Witchcraft (Pendulum Song)
Part of a series on YouTube Poop Music Videos / YTPMV. [View Related Entries]
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Witchcraft is the second single released by Australian drum and bass band Pendulum on the 19th July 2010 by Warner Music UK, Earstorm Records, and Breakbeat Kaos from their 2010 studio album Immersion.
This song became a modestly popular music resource for YTPMV's in the middle of 2010.
The first instance reusing this song in YTPMV was "Spycraft" that was now-defunct video featuring Spy from Team Fortress2, a very popular visual resource for YTPMV. It was made by a famous YTPMV creator mexicansunflower around May 2010.[1]
Since some other ytpmv creators started mimicking the style of his video and entitled their videos like "(X)CRAFT" around the end of that month, the amount of video had been increasing a little.[2]
Notable Examples
For more videos, check out the videos section in this entry.
JACKCRAFT (See also: Jack Black On Sesame Street/Octagon)
BONKCRAFT (See also: Bonk!)
External References
[1] YouTube β Spycraft (defunct)
[2] YouTube β Search results for ytpmv witchcraft