Indian Joker / Rizxtar
Part of a series on India. [View Related Entries]
Indian Joker, also known as Jokar and Rizxtar, is a Joker-inspired TikTok character known for his dyed green hair and sinister face made by sticking out his jaw. The TikTok videos and Indian Joker character became popular in December 2019 on Reddit mostly in subreddits devoted to cringe-worthy content.
On March 22nd, 2019, TikToker @rizxtarr uploaded his first Joker cosplay video which gained over 1,530 likes in a year (shown below).
In 2019, Rizxtar continued to upload videos of himself with Joker makeup and green hair. On September 10th, @rizxtarr uploaded a video which accumulated over 95,100 likes in five months (shown below, left). In December @rizxtar began incorporating a sinister smile into his videos and launched his success gaining him additional followers on YouTube[2] and Instagram.[1] On December 14th, he uploaded an example which garnered over six million likes in two months (shown below, center). On January 2nd, @rizxtarr uploaded another Joker video which gained over 527,300 likes in a month (shown below, right).
On December 17th, 2019, Redditor J-ackarse uploaded an Indian Joker video to r/cringetopia[4] with the caption, "Indian joker is the most amazing thing on tik tok" which received over 26,800 points (91% upvoted) in two months (shown below). The next day, Redditor Lickmycavity uploaded another video to r/cringetopia[5] which garnered over 18,700 points (96% upvoted) in two months.
Indian joker is the most amazing thing on tik tok from r/Cringetopia
On December 30th, Redditor ImDoingItForFree uploaded a four-paneled image of men with jawlines to r/cringetopia[6] (shown below, left). The image gained over 5,700 points (93% upvoted) in a month. On January 7th, 2020, Redditor iTylerx uploaded an Indian Joker emote to r/cringetopia[7] and garnered over 20,200 points (94% upvoted) in a month (shown below, right). On January 6th, eBaum's World[3] posted a compilation of Indian Joker videos.

Various Examples

Search Interest
External References
[3] EBaumsWorld – Indian TikTok Joker Is Seriously Creepy and Cringey
[4] Reddit – r/cringtopia
[5] Reddit – r/cringtopia
[6] Reddit – r/cringtopia
[7] Reddit – r/cringtopia
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Feb 14, 2020 at 05:31PM EST
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