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Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs. f--- up your town and spit those swcet raps that you love track list 1. intro 2. femimassacre in da klan 4. fresh white PARENTAL behind jew eyes ADVISORY EIPLICIT CONTENT 6. cracke 7. ferguson . moon mus1C 9. f--- the church 10. president 1. religion of peace 12. fresh white (triple k remix) 13. outro bonus tracks: 1. fresh killer of bel ait 2. calling sunman Moonman roudl resents haseeb2- killing n------ 4. moonman's mind 5. booking a room WWhite7opia re hidden and py at onus t-out to Ben Gamison Mick Sw Tashbrowns, and al g Toiletmaggot, Narum the people who showed u


"Please Disconnect the Bluetooth Speaker." (also known as "Bluetooth Speaker" or "We need to talk") is an exploitable template used to show a mother's disgust or concern in whatever audio the image is showcasing as being listened to while connected to a bluetooth speaker set downstairs. The text notification band at the top of the image is placed over a picture of someone listening to or watching something that could be considered strange or inappropriate.


The original photo (shown below), featuring a scene from Baku Ane: Otouto Shibocchau zo! The Animation [1] was posted by twitter user @nochiIInovember on March 7th [2]. The photo in question was confirmed to be fake by @nochillnovember after multiple questions of whether or not he was the original creator of the photo (multiple people had made an identical tweet as little as an hour afterwards.) He tweeted the photo below as proof of it being fake [3].

Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs im nota virgin anvmore.. vou can TUCR me harder!!
Using for the page


By March 9th, the original tweet had more than 17k retweets and 19k likes, with the image being posted on multiple image hosting site such as reddit [4], funnyjunk [5], tumblr, [6] and imgur [7]. Variations of the image, using the text notification band at the top, began appearing around the same time, with notable ones coming from reddit [8] and twitter replies [9].

Various Examples

Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs. ÷ BBC Royalty Free Bird Song/Calls → 01 Blackbird (Turdus Merula) With Da 3:10 30 Long Tailed T-- (Aegithalos Cauda 2:33 02 Buzzard (Buteo Buteo) Two Adults1:36 03 Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus Collybit 04 Rock Dove (Columba Livia) Coos An 2:18 05 Mallard (Anas Platyrhynchos) Male 2:37 06 Mallard (Anas Platyrhynchos) Clos 22 07 Wigeon (Anas Penelope) Large Floc 3:15 08 Wigeon (Anas Penelope) Flock Of1 2:53 09 Dunnock (Prunella Modularis) 10 Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinu 11 Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinu 12 Goldcrest (Regulus Regulus) With 13 Greenfinch (Carduelis Chloris) Wi 14 Jackdaw (Corvus Monedula) Adults 4:39 15 Nightingale (Luscinia Megarhyncho 5:16 16 Nuthatch (Sitta Europaea) Calls, 2:31 With 1:12 3:00 1:21 1:42 1:39 17 Robin (Erithacus Rubecula) Spring 5:08 sick and trendyavian memes 18 Rook (Corvus Frugilegus) Adult Ca 19 House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus) 2:47 20 House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus 2:25 21 House Sparrow (Passer Domstics 4:22 22 Sparrowhawk (Accipiter Nisus) Ala 1:55 23 Swallow (Hirundo Rustica) Song, W 1:32 24 Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor) Calls, Wi2:19 25 Whooper Swan (Cygnus Cygnus) T... 2:10 26 Mistle Thrush (Turdus Viscivorus) 27 Song Thrush (Turdus Philomelos) W 2:03 3:00 7:01
Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs. 11 4) 6:17:04 / 10:00:00 love the Tusken Raider battle cry (10 hours) LeCinephobe Subscribe 93 57,894 474タ115 Add to Share More
Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs. You Tube Up next 2014 II 7:5225/10:00:00 10 Hours of Soviet Communist Music GETchan ★ SOVIET MU Subscribe 2,365 36,976 ★ 2015 14:91タ116 Add to Share More


Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs.

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External References

[1] MyAnimeList – Baku Ane: Otouto Shibocchau zo! The Animation / Aired on 8-29-2014

[2] Twitter – @nochillnovember's post / Tweeted 3-7-2016

[3] Twitter – nah its OC / Tweeted 3-8-2016

[4] Reddit – Make sure you always turn of your bluetooth / Posted on 3-8-2016

[5] Funnyjunk – We need to talk / Posted on 3-9-2016

[6] Tumblr – Imaged Edited to incorrect Twitter handle / Posted on 3-8-2016

[7] Imgur – Don't you hate when this happens? / Posted on 3-8-2016

[8] Reddit – me_irl / Posted on 3-8-2016

[9] Twitter – @pelzerrrr / Posted on 3-8-2016

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Please Disconnect The Bluetooth Speaker

Please Disconnect The Bluetooth Speaker

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This entry contains content that may be considered sensitive to some viewers.

Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs. f--- up your town and spit those swcet raps that you love track list 1. intro 2. femimassacre in da klan 4. fresh white PARENTAL behind jew eyes ADVISORY EIPLICIT CONTENT 6. cracke 7. ferguson . moon mus1C 9. f--- the church 10. president 1. religion of peace 12. fresh white (triple k remix) 13. outro bonus tracks: 1. fresh killer of bel ait 2. calling sunman Moonman roudl resents haseeb2- killing n------ 4. moonman's mind 5. booking a room WWhite7opia re hidden and py at onus t-out to Ben Gamison Mick Sw Tashbrowns, and al g Toiletmaggot, Narum the people who showed u


"Please Disconnect the Bluetooth Speaker." (also known as "Bluetooth Speaker" or "We need to talk") is an exploitable template used to show a mother's disgust or concern in whatever audio the image is showcasing as being listened to while connected to a bluetooth speaker set downstairs. The text notification band at the top of the image is placed over a picture of someone listening to or watching something that could be considered strange or inappropriate.


The original photo (shown below), featuring a scene from Baku Ane: Otouto Shibocchau zo! The Animation [1] was posted by twitter user @nochiIInovember on March 7th [2]. The photo in question was confirmed to be fake by @nochillnovember after multiple questions of whether or not he was the original creator of the photo (multiple people had made an identical tweet as little as an hour afterwards.) He tweeted the photo below as proof of it being fake [3].

Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs im nota virgin anvmore.. vou can TUCR me harder!! Using for the page


By March 9th, the original tweet had more than 17k retweets and 19k likes, with the image being posted on multiple image hosting site such as reddit [4], funnyjunk [5], tumblr, [6] and imgur [7]. Variations of the image, using the text notification band at the top, began appearing around the same time, with notable ones coming from reddit [8] and twitter replies [9].

Various Examples

Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs. ÷ BBC Royalty Free Bird Song/Calls → 01 Blackbird (Turdus Merula) With Da 3:10 30 Long Tailed T-- (Aegithalos Cauda 2:33 02 Buzzard (Buteo Buteo) Two Adults1:36 03 Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus Collybit 04 Rock Dove (Columba Livia) Coos An 2:18 05 Mallard (Anas Platyrhynchos) Male 2:37 06 Mallard (Anas Platyrhynchos) Clos 22 07 Wigeon (Anas Penelope) Large Floc 3:15 08 Wigeon (Anas Penelope) Flock Of1 2:53 09 Dunnock (Prunella Modularis) 10 Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinu 11 Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinu 12 Goldcrest (Regulus Regulus) With 13 Greenfinch (Carduelis Chloris) Wi 14 Jackdaw (Corvus Monedula) Adults 4:39 15 Nightingale (Luscinia Megarhyncho 5:16 16 Nuthatch (Sitta Europaea) Calls, 2:31 With 1:12 3:00 1:21 1:42 1:39 17 Robin (Erithacus Rubecula) Spring 5:08 sick and trendyavian memes 18 Rook (Corvus Frugilegus) Adult Ca 19 House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus) 2:47 20 House Sparrow (Passer Domesticus 2:25 21 House Sparrow (Passer Domstics 4:22 22 Sparrowhawk (Accipiter Nisus) Ala 1:55 23 Swallow (Hirundo Rustica) Song, W 1:32 24 Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor) Calls, Wi2:19 25 Whooper Swan (Cygnus Cygnus) T... 2:10 26 Mistle Thrush (Turdus Viscivorus) 27 Song Thrush (Turdus Philomelos) W 2:03 3:00 7:01 Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs. 11 4) 6:17:04 / 10:00:00 love the Tusken Raider battle cry (10 hours) LeCinephobe Subscribe 93 57,894 474タ115 Add to Share More Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs. You Tube Up next 2014 II 7:5225/10:00:00 10 Hours of Soviet Communist Music GETchan ★ SOVIET MU Subscribe 2,365 36,976 ★ 2015 14:91タ116 Add to Share More


Mom now Please disconnect from the Bluetooth speaker. And we need to talk, come downstairs.

Search Interest

External References

[1] MyAnimeList – Baku Ane: Otouto Shibocchau zo! The Animation / Aired on 8-29-2014

[2] Twitter – @nochillnovember's post / Tweeted 3-7-2016

[3] Twitter – nah its OC / Tweeted 3-8-2016

[4] Reddit – Make sure you always turn of your bluetooth / Posted on 3-8-2016

[5] Funnyjunk – We need to talk / Posted on 3-9-2016

[6] Tumblr – Imaged Edited to incorrect Twitter handle / Posted on 3-8-2016

[7] Imgur – Don't you hate when this happens? / Posted on 3-8-2016

[8] Reddit – me_irl / Posted on 3-8-2016

[9] Twitter – @pelzerrrr / Posted on 3-8-2016

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