Tits or GTFO

Tits or GTFO

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Tits or GTFO is an expression used on male-centric BBS and imageboard sites, typically in response to a seductive image posted by anonymous users who claim to be female. GTFO is an internet acronym for the phrase "Get the Fuck Out," which is also widely used in chat rooms, forums, 4chan, etc. Many have criticized the expression as sexist, arguing that the phrase objectifies women and creates a hostile environment for them online (similar to There are No Girls on the Internet).


While the exact origin of the meme is unknown, the earliest known usage of the phrase" Tits or GTFO" appeared on the 4chan [1] imageboard /b/ on December 11th, 2006. In a thread entitled Zooey-Chan?, in which an anonymous user claimed to be the woman in a picture, another user responded with numerous instances of the phrase "Tits or GTFO" (shown below).

O Anonymous 12/11/06(Mon)04:29:09 No.17117468 T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO T--- OR GTFO


Since its creation, "Tits or GTFO" has evolved and has now become usable in any situation, including those in which the speaker wishes to dismiss the people he or she is arguing with, or simply has grown tired of the conversation. For instance, someone may say, "And if you don't like it, Tits or GTFO." There are some places such as a couple of IRC channels and some chat rooms that use this phrase as a greeting.

IRC user #1 has joined the chat room.

IRC user #1: Hey guys!
IRC user #2: Tits or GTFO.

The popularity of the phrase led to its inclusion on the Rules of the Internet. On February 15th, 2007, an anonymous user included a variation of "Tits or GTFO" on a list of "Rules of the Internet" on 4chan.[2] For rule 15, they wrote, "Rule 15: If a camwhore posts, tits must be shown. If this rule is broken, said camwhore must GTFO." Two years later, on February 9th, 2009, an anonymous Internet Archive[3] user uploaded a second list, which included "TITS or GTFO – the choice is yours" at number 31 (shown below, right).

The rules of the internet 1 Name: Anonymous 2007-02-15 23:05 Rule 1: The internet makes you stupid. Rule 2: If it's funny, it came from 4chan or Something Awful. Rule 3: If you are an idiot, you will be made fun of. Rule 4: Nobody cares if you're tough in real life. Rule 5: Anonymous does not forgive. Rule 6: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. Rule 7: If it exists, you can buy it online somewhere. Rule 8: It happened At least 100 years ago. Rule 9: Brazilian girls will do it for 500 dollars. Rule 10: It needs more DESU. Rule 11: You will get viruses from downloading p----------. Rule 12: Lurk moar. Rule 13: It never needed any more cowbell. Rule 14: As long as there is internet there will be drama. Rule 15: If a c------- posts, t--- must be shown. If this rule is broken, said c------- must GTFO. Rule 16: You must enjoy your AIDS. Rule 17: Pool's closed due to AIDS. Rule 18: If someone is better than you, they are hacking. Rule 19: Lens Flare makes masterpieces. Rule 20: You're doing it wrong. Rule 21: If your girlfriend ends in .jpg, she is not real. Rule 22: Long stories are copypasta. Rule 23: Long stories are never read, at any rate. Rule 24: Pics or it never happened. Rule 25: Everyone sees what you did there. Rule 26: Nobody knows the answer to "What is love?". Rule 27: Loli haets pizza. No exceptions. Rule 28: It's awwriiigghht. Rule 29: Do a barrel roll. Rule 30: Everyone is gay for Bridget. Rule 31: The internet is for p---. Rule 32: Everything is a fetish. No exceptions. Rule 33: It's a trap. Rule 34: If it exists there is p--- of it. No exceptions. Rule 35 The exception to Rule 34 is the citation of Rule 34. Rule 36: Bringing up Nazis is insta fail. Rule 37: There are no girls on the internet...ever . Rule 38: A cat is fine too. Rule 39: One cat leads to another. Rule 40: Ceiling cat is watching you fap. Rule 41: Saturday is Caturday. Rule 42: It is delicious cake. You must eat it. Rule 43: Someone would fap to it. Rule 44: Snape killed Dumbledore. Rule 45: All lasers must be charged before shooping da whoop. Rule 46: Nagas stole your bike. Rule 47: It will always need moar sauce. Rule 48: Anything can be a meme. Rule 49: You need E-degrees in E-lawery and E-psychology to be an internet badass. Rule 50: THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSIN 1. Do not talk about /b/ 2. Do NOT talk about /b/ 3. We are Anonymous 4. Anonymous is legion 5. Anonymous never forgives 6. Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster 7. Anonymous is still able to deliver 8. There are no real rules about posting 9. There are no real rules about moderation either 10. If you enjoy any rival sites - DON'T 11. All your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored 12. Anything you say can and will be used against you 13. Anything you say can be turned into something else 14. Do not argue with trolls 15. The harder you try the harder you will fail 16. If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure 17. Every win fails eventually 18. Everything that can be labeled can be hated 19. The more you hate it the stronger it gets 20. Nothing is to be taken seriously 21. Original content is original only for a few seconds before getting old 22. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality 23. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality 24. Every repost it always a repost of a repost 25. Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post 26. Any topic can easily be turned into something totally unrelated 27. Always question a person's sexual prefrences without any real reason 28. Always question a person's gender 29. In the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBỊ agents 30. There are no girls on the internet enjoy your ban fixed it means that they win just incase it's really a man 31. T--- or GTFO the choice is yours 32. You must have pictures to prove your statements 33. Lurk more - it's never enough 34. There is p--- of it, no exceptions 35. If no p--- is found at the moment, it will be made 36. There will always be even more f----- up s--- than what you just saw 37. You can not divide by zero (just because the calculator says so) 38. No real limits of any kind apply here 39. CAPSLOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 40. EVEN WITH CRUISE CONTROL YOU STILL HAVE TO STEER 41. Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes. 42. Nothing is Sacred. 43. The more beautiful and pure a thing is 44. Even one positive comment about Japanese things can make you a weaboo 45. When one sees a lion, one must get into the car. 46. There is always furry p--- of it. 47. The pool is always closed. not even the sky the more satisfying it is to corrupt it

On May 14th, 2007, Urban Dictionary [4] user jiggsmaster3000 definted the expression as "an expression often used on imageboards. It is often heard when a girl posts in a thread." The post received more than 2,300 upvotes in less than 14 years (shown below).

TOP DEFINITION t--- or gtfo An expression often used on imageboards. It is often heard when a girl posts in a thread. C-------: Hi am i hot? Person: T--- or GTFO. by jiggsmaster3000 May 14, 2007

The choice between "Tits" and "GTFO" was also expressed, frequently, through image macro memes. These memes would frequently offer representations of the choice by labeling one option "tits" and other "GTFO" (example below).

T--- GTFO outnow.ch


The expression has been criticized widely as a way of silencing female voices online, regulating them to sexual objects for male internet users. On August 12th, 2013, Redditor[5] potato1 posted a thread "Tits or GTFO is actually in line with gender equality [+70]." They included a picture of a woman holding a sign that reads, "I need feminism because I am sick of reading 'Tits or GTFO' as a response to y feminine username online. Redditor[4] Waitwhatnow refuted the original poster's opinion that the expression is not sexist. They wrote:

The intent of "tits or gtfo" was to specifically target a woman's comments, and tell her that unless she provided photos of her boobs, she was not welcome in that space. That is in no way gender equal, given that men posting in the same space were never seriously requested to display their sexual characteristics to continue posting.

Perhaps the poster feels that this was somehow gender equal because… nope. Tried to think of some reasons and none of them hold water. The idea is that in "real life" people "like you or pretend to like you for being a girl," so we can fix that on the internet by being jerks to girls? Obviously whoever thought of this idea has never experienced "being a girl."

Various Examples

T--- 孝薯 FortBoise Septenber 28 1848 Press SPACE BAR Lo bust the out T--- OR GTFO you come to us, hat in hand, with your story of gaia-faggotry and ask for our attention and yet you do not show the proper respect and offer neither t--- or a tasty sammich. the godfather says GTFO T--- OR GTFCO an offer you can't refuse

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External References

[1] Archive – /b/

[2] Archive – 4chan

[3] Internet Archive – Rules of the Internet

[4] Urban Dictionary – Tits or GTFO

[5] Reddit – /r/shitreditsays

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