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Irasutoya (Japanese: いらすとや, lit. "Illustration Shop", Domain:[1]) is a website created by Japanese illustrator Takashi Mifune (みふねたかし), which provides free artworks available for commercial use. Since the late 2010s, individuals, major companies and government bodies have often utilized this clip art gallery in their publications, advertising campaigns, and public service announcements.


According to Japanese Wikipedia[2], Mifune started Irasutoya's website and Twitter[3] on January 31st, 2012. From the beginning, he continued daily updates by responding to users' requests as quickly as possible.

In late February 2016, Irasutoya caught attention for the first time with his works reflecting current affairs. "Children playing with broken hand-held game consoles", posted on February 22nd, was inspired by a famous female violinist getting criticized for smashing her children's Nintendo 3DS on the grounds of discipline (shown below, left). "Hardly-Hit Gacha" on the 24th was based on Grandblue Fantasy, which got flamed as it allegedly manipulated Gacha's winning rate (shown below, right).

D 2

Between September and December 2016, online news sites J-TOWN Net and J-Cast published a series of articles titled "We find ourselves that there is the Irasutoya's all over Japan"[4][5][6][7][8][9] and "Illustrators plea Irasutoya steals their jobs.".[10] These news reports suggested Irasutoya's free illustrations filled many shop adverts and even city officials' publications at that point (shown below). In 2017, Irasutoya launched its Instagram[11] account and started offering its original character merchandise. Also, large companies and popular media titles came to feature Irasutoya in promotional campaigns.

用 △危険! キミ 診 ? 場内では 自転車バイクをおりて 押し歩きでいます
ま 号 いわき市市制50周年記念 ニュースポーツフェスタ 2016 いわき市レクリエーション協会創立20周年記念事業 ■開催時間/午前9時~午後3時 場 / 上荒川公園 (総合体育館・陸上競技場) 参加 無料 10 64/ LONSDALESPORLOUR-232257, ma いわき市レクリエーション CONRALA Lhase- わきグループエーションキット PIX PARU-01 MINE, PERCH レッツ・スマイル・レクリエーション!! みんなで楽しもう!!
PG& ペンタブ! デジタル派! THOME PAINIA PAINTER ME ? 1 ann ? 描くなら コミック 10201 杏 SWEDEN スリー イメージです。 ベースにいたカラーがで ます。 紙と インク! アナログ派

4:37 1970年 大阪万博驚きの数字 来場者の 最高齢 101歳 1人 SODEO 万円 2度目なるか? 大阪万博秘話 6400万人来場 3コマニュース 4500 現金の 落とし物 税込4,780万円 結婚式 55M
食用と確実に判断できない植物は、 採らない ! 食べない! 売らない! 『ニラ』に似た植物 が生えているわ? 食べられる のかしら? OO よくわからないも のは、食べてはい けないよ! 絶対に 人にあげない! 家庭菜園や畑などで、野菜と観賞 植物を一緒に栽培するのはやめま しょう。 有毒植物が山菜に混じっているこ とがあります。 食用と確実に判断 できない植物を食べるのはやめま しょう。 v食用の植物だと思っても、 植えた 覚えのない植物を食べるのはやめ ましょう。 野草を食べて体調が悪くなったら、すぐに医師の診察を! 厚生労働省

From Top Left to Bottom Right: Warning Sign in A Bicycle Parking, Poster for Public Sports Festival, Display at Electric Retailer,
Screencap of Evening News Show, Cautions for Wild Crafting by Japan's Health Ministry, PR Paper of City Council

In January 2021, Mifune announced he would stop the daily updates after his website went into its 10th year due to the press of business. Afterward, the website was updated occasionally. Meanwhile, Mifune started another project called Irasutoya Party (いらすとやパーティ, @irasutoyap)[12], a short webcomic series featuring his original animal characters, on November 20th.

E いらすとやパーティ うさぎ いぬ かっこつけ ふざけんぼ わくわくが とまらない やさしい P L 3: ねこ あまえんぼ よくたべる 3₁ くま かわいい ねむい

Irasutoya was awarded by the Japan Society for Digital Archive for "Continues archiving modern society in the unified format" in 2019[13] and by the Association of Media in Digital for "Contributes to various kinds of content creations for a decade" in 2022[14] respectively.


Irasutoya runs under the Freemium business model, offering the illustrations for free while earning revenues via Google AdSense and collaborations with other companies. Its gallery has more than 25,000 illustrations, most of which came through Mifune's continuous daily updates for nine years till January 2021. Mifune's drawings cover a wide range from rare objects/situations to current affairs and are always cute, humorous, and sincere, even when tackling social issues. Mifune often provides male and female versions of his artwork, and sometimes stickman or animal versions. Anyone can use the illustrations for free, regardless of commercial purpose, by following the rules.[15] Usage fees are required when one commercial publication or media content uses more than 21 items from the gallery.


In Parodies

Shortly after Irasutoya came into the spotlight on the Japanese internet in March 2016, Twitter users started hashtags "Recreate Video Games' Box Art with Irasutoya-san" (#いらすとやさんでゲームパッケージを再現する)[16] and "Recreate Classic Films/Albums' Cover Art with Irasutoya-san's materials" (#いらすとやさんの素材で名盤を再現してみる).[17] These online parodies had soon grown enough to be covered by online news media.[18][19] Later, this style spread to opening/ending parody videos on Niconico.[20]


30 2 CERO PS3 PlayStation Network לושה ק 22 砂漠に眠るアトランティス NAUGHTY DOG
3 CERO A 【全年齡対象】 Wiju TM 大 試閱 粥 for Wii U TM amiibo Nintendo Will 日本酒 A FELBASD 频 for a Nintendo

Left: Zombie Land Saga | Right: Pop Team Epic

Vomiting Water Puffer Fish

A 2019 parody and redraw trend, Vomiting Water Puffer Fish, started with Irasutoya's work published on March 9th.

Natural Disasters and COVID-19 Outbreak

At the Osaka Earthquake in June 2018[21], Irasutoya started providing awareness illustrations showing safety measures in disasters just 2 hours after the main quake (shown below, left). Mifune's quick response at that time was received positively among Japanese people as it made media and official bodies easily with the incident in publications or at disaster sites.[22] During the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020-2021, Irasutoya again caught up with the ever-changing situation with quick updates and assisted awareness campaigns to prevent the further spread of infection in schools, stores, medical facilities, local governments, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (shown below, center and right).

新しいイラスト 外出の準備をして寝る人のイラスト 懐中電灯の確認をしている人のイラ スト 避難所を確認する家族のイラスト 水が入った浴槽のイラスト 災害時の緊急用トイレのイラスト ガスの元栓を閉じる人のイラスト 非常用持ち出し袋の確認のイラスト 10 通信機器の充電のイラスト しゃがむ かくれる まつ シェイクアウト訓練のイラスト 高いところの荷物を下ろす人のイラ スト OFF ::: ブレーカーを落とす人のイラスト のイラスト
When your COVID-19 test is positive and stay home for isolation Please note that there is a risk of infection until 10 days have passed if there are symptoms, or until 7 days have passed if there are no symptoms. We ask that you check your own health condition by taking your temperature, avoid contact with high-risk individuals such as the elderly, avoid unnecessary visits to high-risk facilities and places with a high risk of infection or eating out and wear a mask. Symptomatic case You are encouraged to stay home until your symptoms is over for 24hours and more than 7days passed since the 1st day of developed symptoms. Asymptomatic case I You are encouraged to stay home until 7days passed since your specimen was collected. Or 5days if the test kit is negative on the 5th day. *When no treatment with a ventilator, etc. is performed. 2 days Symptoms Develop From the day when you develop symptoms until get test result Test Positive 2 days Symptoms Improve The period that you could infect someone else Test Positive 24hours Isolation at home or hotel Isolation End The period that you could infect someone else Isolation End 7 days Or 5 days if the test kit is negative on the 5th day Isolation at home or hotel Dayl is the first day of symptoms or your test specimen was collected if you not clear when symptoms developed. *Fever-free without using fever-reducing medication and your symptoms are improving. Dayl is your test specimen was collected.
Prevention measures against COVID-19 COVID-19 Mask Use in Community Settings It is important to wear a mask as a basic prevention measure against COVID-19. Your action will protect everyone's health. You do not need to wear a mask outdoors when you are approximately 2 meters apart from others, or when you are not talking at a distance of less than 2 meters. You do not need to wear a mask indoors when you are approximately 2 meters apart from others and when you are not talking. (OUTDOORS) WHILE Talking NO Talking [INDOORS) WHILE Talking NO Talking Sufficient Distance from Others NO need for masks Q&A Regarding Masks M NO need for masks Walking, running, cycling in a park Sufficient Distance from Others Masks Required *Mask may be removed if there are infection prevention measures, such as adequate ventilation NO need for masks Approximately 2 meters Insufficient Distance from Others Insufficient Distance from Others Masks Required Masks Required MHLW Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan Masks Required NO need for masks In Proximity to others 介 reading in a library etc. Wear a mask while meeting with the elderly or spending time in hospitals. Refrain from going out if you have cold-like symptoms. Remove your mask if you do not need it outdoors, to prevent heat stroke in summer. Preventing COVID-19 (MHLW) = Wear a Mask in Crowded Areas (e.g. Public Transit) a


Since 2018, major companies and media franchises have collaborated with Irasutoya in advertising campaigns and official merchandising.

ずんちゃずんちゃ US S がんばれー! わ ーい! 尊い アイヌヌワン! いらすとや×ポケモンガ LINE © 2020 Pokémon. ©1995-2020 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. スタンプ発売中
FRONT フレンド! ハゲる FRONT おわり! わよ 465 ベスト ダメだコリャー 仕事かよ! ソーマッチ BACK BACK SHEND CK (GO) 24215 CHILE サンキュー てめーの人生は 1 D FRONT FRONT CU 展 [ BACK JUJUTSU KAISEN 領 BACK JUKUTSU KAISIN いま ハゲる よ 呪術廻戦 展開 展 領域 領 (労働は クソ!応 ENDS クソ! ©芥見下々/集英社 呪術廻戦製作委員会
FILTALT 바 野田サトル/集英社・ゴールデンカムイ製作委員会

コラボイラスト 配付中!! いらすとや PIECE ATZT ONE PIECES
メイドイン アビス X いらすとや Ax S賞 S賞 ダイカットクッション B賞 ステッカー全9種 全9種 えん オンラインくじ 1回 605円 (税込) アクリルスタンドフィギュア C アクリルチャーム D=1 2 全9種 D賞 缶バッジ 全18種 02 おまけ PPP づくじ引き堂 KUJIBIKIDO 笛 全9種 PP © つくしあきひと・竹書房/メイドインアビス 「烈日の黄金郷」製作委員会

From Top Left to Bottom Right: Pokémon, Jujutsu Kaisen, Golden Kamuy, One Piece, Made In Abyss

In 2018, the Japanese manga I'm standing on a million lives[23] published a free edition of its fifth volume entirely recreated with Irasutoya's clip art (shown below, left). On October 2nd, 2020, its anime adaptation released a special edition of its first episode on YouTube, which was produced in the same way (shown below, right).[24]

おもしろくて、ためになる 講談社 學 新 得 別冊少年 19 連載中 1005 mot の上に (I'M STANDING ON 1,000,000 LIVES. 俺は立っている MC 第5卷 T4 Consti まるごと 見せます ♡闚昴噺然の 『ㄧㄣ 無料版」登場!
通常版 ワケあり版 → 100 俺は立っている I'M STANDING ON 1,000,000 LIVES. © 山川直輝 奈央晃徳・講談社/100万の命の上に俺は立っている製作委員会

In June 2020, Japanese musical band Golden Bomber[25] released a "100% Irasutoya version" music video for their song "The Bubble Was Good" on YouTube, which was made by the members by themselves.

In April 2022, Japanese public broadcasting station NHK started a program "Masterpiece Theatre in 100 Seconds", in which masterpiece stories are animated with Irasutoya's works.[26]

Left: Romeo and Juliet | Right: The Magic Flute

Search Interest

External References

[1] かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや

[2] Wikipedia – いらすとや (Japanese)

[3] Twitter – @irasutoya

[4] – いつの間にか、日本が「いらすとや」だらけになってる / 09-24-2016 (Japanese)

[5] – 街の「いらすとや」を探せ! 全国読者の目撃写真まとめ【前編】 / 09-26-2016 (Japanese)

[6] – 街の「いらすとや」を探せ! 全国読者の目撃写真まとめ【後編】 / 09-27-2016 (Japanese)

[7] – 続・日本が「いらすとや」だらけな件【ポスター・チラシ編】 / 10-17-2016 (Japanese)

[8] – 続・日本が「いらすとや」だらけな件【テレビ・警告・POP編】 / 10-18-2016 (Japanese)

[9] – ますます、日本が「いらすとや」だらけな件 / 12-04-2016 (Japanese)

[10] J-Cast – 「いらすとや」にイラストレーターが悲鳴 「仕事を奪っている」 / 09-26-2016 (Japanese)

[11] Instagram – @irasutoya

[12] Twitter – @irasutoyap

[13] Japan Society for Digital Archive – 第 1 回学会賞受賞者 / 03-19-2019 (Japanese)

[14] Association of Media in Digital – 第27回 AMD Award 優秀賞|いらすとや / 03-14-2022 (Japanese)

[15] Irasutoya – Terms of Use / FAQ (Japanese)

[16] Twitter – #いらすとやさんでゲームパッケージを再現する

[17] Twitter – #いらすとやさんの素材で名盤を再現してみる

[18] ITmedia NetLab – フリー素材を組み合わせてCDジャケットを再現する猛者たちが「いらすとやさんの素材で名盤を再現してみる」に集結 / 03-09-2016 (Japanese)

[19] ITmedia NetLab – 「いらすとや」の素材が今度はゲームのパッケージに! 「いらすとやさんでゲームパッケージを再現する」に力作集まる / 03-09-2016 (Japanese)

[20] Niconico – いらすとやで再現シリーズ

[21] Wikipedia – 2018 Osaka earthquake

[22] – 大阪地震後の「いらすとや」に賞賛の声 防災イラストを淡々と投稿し続ける / 06-18-2018 (Japanese)

[23] Wikipedia – I'm Standing on a Million Lives

[24] YouTube – "I'M STANDING ON A MILLION LIVES"special illustrations version (Internet Archive)

[25] Wikipedia – Golden Bomber

[26] NHK – 100秒でわかる名作劇場 (Japanese)

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Updated Oct 25, 2022 at 12:11PM EDT by mona_jpn.

Added Oct 23, 2022 at 07:52AM EDT by mona_jpn.

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Irasutoya (Japanese: いらすとや, lit. "Illustration Shop", Domain:[1]) is a website created by Japanese illustrator Takashi Mifune (みふねたかし), which provides free artworks available for commercial use. Since the late 2010s, individuals, major companies and government bodies have often utilized this clip art gallery in their publications, advertising campaigns, and public service announcements.


According to Japanese Wikipedia[2], Mifune started Irasutoya's website and Twitter[3] on January 31st, 2012. From the beginning, he continued daily updates by responding to users' requests as quickly as possible.

In late February 2016, Irasutoya caught attention for the first time with his works reflecting current affairs. "Children playing with broken hand-held game consoles", posted on February 22nd, was inspired by a famous female violinist getting criticized for smashing her children's Nintendo 3DS on the grounds of discipline (shown below, left). "Hardly-Hit Gacha" on the 24th was based on Grandblue Fantasy, which got flamed as it allegedly manipulated Gacha's winning rate (shown below, right).

D 2

Between September and December 2016, online news sites J-TOWN Net and J-Cast published a series of articles titled "We find ourselves that there is the Irasutoya's all over Japan"[4][5][6][7][8][9] and "Illustrators plea Irasutoya steals their jobs.".[10] These news reports suggested Irasutoya's free illustrations filled many shop adverts and even city officials' publications at that point (shown below). In 2017, Irasutoya launched its Instagram[11] account and started offering its original character merchandise. Also, large companies and popular media titles came to feature Irasutoya in promotional campaigns.

用 △危険! キミ 診 ? 場内では 自転車バイクをおりて 押し歩きでいます ま 号 いわき市市制50周年記念 ニュースポーツフェスタ 2016 いわき市レクリエーション協会創立20周年記念事業 ■開催時間/午前9時~午後3時 場 / 上荒川公園 (総合体育館・陸上競技場) 参加 無料 10 64/ LONSDALESPORLOUR-232257, ma いわき市レクリエーション CONRALA Lhase- わきグループエーションキット PIX PARU-01 MINE, PERCH レッツ・スマイル・レクリエーション!! みんなで楽しもう!! PG& ペンタブ! デジタル派! THOME PAINIA PAINTER ME ? 1 ann ? 描くなら コミック 10201 杏 SWEDEN スリー イメージです。 ベースにいたカラーがで ます。 紙と インク! アナログ派
4:37 1970年 大阪万博驚きの数字 来場者の 最高齢 101歳 1人 SODEO 万円 2度目なるか? 大阪万博秘話 6400万人来場 3コマニュース 4500 現金の 落とし物 税込4,780万円 結婚式 55M 食用と確実に判断できない植物は、 採らない ! 食べない! 売らない! 『ニラ』に似た植物 が生えているわ? 食べられる のかしら? OO よくわからないも のは、食べてはい けないよ! 絶対に 人にあげない! 家庭菜園や畑などで、野菜と観賞 植物を一緒に栽培するのはやめま しょう。 有毒植物が山菜に混じっているこ とがあります。 食用と確実に判断 できない植物を食べるのはやめま しょう。 v食用の植物だと思っても、 植えた 覚えのない植物を食べるのはやめ ましょう。 野草を食べて体調が悪くなったら、すぐに医師の診察を! 厚生労働省 いつの間にか、日本が「いらすとや」だらけになってる(3/5)|Jタウンネット
From Top Left to Bottom Right: Warning Sign in A Bicycle Parking, Poster for Public Sports Festival, Display at Electric Retailer,
Screencap of Evening News Show, Cautions for Wild Crafting by Japan's Health Ministry, PR Paper of City Council

In January 2021, Mifune announced he would stop the daily updates after his website went into its 10th year due to the press of business. Afterward, the website was updated occasionally. Meanwhile, Mifune started another project called Irasutoya Party (いらすとやパーティ, @irasutoyap)[12], a short webcomic series featuring his original animal characters, on November 20th.

E いらすとやパーティ うさぎ いぬ かっこつけ ふざけんぼ わくわくが とまらない やさしい P L 3: ねこ あまえんぼ よくたべる 3₁ くま かわいい ねむい

Irasutoya was awarded by the Japan Society for Digital Archive for "Continues archiving modern society in the unified format" in 2019[13] and by the Association of Media in Digital for "Contributes to various kinds of content creations for a decade" in 2022[14] respectively.


Irasutoya runs under the Freemium business model, offering the illustrations for free while earning revenues via Google AdSense and collaborations with other companies. Its gallery has more than 25,000 illustrations, most of which came through Mifune's continuous daily updates for nine years till January 2021. Mifune's drawings cover a wide range from rare objects/situations to current affairs and are always cute, humorous, and sincere, even when tackling social issues. Mifune often provides male and female versions of his artwork, and sometimes stickman or animal versions. Anyone can use the illustrations for free, regardless of commercial purpose, by following the rules.[15] Usage fees are required when one commercial publication or media content uses more than 21 items from the gallery.


In Parodies

Shortly after Irasutoya came into the spotlight on the Japanese internet in March 2016, Twitter users started hashtags "Recreate Video Games' Box Art with Irasutoya-san" (#いらすとやさんでゲームパッケージを再現する)[16] and "Recreate Classic Films/Albums' Cover Art with Irasutoya-san's materials" (#いらすとやさんの素材で名盤を再現してみる).[17] These online parodies had soon grown enough to be covered by online news media.[18][19] Later, this style spread to opening/ending parody videos on Niconico.[20]

30 2 CERO PS3 PlayStation Network לושה ק 22 砂漠に眠るアトランティス NAUGHTY DOG & PSP. PlayStation Network KONAMI METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER CERO KOJMA PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER 3 CERO A 【全年齡対象】 Wiju TM 大 試閱 粥 for Wii U TM amiibo Nintendo Will 日本酒 A FELBASD 频 for a Nintendo
Left: Zombie Land Saga | Right: Pop Team Epic

Vomiting Water Puffer Fish

A 2019 parody and redraw trend, Vomiting Water Puffer Fish, started with Irasutoya's work published on March 9th.

Natural Disasters and COVID-19 Outbreak

At the Osaka Earthquake in June 2018[21], Irasutoya started providing awareness illustrations showing safety measures in disasters just 2 hours after the main quake (shown below, left). Mifune's quick response at that time was received positively among Japanese people as it made media and official bodies easily with the incident in publications or at disaster sites.[22] During the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020-2021, Irasutoya again caught up with the ever-changing situation with quick updates and assisted awareness campaigns to prevent the further spread of infection in schools, stores, medical facilities, local governments, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (shown below, center and right).

新しいイラスト 外出の準備をして寝る人のイラスト 懐中電灯の確認をしている人のイラ スト 避難所を確認する家族のイラスト 水が入った浴槽のイラスト 災害時の緊急用トイレのイラスト ガスの元栓を閉じる人のイラスト 非常用持ち出し袋の確認のイラスト 10 通信機器の充電のイラスト しゃがむ かくれる まつ シェイクアウト訓練のイラスト 高いところの荷物を下ろす人のイラ スト OFF ::: ブレーカーを落とす人のイラスト のイラスト When your COVID-19 test is positive and stay home for isolation Please note that there is a risk of infection until 10 days have passed if there are symptoms, or until 7 days have passed if there are no symptoms. We ask that you check your own health condition by taking your temperature, avoid contact with high-risk individuals such as the elderly, avoid unnecessary visits to high-risk facilities and places with a high risk of infection or eating out and wear a mask. Symptomatic case You are encouraged to stay home until your symptoms is over for 24hours and more than 7days passed since the 1st day of developed symptoms. Asymptomatic case I You are encouraged to stay home until 7days passed since your specimen was collected. Or 5days if the test kit is negative on the 5th day. *When no treatment with a ventilator, etc. is performed. 2 days Symptoms Develop From the day when you develop symptoms until get test result Test Positive 2 days Symptoms Improve The period that you could infect someone else Test Positive 24hours Isolation at home or hotel Isolation End The period that you could infect someone else Isolation End 7 days Or 5 days if the test kit is negative on the 5th day Isolation at home or hotel Dayl is the first day of symptoms or your test specimen was collected if you not clear when symptoms developed. *Fever-free without using fever-reducing medication and your symptoms are improving. Dayl is your test specimen was collected. Prevention measures against COVID-19 COVID-19 Mask Use in Community Settings It is important to wear a mask as a basic prevention measure against COVID-19. Your action will protect everyone's health. You do not need to wear a mask outdoors when you are approximately 2 meters apart from others, or when you are not talking at a distance of less than 2 meters. You do not need to wear a mask indoors when you are approximately 2 meters apart from others and when you are not talking. (OUTDOORS) WHILE Talking NO Talking [INDOORS) WHILE Talking NO Talking Sufficient Distance from Others NO need for masks Q&A Regarding Masks M NO need for masks Walking, running, cycling in a park Sufficient Distance from Others Masks Required *Mask may be removed if there are infection prevention measures, such as adequate ventilation NO need for masks Approximately 2 meters Insufficient Distance from Others Insufficient Distance from Others Masks Required Masks Required MHLW Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan Masks Required NO need for masks In Proximity to others 介 reading in a library etc. Wear a mask while meeting with the elderly or spending time in hospitals. Refrain from going out if you have cold-like symptoms. Remove your mask if you do not need it outdoors, to prevent heat stroke in summer. Preventing COVID-19 (MHLW) = Wear a Mask in Crowded Areas (e.g. Public Transit) a


Since 2018, major companies and media franchises have collaborated with Irasutoya in advertising campaigns and official merchandising.

ずんちゃずんちゃ US S がんばれー! わ ーい! 尊い アイヌヌワン! いらすとや×ポケモンガ LINE © 2020 Pokémon. ©1995-2020 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. スタンプ発売中 FRONT フレンド! ハゲる FRONT おわり! わよ 465 ベスト ダメだコリャー 仕事かよ! ソーマッチ BACK BACK SHEND CK (GO) 24215 CHILE サンキュー てめーの人生は 1 D FRONT FRONT CU 展 [ BACK JUJUTSU KAISEN 領 BACK JUKUTSU KAISIN いま ハゲる よ 呪術廻戦 展開 展 領域 領 (労働は クソ!応 ENDS クソ! ©芥見下々/集英社 呪術廻戦製作委員会 FILTALT 바 野田サトル/集英社・ゴールデンカムイ製作委員会
コラボイラスト 配付中!! いらすとや PIECE ATZT ONE PIECES メイドイン アビス X いらすとや Ax S賞 S賞 ダイカットクッション B賞 ステッカー全9種 全9種 えん オンラインくじ 1回 605円 (税込) アクリルスタンドフィギュア C アクリルチャーム D=1 2 全9種 D賞 缶バッジ 全18種 02 おまけ PPP づくじ引き堂 KUJIBIKIDO 笛 全9種 PP © つくしあきひと・竹書房/メイドインアビス 「烈日の黄金郷」製作委員会
From Top Left to Bottom Right: Pokémon, Jujutsu Kaisen, Golden Kamuy, One Piece, Made In Abyss

In 2018, the Japanese manga I'm standing on a million lives[23] published a free edition of its fifth volume entirely recreated with Irasutoya's clip art (shown below, left). On October 2nd, 2020, its anime adaptation released a special edition of its first episode on YouTube, which was produced in the same way (shown below, right).[24]

おもしろくて、ためになる 講談社 學 新 得 別冊少年 19 連載中 1005 mot の上に (I'M STANDING ON 1,000,000 LIVES. 俺は立っている MC 第5卷 T4 Consti まるごと 見せます ♡闚昴噺然の 『ㄧㄣ 無料版」登場! 通常版 ワケあり版 → 100 俺は立っている I'M STANDING ON 1,000,000 LIVES. © 山川直輝 奈央晃徳・講談社/100万の命の上に俺は立っている製作委員会

In June 2020, Japanese musical band Golden Bomber[25] released a "100% Irasutoya version" music video for their song "The Bubble Was Good" on YouTube, which was made by the members by themselves.

In April 2022, Japanese public broadcasting station NHK started a program "Masterpiece Theatre in 100 Seconds", in which masterpiece stories are animated with Irasutoya's works.[26]

Left: Romeo and Juliet | Right: The Magic Flute

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External References

[1] かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや

[2] Wikipedia – いらすとや (Japanese)

[3] Twitter – @irasutoya

[4] – いつの間にか、日本が「いらすとや」だらけになってる / 09-24-2016 (Japanese)

[5] – 街の「いらすとや」を探せ! 全国読者の目撃写真まとめ【前編】 / 09-26-2016 (Japanese)

[6] – 街の「いらすとや」を探せ! 全国読者の目撃写真まとめ【後編】 / 09-27-2016 (Japanese)

[7] – 続・日本が「いらすとや」だらけな件【ポスター・チラシ編】 / 10-17-2016 (Japanese)

[8] – 続・日本が「いらすとや」だらけな件【テレビ・警告・POP編】 / 10-18-2016 (Japanese)

[9] – ますます、日本が「いらすとや」だらけな件 / 12-04-2016 (Japanese)

[10] J-Cast – 「いらすとや」にイラストレーターが悲鳴 「仕事を奪っている」 / 09-26-2016 (Japanese)

[11] Instagram – @irasutoya

[12] Twitter – @irasutoyap

[13] Japan Society for Digital Archive – 第 1 回学会賞受賞者 / 03-19-2019 (Japanese)

[14] Association of Media in Digital – 第27回 AMD Award 優秀賞|いらすとや / 03-14-2022 (Japanese)

[15] Irasutoya – Terms of Use / FAQ (Japanese)

[16] Twitter – #いらすとやさんでゲームパッケージを再現する

[17] Twitter – #いらすとやさんの素材で名盤を再現してみる

[18] ITmedia NetLab – フリー素材を組み合わせてCDジャケットを再現する猛者たちが「いらすとやさんの素材で名盤を再現してみる」に集結 / 03-09-2016 (Japanese)

[19] ITmedia NetLab – 「いらすとや」の素材が今度はゲームのパッケージに! 「いらすとやさんでゲームパッケージを再現する」に力作集まる / 03-09-2016 (Japanese)

[20] Niconico – いらすとやで再現シリーズ

[21] Wikipedia – 2018 Osaka earthquake

[22] – 大阪地震後の「いらすとや」に賞賛の声 防災イラストを淡々と投稿し続ける / 06-18-2018 (Japanese)

[23] Wikipedia – I'm Standing on a Million Lives

[24] YouTube – "I'M STANDING ON A MILLION LIVES"special illustrations version (Internet Archive)

[25] Wikipedia – Golden Bomber

[26] NHK – 100秒でわかる名作劇場 (Japanese)

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