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in reply to ItalianTomatoFarmerMaruo

"I feel like this is the worst example of this game’s localisation"

I don't know….I still feel like Saizo and Belka's support conversation being replaced with nothing but "…" is worse, since it had nothing left. Just utter silence at the cost of what was previously a perfectly-interesting conversation. Plus, the utter silence makes the following support conversations make less sense.

I'd say this one is like being given a green apple instead of a red one. Still an apple, but the taste and color is different, and thus the experience of eating it as well. Meanwhile, S&B's support is more like having an apple taken away and never given anything in return.


in reply to Hunter Nightblood

I feel like this is the worst example of this game's localisation. A lot of stuff are just unfaithful to the original dialogue, or are just plain typos.

But this one goes further, it seems to me as though Treehouse was being downright antagonistic towards Saizo when localizing this line. Almost as though they were disgusted with the original dialogue and wanted to make him look as terrible as they could in the localization.


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