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What is SpongeBob Edited?

SpongeBob Edited is a type of YouTube parody bearing a slight resemblance to YouTube Poops that originated in 2007. The videos are episodes of the cartoon series SpongeBob SquarePants with profanities and mature themes added in via sound clips from other sources, as well as some generic meme material.

SpongeBob isn't the only show that can be, or has been, edited, as other common sources to edit include shows such as Regular Show, Ed, Edd, & Eddy, and many more, as well as various commercials and television spots, and in rare cases, even movies.

The History of Edits

Origins and Beginnings (late 2007)


The practice of editing SpongeBob began in the second half of 2007 as what are known as dubs, created by various YouTube users; however, most of them weren't very popular due to negative comments, poor dubbing, and flaggings galore. Despite this, a dub of the episode "Grandma's Kisses" by now-terminated YouTube user greenday12688 later went on to become one of the most popular SpongeBob dubs on YouTube, and many of the sounds in the video are now commonly used as sound clips for many recent edits.

The First Edits

In August of the same year, YouTube user Klusignolo, later known as* ViacomCanSuckIt*, began uploading edited versions of various SpongeBob Squarpants and Dora the Explorer episodes, which consisted of certain words being replaced with profanities that fit into the context of the dialogue, most of which came from Tenacious D songs and skits, with some fart sound effects, a few bleeps, and an AC/DC clip for the word "balls" thrown in for good measure. His initial edit was of the SpongeBob episode "Pizza Delivery". Although he didn't expect this video to take off, it did, and as such, he began to make more edits. He would later edit the SpongeBob episodes "Sailor Mouth", "The Camping Episode", "Band Geeks", and the Dora the Explorer episode "Save the Puppies". In no less than several months of the release of the original "Pizza Delivery" edit, Klusignolo became the most well known and prolific editor on YouTube at the time.

Given its prominence in edits, Tenacious D has been the source of a very large portion of sound clips used in editing.

The Klusignolo era (2008 to mid-2009)

AnalKookaburras and new editors

The first exclusively non-SpongeBob editor, and the second overall, was a user known as AnalKookaburras, or as he called himself "N***er Sampson", who made a series of edits of the show Blue's Clues, entitled "The Search for the Cleveland Steamer". The first episode of this series was the second most-viewed edit on any source other than SpongeBob with 560,000 views, barely beaten by TheCaveManEngi's the edit of Regular Show episode "Meat Your Maker" with 565,000. He was also the first user to find new places for sounds rather than just Klusignolo's sounds, and was especially notable for discovering a sound for "free porno mags" which was taken from the song "Bright City Lights" by Suburban Rhythm; the sound is still used to this day. He was unfortunately only active for seven months before he retired, although a couple weeks after his retirement he made one last edit – released in time for Christmas of 2008. This final edit of his was of the TV special "Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas", titled "The Grinch and the Quest for Literacy". With the influence of Klusignolo, YouTube saw new SpongeBob editors such as nubforlyfe, BadAssEdits, ToRxEdiTs, and TheNicktoonsEditor. With Klusignolo unable to make any edits at that point in time, the three, among others, helped keep YouTubers entertained with edited versions of SpongeBob episodes such as "Chocolate with Nuts", "Graveyard Shift", "Pressure", "That's No Lady", and "Skill Crane". nubforlyfe would become the second most well known editor to edit a show other than SpongeBob in his day; he would become notable for releasing edits of commercials from FreeCredit, Castrol, and Coors Light, among several other companies' commercials. 3StarEdits, another editor on YouTube, began making edits of the show "The Fairly OddParents, and a few SpongeBob edits on the side, among many others. But around mid to late-2009, the edits of Freshmilk970 (previously known as Freshmilk950 and Freshmilk960) also became some of the most popular on YouTube. As of now, he has placed editing on hiatus indefinitely, and is heavily believed to be retired for good.

Viacom's Takedowns and Channel Suspensions (mid-2009)

With the vast number of SpongeBob edits and their respective editors reigning over YouTube, Viacom International Inc. took notice, and despite the fact that these videos were parodies, they responded by removing these videos from YouTube due to copyright claims. It all began when a number of SpongeBob edits by BadAssEdits, KissMyDonkeyEditing, klusignolo, and Freshmilk950 were taken down by YouTube and Viacom starting in mid-June. Later, YouTube suspended BadAssEdits along with a few other editors. The removed videos and suspended accounts orchestrated an all-out hate-fest on YouTube; however, not all editors quit due to Viacom having these videos removed from YouTube. Eventually, several other accounts such as Freshmilk950 and Freshmilk960, as well as BadAssEdits's backup channel SantaLikesDrugs were also suspended by YouTube. Soon after, nubforlyfe was suspended. Despite all this, most of the aforementioned editors continued to edit using alternate accounts, aliases, and reuploads.

The Roshua777/Roshua666 era, Klusignolo's suspension, and the Flaggot Invasion (mid-2009 to 2010)

Roshua777 begins editing

On September 22, 2009, Youtube user Roshua777 uploaded his first edit on YouTube as a video response to one of Freshmilk's edits, and in less than a few months, his videos quickly became popular. After his edit of "Big Pink Loser", he went on to edit episodes such as "Pre-Hibernation Week", "Something Smells", "Sleepy Time", "Mid-Life Crustacean", "Idiot Box", and many more. Some called him the next Klusignolo, the "God of editing," or anything that could be considered a title denoting his notability. Despite roshua777's success, the entire editing community was shocked to hear that Klusignolo was suspended after receiving his third copyright strike; however, later that year, Klusignolo returned to YouTube under the alias of ViacomCanSuckIt. Roshua777's edits have influenced other editors such as ny2049, and MizzouEdits, and more. On May 2nd, 2010, he created a alternate account for editing called Roshua666. During this epoch, nubforlyfe's alternate account DaBestEditor was suspended in early May. However, he created a third alternate account named DahBestEditor (note the extra H). Then, later that month, SantaWithDrugs earned his second copyright strike and created an alternate account called MasterPrantum.

The Flaggot Invasion

In late May 2010, a group of YouTubers (led by an 11-year-old named phonyman1), known infamously throughout the editing community as the Flaggots, began flagging videos uploaded by certain editors, notably roshua777 and DahBestEditor. This wave of video-flagging initiated the blocking of the members of this group. There had been no confirmation as to why they were flagging videos, but most editors advised blocking all users associated with phonyman1. On June 18th, phonyman1's account was hacked. His account was then shut down by the hacker so Phonyman wouldn't access his account again.

He made another account called phonyman2, but out of fear of being hacked again, he closed his account and stopped flagging people. This was a major victory for all editors and people who enjoyed the edits. This period of happiness among the community was short-lived, however, because on July 20, 2010, nubforlyfe's alt account, "DuhbestEditor" was suspended, and shortly after, his main account was also suspended, Roshua777 was also suspended for unknown reasons. Luckily, he had his alternate account, "Roshua666". Roshua777's suspension sparked a even worst hate-fest with the editing community and Viacom.

Klusignolo's suspension and return as ViacomCanSuckIt

In November 2009, klusignolo was suspended by YouTube after getting his third copyright strike from Viacom; however, the very next day he returned to YouTube under the alias of ViacomCanSuckIt and reuploaded all of his old videos. Since his suspension, he had only made one new edit, "Band Geeks", to convince people that he was not an imitator.

The Era of Ease (Late 2009 to early 2011)

Following the end of the flaggot-invasion of May 2009, a time of peace and quiet followed. Viacom, being a constant threat, seemed to have kept back, and was not as big of a deal. At this time, Roshua666's edits were some of the most popular; and the edits of user editorzRus were also gaining popularity. Ny2049, LickMyNoseHAHAHA, CavemanEngi, and SkateboardEditor were just some of the editors that began their editing careers at this time.

As Roshua666 and ny2049 gained wide amounts of popularity, edit-related series were born. On July 12th, 2010, MizzouEdits2 released the first episode of his series, "A Editing Compilation", which was the very first edit-related compilation series and the first series made by an editor. The compilation series got popular as the days went by and even more popular after he moved to his new channel. Each episode was released every month, excluding other months.

After "A Editing Compilation" was released, TheDVDReview released his own series, titled "I Can't Believe It's Not Roshua777!!!", named after popular editor, Roshua777/Roshua666. ICBINR777!!! became the very first edit review series in SpongeBob edit history. He reviewed editors like VideoFreaks3, Roshua666, MasterPlanktum, Legobucket and TehKablam98 among others. The series had accumulated approximately 18 episodes since the premiere, which was the longest active editor series. Aside from it, he also made a parody series called "Editor Survivor". After "I Can't Believe It's Not Roshua777" was released, MasterPlanktum released his own review series called Angry Edit Critic, unlike TheDVDReview's series, this series wasn't fueled by biased opinions but rather as a attempt to help editors improve their style and abilities. It was the second longest review series for editing.

As edit reviews began to grow popular, many others began to make reviews. After TheDVDReview made a review of Legobucket's final edit, MizzouEdits2 and Legobucket made a collaboration review of his Krabby Land edit, called "Buzzkill Reviews". Nobody knew if MizzouEdits2 planned to continue the series, but later he announced that he would continue the series. However more review series came in, such as Theunknownuser0's "Bad Edit Hunter" and "Attack Of The Lazy Edits" by TehKablam98. By the time "Bad Edit Hunter" had released its third episode, Attack Of The Lazy Edits had just recently premiered.

TheDVDReview vs VideoFreaks3

Around July, editor VideoFreaks3 got into a heated fight with fellow editor, TheDVDReview after spamming his account as it was inquired. The dispute got even worse as TheDVDReview directed other fans and editors to hate VideoFreaks3 and his hate for him was directly shifted to his review series, I Can't Believe It's Not Roshua777!!!, as a way to show people how bad his edits are. But he had lightly been flamed for not using the review series to improve his editing style.
As of January 2011, the fight cooled down and is now resolved. TheDVDReview (now SuperUsTube7) no longer hated Videofreaks3, but still saw his edits as poorly made.

Legobucket's retirement

Around early January, famous editor, Legobucket, also known as DaSecondBestEditor, announced his retirement from editing, deciding that editing had gotten stale and because of the rabid, uncaring fans. His retirement shocked the entire editing world, but controversy struck when TheDVDReview made a review of his final edit, hours after the announcement. This prompted MizzouEdits to do a collaboration review with Legobucket in a 'return fire' way. Legobucket was the first editor to formally retire from editing. Not only this, but despite currently resenting the editing community, he tends to side with Viacom and similar companies in terms of copyright policy, which is seen as highly controversial and traitor-like in the eyes of the editing community.

Blueburn333's retirement, return, and second retirement

After Legobucket's retirement, it was announced that veteran but not-so-well-known editor, Blueburn333 had decided to retire as well after losing all his edits, sounds, etc. Blueburn became the second editor to retire, following Legobucket. But as time went by, Blueburn333 announced to his subscribers that he would be editing again, but that he needed some time to find a cartoon that is not owned by Viacom. In his own words he stated "I hope to upload some edits for everyone to enjoy again, As many of the best editors have been either suspended or have had all there videos flagged and taken down. I want to re-construct the editing community and reinstate my status as a cartoon editor for all the people who have taken hell from viacom" as sent by private message. As of 5/11/2011, blueburn333 made another account strictly for editing called "Blueburn333Edits" on YouTube and had told people he would be editing again. Eventually Viacom discovered this account as well, despite not even editing a full episode of a Viacom-owned show. Ultimately, BlueBurn333 deleted this new account. He has now quit editing as of 7/23/2011, but said he would not fade away and still put out commercial edits on his regular channel. He is the only editor known to retire more than once.


The first person to discover was TheDVDReview, after his edit was removed due to violation of YouTube's Community Guidelines. But as the days went by, Roshua666 discovered and began uploading all his edits, old and new there. He later suggested that editors make accounts. Most used the site to reupload edits and upload new edits, mostly SpongeBob. After the excessive accounts made on, TheDVDReview criticized fans and editors for 'following whatever Roshua says' and also said that isn't entirely Viacom-free. This caused a bit of a dispute but fortunately didn't spark into something worse. Many editors used the site to either reupload edits or upload new edits.

Suspension of TheDVDReview, SuperDryBones, and editorzRus

Around mid-February, famous editor editorzRus was suspended by YouTube due to a copyright notice by Viacom. editorzRus saw the suspension coming, as he once said. He returned later on under his backup, editorzRuss. But sometime later or earlier, TheDVDReview was suspended due to copyright notices by FOX, Cartoon Network and Viacom. Not much earlier, editor SuperDryBones9000( was suspended because of a copyright notice by Shoppro. Most fans believed that it was Viacom again until he told fans that Viacom didn't do anything. TheDVDReview returned under the name *SuperUsTubeForever and SuperDryBones returned under the name, SuperDryBones10000.

Popularity decline (2011)

The editing community saw a decline in early 2011, with fewer edits, editors getting suspended or having nearly completely exhausted exploitable material. The search was on for new television shows for editing use. Live-action edits, such as those of the series iCarly, picked up in popularity, but editing had decreased, and was somewhat being replaced with Call of Duty gameplay videos. This change became noticeable roughly a month or two following Legobucket's retirement. However, this might have been caused due to the large amount of school work placed on most editors. Many old-timers and big-timers either stopped posting edits, or slowed down in the process of putting them out. Roshua666 had only posted edits to and his latest YouTube videos were CoD gameplay posts. MizzouEdits's rate of putting out edits had slowed down. ToRxEdiTs had not posted any new edits in over a year. Editorzruss hadn't posted many videos since his old account was banned. And TheFunnyEdits11 had for the most part only done reposts from his old channel.

Stagnant Times and Klusignolo's retirement (late 2011 to early 2012)

An initial spike in editing occurred in late 2011 to early 2012 with editors such as Editscentral, Laughtraxx, coolz45ful, EditDealerMD, and Assmennfiossa joining the game. Editing soon took a downturn, but after the "Edit-off" was started by 45coolz, editing was briefly resuscitated. Edits would often never show up for weeks on end and many editors grew frustrated with both the perceived "monotony" and "simplicity" of editing and the lack of new edits from others. This resulted in bronies/editors Assmennfiossa, Coolz45ful, and Editscentral abandoning editing and becoming full time bronies. Assmennfiossa even criticized editing publicly to popular edit CaveManEngi. Nevertheless, certain accomplishments occurred in this time period including the Latest All Star Edited Commercial Bundle by iamsage14 and LickMyNoseHAHAHA completing his edit of the movie Toy Story. iamsage14 moved to a new account, iamsage16 after a second copyright strike. DahThirdBestEditor had mostly stopped reviewing edits and instead moved on to Nostalgia Critic-style reviews of TV shows and movies. LickMyNoseHAHAHA's retirement in September 2012 was also a crushing blow for these times with the editing community losing one of their longer lasting holdouts and leaving hardly anyone left. The only editors who were indisputably active during this period were DaCaveManEngi, EditDealerMD, Departur3z93, and SkateboardEditor.

On September 12, 2011, Klusignolo, the editor who created the very first SpongeBob edit, announced in a video that he would no longer be making edits. He stated that his sense of humor has since changed and he just doesn't have the heart to edit anymore. Merely after about 1 or 2 hours of the video being uploaded, many newer famed editors started to leave comments on the video stating that he will be missed and thanking him for the pioneering of editing.

On May 26, 2013, ViacomCanSuckIt, which was Klusignolo's second channel created in response to his original channel's suspension, was terminated due to third party copyright violations.

The Ascension Period (Late 2012 to 2013)

In the Ascension Period, hence the conjectural naming, edits abruptly started to ascend again in popularity and views. Editors who were active during this period included…

  • SuperIdiotMan00
  • KickAzzEdits
  • SkateboardEditor
  • DaCavemanEngi
  • Departur3z93
  • 45coolz, aka AbortedBieberVag
  • xXLIGITXx47, aka MDEProductionz
  • EditDealerMD
  • iamsage14
    …and many more.

The Ascension Period mainly sparked offspringing of editors and new editors making a name for themselves in the editing community. Heavy editing (which involved making sentences and even paragraphs out of sound clips) had become very popular during this period. Usually, heavy editors had an immense library of sound clips, enough to make an album with. Departur3z93 began making his EMVs, which were edited music videos. They were basically normal edits, yet included music videos and had "sing-a-long" captions underneath for viewers to sing along to. During this time, the biggest collaboration in editing history erupted between Departur3z93, CreativeOneRofl, MesserProductions4, xXLIGITXx47, and SkateboardEditor called SkateOneMesser93. They were working on editing the Total Drama series in it's entirety, but ulimately, no official SOM93 edits were ever made or uploaded. A whole lot of happenings stirred up in the Ascension Period, including the rise of Brony Editors. These included* AbortedBeiberVag*,* Departur3z93*, and xXLIGITXx47.

The end of (2013)

Over a year or two, gradually started to change its format to gravitate toward dedicated internet shows. This culminated in the removal of hundreds of Blip accounts, including all editors' accounts. On October 8, such accounts were informed that they could no longer upload videos and that their accounts would close permanently in 30 days. On November 7, this was put into effect, and most editors' videos are no longer accessible. However, editors could still log in to their accounts and download their edits until their accounts were closed. This prompted several editors to move their backup videos to sites like Dailymotion or FunnyOrDie, notably EditDealer and SuperIdiotMan00.

By this time, Roshua666 had been inactive, and remained inactive on YouTube for over half a decade, and was assumed to have silently retired from editing, until he posted a remake of his "Squirrel Jokes" edit in the summer of 2019 – although it was almost instantly blocked in every country except Canada.

Generation 3 of editing (G3): Collabs abound

This era's name was coined by editor RasterOfMandomness (back then known as Raster0fMandomness87 to describe edits from 2014 to 2017.

G3 started around very late 2012 and early 2013 with XScourgeTailsX and AReallyAwesomeGuy117. ScourgeTails originally did MLP: FIM parodies and the latter doing YTPs. The two editors created edits that were far heavier than the previous editing standards which caused a massive difference between the 2009/10 generation of editing. Editors such as MDEProductionz, primetime9071 and creativeonerofl (also known as XxRoflxX15) were part of the scene, but were rarely active during these times. This generation hardly ever edited SpongeBob and instead utilized shorter clips such as commercials, popular viral videos and some other cartoons. An edit critic, XDrang93, also became popular. He is arguably the most well-known edit reviewer of this day.

G3 was also famous for frequent collaborations, such as the "Stu Makes Chocolate Pudding" collab by EditsOfGreatBritain (back then known as Scriblemonger and the "Ugly Barnacle" collab by Rotten Cheese, which both managed six entries excluding themselves.

A total of two editors from the past two generations were still regularly active: SuperIdiotMan00 and JesusWithBazookaz79, with only SuperIdiotMan00 really still being known for editing (JesusWithBazookaz79 is nowadays far better known for his original work and being probably the most infamous anti-Enterbot. He would eventually delete his own channel in late 2017). TheCaveManEngi, EditDealer and MasterSKODWARDE were all still around at the time, but Caveman made only two new edits, EditDealer only did one with SuperIdiotMan00 (two if you count the indirect one for The Editing Collab), and MasterSKODEWARDE had only made an update video.

Generation 4 (G4): Filters, VidLii, and Quote Sites

The beginning of G4

"Generation 4" of editing was not considered to have truly overtaken G3 until April 2017, but it's technical starting date can be traced back to February of 2016 when Xpert Jani made his first edit. Its true roots can be considered to have began during April of 2016, when* Goop Videos*, a YouTube Pooper and one of the two individuals who ultimately became the definitive example of this era, made his first solo edit. The pioneers of this new style slowly gained traction in what they did slowly over the course of a year, leading up to April 2017 when two edits would carve out the era and that era was eventually noticed and classified officially. Four figures can be considered to have started it:

YouTube Poopers EmpLemon and Goop Videos, who throughout 2016 frequently referenced several old-school edits in a nostalgic sense. The latter even did some himself, including a couple with a third YTPer, coolcat001100, who is now retired from making YouTube Poops altogether – but not editing. All 3 of these being immensely popular poopers, their references helped remind people who had not followed edits since G1 what it was, some of whom laughed at the "A E S T H E T I C" nostalgia angle and some of whom genuinely began to like editing again, and some who are just new fans in general.

Editors Gasper Ostir & Xpert Jani begin making edits of a unique nature that used minimal new sounds, used a limited, mostly G2 selection of sounds despite the heavy quantity of edits, and utilized heavy references to "basic bitch" material such as trap music and Vine. Although barely known among the actual edit community, they became the most "mainstream" editors, bringing in an audience of relatively normal people who most likely wouldn't have found out about edits before them.

April Fools Day 2017 marked the well and true beginning of the era, when EmpLemon released his first actual edit: "Chad Warden Returns", his take on "Squilliam Returns". Later that month saw the release of Goop Videos' "The Camping Episode" edit (his first full-length TV episode edit which was not a collaboration with coolcat001100). Both of these were by far the most popular edits so far that year. Both shared similar and intentional characteristics: a very visually glaring filter, ear-raped sounds, and direct callbacks to G1 edits.

The term G4 was coined by XDrang93 responding to a tweet made by AReallyAwesomeGuy117 speaking negatively about both of these edits. It was received with near-universal agreement the new era had began. RasterOfMandomness added that Gasper and Xpert defined it on a post on Edit City.

Quote sites and RasterOfMandomness' termination

In 2018, editor Raster0fMandomness discovered three sites,, and, which could indirectly help editors find sounds for whatever they needed. Getyarn had more sources, but some clips were cut off at the beginning or end., on the other hand, could let users trim out whatever part of the clip they needed, but have only four sources (being Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, and Rick & Morty). also similarly allowed trimming of clips, but had sources limited to news and talk shows (And for some reason, the only somewhat journalistic improv comedy/game show @midnight with Chris Hardwick), making it more useful for proper nouns or very odd combinations of words than anything else. RasterOfMandomness' channel was unjustly terminated in late 2018 due to flaggings by haters, and will be retiring after his remaining edit projects are finished.

Use of filters and Backup Sites

In the summer of 2018, editor Octacle (with help from other editors) crafted a filter in order to prevent edits from being blocked via abuse of YouTube's Content ID. A screen split in four by a thick black cross, with a tiny undivided screen smack in the center, with Find Edges, Invert Color, and Emboss effects to boot, helped him to move to YouTube safely, and he managed to reupload all of his edits, as well as his Portrayed By SpongeBob videos (which utilized TV screen border filters instead. This was a smart move, because in August 2018, Funny or Die removed of all of its user-generated content as part of a restructuring, making editing extinct on that website. Fortunately, also that month, edit reviewer XDrang93 discovered another website to share edits on, VidLii, and editors such as Rockorange, Octacle, EditsForWinners, and SuperIdiotMan00 began sharing their edits there by September. Two other sites, Vlare and BitChute, also came to prominence, the latter being especially due to Roshua666’s return from inactivity, posting new, old, and remade edits there.

Octacle would eventually craft a second, and in his mind, better, filter: a double-bordered video with distorted and color-inverted faces of SpongeBob characters, with the video in black and white with Find Edges and Emboss effects. This filter allows better viewing of the video in general.

The Editing Procedure

After choosing a source to edit, say, an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, the episode is often downloaded from any unofficial site where people can watch cartoons online for free, usually via the Firefox browser's VideoDownloadHelper add-on. It is then imported into video editing software such as Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere, iMovie, etc., as well as sound clips, which are obtained from various sources, as well as soundpacks, which are collections of sounds made by established editors for aspiring editors to download or to rip sounds from with audio editing software. The edit sounds, which are almost always obscene, profane, or vulgar, are used to replace certain parts of the dialogue in context that fits, to deviate from the original source's nature as far as possible. Visual gags are sometimes implemented as well.

In some cases, editors will collaborate with each other in what is known as a collab – where two or more editors either work on a script together for an edit, or make individual parts for one big edit or edit compilation.

Filters are a tactic used to bypass the abuse of Content ID, which usually results in edits getting blocked on YouTube. They are used to alter the episode's visual color scheme or textures in order to bypass Content ID abuse.

Edit reupload channels

Some channels reupload long-lost and recently-blocked or deleted edits, with the permission of the original editor if they are still active. Some notable channels that do this are Editors' Defiant (owned by Rockorange, SuperIdiotMan00, XDrang93, and AReallyAwesomeGuy117) ImpartialGem98 Re-Ups (owned by ImpartialGem98), and Edit Reupload Central (owned by Octacle).

List of notable editors

Currently editing

  • SuperIdiotMan00
  • Roshua666
  • Octacle
  • Nanban
  • Ginnrollins211 (only does script edits as of now due to not having editing software)
  • EmpLemon
  • Gasper Ostir & Xpert Jani
  • Goop Videos
  • Aaron McGee
  • EditsForWinners (initially retired due to copyright issues, returned thereafter)
  • ElectricSausageEdits
  • ICUP321
  • Manhattan Mauler
  • Neon Weasel

Retired, retiring soon, or terminated

  • Klusignolo (terminated after retirement)
  • Raster0fMandomness (soon; main channel was terminated)
  • Rockorange
  • Rotten Cheese (soon)
  • AnalKookaburras
  • EOGB (EditsOfGreatBritain)
  • CavemanEngi/TheCaveManEngi/DaCaveManEngi
  • ny2049
  • nubforlyfe
  • ToRxEdiTs
  • Freshmilk970
  • Spoiledmilk970
  • MasterPlanktum
  • Legobucket
  • LickMyNoseHAHAHA
  • TheDVDReview
  • MizzouEdits
  • EditorzRus
  • XScourgeTailsX (soon)
  • Iamsage14
  • Departur3z93
  • 45coolz
  • Spongebobedits1
  • MrDiceGuy

Became solely a YTPer

  • NitroEdits
  • AReallyAwesomeGuy117

Inactive or status unknown

  • coolcat001100
  • monsta7843ful
  • EID (Editing Isn’t Dead)
  • MDEproductionz
  • ImpartialGem98
  • EditDealerMD
  • SkateboardEditor
  • ShadowParanoia
  • StarFoxFreak420 Edits

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SpongeBob Edited

SpongeBob Edited

Updated Oct 21, 2020 at 12:36PM EDT by Octacle.

Added Jun 18, 2019 at 03:04PM EDT by Octacle.

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What is SpongeBob Edited?

SpongeBob Edited is a type of YouTube parody bearing a slight resemblance to YouTube Poops that originated in 2007. The videos are episodes of the cartoon series SpongeBob SquarePants with profanities and mature themes added in via sound clips from other sources, as well as some generic meme material.

SpongeBob isn't the only show that can be, or has been, edited, as other common sources to edit include shows such as Regular Show, Ed, Edd, & Eddy, and many more, as well as various commercials and television spots, and in rare cases, even movies.

The History of Edits

Origins and Beginnings (late 2007)


The practice of editing SpongeBob began in the second half of 2007 as what are known as dubs, created by various YouTube users; however, most of them weren't very popular due to negative comments, poor dubbing, and flaggings galore. Despite this, a dub of the episode "Grandma's Kisses" by now-terminated YouTube user greenday12688 later went on to become one of the most popular SpongeBob dubs on YouTube, and many of the sounds in the video are now commonly used as sound clips for many recent edits.

The First Edits

In August of the same year, YouTube user Klusignolo, later known as* ViacomCanSuckIt*, began uploading edited versions of various SpongeBob Squarpants and Dora the Explorer episodes, which consisted of certain words being replaced with profanities that fit into the context of the dialogue, most of which came from Tenacious D songs and skits, with some fart sound effects, a few bleeps, and an AC/DC clip for the word "balls" thrown in for good measure. His initial edit was of the SpongeBob episode "Pizza Delivery". Although he didn't expect this video to take off, it did, and as such, he began to make more edits. He would later edit the SpongeBob episodes "Sailor Mouth", "The Camping Episode", "Band Geeks", and the Dora the Explorer episode "Save the Puppies". In no less than several months of the release of the original "Pizza Delivery" edit, Klusignolo became the most well known and prolific editor on YouTube at the time.

Given its prominence in edits, Tenacious D has been the source of a very large portion of sound clips used in editing.

The Klusignolo era (2008 to mid-2009)

AnalKookaburras and new editors

The first exclusively non-SpongeBob editor, and the second overall, was a user known as AnalKookaburras, or as he called himself "N***er Sampson", who made a series of edits of the show Blue's Clues, entitled "The Search for the Cleveland Steamer". The first episode of this series was the second most-viewed edit on any source other than SpongeBob with 560,000 views, barely beaten by TheCaveManEngi's the edit of Regular Show episode "Meat Your Maker" with 565,000. He was also the first user to find new places for sounds rather than just Klusignolo's sounds, and was especially notable for discovering a sound for "free porno mags" which was taken from the song "Bright City Lights" by Suburban Rhythm; the sound is still used to this day. He was unfortunately only active for seven months before he retired, although a couple weeks after his retirement he made one last edit – released in time for Christmas of 2008. This final edit of his was of the TV special "Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas", titled "The Grinch and the Quest for Literacy". With the influence of Klusignolo, YouTube saw new SpongeBob editors such as nubforlyfe, BadAssEdits, ToRxEdiTs, and TheNicktoonsEditor. With Klusignolo unable to make any edits at that point in time, the three, among others, helped keep YouTubers entertained with edited versions of SpongeBob episodes such as "Chocolate with Nuts", "Graveyard Shift", "Pressure", "That's No Lady", and "Skill Crane". nubforlyfe would become the second most well known editor to edit a show other than SpongeBob in his day; he would become notable for releasing edits of commercials from FreeCredit, Castrol, and Coors Light, among several other companies' commercials. 3StarEdits, another editor on YouTube, began making edits of the show "The Fairly OddParents, and a few SpongeBob edits on the side, among many others. But around mid to late-2009, the edits of Freshmilk970 (previously known as Freshmilk950 and Freshmilk960) also became some of the most popular on YouTube. As of now, he has placed editing on hiatus indefinitely, and is heavily believed to be retired for good.

Viacom's Takedowns and Channel Suspensions (mid-2009)

With the vast number of SpongeBob edits and their respective editors reigning over YouTube, Viacom International Inc. took notice, and despite the fact that these videos were parodies, they responded by removing these videos from YouTube due to copyright claims. It all began when a number of SpongeBob edits by BadAssEdits, KissMyDonkeyEditing, klusignolo, and Freshmilk950 were taken down by YouTube and Viacom starting in mid-June. Later, YouTube suspended BadAssEdits along with a few other editors. The removed videos and suspended accounts orchestrated an all-out hate-fest on YouTube; however, not all editors quit due to Viacom having these videos removed from YouTube. Eventually, several other accounts such as Freshmilk950 and Freshmilk960, as well as BadAssEdits's backup channel SantaLikesDrugs were also suspended by YouTube. Soon after, nubforlyfe was suspended. Despite all this, most of the aforementioned editors continued to edit using alternate accounts, aliases, and reuploads.

The Roshua777/Roshua666 era, Klusignolo's suspension, and the Flaggot Invasion (mid-2009 to 2010)

Roshua777 begins editing

On September 22, 2009, Youtube user Roshua777 uploaded his first edit on YouTube as a video response to one of Freshmilk's edits, and in less than a few months, his videos quickly became popular. After his edit of "Big Pink Loser", he went on to edit episodes such as "Pre-Hibernation Week", "Something Smells", "Sleepy Time", "Mid-Life Crustacean", "Idiot Box", and many more. Some called him the next Klusignolo, the "God of editing," or anything that could be considered a title denoting his notability. Despite roshua777's success, the entire editing community was shocked to hear that Klusignolo was suspended after receiving his third copyright strike; however, later that year, Klusignolo returned to YouTube under the alias of ViacomCanSuckIt. Roshua777's edits have influenced other editors such as ny2049, and MizzouEdits, and more. On May 2nd, 2010, he created a alternate account for editing called Roshua666. During this epoch, nubforlyfe's alternate account DaBestEditor was suspended in early May. However, he created a third alternate account named DahBestEditor (note the extra H). Then, later that month, SantaWithDrugs earned his second copyright strike and created an alternate account called MasterPrantum.

The Flaggot Invasion

In late May 2010, a group of YouTubers (led by an 11-year-old named phonyman1), known infamously throughout the editing community as the Flaggots, began flagging videos uploaded by certain editors, notably roshua777 and DahBestEditor. This wave of video-flagging initiated the blocking of the members of this group. There had been no confirmation as to why they were flagging videos, but most editors advised blocking all users associated with phonyman1. On June 18th, phonyman1's account was hacked. His account was then shut down by the hacker so Phonyman wouldn't access his account again.

He made another account called phonyman2, but out of fear of being hacked again, he closed his account and stopped flagging people. This was a major victory for all editors and people who enjoyed the edits. This period of happiness among the community was short-lived, however, because on July 20, 2010, nubforlyfe's alt account, "DuhbestEditor" was suspended, and shortly after, his main account was also suspended, Roshua777 was also suspended for unknown reasons. Luckily, he had his alternate account, "Roshua666". Roshua777's suspension sparked a even worst hate-fest with the editing community and Viacom.

Klusignolo's suspension and return as ViacomCanSuckIt

In November 2009, klusignolo was suspended by YouTube after getting his third copyright strike from Viacom; however, the very next day he returned to YouTube under the alias of ViacomCanSuckIt and reuploaded all of his old videos. Since his suspension, he had only made one new edit, "Band Geeks", to convince people that he was not an imitator.

The Era of Ease (Late 2009 to early 2011)

Following the end of the flaggot-invasion of May 2009, a time of peace and quiet followed. Viacom, being a constant threat, seemed to have kept back, and was not as big of a deal. At this time, Roshua666's edits were some of the most popular; and the edits of user editorzRus were also gaining popularity. Ny2049, LickMyNoseHAHAHA, CavemanEngi, and SkateboardEditor were just some of the editors that began their editing careers at this time.

As Roshua666 and ny2049 gained wide amounts of popularity, edit-related series were born. On July 12th, 2010, MizzouEdits2 released the first episode of his series, "A Editing Compilation", which was the very first edit-related compilation series and the first series made by an editor. The compilation series got popular as the days went by and even more popular after he moved to his new channel. Each episode was released every month, excluding other months.

After "A Editing Compilation" was released, TheDVDReview released his own series, titled "I Can't Believe It's Not Roshua777!!!", named after popular editor, Roshua777/Roshua666. ICBINR777!!! became the very first edit review series in SpongeBob edit history. He reviewed editors like VideoFreaks3, Roshua666, MasterPlanktum, Legobucket and TehKablam98 among others. The series had accumulated approximately 18 episodes since the premiere, which was the longest active editor series. Aside from it, he also made a parody series called "Editor Survivor". After "I Can't Believe It's Not Roshua777" was released, MasterPlanktum released his own review series called Angry Edit Critic, unlike TheDVDReview's series, this series wasn't fueled by biased opinions but rather as a attempt to help editors improve their style and abilities. It was the second longest review series for editing.

As edit reviews began to grow popular, many others began to make reviews. After TheDVDReview made a review of Legobucket's final edit, MizzouEdits2 and Legobucket made a collaboration review of his Krabby Land edit, called "Buzzkill Reviews". Nobody knew if MizzouEdits2 planned to continue the series, but later he announced that he would continue the series. However more review series came in, such as Theunknownuser0's "Bad Edit Hunter" and "Attack Of The Lazy Edits" by TehKablam98. By the time "Bad Edit Hunter" had released its third episode, Attack Of The Lazy Edits had just recently premiered.

TheDVDReview vs VideoFreaks3

Around July, editor VideoFreaks3 got into a heated fight with fellow editor, TheDVDReview after spamming his account as it was inquired. The dispute got even worse as TheDVDReview directed other fans and editors to hate VideoFreaks3 and his hate for him was directly shifted to his review series, I Can't Believe It's Not Roshua777!!!, as a way to show people how bad his edits are. But he had lightly been flamed for not using the review series to improve his editing style.
As of January 2011, the fight cooled down and is now resolved. TheDVDReview (now SuperUsTube7) no longer hated Videofreaks3, but still saw his edits as poorly made.

Legobucket's retirement

Around early January, famous editor, Legobucket, also known as DaSecondBestEditor, announced his retirement from editing, deciding that editing had gotten stale and because of the rabid, uncaring fans. His retirement shocked the entire editing world, but controversy struck when TheDVDReview made a review of his final edit, hours after the announcement. This prompted MizzouEdits to do a collaboration review with Legobucket in a 'return fire' way. Legobucket was the first editor to formally retire from editing. Not only this, but despite currently resenting the editing community, he tends to side with Viacom and similar companies in terms of copyright policy, which is seen as highly controversial and traitor-like in the eyes of the editing community.

Blueburn333's retirement, return, and second retirement

After Legobucket's retirement, it was announced that veteran but not-so-well-known editor, Blueburn333 had decided to retire as well after losing all his edits, sounds, etc. Blueburn became the second editor to retire, following Legobucket. But as time went by, Blueburn333 announced to his subscribers that he would be editing again, but that he needed some time to find a cartoon that is not owned by Viacom. In his own words he stated "I hope to upload some edits for everyone to enjoy again, As many of the best editors have been either suspended or have had all there videos flagged and taken down. I want to re-construct the editing community and reinstate my status as a cartoon editor for all the people who have taken hell from viacom" as sent by private message. As of 5/11/2011, blueburn333 made another account strictly for editing called "Blueburn333Edits" on YouTube and had told people he would be editing again. Eventually Viacom discovered this account as well, despite not even editing a full episode of a Viacom-owned show. Ultimately, BlueBurn333 deleted this new account. He has now quit editing as of 7/23/2011, but said he would not fade away and still put out commercial edits on his regular channel. He is the only editor known to retire more than once.


The first person to discover was TheDVDReview, after his edit was removed due to violation of YouTube's Community Guidelines. But as the days went by, Roshua666 discovered and began uploading all his edits, old and new there. He later suggested that editors make accounts. Most used the site to reupload edits and upload new edits, mostly SpongeBob. After the excessive accounts made on, TheDVDReview criticized fans and editors for 'following whatever Roshua says' and also said that isn't entirely Viacom-free. This caused a bit of a dispute but fortunately didn't spark into something worse. Many editors used the site to either reupload edits or upload new edits.

Suspension of TheDVDReview, SuperDryBones, and editorzRus

Around mid-February, famous editor editorzRus was suspended by YouTube due to a copyright notice by Viacom. editorzRus saw the suspension coming, as he once said. He returned later on under his backup, editorzRuss. But sometime later or earlier, TheDVDReview was suspended due to copyright notices by FOX, Cartoon Network and Viacom. Not much earlier, editor SuperDryBones9000( was suspended because of a copyright notice by Shoppro. Most fans believed that it was Viacom again until he told fans that Viacom didn't do anything. TheDVDReview returned under the name *SuperUsTubeForever and SuperDryBones returned under the name, SuperDryBones10000.

Popularity decline (2011)

The editing community saw a decline in early 2011, with fewer edits, editors getting suspended or having nearly completely exhausted exploitable material. The search was on for new television shows for editing use. Live-action edits, such as those of the series iCarly, picked up in popularity, but editing had decreased, and was somewhat being replaced with Call of Duty gameplay videos. This change became noticeable roughly a month or two following Legobucket's retirement. However, this might have been caused due to the large amount of school work placed on most editors. Many old-timers and big-timers either stopped posting edits, or slowed down in the process of putting them out. Roshua666 had only posted edits to and his latest YouTube videos were CoD gameplay posts. MizzouEdits's rate of putting out edits had slowed down. ToRxEdiTs had not posted any new edits in over a year. Editorzruss hadn't posted many videos since his old account was banned. And TheFunnyEdits11 had for the most part only done reposts from his old channel.

Stagnant Times and Klusignolo's retirement (late 2011 to early 2012)

An initial spike in editing occurred in late 2011 to early 2012 with editors such as Editscentral, Laughtraxx, coolz45ful, EditDealerMD, and Assmennfiossa joining the game. Editing soon took a downturn, but after the "Edit-off" was started by 45coolz, editing was briefly resuscitated. Edits would often never show up for weeks on end and many editors grew frustrated with both the perceived "monotony" and "simplicity" of editing and the lack of new edits from others. This resulted in bronies/editors Assmennfiossa, Coolz45ful, and Editscentral abandoning editing and becoming full time bronies. Assmennfiossa even criticized editing publicly to popular edit CaveManEngi. Nevertheless, certain accomplishments occurred in this time period including the Latest All Star Edited Commercial Bundle by iamsage14 and LickMyNoseHAHAHA completing his edit of the movie Toy Story. iamsage14 moved to a new account, iamsage16 after a second copyright strike. DahThirdBestEditor had mostly stopped reviewing edits and instead moved on to Nostalgia Critic-style reviews of TV shows and movies. LickMyNoseHAHAHA's retirement in September 2012 was also a crushing blow for these times with the editing community losing one of their longer lasting holdouts and leaving hardly anyone left. The only editors who were indisputably active during this period were DaCaveManEngi, EditDealerMD, Departur3z93, and SkateboardEditor.

On September 12, 2011, Klusignolo, the editor who created the very first SpongeBob edit, announced in a video that he would no longer be making edits. He stated that his sense of humor has since changed and he just doesn't have the heart to edit anymore. Merely after about 1 or 2 hours of the video being uploaded, many newer famed editors started to leave comments on the video stating that he will be missed and thanking him for the pioneering of editing.

On May 26, 2013, ViacomCanSuckIt, which was Klusignolo's second channel created in response to his original channel's suspension, was terminated due to third party copyright violations.

The Ascension Period (Late 2012 to 2013)

In the Ascension Period, hence the conjectural naming, edits abruptly started to ascend again in popularity and views. Editors who were active during this period included…

  • SuperIdiotMan00
  • KickAzzEdits
  • SkateboardEditor
  • DaCavemanEngi
  • Departur3z93
  • 45coolz, aka AbortedBieberVag
  • xXLIGITXx47, aka MDEProductionz
  • EditDealerMD
  • iamsage14
    …and many more.

The Ascension Period mainly sparked offspringing of editors and new editors making a name for themselves in the editing community. Heavy editing (which involved making sentences and even paragraphs out of sound clips) had become very popular during this period. Usually, heavy editors had an immense library of sound clips, enough to make an album with. Departur3z93 began making his EMVs, which were edited music videos. They were basically normal edits, yet included music videos and had "sing-a-long" captions underneath for viewers to sing along to. During this time, the biggest collaboration in editing history erupted between Departur3z93, CreativeOneRofl, MesserProductions4, xXLIGITXx47, and SkateboardEditor called SkateOneMesser93. They were working on editing the Total Drama series in it's entirety, but ulimately, no official SOM93 edits were ever made or uploaded. A whole lot of happenings stirred up in the Ascension Period, including the rise of Brony Editors. These included* AbortedBeiberVag*,* Departur3z93*, and xXLIGITXx47.

The end of (2013)

Over a year or two, gradually started to change its format to gravitate toward dedicated internet shows. This culminated in the removal of hundreds of Blip accounts, including all editors' accounts. On October 8, such accounts were informed that they could no longer upload videos and that their accounts would close permanently in 30 days. On November 7, this was put into effect, and most editors' videos are no longer accessible. However, editors could still log in to their accounts and download their edits until their accounts were closed. This prompted several editors to move their backup videos to sites like Dailymotion or FunnyOrDie, notably EditDealer and SuperIdiotMan00.

By this time, Roshua666 had been inactive, and remained inactive on YouTube for over half a decade, and was assumed to have silently retired from editing, until he posted a remake of his "Squirrel Jokes" edit in the summer of 2019 – although it was almost instantly blocked in every country except Canada.

Generation 3 of editing (G3): Collabs abound

This era's name was coined by editor RasterOfMandomness (back then known as Raster0fMandomness87 to describe edits from 2014 to 2017.

G3 started around very late 2012 and early 2013 with XScourgeTailsX and AReallyAwesomeGuy117. ScourgeTails originally did MLP: FIM parodies and the latter doing YTPs. The two editors created edits that were far heavier than the previous editing standards which caused a massive difference between the 2009/10 generation of editing. Editors such as MDEProductionz, primetime9071 and creativeonerofl (also known as XxRoflxX15) were part of the scene, but were rarely active during these times. This generation hardly ever edited SpongeBob and instead utilized shorter clips such as commercials, popular viral videos and some other cartoons. An edit critic, XDrang93, also became popular. He is arguably the most well-known edit reviewer of this day.

G3 was also famous for frequent collaborations, such as the "Stu Makes Chocolate Pudding" collab by EditsOfGreatBritain (back then known as Scriblemonger and the "Ugly Barnacle" collab by Rotten Cheese, which both managed six entries excluding themselves.

A total of two editors from the past two generations were still regularly active: SuperIdiotMan00 and JesusWithBazookaz79, with only SuperIdiotMan00 really still being known for editing (JesusWithBazookaz79 is nowadays far better known for his original work and being probably the most infamous anti-Enterbot. He would eventually delete his own channel in late 2017). TheCaveManEngi, EditDealer and MasterSKODWARDE were all still around at the time, but Caveman made only two new edits, EditDealer only did one with SuperIdiotMan00 (two if you count the indirect one for The Editing Collab), and MasterSKODEWARDE had only made an update video.

Generation 4 (G4): Filters, VidLii, and Quote Sites

The beginning of G4

"Generation 4" of editing was not considered to have truly overtaken G3 until April 2017, but it's technical starting date can be traced back to February of 2016 when Xpert Jani made his first edit. Its true roots can be considered to have began during April of 2016, when* Goop Videos*, a YouTube Pooper and one of the two individuals who ultimately became the definitive example of this era, made his first solo edit. The pioneers of this new style slowly gained traction in what they did slowly over the course of a year, leading up to April 2017 when two edits would carve out the era and that era was eventually noticed and classified officially. Four figures can be considered to have started it:

YouTube Poopers EmpLemon and Goop Videos, who throughout 2016 frequently referenced several old-school edits in a nostalgic sense. The latter even did some himself, including a couple with a third YTPer, coolcat001100, who is now retired from making YouTube Poops altogether – but not editing. All 3 of these being immensely popular poopers, their references helped remind people who had not followed edits since G1 what it was, some of whom laughed at the "A E S T H E T I C" nostalgia angle and some of whom genuinely began to like editing again, and some who are just new fans in general.

Editors Gasper Ostir & Xpert Jani begin making edits of a unique nature that used minimal new sounds, used a limited, mostly G2 selection of sounds despite the heavy quantity of edits, and utilized heavy references to "basic bitch" material such as trap music and Vine. Although barely known among the actual edit community, they became the most "mainstream" editors, bringing in an audience of relatively normal people who most likely wouldn't have found out about edits before them.

April Fools Day 2017 marked the well and true beginning of the era, when EmpLemon released his first actual edit: "Chad Warden Returns", his take on "Squilliam Returns". Later that month saw the release of Goop Videos' "The Camping Episode" edit (his first full-length TV episode edit which was not a collaboration with coolcat001100). Both of these were by far the most popular edits so far that year. Both shared similar and intentional characteristics: a very visually glaring filter, ear-raped sounds, and direct callbacks to G1 edits.

The term G4 was coined by XDrang93 responding to a tweet made by AReallyAwesomeGuy117 speaking negatively about both of these edits. It was received with near-universal agreement the new era had began. RasterOfMandomness added that Gasper and Xpert defined it on a post on Edit City.

Quote sites and RasterOfMandomness' termination

In 2018, editor Raster0fMandomness discovered three sites,, and, which could indirectly help editors find sounds for whatever they needed. Getyarn had more sources, but some clips were cut off at the beginning or end., on the other hand, could let users trim out whatever part of the clip they needed, but have only four sources (being Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, and Rick & Morty). also similarly allowed trimming of clips, but had sources limited to news and talk shows (And for some reason, the only somewhat journalistic improv comedy/game show @midnight with Chris Hardwick), making it more useful for proper nouns or very odd combinations of words than anything else. RasterOfMandomness' channel was unjustly terminated in late 2018 due to flaggings by haters, and will be retiring after his remaining edit projects are finished.

Use of filters and Backup Sites

In the summer of 2018, editor Octacle (with help from other editors) crafted a filter in order to prevent edits from being blocked via abuse of YouTube's Content ID. A screen split in four by a thick black cross, with a tiny undivided screen smack in the center, with Find Edges, Invert Color, and Emboss effects to boot, helped him to move to YouTube safely, and he managed to reupload all of his edits, as well as his Portrayed By SpongeBob videos (which utilized TV screen border filters instead. This was a smart move, because in August 2018, Funny or Die removed of all of its user-generated content as part of a restructuring, making editing extinct on that website. Fortunately, also that month, edit reviewer XDrang93 discovered another website to share edits on, VidLii, and editors such as Rockorange, Octacle, EditsForWinners, and SuperIdiotMan00 began sharing their edits there by September. Two other sites, Vlare and BitChute, also came to prominence, the latter being especially due to Roshua666’s return from inactivity, posting new, old, and remade edits there.

Octacle would eventually craft a second, and in his mind, better, filter: a double-bordered video with distorted and color-inverted faces of SpongeBob characters, with the video in black and white with Find Edges and Emboss effects. This filter allows better viewing of the video in general.

The Editing Procedure

After choosing a source to edit, say, an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, the episode is often downloaded from any unofficial site where people can watch cartoons online for free, usually via the Firefox browser's VideoDownloadHelper add-on. It is then imported into video editing software such as Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere, iMovie, etc., as well as sound clips, which are obtained from various sources, as well as soundpacks, which are collections of sounds made by established editors for aspiring editors to download or to rip sounds from with audio editing software. The edit sounds, which are almost always obscene, profane, or vulgar, are used to replace certain parts of the dialogue in context that fits, to deviate from the original source's nature as far as possible. Visual gags are sometimes implemented as well.

In some cases, editors will collaborate with each other in what is known as a collab – where two or more editors either work on a script together for an edit, or make individual parts for one big edit or edit compilation.

Filters are a tactic used to bypass the abuse of Content ID, which usually results in edits getting blocked on YouTube. They are used to alter the episode's visual color scheme or textures in order to bypass Content ID abuse.

Edit reupload channels

Some channels reupload long-lost and recently-blocked or deleted edits, with the permission of the original editor if they are still active. Some notable channels that do this are Editors' Defiant (owned by Rockorange, SuperIdiotMan00, XDrang93, and AReallyAwesomeGuy117) ImpartialGem98 Re-Ups (owned by ImpartialGem98), and Edit Reupload Central (owned by Octacle).

List of notable editors

Currently editing

  • SuperIdiotMan00
  • Roshua666
  • Octacle
  • Nanban
  • Ginnrollins211 (only does script edits as of now due to not having editing software)
  • EmpLemon
  • Gasper Ostir & Xpert Jani
  • Goop Videos
  • Aaron McGee
  • EditsForWinners (initially retired due to copyright issues, returned thereafter)
  • ElectricSausageEdits
  • ICUP321
  • Manhattan Mauler
  • Neon Weasel

Retired, retiring soon, or terminated

  • Klusignolo (terminated after retirement)
  • Raster0fMandomness (soon; main channel was terminated)
  • Rockorange
  • Rotten Cheese (soon)
  • AnalKookaburras
  • EOGB (EditsOfGreatBritain)
  • CavemanEngi/TheCaveManEngi/DaCaveManEngi
  • ny2049
  • nubforlyfe
  • ToRxEdiTs
  • Freshmilk970
  • Spoiledmilk970
  • MasterPlanktum
  • Legobucket
  • LickMyNoseHAHAHA
  • TheDVDReview
  • MizzouEdits
  • EditorzRus
  • XScourgeTailsX (soon)
  • Iamsage14
  • Departur3z93
  • 45coolz
  • Spongebobedits1
  • MrDiceGuy

Became solely a YTPer

  • NitroEdits
  • AReallyAwesomeGuy117

Inactive or status unknown

  • coolcat001100
  • monsta7843ful
  • EID (Editing Isn’t Dead)
  • MDEproductionz
  • ImpartialGem98
  • EditDealerMD
  • SkateboardEditor
  • ShadowParanoia
  • StarFoxFreak420 Edits

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