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I will now talk about Shadow of War DLC and charity for just over 20 minu.... CYNICAL BRIT ILL NOW TAL: ABOUT SHAD F WAR DLC AND CHARITY FO JUST OVER 20 MINUTES locked-keye: the larspider-girl: clockworksandspirals: bannableoffense: rl: I've criticized TB a fair bit in the last month or so, but he's still got his head on straight for consumer rights. I hate to say it, but don't buy Shadow of War. The entire game is a mass of what is absolutely awful in the industry right now and even paying for the base game is a tacit approval of the tactics they're using. So far they have: . Have bloated pre-orders. The base game costs $60. The Silver edition costs $100. The Gold edition costs $130 dollars. The Mithril edition, which is the collector's edition, costs $300. . Released several day story based DLC, locking away entire subquests and orc tribes from players who do not pay. . The game has in game microtransactions, where you buy loot chests that randomly give you orcs, weapons and runes. You pay full price for the game and you can bet they balanced drops to be extra grindy to coax you into buying microtransactions. Warchests are randomized. You're paying to avoid bloated grinding for a CHANCE for what you need. Microtransactions also include high level, specialized orcs that can be used in multiplayer, allowing you to fill your forts with massively overpowered characters immediately. While not play to win, it is extremely close. . They partnered with Totinos Pizza Rolls much like the fabled Mountain Dewritogate for Halo. Buy food, get in game rewards. B-------. . They released a DLC for a dead developer promising to send proceeds to his family, only to have in fine print that non-USA (and even some states in the USA) are exempt and if you purchase the DLC, all money goes to WB Games and not the family. I repeat. Do not buy this game at launch. Do not. Do notreward publishers for their greed because this kind of s--- will become normalized if we pay for it. Even if you don't use the microtransactions, all you're doing is telling WB Games that you don't MIND them there. If you must have this game, wait for it to go on sale. Wait for the GotY Edition. Wait for the GotY Edition to go on sale If you have pre-ordered ANYTHING for this game, revoke your pre-order. Don't give them your money for effectively screwing you over. Make a statement that this stuff should not be in gaming. This shouldn't happen period but y'know here we are So even if they do donate the DLC tribute to the dead developer's family, they specifically said his survivors will get $3.50. They're charging $4.99 for it. They're profiting off a man's death. The 1.50 is apparently the hosting fee for the DLC itself. The issue is less that and more if, say you're in the UK and you buy this DLC thinking you're supporting this man's family, you're actually just sending that money right to WB Games. It is still profiting off a man's death. Its just less straight forward. They partnered with Totinos Pizza Rolls much like the fabled Mountain Dewritogate for Halo. Buy food, get in game rewards. B-------. Literally nothing wrong with merchandise advertising. Literally everything else does it; theres no reason to make games a special exception. They released a DLC for a dead developer promising to send proceeds to his family, only to have in fine print that non-USA (and even some states in the USA) are exempt and if you purchase the DLC, all money goes to WB Games and not the family. Please stop with hysterical"the publisher is evil" conspiracy theories. The exceptions to the charity are definitely based on local laws and not some kind of money-grubbing plot to screw people over Yeah, because it isn't like they could've done it a completely different way. Like, say, "For every purchase of this DLC we will donate 3.50 USD to their family Naw, they had to make it so there are exceptions and then they had to put the disclaimer detailing the fact that if I were to buy this DLC, it'd go exclusively to the publisher, at the very end of the trailer, in TINY print under massive text. These are god awful practices. Do not support them. We've seen this creep consistently now for 5-7 years. Just look at what f------ Square Enix tried to pull with Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Gamers need to make a stand and stop this s--- before it goes any further.
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