Anthony Burch
Anthony Burch is a writer and content creator known for the series "Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin?" as well as his work on the Borderlands series. Online, he is also well-known for his personal life and tweets which have made him infamous on sites such as Kiwi Farms.
Burch gained fame with his series "Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin?", a sketch series involving Burch and his sister Ashly. The series launched on May 29th, 2008.[1] The show ran 54 episodes until its finale in 2015 (shown below).
After his work on Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin?, Burch worked at Gearbox and was the lead writer in Borderlands 2.[2] He was named to Forbes 30 Under 30 list. He also worked at Destructoid[3] and has been a writer for Anime Crimes Division. [4]
Burch began gaining notoriety during GamerGate, when he argued that Gamergaters did not actually care about corruption in gaming journalism, as they'd famously insisted, by pointing out examples of corruption he himself had engaged in as well as other examples of corruption in the industry.[5] He also gained notoriety for being very open about details in his marriage online, including that the marriage was open and that his wife was possibly having more extramarital affairs than he was.[6][8] His wife later left him, allegedly taking his Wii U. He also has come out as bisexual.[7] An extensive thread on KiwiFarms details tweets where Burch has appeared openly jealous of his sister's successful career.
At Least I'm Not Anthony Burch
A common refrain made in mockery of Burch is "At least I'm not Anthony Burch," referring to Burch's various misfortunes. This is particularly popular on 4chan. A compilation of such posts was posted to Funnyjunk[9] in July of 2015.

A question about the phrase was posted to /r/OutOfTheLoop on September 9th, 2017.[10] User thatguyfromhalfchan wrote:
I actually use 4chan so you can trust my sources on this. Anthony Burch was just another video game writer… or he would've been had it not been for twitter and his open mouth. Basically He's a huge asshole who constantly flaunts about his money, downplays others who criticize his writing (Which isn't all that good, passable but it won't win any awards from me.), decided to have an open relationship with his wife because he was unable to satisfy her which resulted in him being literally, not figuratively "hurr durr ur a cuck!" but a LITERAL cuck, thought he was bisexual and tried to go out with dudes (which I find kinda insulting being one myself), and had his Wii U taken by his ex-wife (which is the one part that never ceases to make me laugh). The whole point of "At least you're not Anthony Burch" is to remind anons that just because we're overweight, anime loving degenerates who spend all their cash on anime merch and new tech in order to fuck anime girls, doesn't mean our lives are at its worst, life could be worse because at least we're not Anthony Burch. So remember PeralSquad, if life seems to shit on you, lost your job, house, girlfriend, or overall things seem to be bad, just remember, at least you aren't a douchebag who flaunts his money to people, can't take criticism for his writing, gets cucked by his own wife and then have that very same wife take your Wii U in the divorce as you remain sexually confused… or at least you're not Anthony Burch. Not gonna lie, when I get depressed, sad or feel like life isn't going my way, I take out a picture on my phone of a note that says "At least you're not Anthony Burch." Not even joking about it, and it always makes me feel better.
Search Interest
External References
[1] IMDb – Hey Ash Whatcha Playin
[2] Forbes – Anthony Burch
[3] EncyclopediaDramatica – Destructoid
[4] IMDb – Anthony Burch
[6] KiwiFarms – Anthony Ally Burch
[7] Pastebin – Anthony Burch FAQ
[8] Tumblr – abdullahqutbedden
[10] Reddit – /r/outoftheloop