum- moned by the agency to record his statement. On May 2, the complaint was filed by DRDO and the FIR was registered and Kurulkar was arrested the fol- lowing day. Pradeep Kurulkar Act is anti-national: court PRADEEP Kurulkar was pro- about the sequence of events duced in court on Tuesday, leading up to Kurulkar's ar- and his custody has been rest. Public prosecutor, Ad- extended until May 15. He vocate Vijay Fargade, told the has claimed that he had not court that new information visited any foreign country on had come to light, and they his personal passport since had received some primary 2021, and the visits that the reports of forensic analysis ATS is to were on that to be his diplomatic passport for ed. Fargade explained that official government events they needed to examine Ku- and meetings. rulkar's bank statements and investigate the women who had met him at the DRDO FAIZAN KHAN faizan.khan@mid-day.com Kurulkar's foreign visits gun's lawyer point- and The ATS informed the court that they are examin- ing to determine if he met any- one outside of his official list. According to government records, he has visited six countries on his diplomatic passport, including Nepal was represented by Advocate Ru- shikesh Ganu, who argued that custody was not neces- sary to retrieve data from his electronic gadgets. Ganu ex- ex- pressed concern about what sensitive or classified infor- mation Kurulkar may have shared and whethe the ATS was withholding that infor- mation. Ganu also raised questions ATS officers say person tried to gain confidential info on Indian Army, are probing if intel officer, too, was honey-trapped ATS officials investigating DRDO scientist Pradeep Ku- rulkar's case have discovered some sensational facts. They They have found that a woman from approached an official from an intelligence agency using the same number she used to honey-trap Kurulkar, in an attempt to gain confidential information related to the to the Indian Army. The The intelli- gence officer is curre is currently be- ing treated as a witness, but but it is possible t that he, too, was honey-trapped, like Kurulkar. During Kurulkar's remand hearing, the court was in- formed that ATS officials had seized the intelligence officer's iPhone. While his name was mentioned in the 'Intel officer got call from same extended Kurul number used to trap Kurulkar' CELO whil letaile remand application, mid-day has withheld his name as the ATS has recorded his state- ment as a witness in the case. The officials found the num- ber of the intelligence officer while scrutinising details wer S dato of Kurulkar's calls and data, and he has been examined. The officer's phone has been sent to forensics and further action will depend on wheth- er he is found to have shared any confidential or classified information. ed out that the guesthouse records are maintained in a register and could be ob- tained from there, making custody unnecessary. The defence also questioned the ninth electronic gadget shown in the remand appli- cation and stated that the red iPhone seized by the ATS did not belong to Kurulkar. The ATS explained that the phone belonged to a witness who had received a message from the same number used by Pakistani intelligence to trap Kurulkar. When asked if there is any link between between Kurulkar's case and that of the intelligence officer, the officials said that nothing conclusive had been found. However, they have discovered that the same number used to honey-trap Kurulkar was also used in the intelligence officer's case. After hearing arguments. from both the prosecution and the and the defence, the court extended Kurulkar's custody. The court stated that various witnesses had been examined by the ATS, and new facts had come to light during the in- a sting vestigation. The investigating off had ale retri dato officer had also retrieved data that had been deleted from Hom Kurulkar's mobile phone, which needed to be exam- wach needed to the al ined. The court found the al- ti legations against Kurulkar to be serious in nature and stat- od that ed that he had shared images and data with foreign nation- ale which was det als, which was detrimental to national secu national security. "This is an anti-national act on his part considering the post he was holding," the court said in its order while extending his custody. Therefore, the court ruled, that custody could not be denied at this s stage. During investigation, the ATS came to know that Ku- rulkar met different wom- en at DRDO guesthouses all over India. Now, the agency is probing if the woman who seduced the scientist to re- trieve classified information from him was in touch with the other women he met in India. Faizan Khan

On May 9th, 2023 Indian Instagram[4] meme page @raitaposting posted the earliest known series of memes about the case, gathering over 3,900 likes in a week (seen below).

heyy ages DRD D R ENE DO ock images by G Tejas Tactical Operations Manual.pdf 963.5 KB 5:57 PM ✔ Indian Army Bases Blueprint.pdf 1.2 MB 6:01 PM ✔ Classified Nuclear Stockpile Information.pdf 149.3 KB 6:07 PM / BrahMos Missile System Engineering Data - Copy.pdf 149.3 KB 6:08 PM ✔
WHO WOULD WIN ? Intelligence Bureau खुफिया विभाग India भारत Research and Analysis Wing अनुसंधान और विश्लेषण विंग India भारत indian intel agencies with millions in funding pak p----


On May 15th, 2023, various Twitter[5] users began to post memes about the event, with @mxtaverse posting news about another Indian official's involvement with the case with the caption, "These people are insane. How difficult is it to just stop replying to pakistani girls? 😭😭😭." The post gathered over 1,000 likes in a day (seen below, left). Also on May 15th, Twitter[6] user @iRahulalt posted a meme related to the event, gathering over 2,000 likes in a day (seen below, right).

Arjun* @mxtaverse These people are insane. How difficult is it to just stop replying to pakistani girls? Pune: After DRDO Scientist Kurulkar, Now IAF Officer Nikhil Shende Found Providing Defence Secrets To Pakistan 1:38 PM . May 15, 2023 82.3K Views . D RD DEFENCER ORGANISATION O R&D * बलस्य मूलं विज्ञानम् MINISTRY OF DEFENCE D O RD :
Rahul Mujahid (TTP) @iRahulalt At $76.6 billion, India is third highest military spender in world, says report Meanwhile Pakistan army :- Las Ek lightskin ladki fek ke marenge 12:20 AM • May 15, 2023 58.5K Views Sara Deshbhakti nikal jayega 284 Retweets 17 Quotes Army jawan falls for honeytrap by Pak agents, leaks info 2,078 Likes 103 Bookmarks Caught in a honeytrap, an Indian Army personnel leaked information to Pakistani women agents. :

On May 15th, Twitter[7] user @sourav__styls98 posted a meme about Pakistani honey traps, gathering over 3,000 likes in a day (seen below, left). Also on May 15th, Twitter[8] user @chakravartiin posted a meme about Pakistani women being Indian officials' "kryptonite," gathering over 900 likes in a day (seen below, right).

sourav @sourav_styls98 Good morning india Hey, i am mahira @Sourav_styls98 11:11 PM . May 15, 2023 153.8K Views D 445 Retweets 30 Quotes 3,182 Likes 104 Bookmarks RD R&D DEFENCE ORGANISATION चनस्य मूलं विज्ञानम् MINISTRY OF DEFENCE R नमः भारतीय वायु O 21-11 दीप्तम् स्पृशं Brahmos Formula and design starts with a simple nude you share :
Mr Melancholy @chakravartiin May 15, 2023 Bobz & vegene strikes again Vishwaguru Scientists & officers Arjun* @mxtaverse • 21h Scientist Kurulkar, Now IAF Officer Nikhil Shende Found Providing Defence Secrets To Pakistan 15 RD AND CHE @chak artiin These people are insane. How difficult is it to just stop replying to pakistani girls? t 139 914 ₁24.7K ↑ : ...

Various Examples

legend. r/ldc. @dudeitsokay ghamand hai, pakistani shehzaadiyo se seggsting krne ka 12:54 AM. May 16, 2023 12.6K Views :
* ISI handler @realpolity101 Do u want bob and vagena? * Which Missile's design details you need? DRDO guy
EANEET supremacy @AASI_Amsha. May 15, 2023 India: We have $5 trillion GDP, ICBMs, cryogenic engines, Lunar orbiters, lauda, lehsun, etc. What do you have? Paxstan: We have Pakhtoonas to honey trap your high command. Sawai @HHMaharajaSawai. 21h Scientist Kurulkar, Now IAF Officer Nikhil Shende Found Providing Defence Secrets To Pakistan 31 DRD O Can't stop flexxing state secrets to qts from Lahore t 258 1,298 ₁57K ↑
쁘分 @jadejamayur010 @Mayur010 51 P---- so good men ready to Leak National Secrets 3:13 AM - May 16, 2023 6,623 Views ...
Sumit @kallucricketer DRDO has two sides @kallucricketer Setup Hi-tech cyber security to protect data 12:04 AM. May 16, 2023 5,305 Views : Leaks important data for nudes
r/ldc. @dudeitsokay me & my bois on our way to trap drdo scientists so we can nuke paxtan. 10:23 AM - May 16, 2023 1,811 Views

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External References

[1] Reddit – /r/IndianDefense

[2] Twitter – zoo_bear

[3] Twitter – MhaskarChief

[4] Instagram – raitaposting

[5]  Twitter – mxtaverse

[6] Twitter – iRahulalt

[7] Twitter – sourav__styls98

[8] Twitter – chakravartiin

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Two Pakistani Honey Trap memes

Pakistani Honey Trap

Part of a series on India. [View Related Entries]

Updated May 17, 2023 at 03:17AM EDT by Rebecca Rhodes.

Added May 16, 2023 at 10:11AM EDT by sakshi.

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Pakistani Honey Trap, also called Honey Trapped DRDO Scientist Arrested, refers to memes and jokes made in reference to the May 2023 arrest of Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) scientist Pradeep Kurulkar after news emerged about his involvement in the exchange of state secrets with a Pakistani intelligence operative, in what public prosecutors are calling a "honey trap" scenario. "Honey trap" is a term to describe a scheme where a victim is lured into a compromising sexual situation to provide an opportunity for blackmail. Indian internet users began making jokes about Pakistani Honeytraps after news about Indian Air Force Officer Nikhil Shende being contacted by the same Pakistani operative emerged in consecutive days.


On May 7th, 2023, news about a senior DRDO scientist Pradeep Kurulkar's arrest over accusations of espionage emerged. He was booked for allegedly sharing sensitive information about Indian missiles on Whatsapp with a person he believed to be a female admirer and "proud Indian," but was in fact a Pakistani intelligence operative.

On May 4th, 2023, Redditor[1] Destiny657 posted news of the arrest to the subreddit /r/IndianDefence, gathering over 100 upvotes in ten days (seen below).

173 News Honey Trapped : Pradeep Kurulkar, the Director of DRDO- R&DE(E) Pune, has been detained by Maharashtra ATS on suspicion of engaging in "wrongful communication" with Pakistan-based intelligence agents in a possible honeytrap case. i.redd.it Submitted 11 days ago by Destiny657 79 comments share save hide give award report crosspost hide all child comments 2 NEWS BHARATI NEWS GHARATI

Twitter user and reporter[2] @zoo_bear posted a series of tweets with the news on May 7th, 2023, gathering over 14,000 likes in ten days (seen below, left). On May 10th, 2023, further details about the case emerged, including the revelation that Kurulkar was never blackmailed; instead, he chose to divulge national secrets voluntarily, often in exchange for nudes (seen below, right).[3]

Mohammed Zubair @zoo_bear DRDO Director Pradeep Kurulkar was arrested by ATS over accusations of espionage, He was booked by ATS over a complaint filed by DRDO for allegedly sharing sensitive info to a Woman (Pakistani intelligence operative) through WhatsApp, voice messages & video calls. || श्री गणेशाय नमः || श्री विठ्ठलराव जोशी चॅरिटीज ट्रस्ट स्वातंत्र्यवीर विनायक दामोदर साव OF स्मृतिदिन डॉ. प्रदीप कुरुलकर (प्रख्यात शास्त्रज्ञ, डी.आर.डी.ओ. शुक्रवार दि. २६ फेब्रुवारी २०२१ 'भारत देशाची शस्त्रसज्जता' या विषयावर बोलताना डॉ. प्रदीप कुरुलकर 5:18 AM May 7, 2023861.6K Views 5,478 Retweets 222 Quotes 14.8K Likes स्वातंत्र्यवीर सावरकरांच्या प्रतिमेला अभिवादन करताना डॉ. प्रदीप कुरुलकर 254 Bookmarks 07 CITY shared info on 'Scientist Brahmos, Agni missiles' Officials say most of these facts can be found online but some messages were deleted Continued from page 1 gence agencies not intervened, he may have even planned to meet her in another country. The women used to send patriotic messages to Kurulkar and abuse Pakistan to gain the senior scientist's confidence. How plot was foiled THE Pakistani woman had mes- saged Kurulkar from a UK phone number in an ruse to extract details of the project that the Defence Research and Devel- opment Organisation (DRDO) scientist was associated with, which included the Brahmos missile. The duo's interactions continued until February, when military intelligence alerted the DRDO, which then initiated an inquiry against him. Unlikely message According to sources, Kurulkar received the message: "This beautiful Indian girl from Lon- don is a great admirer of the work you're doing for India" sometime in June THE July of last year. Kurulkar reportedly told the agency that he was un- aware that the woman was from Pakistan and that he shared in- formation with her because he was feeling lonely at the age of 59. He believed that the woman was genuinely interested in his work and was flattered by her admiration. Kurulkar apparent- ly thought that by exchanging information with her, he could and in educate her, and in return, en- gage in sexting with her. mation Officials said that the infor- was Kurulkar was shared by not very specific, but certain messages have been deleted. They added that they are at tempting to verify whether he had shared any specific in- formation so that preventive measures can be taken by alert- ing the DRDO. Flattery works According to the ATS, Kurulkar was sexually obsessed and was flattered by the woman. "The woman had professed to be a proud d Indian and had ex d expressed a great deal of admiration for Kurulkar's work for the country after reading his profile. She had also expressed hatred for Pakistan and had claimed that India would emerge victorious over its neighbour," an ATS offi- cial said requesting anonymity. A few days after their initial chat, Kurulkar began asking the woman for her pictures, and she sent him a photo of herself cov- Pradeep Kurulkar at the Pune sessions court on Tuesday mid-day Wednesday, May 10, 2023 | Mumbai | www.mid-day.com | twitter.com/mid_day | epaper.mid-day.com both ering her breasts. He then asked for a full picture, which she sent without revealing her identity. There are chat records in which Kurulkar sought pictures of her genitalia, expres- sing his desire to have sex. They agreed to engage via audio and video calls on WhatsApp. Sources also r report- ed that during a vid- eo call, the woman did not show her face, but was naked and encouraged Kurulkar to pleasure himself. "Hundreds of such calls took place, but the shocking part is that Kurulkar was never threat- ened and he kept sharing infor- mation voluntarily while the woman continued to send him pictures of herself in the nude. Taking advantage of his lone Taking advantage of his lone- liness, she made him talk until picture of herself in the mude Officials discovered that Ku- rulkar was not blackmailed and that he willingly shared inf information. The woman, who was reportedly handled by a latin made late in the night," a source said. Pakistan Intelligence Opera- Sources suggest that a month tive (PIO), identified herself acamouth v after the initial chat, the wom- as Zara Das Gupta to Kurulkar an began seeking information and claimed to be 30. They luing on hien from Kurulkar by playing on this to emotions and psychology. The woman allegedly claimed to be like his student and girlfriend and requested that Kurulkar ed- ucate her about his work, which would help her explore the field and work for the betterment of the country. were to enter long-term relation- ship. Kurulkar had planned to go to Russia last year on an official visit. However, the trip was cancelled, and in a chat, he told the woman that he was coming to London from Russia but never actually visited, according to records. The woman was also planning to visit India this year but nev- er arrived, opting instead to send I explicit pictures and per- form acts in the nude on video calls in an han effort to extract infor- mation Kurulkar agreed to her re- quest, and she then proceeded to ask him about the Brahmos missile, its functioning and 30 Woman's purported age 'The woman had professed to be a proud Indian and had expressed a great deal of admiration for Kurulkar's work for the country after reading his profile' An ATS official how many India currently pos- sesses. "The information he shared pertained to the number of missiles India has and what advanced technology they are using to upgrade them. Some basic information is also available on the the internet, and thus far we haven't seen anything specific about the Brahmos missile being shared," an officer said. Sources have said that apart from Brahmos, Kurulkar shared details about Agni and some an- ti-satellite missiles. 'Not blackmailed' Sources have suggested that Kurulkar was so infatuated with the woman that he was looking to pursue a physical relation- ship with her. Had the intelli- The +44 number, which was used to get in touch with Ku- rulkar had a Pakistani IP ad- dress. An intelligence officer who keeps track of suspicious IP addresses alerted the DRDO, IE and their vigilance team con- ducted a probe before the plaint was made to the ATS. The na- tional security adviser and the PM's office were also also briefed about the development. R As per the defence lawyer, Rhishikesh NUST R Ganu, in the first week of February, the the govern- ment of India initiated an en- quiry against Kurulkar, and his devices were seized on Febru- ary 24. On April 18, the devices were sent to the Maharashtra ATS. From April 19 to April 24, the senior scientist was sum- moned by the agency to record his statement. On May 2, the complaint was filed by DRDO and the FIR was registered and Kurulkar was arrested the fol- lowing day. Pradeep Kurulkar Act is anti-national: court PRADEEP Kurulkar was pro- about the sequence of events duced in court on Tuesday, leading up to Kurulkar's ar- and his custody has been rest. Public prosecutor, Ad- extended until May 15. He vocate Vijay Fargade, told the has claimed that he had not court that new information visited any foreign country on had come to light, and they his personal passport since had received some primary 2021, and the visits that the reports of forensic analysis ATS is to were on that to be his diplomatic passport for ed. Fargade explained that official government events they needed to examine Ku- and meetings. rulkar's bank statements and investigate the women who had met him at the DRDO FAIZAN KHAN faizan.khan@mid-day.com Kurulkar's foreign visits gun's lawyer point- and The ATS informed the court that they are examin- ing to determine if he met any- one outside of his official list. According to government records, he has visited six countries on his diplomatic passport, including Nepal was represented by Advocate Ru- shikesh Ganu, who argued that custody was not neces- sary to retrieve data from his electronic gadgets. Ganu ex- ex- pressed concern about what sensitive or classified infor- mation Kurulkar may have shared and whethe the ATS was withholding that infor- mation. Ganu also raised questions ATS officers say person tried to gain confidential info on Indian Army, are probing if intel officer, too, was honey-trapped ATS officials investigating DRDO scientist Pradeep Ku- rulkar's case have discovered some sensational facts. They They have found that a woman from approached an official from an intelligence agency using the same number she used to honey-trap Kurulkar, in an attempt to gain confidential information related to the to the Indian Army. The The intelli- gence officer is curre is currently be- ing treated as a witness, but but it is possible t that he, too, was honey-trapped, like Kurulkar. During Kurulkar's remand hearing, the court was in- formed that ATS officials had seized the intelligence officer's iPhone. While his name was mentioned in the 'Intel officer got call from same extended Kurul number used to trap Kurulkar' CELO whil letaile remand application, mid-day has withheld his name as the ATS has recorded his state- ment as a witness in the case. The officials found the num- ber of the intelligence officer while scrutinising details wer S dato of Kurulkar's calls and data, and he has been examined. The officer's phone has been sent to forensics and further action will depend on wheth- er he is found to have shared any confidential or classified information. ed out that the guesthouse records are maintained in a register and could be ob- tained from there, making custody unnecessary. The defence also questioned the ninth electronic gadget shown in the remand appli- cation and stated that the red iPhone seized by the ATS did not belong to Kurulkar. The ATS explained that the phone belonged to a witness who had received a message from the same number used by Pakistani intelligence to trap Kurulkar. When asked if there is any link between between Kurulkar's case and that of the intelligence officer, the officials said that nothing conclusive had been found. However, they have discovered that the same number used to honey-trap Kurulkar was also used in the intelligence officer's case. After hearing arguments. from both the prosecution and the and the defence, the court extended Kurulkar's custody. The court stated that various witnesses had been examined by the ATS, and new facts had come to light during the in- a sting vestigation. The investigating off had ale retri dato officer had also retrieved data that had been deleted from Hom Kurulkar's mobile phone, which needed to be exam- wach needed to the al ined. The court found the al- ti legations against Kurulkar to be serious in nature and stat- od that ed that he had shared images and data with foreign nation- ale which was det als, which was detrimental to national secu national security. "This is an anti-national act on his part considering the post he was holding," the court said in its order while extending his custody. Therefore, the court ruled, that custody could not be denied at this s stage. During investigation, the ATS came to know that Ku- rulkar met different wom- en at DRDO guesthouses all over India. Now, the agency is probing if the woman who seduced the scientist to re- trieve classified information from him was in touch with the other women he met in India. Faizan Khan

On May 9th, 2023 Indian Instagram[4] meme page @raitaposting posted the earliest known series of memes about the case, gathering over 3,900 likes in a week (seen below).

heyy ages DRD D R ENE DO ock images by G Tejas Tactical Operations Manual.pdf 963.5 KB 5:57 PM ✔ Indian Army Bases Blueprint.pdf 1.2 MB 6:01 PM ✔ Classified Nuclear Stockpile Information.pdf 149.3 KB 6:07 PM / BrahMos Missile System Engineering Data - Copy.pdf 149.3 KB 6:08 PM ✔ WHO WOULD WIN ? Intelligence Bureau खुफिया विभाग India भारत Research and Analysis Wing अनुसंधान और विश्लेषण विंग India भारत indian intel agencies with millions in funding pak p----


On May 15th, 2023, various Twitter[5] users began to post memes about the event, with @mxtaverse posting news about another Indian official's involvement with the case with the caption, "These people are insane. How difficult is it to just stop replying to pakistani girls? 😭😭😭." The post gathered over 1,000 likes in a day (seen below, left). Also on May 15th, Twitter[6] user @iRahulalt posted a meme related to the event, gathering over 2,000 likes in a day (seen below, right).

Arjun* @mxtaverse These people are insane. How difficult is it to just stop replying to pakistani girls? Pune: After DRDO Scientist Kurulkar, Now IAF Officer Nikhil Shende Found Providing Defence Secrets To Pakistan 1:38 PM . May 15, 2023 82.3K Views . D RD DEFENCER ORGANISATION O R&D * बलस्य मूलं विज्ञानम् MINISTRY OF DEFENCE D O RD : Rahul Mujahid (TTP) @iRahulalt At $76.6 billion, India is third highest military spender in world, says report Meanwhile Pakistan army :- Las Ek lightskin ladki fek ke marenge 12:20 AM • May 15, 2023 58.5K Views Sara Deshbhakti nikal jayega 284 Retweets 17 Quotes Army jawan falls for honeytrap by Pak agents, leaks info 2,078 Likes 103 Bookmarks Caught in a honeytrap, an Indian Army personnel leaked information to Pakistani women agents. :

On May 15th, Twitter[7] user @sourav__styls98 posted a meme about Pakistani honey traps, gathering over 3,000 likes in a day (seen below, left). Also on May 15th, Twitter[8] user @chakravartiin posted a meme about Pakistani women being Indian officials' "kryptonite," gathering over 900 likes in a day (seen below, right).

sourav @sourav_styls98 Good morning india Hey, i am mahira @Sourav_styls98 11:11 PM . May 15, 2023 153.8K Views D 445 Retweets 30 Quotes 3,182 Likes 104 Bookmarks RD R&D DEFENCE ORGANISATION चनस्य मूलं विज्ञानम् MINISTRY OF DEFENCE R नमः भारतीय वायु O 21-11 दीप्तम् स्पृशं Brahmos Formula and design starts with a simple nude you share : Mr Melancholy @chakravartiin May 15, 2023 Bobz & vegene strikes again Vishwaguru Scientists & officers Arjun* @mxtaverse • 21h Scientist Kurulkar, Now IAF Officer Nikhil Shende Found Providing Defence Secrets To Pakistan 15 RD AND CHE @chak artiin These people are insane. How difficult is it to just stop replying to pakistani girls? t 139 914 ₁24.7K ↑ : ...

Various Examples

legend. r/ldc. @dudeitsokay ghamand hai, pakistani shehzaadiyo se seggsting krne ka 12:54 AM. May 16, 2023 12.6K Views : * ISI handler @realpolity101 Do u want bob and vagena? * Which Missile's design details you need? DRDO guy EANEET supremacy @AASI_Amsha. May 15, 2023 India: We have $5 trillion GDP, ICBMs, cryogenic engines, Lunar orbiters, lauda, lehsun, etc. What do you have? Paxstan: We have Pakhtoonas to honey trap your high command. Sawai @HHMaharajaSawai. 21h Scientist Kurulkar, Now IAF Officer Nikhil Shende Found Providing Defence Secrets To Pakistan 31 DRD O Can't stop flexxing state secrets to qts from Lahore t 258 1,298 ₁57K ↑ 쁘分 @jadejamayur010 @Mayur010 51 P---- so good men ready to Leak National Secrets 3:13 AM - May 16, 2023 6,623 Views ... Sumit @kallucricketer DRDO has two sides @kallucricketer Setup Hi-tech cyber security to protect data 12:04 AM. May 16, 2023 5,305 Views : Leaks important data for nudes r/ldc. @dudeitsokay me & my bois on our way to trap drdo scientists so we can nuke paxtan. 10:23 AM - May 16, 2023 1,811 Views

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External References

[1] Reddit – /r/IndianDefense

[2] Twitter – zoo_bear

[3] Twitter – MhaskarChief

[4] Instagram – raitaposting

[5]  Twitter – mxtaverse

[6] Twitter – iRahulalt

[7] Twitter – sourav__styls98

[8] Twitter – chakravartiin

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