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Uncyclopedia is a parody of Wikipedia. Lanuched on January 5th, 2005 by Jonathan Huang, the wiki currently spans around 50 languages. The original English site currently has 30,000 articles, with the Portuguese site containing 31,000.
Every aspect of the site tries to spoof any of Wikipedia's projects and even the Wikimedia Foundation itself. These examples include the Uncyclomedia Foundation, Unnews, Undictionary, Unquotable, UnCommons, and Unbooks. They also spoofed Jimmy Wales' plea in 2010 about donating money to Wikipedia which turned into a meme.
Clicking the link/banner when It was on the site would lead to this article spoofing the original page as well. There were also many other banners, some examples shown below:
The site has been mentioned in the press on many occasions, including national and local news outlets. Uncyclopedia's Flying Spaghetti Monster entry was referenced in a 2005 New York Times Article about Pastafarianism. Most positive articles from the press either discuss specific articles themselves such as when the Cyprus Mail talked about the entry about Cyprus or they discuss how Uncyclopedia is a humorous and interesting wiki that has crude but good humor. The more negitive material written about Uncyclopedia discusses how the content is very inappropriate, insulting and can cause confusion due to the uncanny resemblance to Wikipedia.
Recurring content on Uncyclopdia
The site also houses many symbols, in-jokes and submemes.
The potato:
Uncyclopedia's logo is a potato often dubbed Sophia, after the Gnostic deity of wisdom. 'She' has jigsaw puzzle pieces and symbols over each one resembling Wikipedia's globe logo. Under a caption of the main image of the Uncyclopedia page about it's self it mentions that: "The potato is the symbol of Uncyclopedia and Sophia. It signifies mental softness and dead Irishmen."
Oscar Wilde:
The dead Irishmen the qoute above is most likely refering to is Oscar Wilde: Irish writer and poet, and supposed "God of Uncyclopedia" and "Founder of Uncyclopdia." To many users and articles he usually both. Many pages on the site contain (made up or humorous) quotations, and Oscar Wilde has arguably the most compared to any other person or fictional character. There are even two separate pages about him.
The spoof of Wikipedia's popular Wikipe-tan (the Website Anthropomorphism character from Wikipedia) Uncylco-Tan is another "unofficial mascot" of the site. (Oscar Wilde being the offical one) the reason she is mentioned instead of some of the others (such as Christopher Walken which also is clamed to be god on Uncyclopedia) because Uncyclo-Tan character can be more relateable to others because of the fact that it spoofs things many people know (Wikipedia's Wikipe-tan, general anthropomorphism etc.)
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