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Mega Man, also known as Rockman (Japanese: ロックマン) in Japan, is a video game franchise created by the game development and publishing company Capcom. The game features the playable robot protagonist Mega Man, who utilizes his Mega Buster arm cannon to fight his enemies. Since it's release in 1987, the series has sold over 29 million copies worldwide, spawning multiple spinoffs across various gaming platforms.


On December 17th, 1987, the first Mega Man game was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console, in which the player assumes the role of Mega Man fighting against six robots controlled by the primary antagonist Dr. Wily. The series yielded 11 games, including Mega Man 1-6 on the NES, Mega Man 7 on the SNES, Mega Man 8 on the Playstation and Sega Saturn, Mega Man & Bass on the SNES and Game Boy Advance and Mega Man 9 and Mega Man 10 on downloadable gaming services for the Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Several spinoff series were released as well, including Mega Max X featuring a new incarnation of Mega Man named "X" who hunts down rogue robots named "Reploids." The series also introduced the saber-wielding robot Zero and the gun-slinging robot Axl as playable characters. Mega Man Legends was launched as a 3D action role-playing game in which the player assume the role of a teenage version of Mega Man. The role-playing game series Mega Man Battle Network for the Game Boy Advance features the character Lan Hikari as the main protagonist, who controls his "Net Navi" virtual friend Mega Man to battle enemies in cyberspace.

Other spin-off games featuring Mega Man characters include Mega Man Zero, Mega Man Star Force, Mega Man ZX and the crossover games Rockman ×over, Street Fighter X Mega Man, Marvel Vs. Capcom and Super Smash Bros.

Mega Man 11

On December 4th, 2017, the @MegaMan Twitter feed tweeted an announcement that Mega Man 11 would be released on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC systems in "late 2018," along with a short video clip showcasing gameplay footage from the upcoming game (shown below). Within 24 hours, the tweet gained over 30,400 likes and 18,800 retweets.

Additionally, Capcom announced that all Mega Man X games would be released for the Nintendo Switch. The same day, the Mega Man YouTube channel uploaded the official trailer for the game, featuring clips of other Mega Man games released over the last 30 years (shown below). Meanwhile, posts about the upcoming game reached the front page of the /r/Games[18] and /r/NintendoSwitch[19] subreddits.

Online Presence

Mega Man's first official online presence began with his own page on the Capcom website[8], established as early as 2001. Originally, it hosted a free desktop theme download[9] for people who purchased the Mega Man Legends PC game. It continued to host that download until approximately 2011. That same year, the official Mega Man Facebook page[3] was created, linking to official merchandise and information about upcoming games as well as fan-made games and art. As of June 2013, the page has more than 170,000 likes. An official Mega Man Twitter[4] was established in December 2012 and has since gained more than 7,200 followers.


The first Mega Man fan site, The Mega Man Homepage[1], was created in 1994 offering news and updates about the character and its games as well as a space for the fan community to submit fan fiction, art and theories about the games. As of June 2013, the site continues to operate under its original owner, Miranda Paugh, with expanded sections and information on the history of the character. In August 2000, Mega Man X Online was established as a home base for fans of the Mega Man X series, later expanding to The Mega Man Network[2] in 2002.

WELCOME TO... HOMEPAGE MEPALE http://www.mmhp.net 1998 MPaugh GENERAL what is Mega Man? SITE News LatestUpdates Search FAQ #Previews/Rumors Buyer's Guide Fan Community Appearances Name Changes Commentaries # Links # AboutthisSite GAMES Master Game List Top Games Music and Sound Browsers Contact Using Content MARKETING THE SERIES Subsite Cartoons/Anime Toys Books Select a section... Original.X Zero Zx Legends Battle Network (NT Warrior) Star Force
TIHRE Search JUNE 13, 2013 NEWS FEED EMAIL MEGAMA RK Jobs for Certified SLPs Nationwide positions for CCC or CFY certified speech pathologists. www.medtravelers.com AdChoicesト COMMUNITYWIKI GALLERY OEKAKI ARTICLES SUBMIT 100,000 Blue Bomber Get Become a Servbot! It's still not too late to oin the Devroom and show your support FOR BRINGING BACK Mega Man Smashes Mario in this New Smash Bros. Footage (Updated) Posted on June 12th, 2013 by Heat Man Bandai Tamashii Nations Release Dates Bandai Tamashii Na... or Buy New $38.47 froyn amazonconm IM Privacy Information CAMN Super Smash Bros. E3 2013: Mega Man First Fight Gameplay... GT Navigation About TMMN Contact Interviews News Tips Staff Universe Weekly Gift Art uper Smash Bros By: SoulRokku

A Mega Man Wiki[7] was established in May 2005 as a comprehensive database for the franchise, ranging from video games, characters, and merchandises. As of June 2013, the site has complied more then 3,400 articles. Single topic blogs about the character began appearing on Tumblr in February 2010 with the launch of Fuck Yeah! It's Mega Man!.[10] A number of other Mega Man-specific blogs have been created including Awful Mega Man Fan Art[11], Mega Man Image Macros[12] and Ask Mega Man.[13] In May 2010, the subreddit /r/MegaMan[16] was created, accruing more than 2,400 subscribers as of June 2013.

Fan Works

Mega Man fan works, both art and fiction, can be found on Tumblr with the tags "Mega Man"[14] and "Megaman."[15] On deviantArt, there are more than 70,000 search results for the term "Mega Man,"[5] as of June 2013. Additionally, more than 5,400 stories about Mega Man can be found on Fanfiction.net. [6]

By <a href="http://genzoman.deviantart.com/">*GENZOMAN</a> via <a href="http://genzoman.deviantart.com/art/Mega-man-196685529">deviantART</a>

By <a href="http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=776268">genzoman</a> via <a href="http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=16992369">pixiv</a>
By Deviant Artist "~Mri":http://mri.deviantart.com/art/Sandstorm-117952785
By Deviant Artist "~Van-der-Dot":http://van-der-dot.deviantart.com/art/Who-s-next-260889217
By Tumblr user "Clearly Wrong":http://clearlywrong.tumblr.com/post/25692109194/megamatical-tumblr-twitter



Founded in 2003, the Protomen are an American rock band who compose albums based off of the the original series. They are based in Nashville Tennessee, and were mostly composed of MTSU recording program graduates. Currently, the band is working on their Act III album and actively touring.

The Megas

The Megas are an independent rock cover band based in Los Angeles that, similar to The Protomen, make songs based upon the Mega Man universe, though their songs are directly covering music from the Mega Man series, with lyrics giving each robot master from the original series its own personality and story. Founded in 2008, the band released their debut, Get Equipped the same year.

Gutsman's Ass

Gutsman's Ass is a YouTube Poop series which features a scene from Episode 2-25 "Bad Day at Peril Park" of the animated series Mega Man. In the scene, Mega Man's robot dog sidekick Rush tears off the the tail of a Kangaroo disguise to reveal the posterior of the Robot Master Gutsman.

Rejected Mega Man Villains

Rejected Mega Man Villains are a series of YTMND pages featuring fan-created Mega Man-style villains. The characters often given bizarre designs and names to appear as if they were turned down by the video game company Capcom.


What am I Fighting For!

"What am I Fighting For!" is a quote uttered by the character Zero during a cut scene from the 1997 Playstation video game Mega Man X4. Zero yells phrase after having his love interest Iris die in his arms. Since then, the quote has inspired the creation of many image macros and other parodies.


Can't Beat Air Man!

Can't Beat Air Man! ("エアーマンが倒せない" or "Air Man ga Taosenai" in Japanese) is a doujin song expression the frustration experienced by players attempting to defeat the villain Air Man in Mega Man 2. The song has been remixed and covered after being uploaded to the Japanese video-sharing site Nico Nico Douga in 2007.

110 Million Memories! / Okkusenman!

Omoide wa Okusenman! (思い出は億千万), or Okkusenman! (おっくせんまん), is a Japanese song inspired by the theme for the Dr. Wily Castle Stage in Mega Man 2. A series of vocal covers were uploaded to the site Nico Nico Douga in 2007, inspiring a slew of remixes and musical tributes.

Green Biker Dude

Green Biker Dude (often abbreviated to GBD) is an unnamed Maverick Hunter from Mega Man X2, depicted as a green man riding a hover bike. In the game's intro scene, GBD is seen riding his bike alongside X and is destroyed by an enemy attack before the stage actually begins. Over the years, fans have created images and videos of GBD.


You Got Mega Man

You Got Mega Man is an exploitable image of Mega Man which first appeared on 4chan in 2008.

You Got

Legends Never Die

Legends Never Die is the slogan used by fans of the series Mega Man Legends, referring to their efforts to bringing Mega Man Legends 3, and the franchise as a whole, back from the grave after its cancellation in 2010. It is mostly used among the members of the 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3[17], a fanpage on Facebook dedicated to convincing Capcom to un-cancell the title.

Bad Box Art Mega Man

Bad Box Art Mega Man is a nickname given to the Mega Man on the box of the North American release of the first Mega Man game. Created on short notice in a rush for the game's North American release, the box art has since been regarded as one of the worst video game covers of all time. Bad Box Art Mega Man has since seen appearances as a cameo and easter egg, with appearances in Street Fighter X Tekken, the cancelled Mega Man Universe, and the Archie Mega Man comics.

Search Interest

External References

[1] MMHP – MMHP: The Mega Man Homepage

[2] The Mega Man Network – The Mega Man Network

[3] Facebook – Mega Man

[4] Twitter – @MegaMan

[5] deviantArt – Search results for Mega Man

[6] FanFiction.net – Search results for Mega Man

[7] MMKB – Mega Man Knowledge Base

[8] Capcom – Mega Man Home

[9] Mega Man Legends – Home Archive From July 10th, 2001

[10] Tumblr – Fuck Yeah! It's Mega Man!

[11] Tumblr – Awful Mega Man Fan Art

[12] Tumblr – Mega Man Image Macros

[13] Tumblr – Ask Mega Man

[14] Tumblr – Posts tagged "mega man"

[15] Tumblr – Posts tagged "megaman"

[16] Reddit – /r/MegaMan

[17] Facebook – 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3 page

[18] Reddit – /r/Games

[19] Reddit – /r/NintendoSwitch

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Mega Man / Rockman

Mega Man / Rockman

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Mega Man, also known as Rockman (Japanese: ロックマン) in Japan, is a video game franchise created by the game development and publishing company Capcom. The game features the playable robot protagonist Mega Man, who utilizes his Mega Buster arm cannon to fight his enemies. Since it's release in 1987, the series has sold over 29 million copies worldwide, spawning multiple spinoffs across various gaming platforms.


On December 17th, 1987, the first Mega Man game was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console, in which the player assumes the role of Mega Man fighting against six robots controlled by the primary antagonist Dr. Wily. The series yielded 11 games, including Mega Man 1-6 on the NES, Mega Man 7 on the SNES, Mega Man 8 on the Playstation and Sega Saturn, Mega Man & Bass on the SNES and Game Boy Advance and Mega Man 9 and Mega Man 10 on downloadable gaming services for the Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Several spinoff series were released as well, including Mega Max X featuring a new incarnation of Mega Man named "X" who hunts down rogue robots named "Reploids." The series also introduced the saber-wielding robot Zero and the gun-slinging robot Axl as playable characters. Mega Man Legends was launched as a 3D action role-playing game in which the player assume the role of a teenage version of Mega Man. The role-playing game series Mega Man Battle Network for the Game Boy Advance features the character Lan Hikari as the main protagonist, who controls his "Net Navi" virtual friend Mega Man to battle enemies in cyberspace.

Other spin-off games featuring Mega Man characters include Mega Man Zero, Mega Man Star Force, Mega Man ZX and the crossover games Rockman ×over, Street Fighter X Mega Man, Marvel Vs. Capcom and Super Smash Bros.

Mega Man 11

On December 4th, 2017, the @MegaMan Twitter feed tweeted an announcement that Mega Man 11 would be released on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC systems in "late 2018," along with a short video clip showcasing gameplay footage from the upcoming game (shown below). Within 24 hours, the tweet gained over 30,400 likes and 18,800 retweets.

Additionally, Capcom announced that all Mega Man X games would be released for the Nintendo Switch. The same day, the Mega Man YouTube channel uploaded the official trailer for the game, featuring clips of other Mega Man games released over the last 30 years (shown below). Meanwhile, posts about the upcoming game reached the front page of the /r/Games[18] and /r/NintendoSwitch[19] subreddits.

Online Presence

Mega Man's first official online presence began with his own page on the Capcom website[8], established as early as 2001. Originally, it hosted a free desktop theme download[9] for people who purchased the Mega Man Legends PC game. It continued to host that download until approximately 2011. That same year, the official Mega Man Facebook page[3] was created, linking to official merchandise and information about upcoming games as well as fan-made games and art. As of June 2013, the page has more than 170,000 likes. An official Mega Man Twitter[4] was established in December 2012 and has since gained more than 7,200 followers.


The first Mega Man fan site, The Mega Man Homepage[1], was created in 1994 offering news and updates about the character and its games as well as a space for the fan community to submit fan fiction, art and theories about the games. As of June 2013, the site continues to operate under its original owner, Miranda Paugh, with expanded sections and information on the history of the character. In August 2000, Mega Man X Online was established as a home base for fans of the Mega Man X series, later expanding to The Mega Man Network[2] in 2002.

WELCOME TO... HOMEPAGE MEPALE http://www.mmhp.net 1998 MPaugh GENERAL what is Mega Man? SITE News LatestUpdates Search FAQ #Previews/Rumors Buyer's Guide Fan Community Appearances Name Changes Commentaries # Links # AboutthisSite GAMES Master Game List Top Games Music and Sound Browsers Contact Using Content MARKETING THE SERIES Subsite Cartoons/Anime Toys Books Select a section... Original.X Zero Zx Legends Battle Network (NT Warrior) Star Force TIHRE Search JUNE 13, 2013 NEWS FEED EMAIL MEGAMA RK Jobs for Certified SLPs Nationwide positions for CCC or CFY certified speech pathologists. www.medtravelers.com AdChoicesト COMMUNITYWIKI GALLERY OEKAKI ARTICLES SUBMIT 100,000 Blue Bomber Get Become a Servbot! It's still not too late to oin the Devroom and show your support FOR BRINGING BACK Mega Man Smashes Mario in this New Smash Bros. Footage (Updated) Posted on June 12th, 2013 by Heat Man Bandai Tamashii Nations Release Dates Bandai Tamashii Na... or Buy New $38.47 froyn amazonconm IM Privacy Information CAMN Super Smash Bros. E3 2013: Mega Man First Fight Gameplay... GT Navigation About TMMN Contact Interviews News Tips Staff Universe Weekly Gift Art uper Smash Bros By: SoulRokku

A Mega Man Wiki[7] was established in May 2005 as a comprehensive database for the franchise, ranging from video games, characters, and merchandises. As of June 2013, the site has complied more then 3,400 articles. Single topic blogs about the character began appearing on Tumblr in February 2010 with the launch of Fuck Yeah! It's Mega Man!.[10] A number of other Mega Man-specific blogs have been created including Awful Mega Man Fan Art[11], Mega Man Image Macros[12] and Ask Mega Man.[13] In May 2010, the subreddit /r/MegaMan[16] was created, accruing more than 2,400 subscribers as of June 2013.

Fan Works

Mega Man fan works, both art and fiction, can be found on Tumblr with the tags "Mega Man"[14] and "Megaman."[15] On deviantArt, there are more than 70,000 search results for the term "Mega Man,"[5] as of June 2013. Additionally, more than 5,400 stories about Mega Man can be found on Fanfiction.net. [6]

By <a href="http://genzoman.deviantart.com/">*GENZOMAN</a> via <a href="http://genzoman.deviantart.com/art/Mega-man-196685529">deviantART</a>

By <a href="http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=776268">genzoman</a> via <a href="http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=16992369">pixiv</a> By Deviant Artist "~Mri":http://mri.deviantart.com/art/Sandstorm-117952785 By Deviant Artist "~Van-der-Dot":http://van-der-dot.deviantart.com/art/Who-s-next-260889217
By Tumblr user "Clearly Wrong":http://clearlywrong.tumblr.com/post/25692109194/megamatical-tumblr-twitter



Founded in 2003, the Protomen are an American rock band who compose albums based off of the the original series. They are based in Nashville Tennessee, and were mostly composed of MTSU recording program graduates. Currently, the band is working on their Act III album and actively touring.

The Megas

The Megas are an independent rock cover band based in Los Angeles that, similar to The Protomen, make songs based upon the Mega Man universe, though their songs are directly covering music from the Mega Man series, with lyrics giving each robot master from the original series its own personality and story. Founded in 2008, the band released their debut, Get Equipped the same year.

Gutsman's Ass

Gutsman's Ass is a YouTube Poop series which features a scene from Episode 2-25 "Bad Day at Peril Park" of the animated series Mega Man. In the scene, Mega Man's robot dog sidekick Rush tears off the the tail of a Kangaroo disguise to reveal the posterior of the Robot Master Gutsman.

Rejected Mega Man Villains

Rejected Mega Man Villains are a series of YTMND pages featuring fan-created Mega Man-style villains. The characters often given bizarre designs and names to appear as if they were turned down by the video game company Capcom.


What am I Fighting For!

"What am I Fighting For!" is a quote uttered by the character Zero during a cut scene from the 1997 Playstation video game Mega Man X4. Zero yells phrase after having his love interest Iris die in his arms. Since then, the quote has inspired the creation of many image macros and other parodies.


Can't Beat Air Man!

Can't Beat Air Man! ("エアーマンが倒せない" or "Air Man ga Taosenai" in Japanese) is a doujin song expression the frustration experienced by players attempting to defeat the villain Air Man in Mega Man 2. The song has been remixed and covered after being uploaded to the Japanese video-sharing site Nico Nico Douga in 2007.

110 Million Memories! / Okkusenman!

Omoide wa Okusenman! (思い出は億千万), or Okkusenman! (おっくせんまん), is a Japanese song inspired by the theme for the Dr. Wily Castle Stage in Mega Man 2. A series of vocal covers were uploaded to the site Nico Nico Douga in 2007, inspiring a slew of remixes and musical tributes.

Green Biker Dude

Green Biker Dude (often abbreviated to GBD) is an unnamed Maverick Hunter from Mega Man X2, depicted as a green man riding a hover bike. In the game's intro scene, GBD is seen riding his bike alongside X and is destroyed by an enemy attack before the stage actually begins. Over the years, fans have created images and videos of GBD.


You Got Mega Man

You Got Mega Man is an exploitable image of Mega Man which first appeared on 4chan in 2008.

You Got

Legends Never Die

Legends Never Die is the slogan used by fans of the series Mega Man Legends, referring to their efforts to bringing Mega Man Legends 3, and the franchise as a whole, back from the grave after its cancellation in 2010. It is mostly used among the members of the 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3[17], a fanpage on Facebook dedicated to convincing Capcom to un-cancell the title.

Bad Box Art Mega Man

Bad Box Art Mega Man is a nickname given to the Mega Man on the box of the North American release of the first Mega Man game. Created on short notice in a rush for the game's North American release, the box art has since been regarded as one of the worst video game covers of all time. Bad Box Art Mega Man has since seen appearances as a cameo and easter egg, with appearances in Street Fighter X Tekken, the cancelled Mega Man Universe, and the Archie Mega Man comics.

Search Interest

External References

[1] MMHP – MMHP: The Mega Man Homepage

[2] The Mega Man Network – The Mega Man Network

[3] Facebook – Mega Man

[4] Twitter – @MegaMan

[5] deviantArt – Search results for Mega Man

[6] FanFiction.net – Search results for Mega Man

[7] MMKB – Mega Man Knowledge Base

[8] Capcom – Mega Man Home

[9] Mega Man Legends – Home Archive From July 10th, 2001

[10] Tumblr – Fuck Yeah! It's Mega Man!

[11] Tumblr – Awful Mega Man Fan Art

[12] Tumblr – Mega Man Image Macros

[13] Tumblr – Ask Mega Man

[14] Tumblr – Posts tagged "mega man"

[15] Tumblr – Posts tagged "megaman"

[16] Reddit – /r/MegaMan

[17] Facebook – 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3 page

[18] Reddit – /r/Games

[19] Reddit – /r/NintendoSwitch

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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

First we have Nintendo hitting us with a double whammy of not one but two Metroid games announced back at E3 2017 (with Samus Returns out now and being very well received), and now Capcom confirms that not only is Legacy Collection 1 and 2 finally coming to Switch next year, a collection including all of the Mega Man X games is coming, Mega Man 11 is finally happening!

Visually speaking it's already blown Mighty No. 9 out of the water, and if it can retain the tight controls, good level design, and fun powers the series is known for then it looks like clearly Mega Man really is able to live on just fine without the need of a spiritual successor that disappointing everyone.

Cheslav the Communist Bear
Cheslav the Communist Bear

Look at what they announced during the 30th Anniversary stream.

Our Blue Boy is back! For real this time! Coming to PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and PC. We're also getting a Mega Man X Collection (also for the aforementioned consoles), and a Switch port of Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 and 2.


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