Lena Dunham Gives Away Dog, Sparks #Lambygate

Folks, it is with a heavy heart I must announce that Lena's Dunhit again.
Lena Dunham, the creator of HBO's Girls, seems unable to do anything without generating some sort of shitstorm. Last night, that something involved her (now former) dog, Lamby.
In late June, a heartbroken Dunham took to Instagram to announce that she had to give Lamby away due to behavioral issues. Lamby, she said, "suffered terrible abuse as a pup that made having him in a typical home environment dangerous to him and others." According to Dunham, Lamby had been biting, destroying furniture, and even peeing in Dunham's mouth. Lamby was sent to The Zen Dog, a shelter which specializes in dogs with aggression issues.
At a glance, it’s a heart-wrenching story: she adopted a dog from a no-kill shelter, despite her boyfriend's canine allergies, and after forging four years of best friendship and sharing the limelight of her fame, including a New Yorker article, a Vogue Magazine photoshoot, and an Instagram account which currently boasts over 17,000 followers, one could say Dunham did the brave and responsible thing by admitting her troubled dog into doggy rehab.
Well, that would be the case, were it not for one very prominent skeptic of Dunham's story. That doubter would be the BARC Shelter, a Brooklyn-based shelter from which Dunham adopted Lamby in January 2013. “We checked the records for Lamby,” Robert Vazquez of the BARC shelter told Yahoo Celebrity via email. “He was ‘owner surrendered, not enough time,’ so we do not know where she got ‘multiple owners that abused the dog.’”
"If Lamby had a bad past or was abused, do you think BARC would have adopted him to Lena knowing she’s a new star and put her -- or the dog -- in that situation? We would have told her if the dog had issues. We are a no-kill shelter. We don’t lie about the dogs’ histories because that gets them returned -- and mentally it’s not good for dogs… It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”
And thus #Lambygate began. Though Vazquez' objections are hardly all that inflammatory, the "micro-scandal," as Dunham put it in a later Instagram post, seemed to be fuel for Dunham's critics who often harp on her for skewering facts for her personal image.

Dunham, in keeping with her public persona, unapologetically defended her decision in response to BARC Shetler's statement. “Why should this story be subject to scrutiny and anger? It is willfully misunderstanding the truth,” she wrote in a follow-up post on Instagram.
"I would never say an unkind word about the staff of BARC, what they do is amazing and life saving for these animals- but we have different accounts of Lamby's behavior and they were not present in my home nor did they live with him for an extended period. They did not witness the consistent and responsible care I provided. I have weathered a lot of micro-scandals but this one hurts MOST, because of the vulnerability of letting people know Lamby and my story, and because I miss him so damn much."
For the moment, this seems to be the final word on #Lambygate (#Lambyghazi?), but who knows? Perhaps Lamby will respond to the allegations on his own Instagram account, then this story would get really juicy.
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