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Part of a series on Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer. [View Related Entries]


The Zodiac Killer's 340 Cipher Solution refers to a series of side-by-side image macro memes in which people post mock solutions to the infamous serial killer the Zodiac Killer's long-studied coded message.


On December 11th, 2020, CNN[1] reported that three amateur codebreakers solved the Zodiac Killer's 1969 coded message to the San Francisco Chronicle in 1969 known as the "340 Cipher." The three sleuths David Oranchak, a software developer in Virginia, Jarl Van Eycke, a Belgian computer programmer, and Sam Blake, an Australian mathematician cracked the cipher last week, but have been working on the decoding the killer's messages since 2006. The message said:

"I hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me
That wasn't me on the TV show which brings up a point about me
I am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradice all the sooner
Because I now have enough slaves to work for me where everyone else has nothing when they reach paradice so they are afraid of death
I am not afraid because I know that my new life will be an easy one in paradice death."

That day, Twitter [2] @ChrisLowes83 tweeted the message. The tweet received more than 20,000 like and 4,800 retweets in less than one week (shown below, left). Hours later, Twitter[3] user @DoorHinge9 tweeted the coded message alongside the I'm Actually at My Capacity copypasta. The tweet received more thn 4,500 likes and 450 retweets in less than one week (shown below, right).

Chris Lowes 00 @ChrisLowes83 Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years. #ZodiacKiller HER> 9 J A V PX O LT G o G Let's Crack Zodiac - Episode 5 - The 340 Is Solved! N 9 + B O . O a D WY < O K R O BY I ɔM + uz G W +L I+HJ S 9 9 A ^JA O VO9 O + + RKO D A M + +1 t I • F P + Po X / ARE HAVING LOTS OF FUN IN TRYING TO - D O C 9 4 RA FJO .• + K D D I Ou ɔ x 6 V F > • D LI THAT WASNT ME ON THE TV SHOW O 6 O J O < M + 8 + Z R O F B5 Y A J u v+ AJ + 09A < F at IO + ONY + L A WHICH BRINGS UP A POINT ABOUT ME I AM NOT AFRAID OF THE GAS CHAMBER Y - IT WILL SEND ME TO PARADICE ALL THE u + R / • 1E IDYB9 8 TMKO O < >JRJID ●TOM • + P BF I NOW HAVE ENOUGH SLAVES TO WORK I + O A S Y+ N I OFB ɔ OIARONE ELSE HAS NOTHING WHEN THEY REAC JGF NA 7 0 Y BX O BI ɔV •l+ + SO THEY ARE AFRAID OF DEATH 4CE> Vuz o - + O 0 9 A• AFRAID BECAUSE I KNOW THAT MỸ NEW WILL BE AN EASY ONE IN PARADICE DE Rɔ T+LO0C < + FJ WBI + +eWC wɔ POSHT/00 IFX0 W < AI BDYO BI - Cɔ > MDHN oA AIKI 8:10 AM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter for Android
Backdoor Company 00 @DoorHinge9 It actually happened: A team of codebreakers have solved the Zodiac Killer's 340 cipher. HER > J^V P O LT G • a N 9 + B O O D DWY < O K 7 BY I ɔM + u z GW O LI+HJ S 9 9 A ^JAN vo 9 o + + RKO O A M + +1taI 9 4 RA FJO - D O cÉ F > • "Hey! I'm so glad you reached out. I'm actually at capacity / helping someone else who's in crisis / dealing with some personal stuff right now, and I don't think I can hold appropriate space for you. Could we connect [later date or time] instead / Do you have someone else you could • F P + Po X / . • + K Ø D I ou ɔ x GV · I 1+ O 6 O J atIO + ONY + O < M + 8 + zR OF B5 Y A L A Ju v + ^J + 0 9 A < F u + R/ ●1E IDY B9 8 T O < >JRJIN ● T ● M : + P B F O A S Y I+ N I ● F Bɔ O I AR ɔ V ol+ + Y B X O NI O 4 CE > V U z O 7 MØ G O RɔT + L O O C < + F J W BI + +ewc wɔ POSHT/0 9 IFO w < A1 BDY OBE - c ɔ > M DHN Z o AAIKI+ JG FN ^7• o o reach out to?" 0 + B KO 09^: L 3:15 PM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter Web App + 0J


Later that day, on December 11th, 2020, Twitter[4] user @kingxworm posted the image with the Anonymous Letter to Sammi from the MTV reality TV series Jersey Shore. The post received more than 74,000 likes and 16,000 retweets in less than one week (shown below, left). Others shared the cipher with they caption, parodying the initial tweet. It reads, "Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years" (shown below, center).

Throughout the day, others shared variations of the meme. Twitter[5] user @Colinoscopy tweeted a variation that parodies of Apple Notes app apologies letters from celebrities. The tweet received more than 149,000 likes and 13,000 retweets in less than one week (shown below, right).

000 David @kingxworm Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years J A V P O LT G O G НE R> SAM, < O K R O N 9 + B O . O -DWY THE FIRST NIGHT AT BED WHEN YOU LEFT, RON B Y I JM + u G W O eL MADE OUT WIITH2 GIRLS AND PUT HIS HEAD INBETWEEN A COCKTAIL WAITRESSES BREASTS. ALSO WAS GRINDING WITH MULTIPLE FAT WOMEN JA D V 090 + + RK O F P + P S 9 9 A O A M + 1 ta 9 4 RA FJ O - D OC F > LI WHEN YOU LEFT CRVING AT KLUTCH, RON WAS HOLDING HANDS AND DANCING WITHA FEMALE AND .• + K A D I ouɔ x GV O 6 O J to + O N Y O < M + 8 + Z R O F BJ Y A Juv + AJ+O9 A < F TOOK DOWN HER NUMBER u + R / •1E I DYB9 8T O < ɔJ RJID ● TOM MULTIPLE PEOPLEIN THE HOUSE KNOW, THEREFORE YOU SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH KO • + B F O A S Y I+ NI OFBO O I AR JGFN ^70 Y BXO D 7 O 4 CE> V uz |)'0 BKOO 9 1 Rɔ T+ LO0C < + FJ W B + +OW c Wɔ P OSHT /009 IF0 W < AIB OYOBE - C ɔ > MDHN 9 S 2o AIKI+ 5:17 PM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone
ricky goldsworth @oceanmanbyween 000 Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years. #ZodiacKiller Can I get that Trón Can I get that Remy Can I get that Coke Can I get that Henny + OLAE that Margarita on the rock rd HER > J A V P O L TG OG N 9 + B O - O D WY . < O K R + B Y I D M + u Z G W O +L S 9 9 A AJA D VO9 o + + RKO D AM + 1 94 RA FJ •FP + PO X / > O D O +L I . . + K A O I ouɔ X GV 6 O J F tIO+ O NY O < M + 8 + zR OF B5 YAO OK Juv + AJ + O 9 A < FBY u + R/ 00 IE ID Y B9 8 T MKO salt all around that rim rim rir | I was like "Yo Trey" O < >JRJID OTOM : + P B F O AS Ya+ NIOF Bɔ O I A R think you can buy me a bottle JGFNA 7• 0 0 8 Y B X O BI ɔV •lt + Okay let's get it now ACE> Vuz o •BKOO917MD6 • ith a bad bitch he's with his fr Rɔ T+ LO C< +FJWBIL + +ewc +wɔ POSHT/ d09 say, "Hi," I say, "Keys to the IF0 W < AIB OYOBD > MDHN9 Szo 4 4 I KI+ 'S to the Benz? Keys to the Be 4:09 PM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone
COLİN BURGESS 00 @Colinoscopy they finally cracked the zodiac cipher HER > 9 J A V P XI O L T :3 N 9 + B O . O ODWY BY I DM + u Z G W O OL H J S 9 9 A AJA D VO 9 O + + R KO tes Done O AM + 1tOi 9 4RA FJO-D • F P + Po X/ CÉF > OD O December 12, 2020 at 2:33 PM .• + K D D I OU ɔ X O 6 O J atIO + ONY + O O < M + 8 + ZR OF B5 YA O -+J u v + ^ J +O9A < F B rry about all the murders u + R / •LEIDY B9 aTM O < >JRJID •TOM· + P uld like to apologize for any offense I v have caused the people that I have dered. My intention was never to hurt F + O AS Y +NIOF BO IAR JG FN ^7• 0 o a · ɔV Olt + Y B X O NI O 4 CE> VU ZO-+ 1ɔ:0 +BK O O 9 1. Rɔ T+ L O O C < + F J WBIOL + +ew c +wɔ POSHT/Q 9 IFXO W < A1 B DYOBE - C ɔ > MDHN SZo A AIK 7 MØ 6 O one. Its time for me to take a step back I listen. I am growing and I am learning. 11:34 AM · Dec 12, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone

Various Examples

alyssa > @coolkld 000 Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years. #ZodiacKiller HER> 9 JAV PxIe LTG N 9 + B ¢ - OaDWY BY I ɔ M + u z Gw ¢ < OK HJ My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My hous S99 A JADV 090++RK s in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villa: •F P + POX/ are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the •D O Came Yu department stores, and I get home everyday by PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink 'm in bed by 11PM, and make sure I get eight hours o O GOJ 0+ONY +OLA ileep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm mill O < M + 8 +ZR F B YAOOK ind doing about twenty minutes of stretches befor joing to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping unti O AM ++ 94 RAFJO-Dac F> .. + K I Ou xG V· Juv + AJ+ O9A< FBY- u + R/ OLEID y B98T MKO norning. Just like a baby, t wake up without any fatigu O < >J RJID TOM O ASY B+NI F BO IAR erson who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take car JGF NA 7 0 0 8 Y BX O B 04CE> vuzo I 0 B K 09 A IMD RɔT+L ••c < + FJWBI + +ewc wɔ POSHT /409 I Fa W<AIDDYOB co > MDHN9 S204A I KI+ or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issue: at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that l'm i • +PBF • OVOL+ + 1ot to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and osing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. Tha s how I deal with society, and I know that is what bring: ne happiness. Although, if I were to fight, I wouldn't los to anyone 5:18 PM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone
rie 74 ANT DAY 000 @OFFTHETOM after 51 years they finally solved the 340 cipher HER 9JAV PXI N 9 +B LTGOa ou're saying there's a O aDWY < OK 3e L H J S99A AJARV ogo+ +RKO BYIDM+u ZGW 'I thought that was just I mean, that completely Dw we understand the initial DAM + F P 94RA F .. + K DEI u ɔ x G O G OJ a tIO +DNY O < M + 8 +zR OF BJY Juv+ AJ+O 4< We're talking about an eternal u +R/ OLEIDY B9 8TMKO O < >J RJIDOTOM + PBF stem. And how does that even + O AS Y +NI•F BO IAR JGFNA 1 08· ill the quantum, it's insane! YBX BIO4 CE>VUN 1) 0 * BKOO9A MAGO ROT+L oc<+ FJWBI L + +ewc wɔ POSHT/00 IFXA W <AIB DYOB E -CO > MDHN 9 No AI KI 9:57 AM · Dec 13, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone
HER> JAVP N 9 + 8 O. O a DWY BYI D M +u ZGW H J Mods, ban vadikus and Samme19. S ৭ ৭ AA 14 v ० १ ০ O AM + 1to IOFP 94RA FJO- D OCÉF > .• +K 2 DIOU 2XGV G O J M + 8 + ZROF B) Juv + A J u + R/ • IEIDYB9 8T MK O OS21RTIDOT• M O AS Y B +NIOF Bɔ OIAR JGFNA 3000 8 : ɔVol++ Y BX O B F 04CE > Vuz•- + • 0 + BK O09 A: IMD RɔT+ L 0 o C < + FJ WB + +OW C +wɔ P OSHT/00 IFXOW <AIBD > MDHN9 X S+z RKO at.O+ONY + 09 + PB F Permaban.

serena from LA 00 @serena_therese it's absolutely wild that after 51 years, they finally cracked the zodiac killer's 340 cipher. F------ in school telling me, always in the barber shop "Chief Keef ain't bout this, Chief Keef ain' t bout that My boy a BD on HER> 9 JA VP x I O LT G • a N 9 +B O . O DWY. くロKマ H J BY I D M + G W O +L S 9 9 A ^JANV O9o + +R f------ Lamron and them He, he, they say that neighbas do n' t be putting in no work" SHUT THE F--- UP! Y'all neighbas ain't know s--- All ya mo therfuckers talk a bo ut "Chief Keef ain' t no hitta Chief Keef ain't this Chief Keef a fake" SHUT THE F--- UP Y'all do n' t live O A M + • F P +P 9 4 RA FJO - DO C É F > OD .• + K I O u ɔ x G V 6 O J I TIO + ONY + O < M + 8 + ZR OF B YA + J u v + ^J + 094 < F U + R / •1EI DY B9 &TMKO with that neighba Y'all know that neighba go t caught with a ratchet Shootin' at the police and s--- neighba been on pro batio n since f-----, I do n' t kno w when! M------------ sto p f-----' playin' him like that The m neighbas O < >JRJID OTOM • + PB F + O A S YI + N IOFBƆ OIAR JG FN A O Y B X O N F O4 CE > VU ZO- + • 0 + B KO O9 A · RɔT+L O C< +FJWBI + +eW C wɔ POSHT/4+ 9 IFX0 W < AI BOYOBO- Cɔ savages out there If I catch ano ther mo therfucker talking sweet a bo ut Chief Keef I'm f------ beating they ass! I' m not f------ playing no neighbas roll with Lil' Reese and > MDH N 9 Y S+ Z o A AI KI+ more You know those 1:53 PM · Dec 12, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone
maddie?! 00 @kokirii_ko guys omg they cracked the 340 cipher! Oh, I'm a gummy bear Yes, I'm a gummy bear HER > A V P X O LT G O a N 9 + B O . O D DWY < OK 3 BY I D M + u Z G W Oh, I'm a yummy, tummy, funny, lucky gummy bear I'm a jelly bear S 9 9 A ^JADV O9o + +RKO D AM + +1ta I 9 4 RA FJO - DO C • F P + P 'Cause l'm a gummy bear > • D ¢ Oh, I'm a movin', groovin', jammin', singin' gummy .• + K I O uɔ X G V O G O J atIo+ ONY + OLA a < M + 8 + Z R OF B5 YA O O K +J u v + AJ + 09A < FB u + R / •1EI bear Oh yeaoooh Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummibär Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummibär DY B9 8TMKO + P BF + O A S YI +N I FBO OIAR ɔV Ol + + O < ɔJ RJIN OTOM• Bai ding ba doli party Bamm bing ba doli party JGFN A7 O Y B X O NE O4 CE> V uzo- + 7 MØ 6 O RɔT + L O C< +FJWBI L + +ew c wɔ POSHT/4+9 IFX W < AI BOYOBE -Cɔ AI KI+ Breding ba doli party Party pop Bai ding ba doli party Bamm bing ba doli party > MDHN S Breding ba doli party Party pop 10:22 AM · Dec 13, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone
j*de A @ratzinmybrain 000 BREAKING NEWS: the zodiac killer's 340 cipher has been translated. O LTG O a < OK 3 KE ΚΕ ΒΑΕ HER> 9 JAV PXI N +B . O a DWY GWO awOLI+HJ ALLENGE BYID M +u Z s99 A AJARVO9 O +RK O O AM ++ FP + PO 9ARAFJO-R aciF> •D ¢ ..+KD I u ɔ XGV O 6 OJ O+ ONY + OLA O < M +8 +ZR OFBOYAOOK Juv + AJ +O 9A< u + R/ OLEID YB9 8 T MKO O<ULR JID T M + O AS Y +NI FBɔ OIAR JGFNA 10 0 8. ɔvo It+ Y BX O BIOAC RULES! •gotta text 24/7 • gotta be able to fte +LI BY - if we both catch feelings we mind as well date ! BF whoever catch feelings first loset > vuz •-+ RɔT+LO c< + FJ WBI L + +ewc +wɔ POSH T/409 IFXO W<AIDDY OBE-CO > MDHN9 X Szo4 AI KI+ • can't be shyT GOTTA DATE FOR Qweeke 11:27 AM · Dec 12, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone

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zodiac letter next to the sam and ronnie letter from the jersey shore

The Zodiac Killer's 340 Cipher Solution

Part of a series on Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer. [View Related Entries]

Updated Jan 29, 2025 at 11:01PM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added Dec 14, 2020 at 02:47PM EST by Matt.

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The Zodiac Killer's 340 Cipher Solution refers to a series of side-by-side image macro memes in which people post mock solutions to the infamous serial killer the Zodiac Killer's long-studied coded message.


On December 11th, 2020, CNN[1] reported that three amateur codebreakers solved the Zodiac Killer's 1969 coded message to the San Francisco Chronicle in 1969 known as the "340 Cipher." The three sleuths David Oranchak, a software developer in Virginia, Jarl Van Eycke, a Belgian computer programmer, and Sam Blake, an Australian mathematician cracked the cipher last week, but have been working on the decoding the killer's messages since 2006. The message said:

"I hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me
That wasn't me on the TV show which brings up a point about me
I am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradice all the sooner
Because I now have enough slaves to work for me where everyone else has nothing when they reach paradice so they are afraid of death
I am not afraid because I know that my new life will be an easy one in paradice death."

That day, Twitter [2] @ChrisLowes83 tweeted the message. The tweet received more than 20,000 like and 4,800 retweets in less than one week (shown below, left). Hours later, Twitter[3] user @DoorHinge9 tweeted the coded message alongside the I'm Actually at My Capacity copypasta. The tweet received more thn 4,500 likes and 450 retweets in less than one week (shown below, right).

Chris Lowes 00 @ChrisLowes83 Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years. #ZodiacKiller HER> 9 J A V PX O LT G o G Let's Crack Zodiac - Episode 5 - The 340 Is Solved! N 9 + B O . O a D WY < O K R O BY I ɔM + uz G W +L I+HJ S 9 9 A ^JA O VO9 O + + RKO D A M + +1 t I • F P + Po X / ARE HAVING LOTS OF FUN IN TRYING TO - D O C 9 4 RA FJO .• + K D D I Ou ɔ x 6 V F > • D LI THAT WASNT ME ON THE TV SHOW O 6 O J O < M + 8 + Z R O F B5 Y A J u v+ AJ + 09A < F at IO + ONY + L A WHICH BRINGS UP A POINT ABOUT ME I AM NOT AFRAID OF THE GAS CHAMBER Y - IT WILL SEND ME TO PARADICE ALL THE u + R / • 1E IDYB9 8 TMKO O < >JRJID ●TOM • + P BF I NOW HAVE ENOUGH SLAVES TO WORK I + O A S Y+ N I OFB ɔ OIARONE ELSE HAS NOTHING WHEN THEY REAC JGF NA 7 0 Y BX O BI ɔV •l+ + SO THEY ARE AFRAID OF DEATH 4CE> Vuz o - + O 0 9 A• AFRAID BECAUSE I KNOW THAT MỸ NEW WILL BE AN EASY ONE IN PARADICE DE Rɔ T+LO0C < + FJ WBI + +eWC wɔ POSHT/00 IFX0 W < AI BDYO BI - Cɔ > MDHN oA AIKI 8:10 AM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter for Android Backdoor Company 00 @DoorHinge9 It actually happened: A team of codebreakers have solved the Zodiac Killer's 340 cipher. HER > J^V P O LT G • a N 9 + B O O D DWY < O K 7 BY I ɔM + u z GW O LI+HJ S 9 9 A ^JAN vo 9 o + + RKO O A M + +1taI 9 4 RA FJO - D O cÉ F > • "Hey! I'm so glad you reached out. I'm actually at capacity / helping someone else who's in crisis / dealing with some personal stuff right now, and I don't think I can hold appropriate space for you. Could we connect [later date or time] instead / Do you have someone else you could • F P + Po X / . • + K Ø D I ou ɔ x GV · I 1+ O 6 O J atIO + ONY + O < M + 8 + zR OF B5 Y A L A Ju v + ^J + 0 9 A < F u + R/ ●1E IDY B9 8 T O < >JRJIN ● T ● M : + P B F O A S Y I+ N I ● F Bɔ O I AR ɔ V ol+ + Y B X O NI O 4 CE > V U z O 7 MØ G O RɔT + L O O C < + F J W BI + +ewc wɔ POSHT/0 9 IFO w < A1 BDY OBE - c ɔ > M DHN Z o AAIKI+ JG FN ^7• o o reach out to?" 0 + B KO 09^: L 3:15 PM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter Web App + 0J


Later that day, on December 11th, 2020, Twitter[4] user @kingxworm posted the image with the Anonymous Letter to Sammi from the MTV reality TV series Jersey Shore. The post received more than 74,000 likes and 16,000 retweets in less than one week (shown below, left). Others shared the cipher with they caption, parodying the initial tweet. It reads, "Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years" (shown below, center).

Throughout the day, others shared variations of the meme. Twitter[5] user @Colinoscopy tweeted a variation that parodies of Apple Notes app apologies letters from celebrities. The tweet received more than 149,000 likes and 13,000 retweets in less than one week (shown below, right).

000 David @kingxworm Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years J A V P O LT G O G НE R> SAM, < O K R O N 9 + B O . O -DWY THE FIRST NIGHT AT BED WHEN YOU LEFT, RON B Y I JM + u G W O eL MADE OUT WIITH2 GIRLS AND PUT HIS HEAD INBETWEEN A COCKTAIL WAITRESSES BREASTS. ALSO WAS GRINDING WITH MULTIPLE FAT WOMEN JA D V 090 + + RK O F P + P S 9 9 A O A M + 1 ta 9 4 RA FJ O - D OC F > LI WHEN YOU LEFT CRVING AT KLUTCH, RON WAS HOLDING HANDS AND DANCING WITHA FEMALE AND .• + K A D I ouɔ x GV O 6 O J to + O N Y O < M + 8 + Z R O F BJ Y A Juv + AJ+O9 A < F TOOK DOWN HER NUMBER u + R / •1E I DYB9 8T O < ɔJ RJID ● TOM MULTIPLE PEOPLEIN THE HOUSE KNOW, THEREFORE YOU SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH KO • + B F O A S Y I+ NI OFBO O I AR JGFN ^70 Y BXO D 7 O 4 CE> V uz |)'0 BKOO 9 1 Rɔ T+ LO0C < + FJ W B + +OW c Wɔ P OSHT /009 IF0 W < AIB OYOBE - C ɔ > MDHN 9 S 2o AIKI+ 5:17 PM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone ricky goldsworth @oceanmanbyween 000 Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years. #ZodiacKiller Can I get that Trón Can I get that Remy Can I get that Coke Can I get that Henny + OLAE that Margarita on the rock rd HER > J A V P O L TG OG N 9 + B O - O D WY . < O K R + B Y I D M + u Z G W O +L S 9 9 A AJA D VO9 o + + RKO D AM + 1 94 RA FJ •FP + PO X / > O D O +L I . . + K A O I ouɔ X GV 6 O J F tIO+ O NY O < M + 8 + zR OF B5 YAO OK Juv + AJ + O 9 A < FBY u + R/ 00 IE ID Y B9 8 T MKO salt all around that rim rim rir | I was like "Yo Trey" O < >JRJID OTOM : + P B F O AS Ya+ NIOF Bɔ O I A R think you can buy me a bottle JGFNA 7• 0 0 8 Y B X O BI ɔV •lt + Okay let's get it now ACE> Vuz o •BKOO917MD6 • ith a bad bitch he's with his fr Rɔ T+ LO C< +FJWBIL + +ewc +wɔ POSHT/ d09 say, "Hi," I say, "Keys to the IF0 W < AIB OYOBD > MDHN9 Szo 4 4 I KI+ 'S to the Benz? Keys to the Be 4:09 PM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone COLİN BURGESS 00 @Colinoscopy they finally cracked the zodiac cipher HER > 9 J A V P XI O L T :3 N 9 + B O . O ODWY BY I DM + u Z G W O OL H J S 9 9 A AJA D VO 9 O + + R KO tes Done O AM + 1tOi 9 4RA FJO-D • F P + Po X/ CÉF > OD O December 12, 2020 at 2:33 PM .• + K D D I OU ɔ X O 6 O J atIO + ONY + O O < M + 8 + ZR OF B5 YA O -+J u v + ^ J +O9A < F B rry about all the murders u + R / •LEIDY B9 aTM O < >JRJID •TOM· + P uld like to apologize for any offense I v have caused the people that I have dered. My intention was never to hurt F + O AS Y +NIOF BO IAR JG FN ^7• 0 o a · ɔV Olt + Y B X O NI O 4 CE> VU ZO-+ 1ɔ:0 +BK O O 9 1. Rɔ T+ L O O C < + F J WBIOL + +ew c +wɔ POSHT/Q 9 IFXO W < A1 B DYOBE - C ɔ > MDHN SZo A AIK 7 MØ 6 O one. Its time for me to take a step back I listen. I am growing and I am learning. 11:34 AM · Dec 12, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone

Various Examples

alyssa > @coolkld 000 Unreal day in the Zodiac case as someone has solved the 340 cipher after 50 years. #ZodiacKiller HER> 9 JAV PxIe LTG N 9 + B ¢ - OaDWY BY I ɔ M + u z Gw ¢ < OK HJ My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My hous S99 A JADV 090++RK s in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villa: •F P + POX/ are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the •D O Came Yu department stores, and I get home everyday by PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink 'm in bed by 11PM, and make sure I get eight hours o O GOJ 0+ONY +OLA ileep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm mill O < M + 8 +ZR F B YAOOK ind doing about twenty minutes of stretches befor joing to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping unti O AM ++ 94 RAFJO-Dac F> .. + K I Ou xG V· Juv + AJ+ O9A< FBY- u + R/ OLEID y B98T MKO norning. Just like a baby, t wake up without any fatigu O < >J RJID TOM O ASY B+NI F BO IAR erson who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take car JGF NA 7 0 0 8 Y BX O B 04CE> vuzo I 0 B K 09 A IMD RɔT+L ••c < + FJWBI + +ewc wɔ POSHT /409 I Fa W<AIDDYOB co > MDHN9 S204A I KI+ or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issue: at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that l'm i • +PBF • OVOL+ + 1ot to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and osing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. Tha s how I deal with society, and I know that is what bring: ne happiness. Although, if I were to fight, I wouldn't los to anyone 5:18 PM · Dec 11, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone rie 74 ANT DAY 000 @OFFTHETOM after 51 years they finally solved the 340 cipher HER 9JAV PXI N 9 +B LTGOa ou're saying there's a O aDWY < OK 3e L H J S99A AJARV ogo+ +RKO BYIDM+u ZGW 'I thought that was just I mean, that completely Dw we understand the initial DAM + F P 94RA F .. + K DEI u ɔ x G O G OJ a tIO +DNY O < M + 8 +zR OF BJY Juv+ AJ+O 4< We're talking about an eternal u +R/ OLEIDY B9 8TMKO O < >J RJIDOTOM + PBF stem. And how does that even + O AS Y +NI•F BO IAR JGFNA 1 08· ill the quantum, it's insane! YBX BIO4 CE>VUN 1) 0 * BKOO9A MAGO ROT+L oc<+ FJWBI L + +ewc wɔ POSHT/00 IFXA W <AIB DYOB E -CO > MDHN 9 No AI KI 9:57 AM · Dec 13, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone HER> JAVP N 9 + 8 O. O a DWY BYI D M +u ZGW H J Mods, ban vadikus and Samme19. S ৭ ৭ AA 14 v ० १ ০ O AM + 1to IOFP 94RA FJO- D OCÉF > .• +K 2 DIOU 2XGV G O J M + 8 + ZROF B) Juv + A J u + R/ • IEIDYB9 8T MK O OS21RTIDOT• M O AS Y B +NIOF Bɔ OIAR JGFNA 3000 8 : ɔVol++ Y BX O B F 04CE > Vuz•- + • 0 + BK O09 A: IMD RɔT+ L 0 o C < + FJ WB + +OW C +wɔ P OSHT/00 IFXOW <AIBD > MDHN9 X S+z RKO at.O+ONY + 09 + PB F Permaban.
serena from LA 00 @serena_therese it's absolutely wild that after 51 years, they finally cracked the zodiac killer's 340 cipher. F------ in school telling me, always in the barber shop "Chief Keef ain't bout this, Chief Keef ain' t bout that My boy a BD on HER> 9 JA VP x I O LT G • a N 9 +B O . O DWY. くロKマ H J BY I D M + G W O +L S 9 9 A ^JANV O9o + +R f------ Lamron and them He, he, they say that neighbas do n' t be putting in no work" SHUT THE F--- UP! Y'all neighbas ain't know s--- All ya mo therfuckers talk a bo ut "Chief Keef ain' t no hitta Chief Keef ain't this Chief Keef a fake" SHUT THE F--- UP Y'all do n' t live O A M + • F P +P 9 4 RA FJO - DO C É F > OD .• + K I O u ɔ x G V 6 O J I TIO + ONY + O < M + 8 + ZR OF B YA + J u v + ^J + 094 < F U + R / •1EI DY B9 &TMKO with that neighba Y'all know that neighba go t caught with a ratchet Shootin' at the police and s--- neighba been on pro batio n since f-----, I do n' t kno w when! M------------ sto p f-----' playin' him like that The m neighbas O < >JRJID OTOM • + PB F + O A S YI + N IOFBƆ OIAR JG FN A O Y B X O N F O4 CE > VU ZO- + • 0 + B KO O9 A · RɔT+L O C< +FJWBI + +eW C wɔ POSHT/4+ 9 IFX0 W < AI BOYOBO- Cɔ savages out there If I catch ano ther mo therfucker talking sweet a bo ut Chief Keef I'm f------ beating they ass! I' m not f------ playing no neighbas roll with Lil' Reese and > MDH N 9 Y S+ Z o A AI KI+ more You know those 1:53 PM · Dec 12, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone maddie?! 00 @kokirii_ko guys omg they cracked the 340 cipher! Oh, I'm a gummy bear Yes, I'm a gummy bear HER > A V P X O LT G O a N 9 + B O . O D DWY < OK 3 BY I D M + u Z G W Oh, I'm a yummy, tummy, funny, lucky gummy bear I'm a jelly bear S 9 9 A ^JADV O9o + +RKO D AM + +1ta I 9 4 RA FJO - DO C • F P + P 'Cause l'm a gummy bear > • D ¢ Oh, I'm a movin', groovin', jammin', singin' gummy .• + K I O uɔ X G V O G O J atIo+ ONY + OLA a < M + 8 + Z R OF B5 YA O O K +J u v + AJ + 09A < FB u + R / •1EI bear Oh yeaoooh Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummibär Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummibär DY B9 8TMKO + P BF + O A S YI +N I FBO OIAR ɔV Ol + + O < ɔJ RJIN OTOM• Bai ding ba doli party Bamm bing ba doli party JGFN A7 O Y B X O NE O4 CE> V uzo- + 7 MØ 6 O RɔT + L O C< +FJWBI L + +ew c wɔ POSHT/4+9 IFX W < AI BOYOBE -Cɔ AI KI+ Breding ba doli party Party pop Bai ding ba doli party Bamm bing ba doli party > MDHN S Breding ba doli party Party pop 10:22 AM · Dec 13, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone j*de A @ratzinmybrain 000 BREAKING NEWS: the zodiac killer's 340 cipher has been translated. O LTG O a < OK 3 KE ΚΕ ΒΑΕ HER> 9 JAV PXI N +B . O a DWY GWO awOLI+HJ ALLENGE BYID M +u Z s99 A AJARVO9 O +RK O O AM ++ FP + PO 9ARAFJO-R aciF> •D ¢ ..+KD I u ɔ XGV O 6 OJ O+ ONY + OLA O < M +8 +ZR OFBOYAOOK Juv + AJ +O 9A< u + R/ OLEID YB9 8 T MKO O<ULR JID T M + O AS Y +NI FBɔ OIAR JGFNA 10 0 8. ɔvo It+ Y BX O BIOAC RULES! •gotta text 24/7 • gotta be able to fte +LI BY - if we both catch feelings we mind as well date ! BF whoever catch feelings first loset > vuz •-+ RɔT+LO c< + FJ WBI L + +ewc +wɔ POSH T/409 IFXO W<AIDDY OBE-CO > MDHN9 X Szo4 AI KI+ • can't be shyT GOTTA DATE FOR Qweeke 11:27 AM · Dec 12, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone

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