Eight Months After Showing His Penis To Colleagues On Zoom, Jeffrey Toobin Is Back On TV

Published June 11, 2021

Published June 11, 2021

It's been eight months since CNN and New Yorker legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin unzipped his pants and masturbated in front of his colleagues on a Zoom call, and now he's back on television.

Toobin was fired from The New Yorker but suspended indefinitely from CNN at the time. Evidently, that suspension is up. In his surreal return, he sat alongside CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota, who had to explain to America why Toobin was gone from the network for months.

"In October, you were on a Zoom call with your colleagues from the New Yorker magazine. Everyone took a break for several minutes during which time you were caught masturbating on camera. You were subsequently fired from that job after 27 years of working there, and you since then have been on leave from CNN. Do I have all that right?"

"You got it all right, sad to say," Toobin responded. "Obviously I wasn’t thinking very well or very much, and it was something that was inexplicable to me. I wouldn’t exactly say in my defense, because nothing is really in my defense, I didn’t think I was on the call. I didn’t think other people could see me … I thought that I had turned off the Zoom call. Now that is not a defense. This was deeply moronic and indefensible. But that is part of the story."

Toobin went on to say he had been in therapy, doing charity work and working on a book in the months since the incident. "I am trying to become the kind of person that people can trust again," he said.

CNN faced sharp criticism for its decision to re-platform Toobin, as many pointed out that had someone with less influence than Toobin or someone of a different gender or race had done what he did, they would not receive a second chance in the industry.

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