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Phteven / Tuna the Dog
Phteven / Tuna the Dog

Too Much Water

Too Much Water
Overly Manly Man

Overly Manly Man
Animan Studios / Axel in Harlem

Animan Studios / Axel in Harlem

Why Not Both? / Why Don't We Have Both?

Why Not Both? / Why Don't We Have Both?
Squidward's Suicide

Squidward's Suicide
CSI 4 Pane Comics

CSI 4 Pane Comics
Ladies and Gentlemen, We Got Him

Ladies and Gentlemen, We Got Him

James Franco “First Time?”

James Franco “First Time?”
The Dress / What Color Is This Dress?

The Dress / What Color Is This Dress?
Awkward Look Monkey Puppet

Awkward Look Monkey Puppet
You Know Nothing, Jon Snow

You Know Nothing, Jon Snow
You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means