Marx x Charlotte - Support conversation S | Fire Emblem Fates Localization Controversy | Know Your Meme
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1656 Views Created 8 years ago By Immahnoob • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Immahnoob • Updated 6 years ago

Charlotte/Xander S-support conversation The removal of lines in the localization, reduces the amount of characterization Charlotte gets during the support orrent ownpour Translat Nintendo of America Ver. content [マークス]よく来たな、 シャ ame Charlotte: This is...a place only the royal family can enter, I shouldn'tCharlott: Of course, Prince Xander. But..isn't this plac 王族しか入ることの reserved for members of the royal family? ですよね [シャーロッテ]感激です ずっと憧れていた場所ですから Charlotte: I'm very moved... This is the place I had always beenCharlotte: I'm deeply moved..'ve always wondered what it was dreaming of. Burt, why. to be here. [マークス]お前さえよければ、 今日から自由に出入りするといい。 Marx: f you'd like, Starting today, you can come and go wheneverXander: l would like for you to be able to come here whenever you wish. But for that to be possible, I must admit my feelings.. -ロッテ]えっ? Marx: What l mean by that is, this. -ロッテ [マークス]結婚指輪だ。 Marx: An engagement ring. ちょっ マークス様? こんなこと言いたくないですけど、 一つだけはっきり言わせてください。 Charlotte: W-wait a minute... ord Marx? 1 don't want to say this, butCharlotte: What are you.. .W-wait a minute...Iknow I'm normally Let me honestly tell you what I think. a ltd.e..silly, but can l say something up front and direct? Xander: Of course [マークス]あ、あぁ [シャーロッテおかしいだろうがよ!! 私の何に惚れたつつーんだよ! バカにしてからかってるだけなら、 そのきれいな顔に拳をめり込ませるわよ!! Charlotte: This is just weird, isn't h?l Just what part of me did youCharlotte: messed up! Are you telling me you've fallen even fall for! If you tell me later that it's just a joke or something,I for me?l Because I'm warning you, I get revenge for jokes made make sure to sink my entre fist into that handsome face of yours!at my expense! ひどいことを言ってしまってすみません。 でも、これは正直どういうつもりなのか 理解に苦しみます。 Charlotte: I'm sorry for saying something so rude. But if what you're Charlotte: But if that isn't the case, then I apologize for my words. saying is the truth, then I must be honest and say that l have troubleI'm just struggling to understand what you're saying. [マークス]-私には常々、結婚願望があった。 しかし、無理だと諦めかけていたのだ。 Marx: .l have always wanted to get married. However, Ithought it Xander: Charlotte, I've felt a strong attraction to you since we was a lost cause for me, and had given up on that dream. Charlotte: A lost cause... in what way? Charlotte: Could it be that you actually prefer men? Is that n? Marx: T-that's not what I meant Narx: l am the first first met l would have said something sooner, but l was hesitant. thought a relationship between us would be too complicated. [シャーロッテ]無理ってどういうことですか? Charlotte: Complicated? How would it be complicated? [シャーロッテ]本当は男性が好きだとか? [マークス]そ、そうではない。 [マークス]第一王子の私と結婚するには 並の女では無理だと思っていたのだ。 しかし、シャーロッテなら大丈夫だ。 お前は器用で策士で情に厚く、 料理ができて、根性があり、腕っぷしが強い。 prince, for me to be wed with an average Xander: I felt that a prince should only be with someone of noble woman, it always seemed like it would be impossible. But if it's withblood. But as l thought about it more, and as l learned more strong, and about you...I realized it wasn't an impossible situation in the ou are どんな苦境でも good at cooking. H you're with me, I'm sure we would be able toleast I'm sure that we can work together to overcome any 一緒に乗り切ることができるだろう。 me any obstacle that came our way hardship. Charlotte: ...Are you really sure about this? would become the Charlotte: You're really tine with this? Wouldn'l ロッテ 本当にいいのですか? 私が暗夜王国の王妃になるんですよ。 ome [マークス]私がそれを望んでいるのだ。 You would. And that's what I would like. d to let my p Charlotte: Th-then... staring tomorrow. Would it be okay f we sent Charlotte: Marx: Of course. Caring about one's family that much is a wonderful | Xander: Hah, of course you send money to them. k's important Charlotte Then, what f opened the window over there, and Charlotte: Xander, l'm so excited for our future! Could you situation has changed a brt..Explaining the increase in how ome 仕送りさせてもらいますよ? send them each month, heehee. [マークス]もちろんだ 親孝行は素晴ら s parents. じゃあ、 そこの出窓から身を乗り出し、 この喜びを思い切り叫びますよ? cried out to the whole kingdom about how happy I am right now? Marx: f you did that. I would watch over you with a smile Charlotte: Your resolve is real, so you were being honest after me ne Just 私はそれを微笑んで眺めよう。 あなたの覚悟はわかりました。 喜んでお受けします。 all. Then. I gladly accept your proposal. Marx: The responsibility of Nohr's future also falls on your sh [マークス]暗夜王国の未来はお前にかかっている。 その働きに期待するぞ ders. You will have a fair amount of work. As my wife, and as the Charlotte: Yes! Just leave it to me! Now then, time for me to yell out では早速窓から叫ばせて クス]存分に叫べ。 あああああああああああ! Charlotte: BOODDYAAAH!! Charlotte: WH00000000000000000!


Tamer, in the realm of Aqua x Marx. See for yourselves, these are odd, slight rewrites and cuts.

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